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Dutch III: International Gangster

Page 8

by Teri Woods

  “It’s over, Chico! Move away from the girls now!” Agent Shipp commanded. Chico didn’t say anything and kept his gun held at the girl’s head. He was showing the agents that he would still kill the girls. “Either you move away from the girls or we’ll shoot through them just to get to you! You make the call!” Agent Shipp said, giving him an ultimatum.

  Chico finally realized he was running out of options. The agents weren’t backing down and he would be dead within thirty seconds if he didn’t surrender. Since he didn’t want to go to prison just yet, he decided on the next best thing, he ran . . .

  Chico pushed the two girls into Agent Shipp’s path to could create a diversion and shot out the bedroom window as he ran toward it. Agent Shipp moved the girls out of his way, then ran into the room, trying to get a shot at Chico. As Chico dived out the window, bullets from Agent Shipp’s gun missed him, hitting the window frame.

  Kimberly looked up at the sound of shattered glass as an airborne Chico noticed her immediately and began to rain bullets on her, hoping to kill her before he hit the ground. Kimberly fired at her target. The bullets missed Chico, but he hit Kimberly once in the chest, causing her to fall to the ground. As she went down, he thought he was safe and had a clear chance to get away, but before his feet touched the ground the back of his head exploded as Agent Shipp was looking down on Chico’s dead body still holding his smoking gun through the window.

  “I got ’em,” he said looking back at the other agents. The girls were still screaming and crying, but were glad it was all over.

  Kimberly was sitting up looking at Chico’s body when Agent Shipp and the other field agents came running out the side door to her aid.

  “Are you all right, rookie?” Agent Shipp asked.

  “Yeah, my vest saved me,” she said as Agent Shipp looked at the bullet caught in the vest.

  “I want this vest. Let’s run this bullet through forensics along with his gun,” said Agent Shipp.

  Then he added, “What happened, Agent Reese? You had a clear shot at him.”

  “I, um… hesitated, I guess,” said Kimberly, rubbing her throbbing chest area.

  “Well, when you finally learn how to shoot, maybe you’ll never know how a bullet really feels. All that simulated bullshit they teach you in the academy won’t work out here. You got to be naturally born to do this shit,” Agent Shipp said, criticizing her.

  “The next time I get shot at I’ll keep that in mind just for you, sir,” Kimberly said scornfully.

  “I just saved your life, rookie, and you’re standing here giving me shit? Let’s see how long you make it out there.”

  Agent Shipp walked off, giving Kimberly some time to think about what he had said. Even though he was right, she didn’t care to hear his opinion. She appreciated the fact that he had saved her life, but she could survive on her own. After that day she didn’t speak to Shipp again. And deep inside she vowed to prove him wrong.

  Following four years of hard, career-advancing work, Kimberly was called in by her superior for a brief meeting. This was the meeting that would change her life forever.

  “Agent Reese, please have a seat,” the director said from behind his desk.

  Kimberly closed the door and took a seat in front of him.

  “Agent Reese, I just want to start off by saying you’re doing a hell of a job, and I’m glad you’re one of us.”

  “Why thank you, sir,” Kimberly said in a monotone.

  “Agent Reese, this case here in my hand is marked extremely classified. It’s a top secret, undercover mission. Do you think you’re up to the challenge?”

  “Yes, of course, Director Burns.”

  Kimberly was excited. This would be her first chance to go deep undercover. She had been waiting for the chance to prove herself for the past four years. Plus, if this case was as Director Burns was indicating, it would help propel her through the ranks.

  “This operation is top secret. The Bureau is after an escaped murderer named Bernard James and his treacherous gang of bandits. Have you ever heard of him?” The director opened up the file so Kimberly could see all of the mug shots.

  “No, sir. I don’t think that I have.”

  “James is a drug dealer out of Newark, New Jersey, who was looking at a life sentence but decided to shoot up the Essex County Courthouse, and unknown to the world, he escaped.”

  “I think I remember that story in the news. I thought James was reported dead, sir.”

  “Yes, it was merely reported so. It’s been confirmed that James escaped and is at large. No one wants to blow the whistle and confess that a mistake was made, so we need to apprehend him first.”

  “Do we have any leads?” Kimberly questioned.

  “She is it, right here,” said Director Burns, pointing to Angel’s picture as he held it up for Kimberly to get a good look. “She is currently at a federal women’s prison in Alderson, West Virginia. The assignment is to go to prison and get close to Angel Alvarez, until she leads you to Dutch. Trust me, if he’s alive, this woman right here will lead us to him. But, Reese, I have to tell you something… Angel Alvarez is a dangerous woman. She is also a lesbian, and the Bureau wants you to convince her that she can trust you.”

  “How will I do that?”

  “Any way you can,” said the director. “But trust me, it won’t be easy. Alvarez is a tough cookie. She trusts no one, except her other gang members, called the Charlies, who from what we understand go ‘both’ ways,” the director said, clearing his throat. “Listen, there’s a lot on the line here. This guy killed a lot of innocent people; he’s marked extremely dangerous. And Angel is his sidekick psychopath. Angel Alvarez is just as deadly as he is. I want you to take your time with this. Are you sure you’re up to this?”

  Kimberly thought about the assignment, running the pros and the cons through her mind. The fact that Angel was a lesbian didn’t bother her. The Bureau was already aware of the fact that Reese had her share of experiences with women, even though she was currently in a heterosexual relationship. What did bother her was the thought of prison. That was the most unappealing part of the assignment. She didn’t know if she could do jail for so long. The concept was locking up people, not being locked up.

  “It appears that this may be a little too much for you, so how about I just get someone else to take the case?”

  The director closed the folder, highly disappointed in Kimberly’s reaction. Kimberly thought about her career and decided she couldn’t make the biggest mistake of her life.

  “Wait, Director. I want the assignment. I can handle it. I will get close to Alvarez and bring Bernard James in myself. Really, I can do it,” Kimberly said intensely, showing the director a side of her he’d never seen.

  “Okay, Reese. I’ll give you a shot, but if the terrain gets too rough I’m pulling you out. You understand?”

  “You won’t have to do that, sir. I will get Bernard James if it’s the last thing I do.”

  He began to tell her everything they knew about Angel Alvarez.

  One-eyed Roc stood in his prison cell at his sink, brushing his full beard in the mirror. With the Muslim hair oil he used on it, it glistened almost as brightly as his freshly shaven head. Roc stepped back and admired himself. He thought he looked damn good. Some guys let prison get the best of them, stress them, age them. But not Roc. He took the time and brushed it off his shoulders like it was nothing. He looked better inside than he had when he was walking the streets. Prison must have slowed his aging process, because he could easily pass for twenty-five years old.

  Roc mostly felt his vigorous appearance and calmness were due to his strong Islamic beliefs. He was no longer a callous menace but still acknowledged he needed self-improvement in order to get closer to Allah. The first step he made to re-create himself was to change his name from Roc to Rahman, meaning merciful, which coincided with his new beliefs. Over the years Rahman had grown to believe his zeal for Islam had helped him change completely, and now he
was ready to work on getting back to his family, despite his life sentence.

  “As-Salaamu Alaikum, Ahki,” Akbar said standing in the doorway of Rahman’s cell.

  “Alaikum As-Salaam,” Rahman replied, returning the greeting.

  Akbar was Rahman’s mentor, who was also from Newark and had a similar background. Akbur walked into Rahman’s cell and held out a magazine.

  “What’s that?” Rahman inquired, looking at the rolled-up magazine.

  Akbar showed him the cover. It was a copy of the new Don Diva magazine with a picture of Dutch, Qwan, Craze, Angel, Zoom, and Rahman himself on the cover. It was a photograph from way back in the day that he remembered well but showed no interest in looking at it.

  “Come on, Ock, you know I don’t keep up wit’ that anymore,” he told Akbar as he prepared for prayer.

  Akbar heard what he said, but didn’t pay him any mind. He left the Don Diva magazine in his cell anyway. And just as Akbar figured, curiosity got the best of him, and Rahman found himself flipping through pages until he came to the article on Angel. When he finished reading the article he couldn’t believe Angel had won her appeal. Now that she was being released, he felt a sense of confidence that he stood a chance of winning his as well.

  He could tell that Angel was still the same Angel. She hadn’t allowed prison to change or reform her, not one single bit. But he had changed, and it made him wonder where that would now leave the two of them. To him, she was the enemy. Everything he stood for, she stood against. He grabbed his prayer rug and kufi, then headed for Jum’ah.


  Kimberly left the Bureau after her meeting with Director Burns. She knew exactly what he was asking. Her assignment involved more than just the average duty. It involved going undercover, which was always dangerous, but to get close to her target, Kimberly knew she would have to “get close,” a little closer than close, to say the least. She thought of Jan, her lover for many years. They had broken up because Terrence was in the picture. She remembered the last time she had seen Jan as if it were yesterday.

  “Why you got me waiting on you all the time and you never show up, or by the time you do it’s so late the night is over? If you don’t want to do this then just say so, I’ll move on,” Jan said, tired of Kimberly’s bullshit.

  “Jan, I’m so sorry, Terrence held me up. Please don’t be mad.”

  “Fucking Terrence, I’m so tired of hearing about Him. I don’t know what the fuck to do.”

  The relationship was rocky as it was. Kimberly was indecisive about her sexuality. What had started as experimental turned out to be habitual. And her relationship with Jan carried itself through college, the police academy, the FBI academy, and up to the present, and the entire time Jan was sucking her pussy, she was in a complete heterosexual relationship with Terrence. It was only months ago that Jan had finally told Kim she had to make a choice.

  “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t stand the idea of you fucking him. How can you do that? I just can’t. It’s either him or me.”

  Jan had put the ultimatum out there for Kimberly to decide. The problem was holidays, birthdays, her family, her career, society, and everything else that confused her. A man equaled normalcy, and a man fit the picture of the perfect American dream. A man could give her children, her parents grandchildren, and all the things in between, and that was why Terrence had the upper hand, because Terrence had a real penis. She couldn’t take Jan home for Christmas. Her mother would keel over and have a heart attack at the thought of her daughter’s sexual perversions. No, Jan was meant to be a secret, Jan was her release, and Jan could have her, she just had to stay in her place. But Jan wanted more.

  “Come on, Jan, you’re asking me to choose between you and him. That’s so unfair, don’t you think?”

  “No, no, I don’t. Do you think it’s fair to me that I’m left alone because you’re with him? It’s just like it was with Isabel. Don’t you think I’m tired of going through this with you?” Jan asked, completely frustrated with her and her choices.

  “Jan, please, it’s not that. I just . . .”

  “Just what?” asked Jan, already knowing the answer. “Go with him, just go with him,” she said, slamming the door behind her in hopes that Kimberly would come running after her, begging her not to go, but she didn’t.

  Maybe I’m making a mistake, maybe I shouldn’t stay with Terrence. Maybe I should be with Jan.

  Kimberly drove home in silence, thinking of her future with Terrence. He didn’t know she was gay. He’d never met Jan and she never spoke of Isabel, her first lesbian lover. She would never forget her, as long as she lived. It was a flyer she found near her car in a hotel parking lot. She bent down at the image of a beautiful naked woman with her legs spread open, fingering herself. The flyer read, “Have the Best Time of Your Life with the Most Beautiful Women in the World” and advertised Women Only Wednesdays. Every Wednesday that passed she remembered the flyer, wanting desperately to see. She dressed up, wearing a black ruffled hat and a silk scarf around her neck. She ended up sitting in the corner of the club the following Wednesday. She watched as a girl danced on top of the bar, squatting in front of a woman who gently caressed her ass, then spread her cheeks open and licked her, placing money in the girl’s string. Kimberly couldn’t help but to stare at the girls. Their bodies gyrating and simulating sexual desire interested her, and she felt desire warming between her legs the more she looked at them.

  “Hey, honey, here you go,” said a waitress wearing nothing but three stars. She had stars covering her nipple area and a G-string with a star covering the face of her pussy.

  “Hey, Betty, get your fat ass over here, can’t you see I’m thirsty, woman,” asked Liv, holding up an empty glass. Liv was a regular who Betty served more than liquor to. Everybody in the strip club knew that Liv and Betty had been lovers for the past ten years.

  “Wait a minute, can’t you see I’m talking,” she hollered back at her before turning to Kimberly, who was unable to stop staring at her breasts.

  “I got something for that mouth of yours to do besides that,” she said, thinking of how good Betty sucked her pussy.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t order anything yet,” Kimberly said to the waitress.

  “Don’t worry about it, honey. That girl right there at the bar bought it for you.”

  Kimberly looked at the waitress to see who she was talking about. Betty pointed over at the purchaser of the cocktail. She was pretty and smiled at Kimberly, then got up and began to walk over to the table.

  “Thanks, Betty,” said Isabel as she approached.

  Isabel was a white girl, really aggressive, and positively one hundred percent in love with pussy. She loved sucking pussy, fucking pussy, and literally anything that involved women and their bodies. She was a bit older than Kimberly, being thirty-three. Kimberly wasn’t even old enough to drink, and if it wasn’t for the fact that she had a fake ID she wouldn’t even be sitting there.

  “May I join you?” The Italian woman flirtatiously asked as she watched Betty walk away.

  “Sure, why not.”

  “Do you drink martinis?”

  “Well, no, not really, but thank you,” said Kimberly, raising the drink to her lips and sipping the alcohol, the strength of the liquor catching her off guard.

  “Wow, that’s strong,” Kimberly said.

  The woman smiled. “My name is Isabel. What’s yours?”


  “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Kimberly,” Isabel said, extending her hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too.” Isabel didn’t let go of Kimberly’s hand. “You are very beautiful, Kimberly. How old are you?”

  “I’m eighteen.” Kimberly smiled innocently, feeling a little uncomfortable as Isabel moved her hand to Kimberly’s lap and rubbed her leg. Her affection was strong and her pretty, soft face pulled Kimberly in.

  “Would you like to dance?”

  Kimberly didn’t say an
ything. She looked at the dance floor and the other women dancing with each other.

  “Come,” said Isabel as she led her to the dance floor. As they danced to house music Kimberly felt very comfortable with Isabel. It was as if Isabel knew exactly what to say, exactly what to do, and exactly where to touch her. The more drinks Kimberly had the more open she became, the more seductive she felt, the more at ease she was with Isabel’s constant touch and constant affection. Isabel was really feeling the energy between them and decided to kiss Kimberly, who willingly opened her mouth and kissed her back.

  “Let’s get out of here and go to my apartment,” she said, kissing Kimberly on her earlobe.

  “Okay,” said Kimberly, knowing that Isabel was going to take her back to her apartment to have sex with her. Kimberly was a more than willing participant. She wanted to have sex with a woman, she wanted to suck on a woman’s pussy, and she wanted a woman to suck on hers. She was completely in love with the female anatomy and had a secret desire to be with a woman that she could now fulfill.

  One thing led to another and Kimberly let Isabel remove all of her clothes.

  “I want to suck your pussy so bad, it’s so wet,” Isabel whispered as she slid her middle finger between Kimberly’s legs, parting them, before sinking her tongue into Kimberly’s wet pussy. Kimberly’s body immediately began to climax, her pussy got so wet, tingly, and hot. Isabel knew exactly what to do to make her cum, and she made Kimberly do just that as she sucked her pussy, turning Kimberly inside out.

  That was how it all began with Isabel, and for over a year, Isabel and Kimberly were lovers.

  Kimberly drove in silence, thinking about her past lesbian lifestyle. The Bureau must know. Why else would they ask me to go undercover, in prison, to get close to a psycho lesbian serial killer? Of course, they have to know.


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