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Finn Page 21

by Ahren Sanders

  I wasn’t kidding a few weeks ago when I told Finn that she thought Tripp was cute. The times we’ve all been together, I’ve noticed him eyeing her as well, but nothing has ever come out of it.

  However, now I catch Nate and Cooper both ogling her from across the room with interest. Tripp obviously notices, because he jerks his chin and they give him shit eating grins.

  “Okay, now that everyone has met, anyone want to swim?” Raven does a circle motion with her arm then points outside.

  “I need to change Winnie. Can you point me to a bathroom?”

  There’s a collective groan around the room, and Raven’s face turns red. She straightens her shoulders and crosses her arms defensively. “Watch it!” she warns no one in particular. She takes Winnie’s hand and signals to us. Reese and I follow her down a long hallway with several closed doors. We make a few turns, and I hope to God Reese can remember our way back.

  “Those idiots take every chance they get to make fun of the size of the house. But no one complains when they dive in the pool or get to spend the night playing poker and video games in Declan’s man cave,” she explains as she leads us into a bedroom with an attached bathroom. “We do have a pool house, too, but there’s a special surprise outside that I want to show you when you’re ready to get wet.”

  Winnie squeals and immediately strips out of her sundress and panties. She’s naked before I can get her suit out of the bag. Reese helps lather her in sunscreen as I pull her hair into a ponytail. She complains repeatedly, saying we’re taking too long as we both take turns getting into our own suits.

  By the time we get back to the kitchen, suspicion hackles me. Finn and Tripp are waiting by the back door in their own bathing suits, both with conspiring grins.

  I stop and walk back to the kitchen window and see the line of people leading to an enormous inflatable slide with a wading pool at the bottom. Declan, Robbie, Raven, Ember, and Charlie are all at the edge of the pool, dancing around with nervous energy. Charlie sees me through the window and waves her hands impatiently.

  I go back to the living area, and Finn raises one eyebrow at me. “Ready?”

  “Let her go!” I run behind Winnie as he opens the door.

  She doesn’t hesitate and blasts through looking for a pool, then stops dead when she sees the huge slide. Her head swings to me in disbelief, and she screeches. “Aunt Presley! Can I?”

  “Go, baby!” I cry and watch as she beelines to Ember, who’s waiting with her arms waving in the air.

  The second she hits Ember, Robbie picks them both up and tumbles back over the side of the shallow pool. There’s a lot of screeching and cheering when Declan, Charlie, Blake, and Nate crawl up the ‘ladder’ and slide down, joining the others in the pool area.

  “Oh my God.” Reese grabs my elbow. “Did they do that for her?”

  “I don’t know,” I answer her honestly, looking around and taking in the expansive backyard with rolling hills and a massive in-ground pool with rock garden waterfalls. There is a pool house to the side, with an indoor kitchen and hot tub on the outline of the property. I finally allow myself to take in the enormity of the situation, and my heart starts to race.

  “Surely, they didn’t… Did they?” I ask, panicked.

  “Yes, they did, but don’t be alarmed. The guys are going to enjoy it as much as her.” Evelyn comes up with Jenna following, carrying one of the babies.


  “Don’t ask questions, Presley. Just know that this was done out of love.” Jenna bounces the baby, who becomes restless, wailing.

  She shifts from side to side, hushing the baby and patting it on the back until the cries become howls. I understand the sound immediately and have flashbacks of Winnie as a baby.

  “May I?” I reach out my arms, and she eagerly, yet gently, puts James in my arms.

  On instinct, I re-wrap the swaddle with one hand and hold him close, running my hand from his bottom up his back until he quiets and starts cooing. He looks at me with sleepy eyes, and I walk away from the group to a quiet space and hum, swaying him until he’s fully relaxed in my arms. After a few minutes, I look at Jenna and lay my head to the side to indicate he’s asleep. She comes to me and takes him, giving me a look of appreciation before going into the house.

  Finn comes up and lifts me from behind, twirling me until I fall over his shoulder with a yelp.

  “Is there any man that’s immune to your power?”

  “I hardly think a baby constitutes any kind of power,” I cry, floundering to get down.

  “Finn! Finn! Aunt Presley needs to get wet!” my traitor niece calls from the distance, and I start to wiggle more as Finn walks forward.

  “Yes, Whitney! She does.”

  “Please, Finn, no,” I plead. “I promise to get in the pool, but don’t throw me in.”

  “I’m not going to throw you in.”

  “You aren’t?” I stop protesting.

  “No, we’re going to jump in.” He pulls me back, and my arms and legs wrap around him.

  I notice how close we are to the edge and start to panic. I had a plan, but this was not it. I wanted to hang with the girls, drink beer, and play with Winnie, not get soaked and look like a wet rat for the rest of the day.

  “Finn.” I lean in, rubbing against his growing erection. “We can walk in on the stairs like normal people. Let me down. Stop making a scene. I’ll remove my cover-up, and it’ll be all good. If you throw me in this pool, there will be no sex for a week. I can promise you that.”

  His face is full of innocence as he gives me a quick nod. Before I can protest, he rips the light cover-up over my head and smiles seductively.

  “You try to withhold sex, I’ll find other ways to fuck your gorgeous body.”

  He takes a step back and free falls, arching to soften the blow before we both hit the water, me screeching. His arms wrap around me as he pumps his legs and brings us to the surface to a loud group of cheers.

  I twist, turn, spittle, and spuddle to get away from him, but his hold is too tight as he moves us to the side, chuckling into my shoulder.

  “If it makes you feel any better, I’m regretting my decision now, seeing you in this bikini.” He nibbles along my back.

  “Well, considering this is as close as you’ll get to me for the next week, you better enjoy it now. I’m serious. No sex for a week!”

  He twists me easily, and I stop trying to escape when I see his expression. His eyes are molten blue and smoldering.

  “We will have sex, and we’ll have a lot of it. Seeing you with that baby stirred something in me. You’re a natural. You’re also a saint. I want that with you. All of it.”

  Any irritation I had dissolves. “You want a baby with me?”

  “I want everything with you. Get ready, Presley. I’m giving you notice. Marriage, babies, the future, I want it all.”

  Tears swell in my eyes, and before I can suck them back, two fall down my cheek. “You think you could have told me this without fifty people watching, including your parents?”

  “I could have. I would have, but you with that baby in your arms sparked something in me. Now, you know exactly where I stand.”

  “I love you, Finn, but I swear if you make me bawl in front of all these people, I’ll withhold sex for a month! Stop now.”

  His eyes soften, and he sweeps his lips across mine. “Stopping now.”

  “Hey, lovebirds, you ready for company?”

  We both look up to see Tripp holding Winnie with her swimmies, ready to dive in. Finn kisses my cheek and shoves away from the side, raising his hands to catch her. She flies through the air and lands easily in his arms.

  Reese comes over and leans down, handing me a towel from the side of the pool. “So much for a graceful entry. You should have seen your face. It was priceless.”

  “Bitch, you didn’t think to stop him?”

  “No way! It was too entertaining.”

/>   I slant my eyes, ready to lay into her, when I spot Tripp sneaking up behind her. He presses a finger over his lips, right before he grabs her hips and twists them both, falling backwards into the water. There’s a gurgled scream from Reese right before she goes under. When they emerge, she’s still fighting him. He gives me a wink and swims her to the other side as the pool starts to fill with people.

  For the first time since I woke up in Finn’s arms this morning, I start to relax. Finally, I feel fully accepted into his life.

  “Come on over.” Abbi points to the chair closest to her as soon as I join the girls sitting on the back porch.

  Raven’s parents, Finn’s parents, and Dave, Declan’s dad, left after dinner, and now the group has split up, with the guys inside watching TV and the girls drinking wine on the porch.

  “Wait for us.” Ember scuttles over, holding a bottle to Elizabeth’s mouth, Raven following with James.

  “Sorry, but I can’t get them down tonight,” Raven huffs, lying back in a lounger.

  “Can I help?” I open my arms, and she scoots up, handing him to me.

  I use the same swaying and soothing motion from earlier this afternoon, and soon, his eyes are closing.

  “Are you the fucking baby whisperer?” Charlie questions.

  “Not at all. But when Winnie was a baby, we had some hard nights. I’d visit Elisa and Simon as often as possible. Some things you don’t forget.”

  “You’re a natural,” Ember compliments me as she moves Elizabeth to her shoulder, patting her back.

  “Looks like you’re the natural,” I tease her.

  “I’m clueless. Who are Simon and Elisa? I’ve missed everything about you,” Declan’s other sister, Ella, says.

  “Don’t feel bad. Finn kept this gem hidden for a long time. I’m just getting to know her, too,” Raven tells her sister-in-law sheepishly.

  My heart skips a beat when she calls me a gem, because her tone is genuine. Gone is the absolute bitch who treated me like an outsider for so long. Today, she has gone above and beyond to make me and my family feel welcome.

  “Well, where should I start?”

  “From the beginning,” another woman in the group, Kendall, answers while filling my wine glass.

  I glance behind me into the house to make sure Winnie is still occupied with my iPad, then launch into my life story. When I get to the part about Simon dying overseas, Reese scoots her chair closer to me and lays a hand on my knee for support. Somewhere during my story, Raven takes James out of my arms and sits close, her eyes brimming with tears. I don’t even realize I’m crying until hot tears fall onto my chest.

  “Pres,” Reese says softly, handing me a napkin. “You don’t have to talk about him.”

  There’s a collection of sympathetic nods from the groups, and I close my eyes to gain some composure.

  “I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to be a sobby mess.”

  “Oh my God, don’t you apologize. I’m in awe of your strength and dedication. I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through.” Ember wipes her own eyes. “Besides Charlie, we’re all an emotional group.”

  “Shut up, bitch.” Charlie’s own voice breaks. “I just don’t cry at the drop of a hat like you lightweights.”

  I start to giggle, and it sets off a chain reaction. Pretty soon, the solemn mood disappears, and the conversation shifts from me to Ember and Reese collaborating on bringing two of Ember’s designs to life. Reese explains to everyone about next year’s spring line and her boss’s excitement over Ember.

  One thing I’m surprised to learn is Reese talked to a lawyer and set up a side business as a consultant. She’s still bitter with her boss about Simon’s funeral and thinks he’s an asshole, so she’s continuing to work for him, but stepping away as a full time employee and doing independent work. He threatened to fire her and enforce the non-compete clause, and she called his bluff. Then he saw Ember’s designs and backtracked all the negative things he said, begging her to include him with the boutique line she was gathering.

  Ember put her in contact with a few local, unknown designers, and Reese now has the upper hand with her douchebag ‘old boss’.

  “Why didn’t you tell me all this?” I can’t hide the hurt in my voice.

  “Because you’ve been busy falling in love and dealing with your own shit.” She glances at Raven, who lowers her head in shame.

  “But I’m the best friend… I share everything with you!” I slap her lightly on the arm.

  “Okay, well now’s a good time to tell you, you’re the model for our first dress when it’s ready.”

  “Nooooo,” I groan. “Forget I said anything.”

  “Nope, you’re the best friend, remember?”

  I bite my tongue and give her an evil glare. There’s a commotion behind us, and I swivel my chair in time to see Declan and the rest of the band coming at us with instruments in their arms.

  “Sparkle, let’s put the kids to bed before we start.” Declan takes Elizabeth from Ember and bends to help Raven with James. They disappear into the house as Finn walks out with a tired Winnie in his arms. She has her head on his shoulder and a sleepy grin on her face.

  I move to stand, but he brushes me off and lies down on one of the loungers, positioning her comfortably.

  “Sweetie, we should probably go,” I say softly.

  “We will, babe, in a few minutes. She wants to see this.”

  Nate, Blake, and Cooper arrange the unoccupied chairs in a semi-circle, and Declan comes back out carrying a case. I immediately recognize it as my violin.

  “What the hell?” I murmur.

  “We want to jam,” Nate tells me, patting the seat next to him. “Heard you’re quite talented.”

  “No f’ing way.” I shuffle my chair back until I hit a brick wall I know is Tripp.

  “Don’t make me carry you over there.” He comes around, ready to grab me.

  “Tripp, you lay a hand on her, I’ll cripple you,” Finn threatens, knifing up.

  “Y’all can’t be serious. Where’d you even get my violin?” I ask nervously, all eyes on me.

  “I put it in the truck this morning,” Finn tells me with a triumphant smile. “You were a bit incapacitated.”

  Blood rushes to my head as chuckles surround me. “You did not say that!”

  “Oh, calm yourself. This is the most sexually deviant group of people I’ve ever been around.” Charlie pulls me out of my chair as Raven and Declan come back to the porch.

  Blake starts strumming his guitar, the recognizable tune hitting me square in the chest.

  “Nooooo,” I rasp, giving Declan a pleading look.

  “Hear me out. Even though the meaning behind this song is dark, it’s a fucking classic.” His grimaces when he realizes Winnie’s heard him. “Sorry, I mean it’s a brilliant piece of musical work. It’s been stuck in my head since hearing you play it. I’ve been working on a rendition and would love to hear how it sounds with the violin.”

  “It’s true. He’s been rambling on for weeks, driving us fuc—I mean, freaking insane. Please, put us out of our misery.” Cooper temples his hands together in a begging motion.

  “You realize I’ve been drinking, right?”

  “Better for us. You’re lubed and primed.” Nate wiggles his eyebrows.

  “Gross!” I swallow the rest of my wine and go sit in the chair, getting out my violin.

  “This is completely unscripted. Join in when you want.” Declan starts strumming his guitar, and the others join in.

  I listen a few beats and then start to move my bow, jumping in on the rhythm. It only takes a few chords before we’re somewhat in sync as Declan starts the vocals. I get lost in the music. When the last chord is played, I take a deep breath before opening my eyes. The heat of everyone’s stares sears my skin, but I focus on the man directly in my eyesight, cuddling my sleeping niece.

  His eyes are literally glowing. He gives
me a lopsided grin that sends a surge of pride all the way to my bones. The sound of soft clapping rises in the air, but I can’t pull my eyes off him. He mouths ‘I love you’, and my chest tightens.

  “I have no words, man. That was the shit. Couldn’t picture it, never thought we’d mesh with the sound of classical strings, but she’s fucking talented,” Nate exclaims excitedly, slapping Declan on the shoulder.

  “Told you guys.”

  “We’re calling the label tomorrow.” Blake waves his phone in the air. “Charlie recorded it.”

  “That’s it. I’m taking my girls home before you have a chance to corrupt her.” Finn stands, bringing Winnie closer to his chest. “And this one has school tomorrow. It’s been a big day.”

  “Look at Black being domestic. I’m pretty sure pigs are flying somewhere.” Gabe chuckles, and Harper elbows him, causing him to topple over the back of the lounger. His beer goes everywhere, and he hisses a string of expletives as we all laugh at him.

  “When I found it, I knew. Not denying it, asshole,” Finn responds and walks into the house.

  Suddenly, with a child in his arms and his friends surrounding us, my heart threatens to burst. All the things he said to me in the pool replay in my mind.

  Marriage, babies, the future… I picture it all. And I want it more than anything.

  Chapter 24


  This is a cluster fuck of epic proportions. I read over the notes in the file and glance around the room, seeing the same expression on everyone. James’ face is actually twisted into a fierce scowl, his eyes burning. I’ve seen this look a few times in my life, and it sends a chill to my bones. It means he’s trying to work the pieces of the puzzle out in his head, and it’s not going well.

  The Louisiana Senate Election is in seven weeks, and Governor DeSantis is heating up the race. Even in the face of danger, he has been vocal on his stance on many issues that cause strife in his state, and he hasn’t backed down. People on both sides of politics are starting to listen closely, and he’s now made more enemies, specifically on his gun control and public assistance stance. We haven’t faced any real threats since the break-in at his residence, which was a month ago.


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