Book Read Free


Page 30

by Rick Lakin

  “Yes, Doctor,” Dr. Ami said. “Captain, Dr. Goldstein requests that you set gravity to Earth Normal.”

  The Captain received the request from Sick Bay. “Pilot, set gravity to Earth Normal.”

  Jack depressed the communicator, “How is that, Allen?”

  “That's much more like it for me. Thank you,” Dr. Goldstein responded.

  “Good luck, Dad,” Jennifer said.

  “Thanks, Jen, I expect you will have your father back in a couple of hours.”

  “I hope that he's as good that the one I have now.”

  “I appreciate that, Jen. We'll do our best.”

  “How do you stand this gravity? I feel twenty klims heavier,” Kalinda asked.

  “When was the last time that you ate?” Navvy asked.

  “I haven't had sustenance during this awake cycle.”

  “Let’s go down to the Galley and see if Maiara can add a couple of klims,” Jennifer said.

  “And ask her to send some snacks up to the Bridge,” Jack said.

  “Dr. Goldstein, the patient's vitals remain normal.”

  “Good. Dr. Ami, make the next laser cut along the toroidal axis and expose the greater occipital nerve,” Dr. Goldstein said. “Do you have any music in here?”

  “What do you prefer, Doctor?”

  “I'm a Deadhead. You do the math.”

  “Ani, play Grateful Dead in Sick Bay.”

  Dr. Ami cut a wedge exposing the nerve. “Very good, Doctor. Now excise the nerve.”


  “If I'm going to certify you for general and neurosurgery after this is over, you must demonstrate the skills as I instruct. So far, you demonstrated the best hands of any surgeon that I have worked with.”

  “Thank you so much, Dr. Goldstein. I'm honored.”

  “Let’s cut this nasty monster out of this man’s head and then we can placate each other with honorifics.”

  The two doctors continued to work with the fast pace of a well-honed team.

  “The suppressor is no longer functioning. EEG is nearly flat lining. Brain function appears to be severely impaired.” The nerves were now free, and the final laser cuts readied the intruder for removal.

  “You predicted this based on past surgeries. Let’s get that intruder out of there,” Dr. Goldstein said.

  The two doctors continued to work diligently. Allen observed a marked acceleration in the actions of Dr. Ami. The intruding toroid was finally removed from Anthen’s head.

  “Dr. Ami, bring him out of anesthesia. Let’s verify our nerve connections,” Dr. Goldstein said. “Kalim, can you hear me?”

  “Who is Kalim? My name's Anthen Kelrithian. Where am I?”

  “You are recovering from surgery aboard StarCruiser Brilliant.”

  “Was I injured on the planet?”

  “Yes. We need to check to see if everything works.” The two doctors did a complete neurological inventory to check for any paralysis. The test was successful.

  “I have a daughter?” Anthen said.

  “Yes, and she's nearby. You will be able to see her very soon,” Dr. Goldstein said. “We are going to put you back to sleep now.”

  “Very nice job, Dr. Ami. Please close him up.”

  “Thanks, Doctor. His brain function is improving rapidly,” Dr. Ami said.

  Kalinda returned to the bridge and was standing between Tayla and Jennifer, closely observing their consoles as the girls pointed out functions.

  “Ani, report?”

  “Captain, we are three hours from the closest point of approach.”

  “Very well, Ani.”

  “Captain, the Finsler maneuver will put us in the baffles of the Mendex, but I haven’t figured out how we are going to get on board their ship. They certainly aren’t going to welcome the shuttle,” Jennifer said.

  Jack smiled, “Navvy?”

  “I recently installed a device on the Brilliant that dematerializes matter and rematerializes it at a remote location,” Navvy explained.

  “A Transporter. Seriously?”

  “When we first got here, Navvy started watching all the episodes of each Star Trek series,” Jack said. “He told me one day that Brilliant had to have one of those. So, he built one.”

  Jennifer looked at Navvy, “How Trekkie of you. Why's it not in the manual?”

  “Our Brilliant’s gotta have some secrets,” Navvy said.

  Dr. Goldstein came up the ladder, removed his head covering and stood next to the Captain. “Doctor?”

  Everyone turned to Allen. He looked at Jennifer and Kalinda. “The surgery took longer then expected, but it was completely successful. Kalinda, he asked about you. Jennifer, he's still reforming his old memories, and he isn't ready for new ones yet. Could you hold off on introducing yourself for a while?”

  “Yes, Dad, and thanks.”

  “My compliments to your skill, Doctor,” Jack said.

  “Dr. Ami performed most of the surgery. She's extremely competent. I'm going to nominate her as a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons when we get back.”

  “Stop by the Galley, Doctor, and relax after a job well done. Hopefully, you can enjoy the rest of this pleasure cruise.”

  “Thanks, Captain. Anthen will be up and around in a couple of hours. Navvy, you and Kalinda may go down to see him right now. Captain, the patient may benefit from Moon gravity now.”

  “Pilot, make it so.”

  Allen cautiously grabbed the fireman’s pole and slid down a deck. Navvy followed with cautious experience. Kalinda took a leap and bounced down a deck.

  “One down, one to go,” Jack said.

  “Who's going to the Camdex?” Jennifer asked.

  “Riley and I will go over,” Jack said.

  “Captain, you need to be here to fight the ship against the Camdex,” Jennifer said. “I need to go.”

  “Jennifer, this will be dangerous.”

  “Brilliant needs you on the bridge. Riley and I need to go get David back,” Jennifer paused. “I need David back.”

  “Can you handle a blaster?”

  “I'm certified as a marksman on the simulator.”

  “Very well, but try to avoid using it.”

  As Brilliant approached the red dwarf, the bridge crew was relaxed but ready. Riley was in the pilot’s seat, and Jennifer was to his right in the Operations seat. Proxima Centauri filled the screen at full magnification. Although very massive for a small star, it’s actual diameter is only a third larger than Jupiter, with only one planet that orbits in the Goldilocks zone. Being that close to a red star, though, means the conditions on the planet prevent it from sustaining life. The Hoclarth had an unmanned way station in orbit around the planet.

  “Sensor Alert. The Camdex has appeared on long-range sensors. Captain, we are one hour from the closest point of approach to Proxima Centauri. The Camdex will intercept three minutes after CPA.”

  “Very well, Ani. Ops, what is our weapons load?”

  “Two Smart Tactical Autonomous Long-Range Torpedoes loaded in tubes, one STALT in reserve, full dazzler, and close-in plasma weapons.”

  “We have the toys. Let’s hope that your tactics work, Jennifer.”

  Anthen Kelrithian came up the pole to the Bridge followed by his father. “This place looks very familiar.” Jennifer turned to look at her father in person for the first time.

  “Welcome back, Anthen,” Jack said.

  “Same old Brilliant but some new faces. Could you introduce yourselves?” Anthen said.

  “I'm Riley McMaster, Engineer and Pilot.”

  “I’m Tayla Mendoza on Communications.”

  “I’m Jennifer Gallagher.”

  “I used to date a Sheila Gallagher.”

  “My mother, Sir,” Jennifer said.

  Anthen furrowed his brow realizing that he was missing something when he said, “I guess I'll meet David again when you can get him back. Apparently, you need some information?”

  Jennifer and Riley met A
nthen at the Science Station. “Riley and I will transport to the Camdex and get him back. We need you to tell us how to do that,” Jennifer said.

  Anthen looked for some buttons and controls. “The console configuration has changed. I would like to display a drawing of the Camdex,” Anthen said.

  Jennifer moved her hands in the air and a 3D drawing of the ship appeared before them.

  “Impressive,” Anthen said. “Looks like I need to review the Brilliant Tech Manual.”

  “I can answer any questions you have right now. I can recite it verbatim,” Jennifer said.

  “I thought Navvy and I were the only ones who could do that,” Anthen said, scratching his cheek in a puzzled manner. “Okay, the Camdex has a minimal crew. You will transport to this point. It's deserted and not wired with sensors. Go forward and avoid the sensors. They will slow you down. Jennifer, apparently you have a good memory?”

  “I have a visual eidetic memory. I have the drawing memorized, Sir.”

  Again, he looked at her as if he was missing something. “The detention facility is located one deck up in the center of the ship. All of the Hoclarth Predexes have the code to bring down the force field, but it's a long stream of Hoclarth characters.” He manipulated a drawing and exposed a close-up of the keypad that opened the force field detaining David. “Watch closely.” Anthen pressed twenty images in order on the keypad. “Would you like to see it again?”

  “No, Sir, I’ve got it.”

  “Show me.” Jennifer keyed in the sequence exactly as Anthen had. “Impressive,” Anthen said.

  “Once you release David, the alarms will sound. You should have thirty seconds to return to the transporter point. You will be cutting it close. Are there any questions?”

  “Are there any physical barriers?” Riley asked.

  “You will pass through three hatches that are built just like those on U.S. Navy Ships. They are ovals, and the bottom is about eight inches above the floor. The Navy calls them knee-knockers. Don’t trip over them.”

  “Thank you, Sir. It’s nice to have you back on board the Brilliant,” Jennifer said.

  “Good luck to both of you.”

  “Camdex is five million kilometers behind us. They will close to one million in three minutes.”

  “Very well, Ani. Ops, read the procedure once more,” Jack said.

  “At one million we'll turn to intercept, deploy a STALT in standoff, and engage the StarDrive for three one-hundredths of a second.”

  “Wish we knew if this was going to work,” Jack said.

  “Sensor Alert. Detecting a StarCruiser in the baffles of the Camdex.”

  “Asked and answered,” Jack said.

  “Camdex is hailing us, Sir,” Tayla said.

  “On Screen.”

  The bearded Predex of the Camdex appeared on screen. “Heave to and be boarded. I’ll trade your crew man for my daughter. If you do not comply, I’ll destroy your ship,” Kalea Komdor said.

  “Very well, Camdex,” Jack said. “Screen off. Pilot begin your turn to the Camdex. Release the STALT when we are face-to-face.”

  Riley and Jennifer acknowledged.

  “Ani, at 500,000 engage the StarDrive,” Jack said. “Ani, you will pilot this evolution.”

  “Captain, I used to be a pretty good pilot,” Anthen said.

  “You’ve got it, then. Welcome back, Anthen.”

  “STALT is released. Tube is reloading.”

  “Riley and Jennifer to the Hangar Bay. Maiara will operate the transporter controls.”

  Riley and Tayla touched hands as she made her way to the Ops position and Riley dropped down a deck behind Jennifer.

  “Predex, the StarCruiser has released a weapons drone,” the Navigator said.

  “Shields up. Activate weapons,” Predex Kalea Komdor said. “Destroy them.”

  “Predex, they are no longer onscreen. They engaged their StarDrive.”

  “That's suicide this close to the star. They are insane.”

  “Intruder Alert!”

  Riley and Jennifer arrived at the Hangar Deck and stood on two of the five circular pads.

  “Good luck, you two,” Maiara said.

  “Hangar Deck, we are in range. Transport the away team,” Jack said over the communications.

  Jennifer and Riley felt a distinct tingling as they dissolved into nothing.

  Jennifer and Riley rematerialized in the storage compartment on the Camdex, “Riley, follow my steps exactly and watch the knee-knockers,”

  “Yes, Jen.”

  Riley watched closely as Jennifer stepped gingerly along the passageways to avoid the sensors. It took about a minute to arrive at the Detention Facility, and Jennifer saw David.

  “Took you guys long enough. Can you get me out of here?”

  “The Captain said it was my choice if you showed too much attitude.”

  “Away team is aboard the Camdex, Captain”

  “Very well, First Lieutenant,” Jack said. “Ops, cloak the ship and raise shields. Lower them when you hear Jennifer call for transport.”

  “Shields are up. The ship is cloaked,” Tayla said.

  “Ani, lay in a course out of the gravity well.”

  Jennifer stepped up to the keypad that controlled the force field detaining David. “Ready to run? This is going to set off alarms.” She typed in the characters as Anthen instructed. The force field dropped, and alarms began to sound.

  “Cat’s out of the bag. Hurry up, David, we have thirty seconds,” Riley said.

  They ran and almost made it before Riley slammed his shin into the bottom of the third hatch and fell. It cost them ten seconds. David and Jennifer helped Riley up and assisted him to the storage compartment. When they entered, they were met by Kalea Komdor and two guards. “Daughter of Kalim, we meet again.”

  “Transport us now,” Jennifer communicated to Brilliant.

  “You won't escape this time.”

  Kalea raised his blaster and pointed it at Jennifer. Jennifer started to feel the tingling again. At the same time, David jumped in front of Jennifer. The last thing Jennifer saw was the bright flash of a blaster.

  Jennifer, David, and Riley materialized on the Brilliant. David was standing in front of Jennifer. When the transport was complete, David collapsed.

  Jennifer shouted, “Captain, David took a blaster to the chest. Set gravity to five percent so we can move him to Sick Bay.” Maiara ran to assist Jennifer. “Riley, go to the Bridge. We’ve got this.”

  “Captain, Camdex is turning to attack,” Ani said.

  “Sick Bay, prepare for incoming,” Jack announced. “Pilot, engage gravity drive at maximum speed. Shields up.”

  “Ops, Release STALT from starboard tube. Set to chase and disable.”

  Riley reached the Bridge and limped to the pilot’s chair. “Anthen, take the Science seat and configure for weapons. Are you okay, Riley?”

  “STALT away,” Tayla reported.

  “I should have looked before I leaped, Captain,” Riley said.

  “Weapons configured on Science,” Anthen said.

  “You still a good shot, Buddy?”

  “On Hoclarth, I can hit the middle eye of a framsel at two-hundred-fifty klarks.”

  “That good, huh?”

  Jennifer and Maiara brought David into Sick Bay. Dr. Ami directed the two to position David on the table. “He’s barely conscious, Doctor. What should I do?”

  David whispered, “Ask my dad to come down. Jennifer, are you okay?”

  “Yes, David. You saved my life,” Jennifer said.

  “I hate to see the one I love on her butt.”

  Jennifer leaned in and kissed David, “I love you, too, Movie Star.” She looked at her step-dad. His grim look told her all she needed to know.

  Dr. Ami worked so quickly that her hands blurred as she positioned equipment and inserted tubes into David’s body.

  “Send Jack down here,” Allen said.

  Jennifer took three steps and bounded up
the fire pole.

  Jennifer came up to the bridge of the Brilliant and Jack turned his chair and saw a very emotional girl. “It’s bad, Sir. You need to get down to Sick Bay.”

  “Camdex is attacking,” Jack said.

  “We’ve got this, Sir. Go be with David. I’ve got the ship.”

  “Very well.”

  “Sir, he saved my life.”

  Jack jumped out of his chair and was down the fire pole in a flash.

  “Ani, report.” She looked around the Bridge. Her father sat to her left on a weapons panel. Riley was in the pilot’s seat and Tayla at the Operations and Weapons console. The display showed Proxima Centauri receding, and the tactical display showed Camdex in close pursuit.

  “Officer of the Deck, Camdex isn't gaining now while fighting off the STALT. We have one STALT remaining in the tube. We are twelve minutes to our exit from the gravity well.”

  “Very well.” Jennifer looked at that odd angle of Riley’s leg and then saw the extreme pain in his face.

  “First Lieutenant, can you do advanced first aid?” Jennifer paged down to Sick Bay.

  “Yes, Jennifer.”

  “Bring up the tools to fix a broken leg and give Riley localized painkillers. I need him to remain on duty.” At this, Tayla looked over to Riley in alarm.

  “Aye, aye,” Maiara responded.

  “Thanks, Jen,” Riley said.

  “We are going to fight this battle and win it now. Otherwise, this ship's going to be on our ass all the way to Earth. Are we ready?”

  Each crew member acknowledged.

  “Pilot, when we turn and engage we'll be within range of their meteors. I need you to evade the rocks and put me in a position to get a kill shot on their meteor cannon. Tayla and Riley, I'll assign you to handle drone fighters. Tay, make ready the STALT to release cloaked and get in position in their baffles to disable their propulsion and weapons,” Jennifer turned to Maiara, “How long will it take to get Riley back to battle-ready?”

  “It’s a simple fracture of the lower fibula. I have it immobilized. The painkillers should take effect in a minute.”


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