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Page 21

by Jen Talty

  “I threw you a great party.” Blaine scowled at himself in the mirror. He raked his hand across his hair. It was still long, but not long enough. “I can’t believe I let your father talk me into cutting off some of my hair.” Dave hadn’t officially handed in his resignation, yet.

  “According to him, you didn’t cut off enough.”

  “Got that right,” Dave said when he entered the room. “Christ, Toby. The least you could have done was shave. It’s your wedding.”

  “It’s Emma’s wedding,” Toby said. “All I was told was to show up. In a tux. She never said anything about shaving.”

  “You always going to do what your wife tells you?” Blaine put on his best smile. Last month his mother and Dave had eloped, and now Toby and Emma were actually having a church wedding. He was happy for both couples, but his heart ached. He hadn’t seen Kaylee for six months. He’d talked to her on the phone, but the FBI kept her whereabouts a huge secret for her own protection. He had hoped, since he was a cop, they would bend the rules. But that didn’t happen. They said they had bent them enough already.

  Now that the trial was essentially over, and Nino and his goons had been sentenced and would be spending the rest of their days in prison, he thought Kaylee could come home. But the feds wanted to keep her in the safe house for a little while longer while they made sure all the paperwork was in order and no threats were being made on her life.

  “Buck up, buddy. Just got word your date arrived.” Toby slapped him on the back.

  “Great. The maid of honor who didn’t even show up for the rehearsal. Who is this chick anyway?”

  “Emma says she’s her best friend.” Toby shrugged.

  “I hear she’s hot, too,” Dave teased.

  “You’re a married man,” Blaine said.

  “I don’t need a reminder on that fact. You two better get out there. Time to get this wedding on a roll before the drugs wear off of Toby.”

  “Ha, ha, Dad.”

  Blaine pushed back the door that went from a small room known as the groom-holding tank into the church. Jack Hicks had retired from the church and moved away. The young Reverend Bruster had taken over two months ago.

  Blaine glanced at the preacher, who still had teenaged pimples across his forehead, and all of a sudden, he felt old. He stood next to Toby at the altar and focused on the back of the church where Dave escorted his mother down the aisle, grateful his new stepbrother had accepted his mother. Not that he’d had any doubts.

  Emma’s mom came next, and then a bunch of bridesmaids he didn’t know too well.

  Toby elbowed him. “Here comes your date.”

  “Great,” Blaine muttered.

  “Wow, check her out,” Toby said.

  “You’re getting married,” Blaine whispered, keeping his eyes to the ground, royally annoyed that everyone seemed to be pawning him off on a stranger.

  “Come on, just look.”

  Well, he’d have to look at some point. He rolled his neck, turned his head, and choked on his own breath as Kaylee walked down the aisle in a pink, strapless satin dress, her blonde hair flowing across her shoulders.

  A hearty slap on the back helped ease his coughing fit. “Told you she was a looker.”

  Kaylee smiled. A single tear rolled down her cheek. She did nothing to stop the tear, but no more followed. She kept her eyes locked with his as she took her place across the aisle.

  In the background, the music changed, and Blaine barely noticed Emma had begun her waltz. All he could see was his angel. He wanted to scoop her up in his arms and run her home, lock her in the bedroom, and never let her go.

  “My present to you,” Emma whispered before she took her place next to Toby.

  “I didn’t get you anything,” he said. His gaze followed Emma for about a second, then he moved his eyes back to Kaylee, who stared back, smiling. “Do we have to stay? You’ve got enough people here. You don’t need us.”

  “You leave, I will hurt you,” Toby said. “Do you mind if I get married now?”

  “Whatever,” Blaine said. The next twenty minutes were worse than the last six months.

  Things were happening around him. He heard voices and music, but he saw only the woman of his dreams.

  “Yo, Dark Man. The ring.” Toby snapped his fingers in Blaine’s face.

  Laughter erupted in the congregation.

  “Sorry.” Blaine dug into his pocket and handed Toby the ring. “I’m a little pre-occupied.”

  “Useless,” Toby said. “Freaking useless.”

  Blaine smiled. “Can you finish this up? I’ve got some business to take care of.”

  Toby just shook his head and turned his attention to Emma. Blaine forced himself to watch the rest of the ceremony as his best friend said his ‘I do’ and kissed his bride. Toby and Emma turned as the young preacher announced them man and wife.

  As Toby and Emma glided past him with smiles plastered across their faces, it hit Blaine. He’d be the one escorting Kaylee down the aisle. His brow broke out in a cold sweat, and his heart damn near pounded out of his chest.

  He’d get to touch her.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

  “Hi,” he said, giving her his arm. He forced his focus down the aisle and away from everyone in the pews.

  “Surprised?” she asked.

  “Not the right adjective.” He followed Toby and Emma around to another room where they’d have to wait for the church to empty before they’d have to go back in for pictures. Cruel and unusual punishment took on a whole new meaning. “When did you get here?” he asked Kaylee.

  “Last night.”

  Blaine glanced at Emma and Toby, who just shrugged and went back to their own little world. “Did you know when you called the other day?”

  She nodded. “Are you mad?”

  “Are you here to stay?”

  “Okay, time for pictures!” Emma’s mother came in and started dictating this and that.

  “Do we have to?” he whispered in Kaylee’s ear, then pressed his lips against her skin.

  “Yes.” Kaylee kissed him, then left to go stand next to Emma while a photographer snapped a million pictures.

  He did his part. Smiled when he was told. But his mood was growing dark. He needed to be alone with Kaylee.

  “Are we done?” he asked Toby.

  “There’s a second limo in the parking lot, and you’ve got two hours before the reception starts,” Emma said.

  “Just don’t be late for the reception.” Toby waved his finger at Blaine. “I don’t want to have to hurt you.”

  Blaine glanced from the happy couple to Kaylee, who was backing up toward the door with a major mischievous grin across her face.

  “I’ll deal with you two later.” He sauntered toward Kaylee.

  He followed her out to the parking lot and into the waiting limo. “I’m glad you could come,” Blaine said, closing the limo door and wrapping his arms around Kaylee.

  “So am I.” She smiled. “I wanted to surprise you.”

  “You did.” He kissed her temple. “I followed the trial; I’m very proud of you.”

  “Thanks. There were times I wanted to climb through a bathroom window and run.”

  “I can understand that.”

  “But if I ran, I would’ve never been able to come home.”

  His heart skipped at hearing the word “home” come from her lips. “Is this your home?”

  She nodded. “They let me take a couple of computer classes in hotel management online under another name while I was waiting around. I really think I can turn my family home into a great bed and breakfast.”

  Her smile was contagious. He felt the corners of his mouth turn upward. “I’m sure you can.”

  She tilted her head. “You’re so quiet. Aren’t you glad to see me, Blaine?”

  “I’m very happy to see you.” He brushed his lips against hers. “Do you want me in your life? Forever?”

  “What?” Her mouth opened wide. “Are y
ou crazy? Why the hell do you think I went to all this trouble to surprise you?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “You’re teasing me.”

  “Not really,” he whispered, pulling her to his lap.

  “I love you.” She nuzzled her face in his neck.

  “Tell me that again.”

  “I love you.”

  “I think you might have to show me how much you love me before I fully believe it.”

  “That can be arranged,” she said, just before her lips landed with his in a spark that ignited their passion.

  The limo jerked to a stop, and he cupped her face, prying their mouths apart. “We’re at the house. Close your eyes.”

  “Why?” She asked, covering her eyes with one hand while he guided her with the other.

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  “Oh, I love surprises!” She giggled. “But hurry, we only have about an hour before we have to head back, and I want you naked.”

  He chuckled. “Naked is good.” He kicked open the back door. The kitchen was still in pretty bad shape, but the new cabinets had arrived, and he had a piece of the granite countertop he picked out. “Okay, open your eyes.”

  “Oh, Blaine,” she whispered. “You believed!”

  “I never doubted,” he said. “Do you like it so far?”

  She cupped his face. “It’s a mess, but I know when you’re done, we’re going to love it.”

  He kissed her nose. “I have one more thing for you.” He tugged at her hand and then guided her up the stairs and to the master bedroom. It had been weird at first to sleep in this house without Kaylee. But after his mother put her house on the market so she and Dave could start fresh in a new home that was just theirs, he realized he was going to need to get used to a lot of new and different things.

  “Our bed,” she whispered.

  He smiled. “It is our bed.”

  She turned around. “Unzip me.”


  “For God’s sake, why?”

  “Just give me a minute.” He turned and opened the dresser drawer to the nightstand with a trembling hand. He fumbled as he pushed aside the junk until he found the box. “I don’t know why I saved this, but I did.” He held out the box and then dropped to one knee. “Our love never died, it just needed to be rekindled. I love you, Kaylee Mead, and I want to marry you.”

  “Legally, my name is Kaylee Walker.”


  “Ask me using the right name.”

  He shook his head. “Kaylee Walker, will you marry me, again?”

  “I’ll marry you.” She dropped down on her knees and held out her hand. “I can’t believe you kept my ring.”

  He slipped the ring on her finger. It fit perfectly. “I can get you a bigger one if you want.”

  She shook her head vigorously. “No way. I want this one.”

  “I love you.” He cupped her chin. “I don’t want a big wedding. We did that once; can we elope?” Blaine asked as he slipped the zipper to her dress down, feeling her soft skin against his hands.

  “How about next weekend?”

  He scowled. “Got the night shift. It will have to be the following weekend. Crap.”

  “What?” She fumbled with his tie and pushed his coat back over his shoulders.

  “I don’t have any condoms.”

  She laughed.

  “I don’t see the humor in this.”

  “I don’t want condoms. I want you…and babies. We’re getting married in two weeks. I’m not getting any younger.”

  “Then let’s get naked.”

  “So romantic.”

  “I have my moments.” He let her dress fall around her knees.

  He pulled her body close against his. “I never stopped loving you.” Gliding his fingers across her cheek, he added, “You are the air that I breathe.”

  “You are the water I drink,” she said. “Forever and always you will belong to me.”

  He smiled. “I think that’s my line.”

  “Not anymore.” She laughed, molding her lips against his.

  At that moment, Blaine knew the fire in his heart would always burn.

  Thank you for taking the time to read Rekindled! I hope you enjoyed!

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  And on Bookbub:

  Excerpt of In Two Weeks

  Ryan O’Connor shut her cell, dropping it in her purse. She smoothed down the front of her new jean miniskirt in a lame attempt to calm her nerves. She hated hang-ups, and this was the third one today.

  She adjusted her overpriced, lace-trimmed camisole top. The expensive cotton caressed her skin as if it were silk. She glanced in the mirror one more time, then pointed a finger at herself. “I hope you know what you’re doing, sister.” She grabbed her purse, flicked off the lights, and headed out the door.

  A sudden burst of cool Lake George air smacked against her skin, and goose bumps trickled down her arms. In this part of New York, spring temperatures ranged from freezing to bathing suit weather, but she’d always enjoyed the diversity.

  The moon shone high in the dark, cloudless sky, casting an eerie glow. A small fishing boat hummed along the shoreline while she walked the half-mile from her rented carriage house to her brother’s restaurant, The Mason Jug.

  The sound of rubber spinning wildly on the pavement caught her attention. Headlights flashed on, almost blinding her as a car whizzed by, sending pebbles in the air, pelting her legs. The wind swirled as the car sped past.

  She jumped to the side. “Jerk,” she muttered, bringing her fingers through her hair. Hopefully, she’d gotten all the strands back in the proper place. She wanted to look perfect. Sexy. She glanced over her shoulder and listened to the tires screech as the car rounded the corner and out of sight. Idiot didn’t even honk his horn.

  She gave up on the hair and slowed her steps to a snail’s pace. Propositioning Jared Blake last night hadn’t been her most brilliant idea. He barely even viewed her as a grown-up, much less a bed partner. Not that it mattered. The hunky state trooper had accepted a job transfer and would be moving in two weeks.

  Broken gravel crunched under her shoes as she made her way up the path toward the main door of the converted old barn. Her brother had done a bang-up job of remodeling. He had spent a small fortune on making the building look like a cozy log cabin. He’d even put in fresh perennials around the entire building. The bright neon sign hanging above the doorway was the only indication that this structure was indeed a bar and not a home. Well, that and this stupid gravel parking lot. She’d begged her brother to pave it, but he thought it added to the rustic feel of the place.

  The smell of baby back ribs sizzling on the grill assaulted her nose. There wasn’t anything better than a barbecue on a cool spring night.

  She clasped her hand on the doorknob, knowing her best friend Penny had been up to something. She turned her wrist and pushed back the door.

  “Surprise! Happy birthday!”

  She gasped, covered her mouth, and did her best to look shocked. Penny leaped at her, hurling her into the door. “Geez, let me breathe, would ya?” Ryan laughed as she glanced at all the balloons dancing against the rugged beams. The inside of the Mason Jug still looked more like a barn, but that was part of the charm.

  Her friends pulled at her like the rope in a game of tug-of-war. Although not a surprise, the party did give her a chance to relax. She’d never planned a one-night stand before. Heck, she’d never had one. But what scared her most, Jared hadn’t run for the hills when she suggested they take a walk on the wild side.

  Although, he hadn’t agreed to participate in anything. Actually, he’d chuckled, kissed her temple, and left her leaning a
gainst her door, breathless. He probably thought she’d been joking since he had ignored the proposition.

  “Wow, Pen. Great job.” Ryan checked out the decorations. Fresh red and white flowers filled the center of every table and booth, matching the checkered tablecloths. Leave it to Penny to make sure nothing clashed. A big happy birthday sign dangled above the bar. “I can’t believe you did this.”

  “Yeah, well.” Penny shrugged. “Come on, let’s mingle.”

  Ryan spent the next hour alternating between laughing and looking over her shoulder for Jared. Just once, she would have liked him to put something before his job. She winced. Sex with her probably wasn’t high on his to-do list.

  She licked her fingers after stuffing her mouth with the best chocolate cake in town. “This is from the baker we use at the hotel.” She poked Penny in the arm. “Who’d you get to help you with all this?”

  “Not telling. Did I surprise you?”

  “Not really.” The front door opened, and her stomach jumped into her throat. She held her breath for a long moment, but it wasn’t Jared who had stepped into the restaurant. Closing her eyes, she exhaled. What had she been thinking offering herself up like a desperate schoolgirl? And to Jared of all people. She blinked open her eyes only to find Penny looking at her as if she were some pathetic spinster or something. “Don’t look at me like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like you feel sorry for me or something.”

  “Well, I did hear that Jared took a transfer to some unit in Rochester, New York. And he’s selling the house. You okay?” Penny offered a hug.

  “Why wouldn’t I be okay?” Ryan pulled away.

  Penny tilted her head. “Please, it’s me you’re talking to. I know you’ve got the hots for him.”

  Ryan used to think he’d never be able to see her as anything other than his best friend’s dorky kid sister. “And I’m going to have him tonight. Who’s the stud?” She pointed to some guy who had “Penny’s latest” written all over him.

  With a sparkling, pearly-white smile, Penny responded, “Chuck. I told you about him…” Her jaw dropped, and her big, brown eyes looked like they were going to pop right out of her head. “What did you say?”


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