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There's Always Tomorrow (Immortal Series)

Page 11

by Alice Addy

  “You what?”

  “I suffer no ill effects at all, except for a few minor hunger pangs. No silver bullet will kill me and I am a converted Catholic. Holy Water is just that, and presents no physical harm when coming in contact with my flesh.”

  “Do you wear a crucifix around your neck?”

  Tony shook his head.

  Growing very serious, he deliberated for a few moments, wrinkling his forehead and lost in thought. His eyes took on a dark, ominous gleam. He lowered his voice and spoke in a well-measured and calculated tone. “If all that is not enough to impress you, my dear, think on this.” His hands gripped Sophie’s arms tightly, forcing her to remain motionless. “When I close my eyes to dream, I see the fires of hell open up, thrusting its burning tentacles toward me...reaching for my soul...seeking to devour me.

  “Is that special enough for you?” Never had Tony unburdened himself so completely. He hoped he hadn’t made a mistake.

  Sophie was clearly dumbstruck. She loosened her arms from Tony’s strong grip, and slid off the bed. She needed to put some space between herself and the handsome man she so desperately wanted. She retied the belt of her robe, giving her time to think of the perfect words to say. Suddenly, out of the blue, she started to giggle. It was all crystal clear.

  “Okay. Someone told you that I’d believe anything; that I was just that gullible—a real blonde. Immortal? Sure, Tony. Anything you say. Look, if you want to break it off with me, go ahead. Never see me again. But at least be a man and have the guts to tell me the truth. You owe me that much, Tony.” Tears filled her amazing eyes and her chin started to tremble.

  It broke Tony’s heart to see her cry over him. Once again, he had unintentionally hurt her. What could he say to bring her comfort? He’d already told her the truth, but she didn’t believe him. He would simply have to press on and reveal more of his past. Perhaps then, she would be convinced.

  “Sophie.” He reached for her, but she pulled away.

  “Sophie, I love you, or I would never have told you my secrets. It is the love, which I have for you, that makes it all necessary. I want to marry you, Sophie. I want to have a family with you, but it wouldn’t be fair not to first inform you of the many pitfalls. I will not age as you do. As you see me, today, so I looked in 1810, 1923, and 1950. More than likely, when you are sixty, I will look as I do, right now. At some point, our children will look older than their father.”

  It was a lot to wrap one’s mind around, and Tony knew he had to give Sophie some time. How could any woman, with full knowledge of what they faced, commit to such a strange relationship? He’d be her loving husband always, but could she deal with the ever-widening gap of their physical ages?

  “I want to marry you, Sophie. It would be your first marriage, and my fifth. That may not sound so preposterous, but I haven’t been in a serious relationship since my last wife died in 1950…over sixty years ago.’

  “So, you’re not fooling me? You’re not crazy? You really are immortal?” Sophie’s knees began to buckle, as she slowly spiraled to the floor.

  Tony was quick to catch her up, and carry her limp form back to the bed. He was such a fool. Of course, she was going to be in shock. With her, being Sophie, it just took a little longer to realize what he was saying. He smiled to himself and kissed her beautiful mouth.

  Sophie’s eyelashes began to flutter. She was coming around. Tony held the glass of wine to her lips. “Drink, darling. It will give you strength.”

  She did as she was told. Finally, waving the glass away, she gazed into the stern face of the man she loved so much. “What kind of a person would I be, if I turned my back on you for something you had no control over? It’s not like it’s catching or anything. It isn’t, is it?” she asked as an afterthought.

  “No, sweetheart,” he chuckled with relief. “You can’t catch it.”

  “Will our children have it?”

  “No, they won’t. Are you saying that you’re willing to marry me?” Tony was afraid to hope.

  “Well, the way I see it, you’re a hero. You saved that young girl’s life, and she saved yours…for me. I’m grateful all the way around. What happened to your friend, Thomas? I’d like to meet him.”

  Tony turned away before he spoke. He could not allow Sophie to see his face, while he spoke of his best friend. “Thomas was the real hero, that night, so long ago. Many years later, he did something equally reckless, and was once again, very heroic. It killed him. He died.”

  “But Tony…I thought that…”

  “Enough! I’ve told you everything you need to know to make an informed decision. I can’t say more,” he shouted. Lowering his voice, he clarified, “There’s more to tell, but I’m exhausted. Forgive me, darling. I can’t talk about Thomas. It’s too difficult. Someday, you’ll know everything. I promise.”


  Tony couldn’t believe his good fortune. Sophie had looked past his curse and saw the man he truly was, and now, he held her in his arms. Her lithe, young body felt warm, and fit against him perfectly. Her soft, blonde curls smelled fresh and clean. They tickled his nose as he buried his face in her fragrant hair.

  With a move, slow and seductive, Tony’s fingers loosened Sophie’s belt and slid up across her bare shoulders, causing her robe to slip silently to the floor, exposing her glorious naked body to his full gaze. Tony was robbed of speech.

  “I want you,” she whispered softly, rubbing her firm breasts against his chest. “I want you very much.”

  Tony was quick to respond, as he picked Sophie up and carried her toward his bed and lowered her onto the mattress. Staring down at her nude form, he smiled tenderly. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  Sophie’s hand moved slightly, in an attempt to cover the soft, golden triangle at the apex of her thighs.

  “No, please. You’re exquisite,” Tony murmured. “Don’t hide your loveliness from me.” He brought her hand to his lips, kissed her fingers, and then tucked them in, next to her side.

  A raging fire consumed his blood; a fire that only Sophie could quench. Tony pulled at his sweater, revealing his strong and well defined set of muscles. His unblemished flesh glistened with sweat. No chest hair marred his masculine beauty. It wasn’t until one glanced below his naval, that a line of dark, coarse, hair appeared and led directly to his engorged shaft.

  “You’re gorgeous,” Sophie exclaimed, a smile breaking out across her face. She unconsciously licked her lips in anticipation.

  Tony laughed. “As are you, sweetheart.” His hand crawled lightly up her thigh, causing her smooth, silky flesh to break out in delicate goose bumps. Closer, Tony allowed his fingers to roam over her soft skin, seeking out her most private places.

  Sophie moaned. She wanted him to touch her there, to stroke her most sensitive spot. As his lips brushed across the pink tip of her breasts, she cried out, begging for relief.

  “God, Tony. Love me,” she begged.

  Tony aimed to please, but first things first. His mouth settled on a ripe, pink nipple. While his tongue flicked it, back and forth, he sucked gently, causing the peak to swell and pebble in his mouth. It was delicious. Then, carefully, so as not to cause discomfort, Tony’s teeth nipped and tugged on the tender tip, elongating the nipple and filling his mouth with a bit of heaven. He found it difficult to contain his enthusiasm.

  Once again, Sophie pleaded for mercy, as she arched her hips against Tony’s hard body. She needed relief, and she needed it soon.

  Tony stood back and quickly dropped his pants. His body was trembling with an overwhelming need of its own. The most primal of all male urges surged through him, threatening to devour him. His desire for this woman was all consuming, and it was time he claimed her for himself.

  Sophie parted her thighs, giving Tony an unobstructed view of his prize. He could see the glistening drops of moisture gathered there, upon the tight curls and along the sides of her legs. It was a true indication of the desire she felt for him. She was so
turned-on that he could almost feel the moist heat rising up from her. He savored the heady aroma of an aroused female. Nothing was sexier.

  His erection throbbed with a primitive need, so strong, it threatened to override his strong will. Tony wasn’t absolutely certain that Sophie had experience with love. In so many ways, she was an innocent. The last thing he wanted to do was charge in like a raging bull, and ram his cock full force, into unchartered flesh.

  Tony slid his finger into her tight wetness. Sophie gripped him so firmly; he thought he might explode, then and there. She was hot and silky inside, and incredibly tight; it made his mouth water at the thought of simply tasting her.

  As he was still wondering about her innocence, Sophie reached down and wrapped her fingers around his fully enlarged and hardened penis. She stopped moaning and stilled her gyrating hips.

  “Tony?” Her voice sounded small and unsure.

  “What’s the matter, sweetie?” Tony asked, after he caught his breath and found his voice.

  “Tony, I lied.” She started to whimper, softly.

  Tony could feel her body tremble, ever so slightly. He stopped massaging the tiny bud found hidden within her feminine folds. He sighed, “What did you lie about?”

  “Oh, Tony. It’s so embarrassing. I’ve never done this before. I’ve never touched a man. You’re so big…it scares me.” She covered her face with her hands.

  So he had been wise to proceed with caution. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Sophie. It was critical to make her first time, perfect. Tony put his arms around her and held her close to his bare chest. He could feel the rapid thumping of her heartbeat. He slowly rocked her, back and forth, for a few moments, and then bent down to kiss her pouty lips.

  “You shouldn’t be embarrassed, Sophie. I kind of guessed.”

  She was surprised and stopped her whimpering. “You did? And you still wanted me?” The girl couldn’t believe it.

  “Yes, darling. The gift you give to a man, is priceless. I’m honored you have chosen me. In years gone by, it was most common for a woman to save herself until marriage. Nowadays, no one seems to cherish innocence. Lucky for you, I’m an old-fashioned guy.” He winked.

  Sophie giggled. “A real old-fashioned guy, huh, Tony?” she teased. Then she sobered. “Will it hurt much?”

  “I wish I could say no, but it is different with each woman, and the man she has chosen to introduce her to love. I promise to be gentle. The one truth is, it only hurts for a few seconds and then it never returns.

  “Sex is nature’s gift to us, Sophie. It’s fun and comforting. It sometimes also brings new life. Would you like that, Sophie? Would you like having my babies?” Tony feared that she might not want his children, as their lives would be most unusual.

  “I’m glad it’s you, Tony. I’m ridiculously in love with you, and I want lots and lots of your babies. Can we get back to what we were doing now?” Her cheeks flushed.

  “Gladly,” he growled.

  * * *

  Tony cradled Sophie’s head on his shoulder. Making love to her had been the single most memorable thing he’d ever done. She was pure and innocent, yet highly seductive. After the first, brief moment of pain, upon his entry, she had been fearless. Sophie was eager to try anything and everything he suggested. How refreshing it was to be with a woman so uninhibited and yet so sweet and open. As he gazed down at her long lashes resting upon her cheeks, he smiled. “Poor thing,” he whispered. “I’m afraid I wore you out. I should have been more thoughtful of you.”

  Sophie turned in his arms.

  He didn’t expect her to awaken so soon after their last bout of making love. She had been quite exuberant.

  “I’m not tired, Tony. I was simply waiting for you to find the strength to love me again. I especially liked it on top. Can we do that again?”

  Tony chuckled. “You’re a gift, Sophie. Whatever did I do to deserve you?”

  “I think you were always meant to be with me, Tony. You were just born too soon. It was a cosmic mistake, and now that we’ve found each other, nothing is going to come between us. I just need to take real good care of my skin. It’s the first thing to age, you know.” She giggled. “And maybe my boobs.”

  Tony laughed and squeezed her tightly. “I’ll love you no matter how wrinkly your skin gets or how droopy your boobs. Even when all your teeth fall out, I’ll still love you. In fact,” he joked, “it is said that a woman without teeth, gives a damn good blow job.”

  Sophie swatted his arm. “Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I intend to be buried with all my teeth firmly implanted in my mouth.

  “Oh, Tony,” she said, wistfully. “It sounds wonderful…you and I together, forever. Will you tell me all your stories? I promise not to get jealous of your past loves. I feel sorry you lost them.”

  It was evident from the look on her beautiful face, that she was sincere. Sophie was all goodness, Tony thought.

  “Someday, I’ll tell you everything. Unfortunately, there is a lot of sadness in my past. Life was hard on families, before technology brought us antibiotics, advanced surgical techniques, and seatbelts.” He grinned. “People tend to see the distant past through rose-colored glasses. I’m here to say, it was not a golden era. Citizens went hungry, not like today. They starved in the streets. Crime ran rampant in the cities and the towns of the old west. When we have time, I’ll tell you about the yellow fever epidemic.

  “In 1853, more than twelve thousand people died in New Orleans, alone. That’s one in fifteen.” His eyes darkened with pain at the memory, and he squeezed her slender hand. “People died faster than their graves could be dug. Oddly enough,” he smirked, “the phrase, ‘You’ll dig your own grave,’ was born there.

  “Not all of my memories are sad, however. I once lived in a Lakota camp. I saw General Custer, but only from a distance. I’ve been all around the world and loved many women, but I married only four.”

  “Please tell me more,” Sophie insisted.

  Tony cleared his throat and put a reassuring arm around her shoulder. “Penelope Andersen was my first wife, and she was much like you, darling. She was blonde and very sweet. We married in 1817, in Salem, Massachusetts.”

  Sophie caught her breath. “The Salem?” she asked, wide-eyed.

  “Yes, darling, but we soon moved, settling in Epping, New Hampshire. My best friend, Thomas, married a lovely woman with flaming red hair. We used to laugh about her temper, but in reality, she was slow to anger and loved Thom very much. They were extremely happy, for a few years, until she died in childbirth. He never rebounded from her death. The loss of both his wife and son left him tossed like a ship on the ocean without a rudder. He had no compass to guide him. Thom lost his way. He began to drink and gamble heavily. For a time, we lost touch.” A feeling of great sadness settled heavily on Tony’s shoulders when he thought of his friend during those lonely years.

  “Tell me more about Penelope,” Sophie chimed. “Did you have children? Did she make you very happy?” Sophie was smiling, as if she was hearing the story in a heartbreaking romance novel, instead of hearing the real-life tales of her soon-to-be husband.

  “We were very happy. I helped her family, with their farm. We soon had the best milk cows in the state. Our cheese, butter, and milk were sold in my store. It was a nice living.”

  “Children. Did you have children?”

  Tony cleared his throat. It felt rather odd to be discussing his first love…his first family, with his present love. Then he smiled broadly, remembering his children.

  “Soon after we married, our son, Eli, was born. He cried all the time. I just knew there was something terribly wrong with him, but my wife and in-laws reassured me that all was as it should be. They were right. He grew to be strong and healthy. He became a fine man.” His eyes misted over and it grew more difficult to speak.

  Sophie saw the subtle change in the man holding her. “You don’t have to tell me more. Not if it hurts you, Tony. I don’t need to know m

  He squeezed her shoulder. “You really do need to know of my past—the good and bad.

  He blew out a long breath and continued to tell of his past. “In 1820, Penelope presented me with the perfect child...a lovely daughter. We named her Hannah. She was quiet and almost never cried. I loved to rock her and breathe in her sweet baby smell. Even her older brother liked her.” Tony chuckled.

  “For years, our lives were fairly uneventful. Then, one Christmas, Penelope came to me with such happiness in her eyes. We had always wanted a large family, but God had seen fit to bless us with only two. Don’t get me wrong, we were very grateful, for they were healthy and happy children. Penelope told me that we were going to have another baby, in the early spring. The entire family rejoiced at the good news.”

  Tony paused, taking his time to gather his thoughts. It was still painful to recall. They’d had such hopes. He cleared his throat and wiped the wetness from his eyes.

  Sophie knew what he was going to tell her.

  “My Penelope had a rough delivery. As I held our little blue daughter in my arms, my wife passed from this life into the next.” Tony felt as if he was going to strangle, his throat had closed so tightly. He looked down at his two empty hands.

  “We buried them both, together. I wanted to die too, but I had my other children to live for. It was about that time, that people started to notice I hadn’t aged. Penelope’s youthful glow had begun to dim, but I hadn’t noticed. I hadn’t been aware of how my in-laws were slightly stooped, with white hair and soft wrinkles on their kind faces. I appeared exactly the same as when I had first met their daughter.”


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