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Torque: A Bad Boy Next Door Romance (Burns Brothers Series Book 4)

Page 10

by Gillian Archer

  And that was how I found myself spooning Nathan on his large, fluffy sofa while ESPN played on the tv.

  It was about the closest thing to heaven I’d ever felt.

  And that was my last thought before I closed my eyes.

  Chapter Twelve


  I woke up the next morning with a crick in my neck and my morning wood pressed against the delectable ass of Maddie Roberts. Shit. How did this happen? I still couldn’t believe that this hottie with a thick ass and gorgeous personality—not to mention face—was my little sister’s best friend. Usually, I woke up annoyed that I couldn’t sleep more. Today I wished this moment could last longer.

  Although if she kept wiggling like that, it’d be the second time in less than twenty-four hours I came in my pants.

  Plus, I had to get to work. And so did she.

  “Maddie?” I murmured in her ear. “Maddie, what time do you gotta be at work, baby?”

  She groaned and buried her face in the pillow.

  It was fucking cute. Someone else wasn’t a morning person.


  “Dylan, leave me alone.” She groaned into the couch pillow.

  My smile deflated when I heard my brother’s name. I know it was innocent, but I still didn’t like hearing his name on her lips while she was in my arms. Fuck. I cleared my throat and tried to get that teasing tone back into my voice. “Maddie. Come on. Wake up. I gotta get ready for work and so do you.”

  She rolled her hips back, and her ass pressed against my erection again. Her body stiffened. “Uh…” She rubbed at her face then tipped her head back and saw me. “Nathan. But…”

  I waited, but she didn’t say anything else. “Morning, sunshine.”

  “Hey.” She blinked up at me like she wasn’t sure where she was or how she got here. “What time is it?”

  I craned my head to read my watch. “Six thirty.”

  “Right. I, uh—”

  Whatever she was going to say next was cut off by her ringtone.

  She closed her eyes with a wince but didn’t move to answer her phone.

  “Are you going to get that?”

  She shook her head. “That’s my mom’s ringtone, and I’m not awake enough for that.”

  I laughed as her phone continued to ring. “Well as much as I love holding you, I gotta get ready for work.”


  The ringtone stopped playing then immediately began again.

  “Crap.” Maddie struggled to get out of my arms and off the sofa. “Something must be wrong.”

  Snatching her phone out of her purse, she stood up with her phone pressed against her face. “Mom?”

  I couldn’t hear the other end of the call, but I had to stay and make sure Maddie would be all right.

  “What’s wrong? You never call me this early.” She paused then slumped at whatever her mom said on the other end. “No, Mom. I’m okay. I’m just staying at Dylan’s until I sort out my lease with the landlord.”

  She paused.

  “Yes, you were right. The place is a dump. I never should’ve moved in there.”

  Another pause.

  “I’m sorry you had to hear about it from Wendy. I should’ve told you first.”


  “No, I’m not going to move back home. Yes, I know you’d love it if I did, but I’m an adult; I don’t want to move back into my childhood bedroom.”

  I should leave and give her some privacy. Shifting forward on the couch to do just that to do just that, I froze when her voice rose in agitation.

  “Well, I’m sorry it embarrasses you that I’m staying with Dylan and not you guys, but I’m not moving back home. Because I don’t want to. Last I checked, I’m still an adult and get to make my own decisions no matter what you think. Mom. Mom! Right, call me back when you’ve calmed down. Tell Dad hi for me.”

  She punched the red button and shoved her phone back into her purse.

  I felt like I was watching someone else. Maddie covered her face with her hands and gave a muffled scream.

  After a few deep breaths, she dropped her hands and flinched when she saw me still sitting on the couch. I felt like an ass. I knew I should’ve given her privacy for her phone call, but I’d been worried for her. And then it’d all happened so fast.

  “Sorry.” Maddie’s lips twisted in a frown. “I should get going. Let you get ready for work.”

  “I want to ask if everything is okay, but I kinda already know the answer.”

  “Yeah well, it’s my fault for not telling her. I was waiting until I had better news for her, but it’s just shitstorm after shitstorm here lately. With my mother’s embarrassment being the cherry on my shitty sundae.” She closed her eyes and shook her head. “I think I mixed my metaphors there, but you get the idea.”

  Reaching out, I pulled her into my arms. She was still at first but after a few beats she gave a shaky sigh and rested her chin on my shoulder.

  I nudged my nose against her cheek. “We still good for a date night tonight?”

  “Of course.” She tipped her head back and smiled at me. “It’s my turn to plan, right?”

  I had to smile back at the renewed sparkle in her eyes. “You being so excited to spend time with me is gonna turn me into an arrogant son of a bitch.”

  “Turn you into one? And here I thought you already were one.”

  I had to laugh at that. After a beat Maddie’s laughter joined mine. She smiled up at me with her sparkling doe eyes and my breath caught. I leaned forward and kissed her.

  “No.” She pulled back, holding a hand in front of her face. “Morning breath.”

  “Like I give a fuck.” I kissed her again just because I could.

  And she kissed me back.

  * * *

  An hour later I walked into a scene straight out a Hollywood cliché. Gorgeous women lined up from the front door all the way down the street. They were all stick thin, big tits, perfectly coiffed hair and makeup, and all clutching binders.

  “What the fuck is going on?” I murmured to myself. Wanting to avoid whatever the fuck that was, I snuck around and headed for the rear roller door.

  The scene I found inside wasn’t much different from the one out front. The same type of women were lined up while James was stationed with a camera crew in front of the cereal company bike we’d been working on.

  “What the fuck is going on?” I asked everyone and no one.

  Sure I was a little late coming in today, but I had to’ve missed a big fucking memo about James setting up interviews today. Was it legal to ask a woman’s chest size on an application? I didn’t think so, but he must have gotten around that little detail somehow.

  James swung around and gave me that annoying fake smile of his. “Good, you’re here. Now we can really get started.”

  “Started with what? I have a bike to build. You all can fuck right off outta here with your interviews. We don’t have time for that today.”

  “Ooooh,” the blonde with James groaned. “He’s just like he is on tv—all gruff and just—” She growled like a tiger.

  James’ smiled deepened as his eyes jumped from the blonde to me and back again. “I’m detecting a little chemistry here, hmmm?”

  “James, seriously. What the fuck.” If someone didn’t get this shitshow outta here I was going to go batshit crazy.

  But he wasn’t paying any attention to me. Ducking his head toward the guy with a clipboard next to him—who I’d never seen before—he said, “Let’s put Amber on the callback list. I think she’s definitely a contender. Thanks, honey. We’ll be in touch.”

  Amber walked away with a display of hip shaking and hair fluffing I’d never seen outside a strip club. And it didn’t give me any warm, fuzzy feelings about what was going on.

  “What’s with all the women?” Austin hollered as he entered the room from the same door as I had. “We got work to do today, James. What the fuck?”

  Ryan followed on his he
els, wide-eyed, looking everywhere and nowhere. Like he didn’t want to be caught looking.

  I couldn’t blame him. A lot of the shirts in the room were very…lowcut.

  “Ah, good. You’re here.” James clapped his hands as he approached us. His fake smile slipped. “Wait, where’s Dylan? We need Dylan here too.”

  Austin shook his head. “Don’t think he’ll be in today. He’s got nothing to work on, and the big reveal isn’t ‘til tomorrow. He’ll be here then.” Austin tilted his head and narrowed his eyes at James. “I’ve answered your question, now answer mine.”

  “We’re interviewing ladies for the front desk job. We’ve got this amazing idea that we turn it into—”

  “A circus.” I cut in. “Because that’s what it’s looking like to me.”

  “How the hell did you get all these women here so fast?” Ryan asked with a frown. “We only agreed to the new hire on Monday.”

  James rocked back on his heels and avoiding looking at us. He was like a fucking kid, trying to hide the truth from his parents. So fucking annoying. And obvious.

  “What did you do?” Austin asked, his tone low and menacing.

  Honestly, it was refreshing to see him actually give a fuck. Austin had been so cavalier about the business lately. Although it’d literally taken an invasion of models to wake him up.

  “What?” James smiled his shark smile. “This isn’t anything you guys haven’t already agreed to. What’s the problem?”

  “The problems are many.” Austin stepped into James’ personal space as his voice dropped into a menacing tone. “One, we have a bike to finish. As you well know since you’re filming the reveal tomorrow. Two, you have too many people in here who aren’t wearing any of the required PPE. OSHA would have a fucking field day if they showed up for an inspection today. And three, you aren’t hiring anyone. Personnel decisions at Badass Builds are to be made by us and only us. Check the fucking contract.”

  Austin whirled on his heel and stomped out of the shop toward the hall and—I assumed—his office.

  I gave James a smirk. “You heard the man. Get these fucking people out of our shop.”

  “But I don’t… I can’t—” James gasped and stuttered, completely at a loss for the first time I think I’ve ever known him.

  “We’re not kicking you guys out, James.” Ryan cut in.

  I turned and gave my brother a what the hell look. There were limits, and we were way beyond mine.

  Ryan refused to look in my direction. “You guys gotta clear out of the shop, though. How about you do your interviews in the front? Next to that kickass mural of our logo that Dylan painted.”

  “That could work.” James nodded slowly. “But we still need—”

  “You’re the best, James.” Ryan cut him off as he clapped James on the shoulder. “You might want to split your crews up because we still have to finish that bike. We’re on a deadline.”

  “But—” James tried to get his point across again, but he was talking to Ryan’s back.

  Because Ryan had already taken off in the same direction as Austin, leaving James and I standing there gaping like fucking trout.

  I tore off after him, pissed as hell that he’d left me out of another decision. Again.

  “What the fuck was that?” I shouted at his retreating back. I vaguely registered the sound of a film crew hustling behind me, but I was too pissed to care about it.

  Ryan waved a hand behind him as he strode into Austin’s office.

  “Since when do you get to make unilateral decisions that affect the shop?” I yelled as I blew into Austin’s office.

  “Who me?” Austin asked from behind his desk.

  “No, this asshole,” I retorted, jerking a thumb at Ryan. “Ry just told James to keep on doing the fucking interviews. What the hell, bro?”

  The door behind me opened wider as a cameraman pushed into the cramped office. That really didn’t help with my frustration. I hitched a shoulder as more people jostled behind me.

  “You did what?” Austin roared. “Bullshit!”

  Ryan lifted his palms in a placating gesture. Like he hadn’t just stirred up this whole hornets’ nest. “Hear me out.”

  “What’s there to fucking hear?” I yelled back. “You want to let James hire some actress wannabe to sit at our front desk. No confusion there!”

  Ryan took a breath, and I swore I heard him counting under his breath before he finally spoke. “No, I want you to sit in on the interviews and pick someone with half a brain who’ll fit in with our crew of assholes. That’s what I want.”

  “Huh.” Austin sat back in his chair.

  It took me a second to get my bearings back. Ryan had kinda stole my thunder there. Finally, I shook my head. “Why me?”

  “What?” Ry blinked back at me. “Would you rather spend your day wiring the fucking cereal bike?”

  “Fuck no.” Wiring jobs were the worst. All those tiny fucking wires to keep track of. Add in the fact that I get frustrated easily and usually at least one tool went through the wall. Last time it’d been Ryan’s crimper. But in my defense… Yeah, there was no way to finish that.

  “Besides, James will want you there.” Austin leaned back in his chair, the only one of us who looked comfortable with five guys in his tiny office. “He wants us to hire someone you have chemistry with. In fact, go call Dylan and get his lazy ass in here. He should sit in on the interviews too.”

  It was hard to tell which job would suck more—interviews or wiring. Six of one, half a dozen of the other really.

  Resigned, I jerked my chin in a nod at my brothers and pushed through the crew crowded at the door. After pulling my phone out of my back pocket, I tapped on Dylan’s contact. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw James waving his arms to get my attention. I already knew what he wanted. Pressing the speaker button, I held the phone up so James could see and I could talk into the end.

  It rang. And rang. And right before voicemail picked up, Dylan answered.

  “I’m busy.”

  “Good morning to you, sunshine.” I smiled and shook my head at the camera. “We need you to come in today. You know, earn that paycheck we deposit into your account every other week.”

  There were some muffled sounds from Dylan’s end—a lotta voices, shuffling, rustling. Like he was in a crowded place at eight in the morning. What the hell? Finally the click of a door and silence before Dylan spoke.

  “Don’t give me shit about not pulling my weight. I work until midnight some nights to keep us on schedule, and all because you guys take so long figuring out the design before you get the cans to me. I never come in on Thursdays. I’ll be there for the unveiling tomorrow. Like every fucking week.”

  “I don’t give a shit how late you stayed up a night or two ago. We’re interviewing receptionists, and Austin and Ryan want your ass here. Suck it up and get over here. Wait, are you even sober enough to drive? Do I need to send a car to pick you up?”

  “Yes, I’m sober.”

  “Then what—”

  “Look,” Dylan cut me off. “Give me an hour to tie up loose ends here, and I’ll be there.”

  “But what—” I blinked as the call cut off.

  Because my brother had hung up on me.

  What the hell? Where was he at eight in the morning that required him to ‘tie up loose ends,’ and what the hell were all those people doing in the background?

  Chapter Thirteen


  I was nervous. Would it look super obvious if I brought him dinner? Like I wanted to stay in so he could ravish me, please? Or was it obvious that I’d brought my purse so I could conveniently hide my toothbrush and extra undies? I mean I was only walking thirty feet from Dylan’s front door to Nathan’s. Oh crap, this was a bad idea. Maybe I should—

  Nathan’s front door swung open in the middle of my panic attack.

  “You cooked for me? Awesome. It smells amazing, Maddie.” His smile swept all my doubts and worries away. The man look
ed sexy without even trying. But he had tried. Instead of his usual stained jeans and t-shirt, he wore a buttoned-up shirt with clean jeans. Although it was tough to look away from his winking dimple. The thing haunted me in my dreams. But it slowly faded along with his smile. “Everything all right? Are you gonna come inside?”

  “What?” I blinked out of my PG-13 fantasies of kissing that dimple and realized I was still standing on the other side of his door. “Oh right.”

  I lifted my foot to step forward when the sound of Ryan’s condo door opening—right next door—spurred me into action. With wide eyes, I all but leapt inside Nathan’s place and slammed the door behind me.

  After a few beats, Nathan cleared his throat. “So, uh—”

  “Shhhh.” I hissed, tipping my head toward the now closed door.

  A second later the muffled sound of Felicity’s wailing came from the breezeway.

  “I thought she was asleep?” Ryan asked from only feet away, through Nathan’s door.

  Hope groaned then made shushing sounds. “She was, until Nathan slammed his door. You know how much she hates car rides. That’s why I wanted to wait ‘til she passed out before leaving.”

  I could just picture baby Fliss’s red face as she wailed. I felt a little bit bad, but at the same time I wasn’t ready for Ryan and Hope to know about me and Nathan. They’d have something to say about it, especially Ryan. Although I’d been closer to Sabrina and Dylan, Ryan had always felt like an older brother—in a way that Nathan never had. And I didn’t want to hear him harp on about all the ways this wouldn’t work out.

  I wanted to live in dreamland a little bit longer.

  Ryan’s voice grew fainter as they walked away, but I still heard him say over Fliss’ fading wails, “There goes date night. That asshole ruins my sex life in ways he doesn’t even know. It’s gonna take forever to calm her down once we get to Aunt Wendy’s house.”

  I turned to Nathan in horror over how close a call that’d been but instead of looking horrified, Nathan was grinning and smothering his laughter.


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