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Alice’s Shameless Spinster’s Society

Page 21

by Charlotte Stone

  Alice smiled after them and turned to Calvin. “As soon as my father returns, we shall wed and not a day later.”

  He gave her a small smile but said nothing in reply.

  They’d not heard a word about her father since his disappearance, but Alice had faith that everything would be all right. She believed he’d return to make her laugh as he’d once done, and then all would be well in her world. Ever since she’d found out that Ralph Wilkins had been forced to join the Royal Navy, she’d been sad and yet, through it all, Calvin had not complained. He’d stood by her, allowing her to cry when she felt the need, holding her through her tears, whispering words of encouragement when she needed to hear them, and loving her body until all she could think were thoughts of him, happiness, and the joy he gave her every day.

  Calvin leaned forward and took her hand. “I simply want you as my own.”

  She squeezed his in return. “And I simply want my father with me when I walk down the aisle. Wouldn’t you want to witness the day your only child married?”

  Calvin frowned and nodded. “I see your point. You know I do.”

  She squeezed his hand again and straightened in her chair before turning back to her meal.

  A servant came back into the room and handed Alice a letter before leaving. It was addressed to her, Maura, and Lorena. Alice looked at the note, saw it had been sent by Genie, and immediately set to opening it. Alice had grown closer to all the women since meeting them, and she and Genie had sent correspondence to one another since she’d left London.

  Deciding to not wait for the others, in case the words needed a quick response, she started to read the letter and frowned. “Genie writes to say she is on her way but gives no reason for the decision.”

  The late Earl of Buckley had been buried and the new one in his place the very same day, taking residence in the London house and living the life accustomed to a man of his status. The Men of Nashwood had done a full investigation on him before leaving Genie in his hands and, according to their reports, all seemed well with the new young lord. Genie’s father had left her a generous allowance that would allow her to buy her own house wherever she chose, keep a few servants on hand, and rent a home in London during the season.

  When Alice had last set her eyes on Genie, she’d been on her way to the family’s country estate to see what things she wished to keep with her cousin offering to assist her in the search for a home.

  Calvin leaned forward, took the letter from her hands, and began to read it for himself. “It’s social suicide for her to visit. She must complete her mourning period before she can make any sort of visit anywhere.”

  “That custom is one I abhor. Why must one mourn alone? Actually, it’s only the women. The men can do as they please.” Her eyes moved to Calvin’s black cravat and shirt while silently admitting he looked handsome in it. “You and the others chose to join Genie in her grief by wearing black but men are never required to restrict their lives.”

  Calvin put the letter down and looked at her. “We men have much to do.”

  “And women don’t?” Alice asked and she pressed her hand on the table and leaned toward him. “We women can be just as busy as you.”

  “No.” Calvin leaned in as well, bringing their faces only inches away from one another. He lowered his voice and said, “You Spinster Sisters make yourself busy by getting into trouble. It’s not the same. Other women simply sit in rooms and discuss the furniture.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “That will never be me.”

  His eyes moved down to her lips. “I love your mouth.”

  Alice smiled in spite of herself but didn’t give up the argument. “I resent being told that I make trouble.”

  His honey-colored gaze returned to hers, shining with desire. He was obviously done arguing.

  “Lower your bodice.” His eyes went there expectantly.

  Alice’s cheeks heated and desire pooled between her legs. She placed her hands over the curve of her throat and felt how warm her body had become from just his words. She glanced around the sunlit breakfast room, already knowing they were alone. The red room was small with a single window with a view of the road at the front of the house. Any coming servants would be heard when their feet met the wooden floors that went throughout Mrs. Matilda’s home.

  She’d grown used to her body’s quick response to Calvin and had found herself nearly always ready for him but never had he’d made such an improper question in such an improper place… not that anything they were doing was proper to begin with.

  He was such a cad.

  And she loved him all the more for it.

  She slowly slid her hand down the front of her dress and watched Calvin’s eyes move with her fingers, trailing where she went. She watched his mouth slightly part and a splash of color touched his cheeks. He was just as aroused as she was.

  She shivered as her hand met fabric and paused. “Calvin—”

  “Do it.” His voice had lowered.

  She pressed her legs together to try and soothe her longing. “Calvin—”

  “Do you want me to suck your breast or not?”

  She desperately wanted that.

  Her entire body was scorched by his words. She bit her lip and began to tug at the forgiving cotton. Calvin impatiently finished the rest, plucked her breast from its constraints and sucked it into his mouth. He sucked hard, licking and biting the tender pink bud while his other hand worked the other nipple.

  Moisture broke out over Alice’s body, and she barely suppressed a moan.

  He stood, taking her with him and placing her on the dining table.

  Alice gasped. “Calvin, no.” Anyone could find them and if they began, her focus would be set only on what Calvin was doing to her body.

  His head descended back to her breast and he began to feed on her with a hunger that startled and excited her. Her hands moved to his head and held him in place as his hands flipped her skirt up. Less than a moment later, he was pumping inside her, thrusting with a speed that made Alice’s body reach climax in seconds. She filled her lungs with air and groaned deep within her throat. Calvin followed with a grunt and then his body went rigid right before it shuddered and he sank against her.

  His head rested on her shoulder, and she wrapped her arms around him. His hands on her thighs tightened. Alice never felt more complete than with him in her, but it was risky for many reasons. She became so desperate whenever they started that she forgot the dangers.


  He did a long sigh but kept his head on her shoulder. “Yes?”

  She cleared her throat. “Lorena mentioned that she and Emmett use some form of sheath when they… well… she said it—”

  He chuckled. “I know what it does.” He lifted his head and met her eyes, his expression all at ease.

  She touched his cheek and leaned back to see more of him. Their lower bodies remained connected and covered by her skirts. “Have you used one before?”

  He laughed again. “I usually always use one. I just don’t use one with you.”

  She frowned. “But Lorena says they ensure I don’t get with child.”

  Calvin gave no reply.

  Alice’s eyes widened. “I could get with child, Calvin.”

  He gave a soft smile, leaned forward, and kissed her quickly before leaning away. “You may already be carrying my child, Alice.”

  She gasped and froze. “But we’re not wed. I can’t have a baby.”

  His smile widened. “That’s not how it works, my love.”

  She covered her face and said, “We’ll have to marry if I’m carrying.”

  He kissed her throat. “Whatever you wish.”

  She pulled away and glared at him.

  He was still smiling.

  “You placed me in this position on purpose.”

  He lifted a brow. “You’re not that innocent, my love. You knew what you were doing. Lucky for you, no child of mine will be a bastard. We’ll wed immediately.

  “We’ll wed if I’m carrying and not a moment before.”

  “Whatever you wish.” He leaned forward and ran his tongue from the base of her throat all the way up to her jaw.

  Alice shuddered and felt her body begin to expand around his growing erection. She gripped his shoulder and whispered, “And we must stop doing this.”

  He pulled out of her and then rocked back inside her, starting a slow torturous rhythm.

  Alice closed her eyes and cried out softly when Calvin sank deeper.

  Then he stilled.

  “You want me to stop?” he asked in a strained voice.

  She dug her nails into his shoulders and began to rock her body toward his. “Tomorrow.”

  He chuckled and filled her with pleasure and, moments later, more of his seed.

  * * *

  Alice walked Calvin to the door and witnessed Mrs. Matilda and Maura's carriage coming down the road. He turned to her and said, “I’ll visit tomorrow.” He picked up her hand and kissed it.

  Emmett strolled from the door at the same time and Lorena joined her on her steps.

  “Good day, Emmett,” Lorena said with a bright smile.

  “Stay out of trouble,” her fiancé replied.

  Lorena simply smiled and the women watched them head to the carriage that waited to take them away. Then they greeted Maura and Mrs. Matilda as they stepped from the carriage.

  Matilda was a stunning older version of both Lorena and Maura with hair that looked like it had been spun from sunlight and eyes the color of clear blue skies. She was also just as warm, friendly, and bold as her daughter and niece. She’d gone against her parents’ wishes and married a man who wanted to see the world. While he did so, Matilda had become the standard of London fashion, being Mr. Taylor’s first female client and his only until earlier that year when he’d decided he would dress the Spinsters. Still, while the other girls simply had pieces here and there, Matilda’s entire closet made one outrageous statement after another.

  The women went inside and took chairs in the yellow drawing room.

  Lorena began speaking right after a maid brought tea and left. “We received a letter from Genie. She’s coming to visit, and I believe we should move ahead with the plans we made a few months ago.”

  Alice didn’t know what she spoke of, which must have shown on her face because Maura gave the answer.

  “We’re arranging for Francis to compromise Genie in a public venue so that he’s forced to marry her.”

  Alice’s eyes widened. She recalled hearing some of the plan previously but not the entirety of it. She’d known they’d wished for Francis to kiss Genie but she’d not known they planned to have an audience. Her mind drifted to what Emmett said at the door. “This does not sound like we are planning to stay out of trouble.”

  Lorena laughed. “Oh, don’t mind him. He only says that as a formality.”

  Alice didn’t believe her but she could tell that Lorena sincerely did and couldn’t help the laugh that came from her lips. She didn’t know if she’d ever stop being surprised by what happened with the Society but was thankful for it all the same.

  Lorena turned to her aunt and cousin. “I think we should invite the local vicar over for dinner in the hopes of praying for our dear Genie.”

  Maura nodded.

  Matilda said, “That can easily be arranged.”

  “And perhaps we could get Mr. Taylor to design Genie a black custom for the occasion,” Alice suggested.

  Matilda turned to her and grinned. “My dear girl, what a delightful suggestion.” She narrowed her eyes and studied her. “Taylor has never designed a mourning dress before. He’d enjoy the challenge.”

  Alice nodded.

  Lorena grinned at her and they began to work out the final details of the plan. In the end, it was mad, hilarious, and strangely beautiful and only something that the Spinster’s Society could arrange.

  * * *


  for reading my book and

  i hope you have enjoyed the story.

  The next book targeted release date will be 10th October.

  In the meantime . . .

  If you have enjoyed reading Alice’s Shameless Spinster’s Society, I believe you will be interested in the previous book.

  I have enclosed a sneak preview of the book.

  Check it out below . . .

  It is currently priced at $0.99 (around 230 pages)


  London, England

  Lady Lorena Cullip saw the Earl of Ashwick the moment she walked into his townhouse and immediately felt as though the last year of her life had vanished. In the blink of an eye, she was the young careless daughter of an eccentric and improvised duke and the daughter of a duchess who was known for her beauty. And while seeing the Earl of Ashwick made her heart flutter at the moments they’d shared only a year ago, her stomach felt as though it were in a continual fall. She felt slightly ill that she’d come at all.

  She wasn’t ready to reenter society. She shouldn’t have come. She didn’t belong. Sadly, being poor wasn’t the only reason. Lorena was known to cause trouble, but never more than when Ashwick was around.

  She turned to leave, but her friend Genie caught her arm before she could retreat toward the door. “Stay, Lorena.”

  “I can’t,” Lorena whispered, pressing close so as not to be overheard by the growing crowd. The foyer was full of those guests who had newly arrived. Standing by the stairs were Ashwick, along with his mother, cousin Lady May, and a slew of women who’d all but pressed to him, dressed in an assortment of pastel evening gowns while Lorena wore gray.

  She counted at least six unmarried daughters about him as he stood more than a foot over them, wearing an expression that conveyed neither pleasure nor annoyance, and yet still made him beautiful. He was an unmarried earl and far too handsome for words. Never mind that she’d always considered him hers. How foolish she felt, considering that she’d thought herself special to him.

  “Lorena,” Genie said. “Stay. He invited you.”

  “No,” Lorena said. “His mother did.”

  “His mother is not… fond of you,” Genie told her.

  Lorena turned to look at the door. “Ah, yet another reason I should leave.” She could barely breathe.

  No,” Genie yanked on her arm hard enough that Lorena was sure she’d bruise. So, she looked down at her petite friend to find Genie glaring at her. “Ashwick wishes you here. His mother would have obviously never invited you otherwise.”

  “That does not make me feel better. I’m leaving.”

  “Lady Lorena,” a male voice called from behind her.

  She froze and the fluttering in her heart quickly moved to her stomach. She took a deep breath, turned around, and met the face of the man who’d haunted her dreams since the day they met.

  Emmett Starr, the Earl of Ashwick, looked gorgeous in his dark suit. His gray eyes were focused on her and in his gaze, she saw both surprise and… happiness. It wasn’t a full smile, but still one of his rare looks of pleasure. His lips were slightly lifted on one side, and she recalled what it was like to…

  “I’m sorry,” Lorena whispered. “I have to go.”

  “Stay,” he told her as he took Genie’s hand and greeted her. He turned back to Lorena and did the same, lowering his dark head to kiss her hand. His voice took on a deep seductive tone. “Will you save me a dance?” he asked.

  Lorena immediately panicked. “No.”

  His eyes widened with surprise. “No?”

  She shook her head. “We shouldn’t.”

  He blinked as he straightened. “It’s my party. You can’t say no.”

  “I believe I did.”

  His smile widened and an expression came on his face that she couldn’t read.

  Lorena went on, “I mean, I’m not dancing tonight. I’m just coming out of mourning and—”

  “Of course,” he whispered and concern touched his eyes. “I under
stand, but I am so very grateful you’ve come.” He still held her hand. “I mourned the passing of your parents as well. I always felt welcomed at your home.”

  Lorena could tell he was no longer speaking of her parents but herself. She’d made him feel welcomed.

  “Ashwick,” a high and aged female voice called just before Lady Ashwick appeared. His mother barely looked at Lorena as she spoke to her son. “You promised Lady Harriet a dance. The music is about to begin. Do not keep her waiting.”

  The obvious dislike the countess had for Lorena was easy to see. Lady Harriet was not only beautiful but Lorena had heard through the gossip that reached the country that the lady would make a perfect wife to any titled man. She also had money, which was something Lorena had none of. Harriett was perfect. Unlike Lorena, who’d failed her first season and had never returned to London.

  Until now.

  Ashwick, who hadn’t looked his mother’s way, not even while she spoke to him, slowly turned his gaze from Lorena. “Mother, you do know Lady Lorena and Lady Genevieve, don’t you?”

  “Oh, of course,” Lady Ashwick said, still not looking in her direction. “But we must go. A host cannot greet every guest.”

  Ashwick fully faced his mother then. “I do not have to dance the very first song.”

  “Of course, you do,” Ashwick’s beautiful cousin, Lady May, cut in, glaring at him. “You are the host. You set the pace for the entire evening.”

  “Yes,” his mother said. “Come along.” Then she started moving away, as though already knowing he would listen.”

  Lady May turned to Lorena and said, “I’m sure you understand, dear. My cousin has responsibilities.”

  “Of course,” Lorena said quickly to Ashwick. “You must go.”

  He seemed hesitant, so she pushed. “Please.”

  Just go.

  He stared at her and opened his mouth, prepared to say something.

  Lorena froze.

  “Later,” Lady May urged, taking her cousin’s arm and steering him away.


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