Marjorie's Three Gifts

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Marjorie's Three Gifts Page 4

by Louisa May Alcott


  It was a cold November storm, and everything looked forlorn. Even thepert sparrows were draggle-tailed and too much out of spirits to fightfor crumbs with the fat pigeons who tripped through the mud with theirlittle red boots as if in haste to get back to their cosy home in thedove-cot.

  But the most forlorn creature out that day was a small errand girl, witha bonnet-box on each arm, and both hands struggling to hold a big brokenumbrella. A pair of worn-out boots let in the wet upon her tired feet; athin cotton dress and an old shawl poorly protected her from the storm;and a faded hood covered her head.

  The face that looked out from this hood was too pale and anxious for oneso young; and when a sudden gust turned the old umbrella inside out witha crash, despair fell upon poor Lizzie, and she was so miserable shecould have sat down in the rain and cried.

  But there was no time for tears; so, dragging the dilapidated umbrellaalong, she spread her shawl over the bonnet-boxes and hurried down thebroad street, eager to hide her misfortunes from a pretty young girl whostood at a window laughing at her.

  She could not find the number of the house where one of the fine hatswas to be left; and after hunting all down one side of the street, shecrossed over, and came at last to the very house where the pretty girllived. She was no longer to be seen; and, with a sigh of relief, Lizzierang the bell, and was told to wait in the hall while Miss Belle triedthe hat on.

  Glad to rest, she warmed her feet, righted her umbrella, and then satlooking about her with eyes quick to see the beauty and the comfort thatmade the place so homelike and delightful. A small waiting-room openedfrom the hall, and in it stood many blooming plants, whose fragranceattracted Lizzie as irresistibly as if she had been a butterfly or bee.

  Slipping in, she stood enjoying the lovely colors, sweet odors, anddelicate shapes of these household spirits; for Lizzie loved flowerspassionately; and just then they possessed a peculiar charm for her.

  One particularly captivating little rose won her heart, and made herlong for it with a longing that became a temptation too strong toresist. It was so perfect; so like a rosy face smiling out from thegreen leaves, that Lizzie could NOT keep her hands off it, and havingsmelt, touched, and kissed it, she suddenly broke the stem and hid it inher pocket. Then, frightened at what she had done, she crept back to herplace in the hall, and sat there, burdened with remorse.

  A servant came just then to lead her upstairs; for Miss Belle wished thehat altered, and must give directions. With her heart in a flutter, andpinker roses in her cheeks than the one in her pocket, Lizzie followedto a handsome room, where a pretty girl stood before a long mirror withthe hat in her hand.

  "Tell Madame Tifany that I don't like it at all, for she hasn't put inthe blue plume mamma ordered; and I won't have rose-buds, they are socommon," said the young lady, in a dissatisfied tone, as she twirled thehat about.

  "Yes, miss," was all Lizzie could say; for SHE considered that hat theloveliest thing a girl could possibly own.

  "You had better ask your mamma about it, Miss Belle, before you give anyorders. She will be up in a few moments, and the girl can wait," put ina maid, who was sewing in the ante-room.

  "I suppose I must; but I WON'T have roses," answered Belle, crossly.Then she glanced at Lizzie, and said more gently, "You look very cold;come and sit by the fire while you wait."

  "I'm afraid I'll wet the pretty rug, miss; my feet are sopping," saidLizzie, gratefully, but timidly.

  "So they are! Why didn't you wear rubber boots?"

  "I haven't got any."

  "I'll give you mine, then, for I hate them; and as I never go out inwet weather, they are of no earthly use to me. Marie, bring them here;I shall be glad to get rid of them, and I'm sure they'll be useful toyou."

  "Oh, thank you, miss! I'd like 'em ever so much, for I'm out in the rainhalf the time, and get bad colds because my boots are old," said Lizzie,smiling brightly at the thought of the welcome gift.

  "I should think your mother would get you warmer things," began Belle,who found something rather interesting in the shabby girl, with shybright eyes, and curly hair bursting out of the old hood.

  "I haven't got any mother," said Lizzie, with a pathetic glance at herpoor clothes.

  "I'm so sorry! Have you brothers and sisters?" asked Belle, hoping tofind something pleasant to talk about; for she was a kind little soul.

  "No, miss; I've got no folks at all."

  "Oh, dear; how sad! Why, who takes care of you?" cried Belle, lookingquite distressed.

  "No one; I take care of myself. I work for Madame, and she pays me adollar a week. I stay with Mrs. Brown, and chore round to pay for mykeep. My dollar don't get many clothes, so I can't be as neat as I'dlike." And the forlorn look came back to poor Lizzie's face.

  Belle said nothing, but sat among the sofa cushions, where she hadthrown herself, looking soberly at this other girl, no older than shewas, who took care of herself and was all alone in the world. It was anew idea to Belle, who was loved and petted as an only child is apt tobe. She often saw beggars and pitied them, but knew very little abouttheir wants and lives; so it was like turning a new page in her happylife to be brought so near to poverty as this chance meeting with themilliner's girl.

  "Aren't you afraid and lonely and unhappy?" she said, slowly, trying tounderstand and put herself in Lizzie's place.

  "Yes; but it's no use. I can't help it, and may be things will getbetter by and by, and I'll have my wish," answered Lizzie, morehopefully, because Belle's pity warmed her heart and made her troublesseem lighter.

  "What is your wish?" asked Belle, hoping mamma wouldn't come just yet,for she was getting interested in the stranger.

  "To have a nice little room, and make flowers, like a French girl Iknow. It's such pretty work, and she gets lots of money, for every onelikes her flowers. She shows me how, sometimes, and I can do leavesfirst-rate; but--"

  There Lizzie stopped suddenly, and the color rushed up to her forehead;for she remembered the little rose in her pocket and it weighed upon herconscience like a stone.

  Before Belle could ask what was the matter, Marie came in with a tray ofcake and fruit, saying:

  "Here's your lunch, Miss Belle."

  "Put it down, please; I'm not ready for it yet."

  And Belle shook her head as she glanced at Lizzie, who was staring hardat the fire with such a troubled face that Belle could not bear to seeit.

  Jumping out of her nest of cushions, she heaped a plate with goodthings, and going to Lizzie, offered it, saying, with a gentle courtesythat made the act doubly sweet:

  "Please have some; you must be tired of waiting."

  But Lizzie could not take it; she could only cover her face and cry;for this kindness rent her heart and made the stolen flower a burden tooheavy to be borne.

  "Oh, don't cry so! Are you sick? Have I been rude? Tell me all aboutit; and if I can't do anything, mamma can," said Belle, surprised andtroubled.

  "No; I'm not sick; I'm bad, and I can't bear it when you are so good tome," sobbed Lizzie, quite overcome with penitence; and taking out thecrumpled rose, she confessed her fault with many tears.

  "Don't feel so much about such a little thing as that," began Belle,warmly; then checked herself, and added, more soberly, "It WAS wrong totake it without leave; but it's all right now, and I'll give you as manyroses as you want, for I know you are a good girl."

  "Thank you. I didn't want it only because it was pretty, but I wanted tocopy it. I can't get any for myself, and so I can't do my make-believeones well. Madame won't even lend me the old ones in the store, andEstelle has none to spare for me, because I can't pay her for teachingme. She gives me bits of muslin and wire and things, and shows me nowand then. But I know if I had a real flower I could copy it; so she'dsee I did know something, for I try real hard. I'm SO tired of sloppinground the streets, I'd do anything to earn my living some other way."

  Lizzie had poured out her trouble rapidly; and the little story wasquite affe
cting when one saw the tears on her cheeks, the poor clothes,and the thin hands that held the stolen rose. Belle was much touched,and, in her impetuous way, set about mending matters as fast aspossible.

  "Put on those boots and that pair of dry stockings right away. Then tuckas much cake and fruit into your pocket as it will hold. I'm going toget you some flowers, and see if mamma is too busy to attend to me."

  With a nod and a smile, Belle flew about the room a minute; thenvanished, leaving Lizzie to her comfortable task, feeling as if fairiesstill haunted the world as in the good old times.

  When Belle came back with a handful of roses, she found Lizzie absorbedin admiring contemplation

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