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The Legend of the Cursed Princess (The Royal Harem Series Book 3)

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by A. K. Koonce

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  About Nikki Hunter

  About A.K. Koonce


  The Legend of the Cursed Princess

  The Legend of the Cursed Princess

  Nikki Hunter

  A.K. Koonce

  The Legend of the Cursed Princess

  Copyright 2018 A.K. Koonce & Nikki Hunter

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover design by Take Cover Designs

  Editing by Proofreading by the Page

  The content of this book is protected under Federal Copyright Laws. Any unauthorized use of this material is prohibited. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without express written permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidence.

  Dedicated to Cormac, for getting stabbed through the heart and still only caring about his dick.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One – Death is only Temporary

  Chapter Two – Under the Sea

  Chapter Three – Another Merman

  Chapter Four – Love

  Chapter Five – The Thief

  Chapter Six – All Three of You

  Chapter Seven – Fucking Uncomfortable

  Chapter Eight — Alone at Last

  Chapter Nine –Once a Thief, Always a Thief

  Chapter Ten – Different but the Same

  Chapter Eleven –The Dungeon’s Prisoners

  Chapter Twelve –The Princess of Aveil

  Chapter Thirteen – Love and Hate

  Chapter Fourteen – A Fiancé and his Bride

  Chapter Fifteen –The Wrath of the Sea

  Chapter Sixteen – Dungeon Promises

  Chapter Seventeen – The Heart of the Sea


  Author Note

  About Nikki Hunter

  About A.K. Koonce

  Chapter One

  Death is only Temporary


  His beautiful sea blue eyes refuse to open. A frantic pace has taken over the pounding of my heart, but I can’t seem to move. Tighter, my hand grips his, my body leaning into him, desperate to change what I just did. But I can’t.

  Cormac Ryken is dead.

  Gripping the cold metal hilt, I tear the blade from his chest. A sob ruptures from me with it. My fingers slip unsteadily over the warm wound as if I can push the life back into him.

  Heavy white drops of snow begin to fall across us. It saturates my dark curls, stinging cold against my flesh. The dusting coats the ground and the thick crimson pool of blood that’s beginning to seep into the hem of my wedding dress.

  Warm tears slip down my face, falling onto the fabric of my dress, making a damp stain grow larger and larger like the pain pressing inside my chest.

  He trusted me to help him ...

  My eyes slip closed, refusing to hold myself together any longer. How did this happen? How could I do this to him?

  With a shuddering breath, Cormac lunges forward. A gasp tears from my lips as I see the man who was dead just minutes ago, staring wide-eyed around the garden.

  Carefully, he pulls his hand from mine.

  For a few moments, I just watch him in confusion.

  This can’t be real. None of this can be real.

  Shaking hands pat his chest, seeming to check if all is as it should be. Without warning, he flings his right hand down his pants. My brows rise high just as a long sigh of relief falls from his full lips.

  “Wh—What are you doing?” My voice is weak, quiet and scared.

  “Just making sure it’s still there. Last time something like this happened, I woke up at the bottom of the ocean with a few important body parts missing.”

  A startling laugh tumbles from my chest, releasing some of the tension along with it. The smile on my lips is gone as quickly as it came. Warm tears cling to my long lashes. I stare blurry eyed at his carefree face.

  He’s so young.

  With stiff shoulders he leans up, his hand pressing to his chest as he clenches his jaw.

  “Hurts.” Is all he manages to say.

  My numb fingers meet his. Hot blood smears across my hand as I press my index finger to the spot just over his heart. Smooth skin meets my touch; it’s entirely healed.

  A reckless shaking takes over my palms. Cormac glances down at the dagger still held in my other hand. Tenderly, he uncurls my fingers from the weapon. The clattering sound of the blade against concrete sounds through the air as he throws it away from us. My sorrow only deepens as I watch his hands quake while he repeatedly pushes down at the blood on his chest as if he could wipe the stain away.

  “Cohen will be here soon. He’ll know what this all means.” His gaze appears vacant while his words hold strength. The confidence he has in his brother surprises me.

  Cormac needs his brothers. Just like I do.


  “You stabbed him.” Cohen’s statement is so quiet I barely hear him. Confusion tinges his voice. I can’t manage to speak. A simple nod is all I give him. “In the heart? You stabbed my brother in the heart? Then he just got back up?”

  Nodding, I wrap my hands around myself. A deep red color still stains my palms, my gown is a dirty mixture of mud and blood.

  Cason studies Cormac closely as if he might turn into a monster at any moment. Cohen keeps his dark gaze on mine.

  The four of us are locked safely away in my bedchamber. Away from the prying eyes of my kingdom.

  “Why?” Cohen pushes, not in anger. No, I don’t feel anything other than confusion, sadness, even a bit of panic pulsing through this room.

  No one’s touched the dagger since Cohen threw it down on the table. White moonlight streams off the edge of the blade in a glorious and proud appearance.

  Cohen specifically said not to touch it again, and yet, I can’t tear my gaze off of it.

  Gruffly, he clears his throat and my eyes dart to the pure white sheets of my bed. He’s waiting for me to answer his question.

  Suddenly, I’m feeling small. Why did I do it?

  My mind races and races but all I can see is that face, the one that always seems to stare back at me when I’m holding the dagger.

  The fallen curls around my face dance as I shake my head. “I don’t know. It wanted me to. She wanted me to.”

  “It wasn’t her fault.” Cormac still holds his hand to his chest, and he hasn’t been able to look at me since he kissed me. Since before I sunk the dagger into his heart.

  “It wasn’t her fault? Really? I told you not to come here, Cormac.” Cohen turns to his brother. “I don’t even know what we’re doing any more. This is way beyond me. I thought we’d come here, we’d meet the princess, she’d give us a tour of the old castle and we’d be back to our normal selves again by the end of the day.” His rambling stops as his
attention falls to the floor. The moonlight rakes over his bronze skin. A line creases his brows. I’ve never seen Cohen hold an ounce of stress. Right now, he holds a lifetime of worry within him. “Less than thirty days; that’s all we’ve got.”

  Cormac gulps. “It wasn’t her. Her eyes, she wasn’t there.” He sounds lost. He sounds like how I feel.

  My footsteps carry me without a sound across the room to Cohen. I glance at Cormac as I pass, but he doesn’t meet my gaze. Carefully, I lay my hand over Cohen’s upper arm. Tension fills his frame.

  “We need to speak to your father. He started the curse, he’ll know how to end it,” I say to him.

  “You think over the past hundred years I never bothered to ask my father how to break the curse?”

  “Well, we’re doing great so far on our own.” I huff out a breath as my gaze glares up into his. “Your brother died, Cohen!” Anger tinges my voice. I hold out my bloodstained hands. He’s supposed to be the strong one. The logical one.

  “He came back, he’s fine. My father will not be the source of knowledge you’re looking for. You shouldn’t go down there.”

  The rage storming through my chest blazes out of control with his careless words.

  “Take me to your father. Now.”

  Chapter Two

  Under the Sea


  The four of us stare into the drifting waves. White stars reflect against the dark ominous waters. They shine with intensity as if the sea might steal them from the heavens to keep.

  “I don't think it’s a good idea for you to go down there,” Cohen finally admits.

  “I think she can handle it.” Cormac keeps his head down as he says it.

  Warmth spreads through me despite the cold. Cormac believes in me. I should, too. My fingers brush against his hand. I move to slip my fingers through his but he pulls back from me at the last second.

  He doesn’t look at me as he folds his arms across his lean chest. A stinging feeling burns through my heart.

  He believes in me. But he no longer trusts me.

  That’s fair, I suppose.

  “I just think we should be careful. The more aggressive creatures are active at night.” Cohen looks to us and Cason is the only one who nods.

  The more aggressive creatures?

  Without warning, Cormac leaps from the old worn dock. The thin boards creak beneath the shifting of weight. The sea pulls him under, splashing icy water at our feet.

  “Typical.” Cohen cocks a brow at the spot where his brother just cannon balled into the sea.

  Seconds tick by in clawing silence. My heart begins to sprint as the time passes so slowly I can physically feel it. Tension spikes through me.

  Smooth water is all that can be seen. Cormac doesn’t resurface.

  “Well, shit.” Cason’s legs push hard off the dock, the boards shaking beneath his feet. His large fame lands with a startlingly splash.

  Cohen lunges forward but I grip his hand tightly as Cason resurfaces with Cormac’s arm slung across his wide shoulders. Sputtering coughs heave over Cormac’s mouth. A blue hue kisses his lips. His dark hair is plastered to his forehead and his arms pushes harshly at the inky waves.

  “What the fuck was that?” Cohen asks. He kneels at the edge as Cason guides his brother to the dock.

  “I didn’t turn.”

  “What?” Cohen stares at him, his mouth hanging open.

  We all wait for Cormac’s response, even though it’s clear we understand perfectly.

  “I didn’t shift. I sunk all the way to the bottom and nothing happened. There’s no fucking tail down here. Just useless human legs.”

  “You’re not a merman?” Cohen repeats what his brother just told him.

  A shiver runs through Cormac, shaking through his shoulders. But a smile pulls at his lips.

  “I’m just human,” he whispers as he looks deep into the ocean as if he can see his tailless body.

  Cason glances from Cormac’s human form to his own. I can’t see Cason’s lower body but his features don’t hold the same happiness Cormac’s does.

  He’s still the same. He’s still cursed.

  Realization sinks into my mind and into my heavy heart. The only difference between the three brothers is that one of them recently died by my hand.

  “I’m going to take him inside before he dies. Again.” Cason tells us. The water ripples around them as he glides to the shore.

  Dark shadows make out their outline the farther away they swim. The silver light of the moon guides their way inland.

  “When we go down there. Don’t let go of my hand. No matter what.” Cohen’s voice is more serious than I’ve ever heard it.

  I nod. My boots teeter at the edge of the wooden planks.

  “You know, sailors like to romanticize merpeople.” His smooth words catch my attention.

  I glance to Cohen as he slowly tugs his shirt over his head. The hard lines of his abdomen dip down into his pants in a perfect vee. My gaze lingers there before darting back up to his warm hooded eyes.

  “It’s said if a mermaid or merman takes you under the sea, it’s considered an act of love.” He holds my gaze as he pushes his pants down his hips, his hard length demanding my attention. “It’s as intimate as making love.” His voice is gravely as he takes a step closer to me.

  Looking out at the crashing waves, I swallow hard, ignoring the heat pooling between my legs and the flush creeping up my cheeks. Part of me is annoyed with his flirtation and the other part of me … is just irrational.

  I shouldn’t be thinking about anything except the very serious situation at hand.

  I nod to myself as if I’m convinced before taking one more peek below his waistline.

  “We need to go, it’s getting late.” The words tumble awkwardly from my mouth despite my attempt at sounding casual.

  If I’m being honest, I’m terrified of what he’s about to show me. Beneath the surface of the ocean is another world entirely. An unknown, dark and possible dangerous world.

  He nods with a smirk, his hand slipping around my waist. Warmth spreads through me from his touch. I look up at him, my gaze darting to his full lips just as he leaps from the dock. The winter wind pulls at my tangled hair, chilling me to the bone.

  My body hits the cold icy waves so hard it knocks the breath I was holding from my lungs. It bites at my flesh, stinging into my skin.

  It isn’t at all as romantic as Cohen made it seem.

  I expect him to race to his father as quickly as possible. I expect my lungs to burn the entire time. I expect to feel the weight of the ocean pressing down on my small, meager body.

  None of that happens.

  Cohen holds me by my hips, his body flush with mine. We sway, suspended in the dark water. An eerie fear begins to crawl through me the longer we drift into the depthless sea. It feels odd not to fight it. Not to fight to get away from whatever lies at the bottom.

  In this moment, I trust Cohen with my life.

  A blazing fire the color of the sun ignites. I lurch back from it at first. Cohen smirks as he fists the fire in his palm. It glimmers through his finger, sparks of it linger around us and some drifts like embers floating through the shadows before disappearing entirely.

  He opens his large palm and dips his index finger into the thick substance. The golden fire glitters on his fingertips. He raises his hand and I close my eyes just as he runs his fingers between my brows.

  I flinch as a warmth coils through my veins. It starts like a spark from his touch and burns through every inch of my body. The ocean isn’t cold against my skin now with this magical feeling heating my veins. I relax in the drifting waves.


  Cohen’s smooth voice fills my thoughts and my eyes fling open. My lungs ache as I stare at his serene features.

  Merpeople are telepathic under the sea, Princess. My magic will help you while you’re here but be careful with your thoughts.

  How will I breathe, Cohen? My
throat constricts, wanting badly to inhale the salty waters.

  He pauses before leaning into me. Warm hands grip my hips, the fire he holds smears across my dress in a glittering stain of beauty. A small smile pulls at the corner of his mouth. His lips brush against mine before sealing perfectly. My fingers push into his hair, clutching ahold of him.

  A breath parts his lips, slipping into me, filling my lungs. I gasp from the feel of it and just as I’m about to thank him, his tongue flicks against mine. His strong body leans into me and I do the same, dragging my frame against his. His hard body is slick against mine and it only fuels our movements.

  Cohen Ryken might always have this hold on me. The ability to make me forget the terrible world around us just because he’s near.

  He pulls back from me, teetering me off balance without his body holding me up.


  I don’t let a second pass before I reply, I’m not.

  His golden eyes hold mine, the fire reflects off them, making them blaze with intensity. Slowly my gaze drags down him, down the hard line of his abdomen that meets the soft scales of his waist. With a steady hand, my fingers slide down his stomach, stroking over his smooth skin before meeting rough, slick scales. His eyes close to me, an image of composure in his features.

  A jagged white tail sways where his feet should be. Scales mirror the golden gleam in his palm, making his lower body appear more amber than silver.

  He’s beautiful. Magically beautiful. He’s always been handsome but with the light surrounding us, kissing his bronze skin, burning in his dark eyes; he’s perfect.

  Slowly, he raises his palm, the fire is held between us. Carefully, he smears his fingertips across my lips. The feel of his hand against my mouth makes my nerves tingle through my body in a sort of shiver. It’s his magic.

  This will allow you to breathe freely. I should have just done this instead of kissing you. Couldn’t help myself. He smiles down at me with mischief in his eyes. It doesn’t last long. Slowly sadness pulls at his features, tearing away his happiness. His features are serious once again. Ready to meet the Mad King of Aveil?

  My brows pull together. The former king of Aveil can’t really be insane like everyone says.


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