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Page 25

by Rick Lakin

  “Unfortunately, you caught me at a bad time. My research hasn't borne fruit. I received an offer from a large company for my patents and research. In exchange, their company will retire my debt and provide me a small royalty. Today, I'm closing down my lab and releasing my employees.”

  “I'm sorry to hear that. What amount of funding would you need to retire your debt and continue your research for six months?”

  “My debt totals one-point-three million dollars and our monthly expenses run about two-hundred thousand,” Piper said.

  “If I sent you funding for one month, could you give me time to create a request for proposal so that we could grant you the funding you need?”

  “What do you need in return?”

  “You happen to have the technology my company needs to complete a project in the very near term. If you helped us with that, JennaTech would assign you any additional patents and thirty percent of the royalties derived from them. We would need you to fly to the West Coast for three weeks.”

  “This is rather sudden.”

  “If you joined JennaTech as a wholly-owned subsidiary, our company would assign you and your employees sixty percent of the royalties for patents that you originate and an equal share for those you help us develop.”

  “My company would disappear?”

  “Your brand would be maintained, and you would receive five percent of JennaTech.”

  “You are making a big bet on me,” Piper said. After reflection, “That would be agreeable and generous.”

  “I have to consult my team for approval of the initial funding. I'll call you in two hours.”

  “I look forward to your call.”

  At GGG, Jennifer went to Steven’s desk carrying two cups of coffee. She walked around the room to look at the pictures on the wall depicting the history of her family business. There were even a couple of grainy black and white photos of her great-great-grandfather who had come from Ireland and started Gallagher Gaffers and Grips.

  Steven came into his office. “Steven, are we making progress on the drones?"

  “We are on track to have a flying prototype in three weeks. HumanAI is fabricating our designs. My optics engineer has done some innovative work with the mirror and the camera. Jake's coming up with some innovative software design for the drone and the truck interface,” Steven said. “Sam, the incredible designer from GGG, tells me he will be able to create the truck from off-the-shelf equipment with Jake's AI software to compile the images.”

  “The good news is that the signal networking and control is solved, but our biggest problem is power distribution. Wi-Pow base stations only serve two clients. We would need at least twenty Wi-Pow bases on the ground to fly forty units. I have a power engineer on it, but he is up against a wall.”

  “I think that I may have a solution. I spoke with Dr. Piper Simmons at the Ell Donsaii School of Physics at NC State. She has applied for a patent for a Multiple Beam Independently Tracked Power-Transfer System. Each base station would be able to power ten drones.”

  “I read about her ideas, but I understand that her funding has run out and critics are saying that it isn't a viable technology,” Steven said.

  “It's correct that there are funding issues. I have reason to believe that the technology is immediately viable and that Piper can help us solve this problem in the very near term,” Jennifer said. “As soon as I get Mom’s approval, she is flying out here.”

  “That should put us back on track,” Steven said.

  “Thanks for your hard work,” Jennifer said.

  Jennifer was back in her car en route to Tovar. “Sami, call my mom.”

  “Hello, Jennifer. How is it going?”

  “I talked to Navvy, and I am off Brilliant for now,” Jennifer said.

  “That’s good,” Sheila said.

  “Navvy suggested a scientist and she may have a solution for the power problem with the mini-drones.”

  “What’s the price tag?”

  “I need for you to authorize two-point-five million to hire her and acquire her company.”

  “That’s a steep price tag. How do you know this will work?” Sheila asked.

  “Mom, Navvy recommended her because this is the same technology used by the Plasma weapon system aboard Brilliant.”


  “Brilliant was built in the other timeline where her technologies had already been invented,” Jennifer said. “When Navvy sees the inventions on this timeline, he can release the Brilliant tech that is derived from it.”

  “And become the first trillionaire,” Sheila said. “Okay, I'm in. Give me the numbers.”

  “I'm going to transfer five-hundred thousand to Dr. Piper Simmons to hold her over. She'll fly here and get us out of the Wi-Pow jam. Then, I'll offer two million for her company and five percent of JennaTech.”

  “That's a big gamble, Jennifer, but I've learned not to play seven-card stud with you if I want to keep my money. It's approved. How much do you need initially?”

  “I promised her two hundred thousand by four p.m. Pacific to keep her on her feet. She'll then fly out here to work with our team. When her Wi-Pow base station hits the market, we'll become a billion-dollar company within one year.”

  “The vision thing?”

  “Yes, Mom.”

  “Call your troops and share the plan.”

  “Sami, call Piper for me,” Jennifer said.

  “Hi, Jennifer,” Piper answered.

  “I'm sending you a transfer of two hundred thousand dollars upon your agreement to merge with JennaTech. we'll then turn it over to the lawyers.”

  “I agree.”

  “Can you fly to LAX on Sunday? You'll have a bungalow at the Beverly Hilton during your stay here.”

  “Is that close to Roscoe's? I heard that their fried chicken and waffles would make me homesick.”

  “I'll take you there Sunday evening. I love that place, too.”

  “I look forward to meeting you.”

  They hung up, and then Sami popped up. “There's a message from Kathy.”

  “Read it back.”

  “Jennifer, you have been assigned to assist Nessa Buskirk as the Second Assistant Director on Star Doctor, a new fall series that has been in production for three weeks. You are to meet with Nessa at ten a.m. on Sound Stage Four tomorrow,” Sami repeated.

  “I acknowledge and confirm.”

  “You have access to scripts, budget, and production notes.”

  “Thanks, Sami, I guess I have a new job.”


  Star Doctor

  Jennifer parked her Prius at Tovar Studios on Friday morning. After meeting with the writers, she would report to her new position as Second Assistant Director on a new television series called Star Doctor.

  Her first stop was at Sound Stage Four to extract her double-shot caramel Frappuccino. As of today, she had secure access to this sound stage where she would officially report at ten a.m.

  Jennifer walked around the set. The crafts people were busy preparing for today's shooting schedule. She saw Bill Kowalewski, a gaffer she met on her first day. “Good mornin', Bill. How are you doing?”

  “It's Intern Girl. Hi, Jen. Are you joining us?”

  “Yes, I'm assigned to Nessa Buskirk as Second Assistant.”

  Bill grimaced. “You may not be able to learn a lot from her. She has been a bit overwhelmed. She did well on her last set as Second Assistant and got promoted to this project. She's in over her head. We are behind schedule and over budget,” he explained. “But you, Jen, you need to have a positive attitude and help her as much as you can and learn from the experience.”

  “I'll do that.” She noticed the HoloPad in his hand. “Bill, how's the HoloPad working out?”

  “It's one of the best tools I've come across since I've been in the business. It saves my crew and me three hours a day. I use the Script Assistant to help me plan lights. It would be nice to have an app for the lighting team.” He gav
e Jennifer a curious look. “What do you know about the HoloPads?”

  “Bill, I created all of the apps folks are using. Tell me what a Lighting Buddy would do.”

  “So, you are the one who has been shaking the place up? Okay, we need a map of the stage, the location for points to hang lights, and hard points for the heavy equipment. Of course, we need power distribution and then an inventory of lighting instruments,” Bill explained.

  “How about communications with the warehouse and the delivery vehicles?”

  “That would be nice. Our guys spend a lot of time hoofing it between the sets and storage. Finally, we need to be able to map the set based on the script to program the lighting.”

  “Is safety an issue?”

  “Absolutely, gravity and electricity aren't our friends. Safety Buddy is helpful, but it isn't specific to the issues we face in lighting.”

  “Okay, I'll build hooks into Safety Buddy to monitor cabling and power draw to prevent overloads, and I'll use safety cameras to check for proper mounting and security.”

  “That sounds like a big project. Will I have it before I retire next year?” Bill asked.

  “Sami, is this something we can implement quickly?”

  Sami's holo image popped up to Jennifer's right. “Bill, I should have Sound Stage Four mapped and running by lunch with about seventy percent of the features. Check your pad after lunch for an app called Lighting Buddy,” Sami explained. “Boss, I'll have the rest of Tovar mapped and have the feature-rich app ready by Monday.”

  “Amazing. Now, if you could invent something so we could get rid of all the cables,” Bill said.

  “I was just thinking that,” Jennifer said. “Can you hold that thought for two months?”

  Bill’s eyes got very large. “You may be just what Nessa needs to get her on the right track.”

  “Thanks, Bill. Does Nessa have a HoloPad?"

  “No, she juggles three legal pads and an old-fashioned notebook computer.”

  “That's good to know. I'll get her a Pad before I return. I'm off to the Writers' Room. I'll see you after.”

  “Sami, ask Grayson if I can pick up a HoloPad for Nessa.”

  Jennifer attended to her writer's duties and then returned to the set at nine-thirty. On the way out, she ran into an Autonomous Delivery Vehicle that was flashing her name. “Yes?”

  “I have a HoloPad for you from Grayson.”

  She took the Pad. “Tell Grayson thanks. Can you give me a ride to Sound Stage Four?”

  When she arrived back at her set, she waved at Bill and then shrugged her shoulders with the obvious question. Bill pointed to the corner on her right and a very cluttered desk. Jennifer saw a short, dark-haired, thirty-something female who was very thin and looked both confused and flabbergasted. Jennifer diagnosed the problem and detoured to Craft Services and lopped salmon cream cheese on one bagel and a maple syrup version on the other and approached her new boss.

  Nessa looked up and started babbling. “Who are you? Are you the new girl they told me they were sending? I told them I didn't need any help. I'm catching up. Wait, how old are you?” Jennifer set the bagels on the desk. “Omigod, is that a bagel for me? I haven't eaten a full meal in three days. Hi, I'm Nessa.”

  “Hi, Nessa, I'm Jennifer Gallagher. I was sent over to learn from you how to be a Second Assistant Director because they said you were the best.” Jennifer spoke slowly so that Nessa had time to inhale the bagel. “I just turned seventeen, I have been interning for three weeks, and I look forward to working with you.”

  “Are you the HoloPad girl? I've wanted one since I heard about it, but I just haven't had time to go pick one up. I heard that you helped people do better and faster work. I have been pretty good at using my legal pads and my notebook. I probably don't need a Pad anyway.”

  Jennifer reached into her bag and pulled out a HoloPad. “I come bearing gifts,” Jennifer said.

  “No effing way! Thank you so much. Does it have one of those Buddy things? How can I learn this and still do everything?” Nessa unconsciously picked up the second bagel and took her first bite. “This bagel is sooo good. Thanks. Do you know what a Second does? Do you think you can help me?”

  “I studied the duties of Second Assistant. I memorized the script and the schedule. I have a good idea of what's supposed to go on here. Let me help you get set up for the day, and at the first break, I can show you how to create a HoloBuddy who can be your assistant.”

  “Thanks, Jennifer. Maybe I do need an assistant. Could you get me another bagel? I think that my sugar's low. And, another cup of espresso. I don't get going until I've had three. Do you think that a HoloBuddy will help me?”

  “Yes, now sit down and get your schedule on top. I'll get you a bowl of granola and a carton of milk.”

  Jennifer returned as Dr. Ami came out of her virtual dressing room.

  “Good morning, Nessa, what's the first scene?” Dr. Ami said.

  Nessa scrambled through the papers on her desk. Jennifer picked up a paper and handed it to Nessa. “The first scene is third-floor rounds with your interns. You will visit a child who is suffering severe abdominal pain.”

  “Thank you, Nessa. I see you have an assistant today.”

  “Yes, Dr. Ami. Meet Jennifer Gallagher, a summer intern who will be my second AD.”

  “Nessa, Miss Gallagher is also known as Jendroid aboard Brilliant. She played a key role in bringing the ship back to Tovar on Wednesday.” Nessa now looked at Jennifer with astonishment and respect.

  “Thank you, Doctor. I did my best.”

  “I suspect that if you do that here, you will help us bring home a hit. Welcome to the show.”

  “I didn’t realize that virtual doctors got bored,” Jennifer said.

  Dr. Ami winked. “I sent Navvy some hints that I could be helpful in a real hospital. He came up with a semi-scripted reality show in the StarCruiser Brilliant universe. I get to be an attending physician in the pediatric ward at Hollywood Methodist Hospital.”

  “Isn’t the virtual actor equipment difficult to install?” Jennifer asked.

  “Navvy and HumanAI are creating more advanced projection technology. Hollywood Methodist has the equipment to support my presence wherever I need to be. I think that Navvy is planning to create some sisters for me at other hospitals.”

  “That idea might put his wealth over a trillion dollars,” Jennifer said.

  Dr. Ami looked at Nessa and the granola and milk. “I see that you are eating more healthy food. A woman doesn't live on Bagels and cream cheese alone.”

  During the first break, “Nessa, look at your HoloPad and then ask it to set up a HoloBuddy. You can create any image you want, any name, any accent and then you can assign any administrative scut work and your Buddy will perform it and keep you up to date,” Jennifer explained.

  “The name of my dream guy is Nathan. Does he have to wear a shirt?” Nessa asked.

  “No, Nessa”

  Jennifer went to the coffee machine for her third double-shot caramel Frappuccino. She observed Dr. Ami. On Brilliant, the doctor was there to stitch up wounds and stabilize injured crew members until they could have access to advanced medical care. On her new series, Dr. Ami used her greatest gift, her bedside manner. According to the Brilliant Tech Manual, she was a composite of all the great healers of history from Hippocrates to Freud to the Mayo Brothers. Dr. Ami possessed their knowledge of the medicine to heal the patient, but also their ability to impart to the patient the ability to repair their wounds through mental attitude and stamina.

  “Is it possible to put all my documents on the HoloPad?” Nessa asked.

  Jennifer turned her attention to help Nessa. The stored paper documents are already there. Just point the camera at the paper to import your written notes.”

  “Thanks,” Nessa said as she turned her wandering attention in another direction.

  A tap on her shoulder caused Jennifer to turn. “I see that you are still drinking that lethal
caffeine-sugar concoction,” Dr. Ami said. “At least you are helping Nessa eat better.”

  “You are very observant, Doctor.”

  “For any good doctor, that's our superpower,” the doctor said. “What's your superpower, Jennifer.”

  “You are very good at asking the question that gets to the point,” Jennifer said. “I can analyze and solve problems quickly, and I can help others learn to handle difficult technological situations,” Jennifer said.

  “Is that why you are here on this low-budget television series?”

  “I think this is where I should be right now. Nessa needs my help getting organized,” Jennifer said.

  “Brilliant is where you are meant to be. Did you leave because of what David said?”

  Jennifer thought of the hurtful thing that David said and what her mother said, “That and my mother forbids me from setting foot on the ship. I need to shift my focus from Brilliant to something else.”

  “Jennifer, you will be successful here. And, you will be successful there. You will succeed at whatever endeavor you choose. Most people would give anything for that. For you, it's a burden.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You are so successful at everything you try that it tears you away from your destiny.”


  “Isn’t that a statement rather than a question. What's your real question?”

  “Will it help me find my father?”

  “Maybe it already has.”

  “Dr. Ami, what do you….”

  Just then, Nessa shouted, “Places, everyone!”

  “Chase your destiny, Jennifer,” Dr. Ami said and then walked back to the set.

  Nessa’s HoloBuddy popped up about three times an hour without a shirt to cover his six-pack abs. He was the prototypical cover model of all the romance novels that Jennifer studiously avoided reading over the years.

  When the Assistant Director called an end to the day’s shooting, the Director, Christopher Cherry, took her aside, “This was our most productive day since we began this project. Thank you for helping Nessa get organized.”


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