Marjorie's Three Gifts

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by Louisa May Alcott

of her new boots, as she ate sponge-cake in ablissful sort of waking-dream.

  "Mamma can't come; but I don't care about the hat. It will do very well,and isn't worth fussing about. There, will those be of any use to you?"And she offered the nosegay with a much happier face than the one Lizziefirst saw.

  "Oh, miss, they're just lovely! I'll copy that pink rose as soon as everI can, and when I've learned how to do 'em tip-top, I'd like to bringyou some, if you don't mind," answered Lizzie, smiling all over her faceas she buried her nose luxuriously in the fragrant mass.

  "I'd like it very much, for I should think you'd have to be very cleverto make such pretty things. I really quite fancy those rosebuds in myhat, now I know that you're going to learn how to make them. Put anorange in your pocket, and the flowers in water as soon as you can, sothey'll be fresh when you want them. Good-by. Bring home our hats everytime and tell me how you get on."

  With kind words like these, Belle dismissed Lizzie, who ran downstairs,feeling as rich as if she had found a fortune. Away to the next placeshe hurried, anxious to get her errands done and the precious posysafely into fresh water. But Mrs. Turretviile was not at home, and thebonnet could not be left till paid for. So Lizzie turned to go down thehigh steps, glad that she need not wait. She stopped one instant to takea delicious sniff at her flowers, and that was the last happy momentthat poor Lizzie knew for many weary months.

  The new boots were large for her, the steps slippery with sleet, anddown went the little errand girl, from top to bottom, till she landed inthe gutter directly upon Mrs. Turretville's costly bonnet.

  "I've saved my posies, anyway," sighed Lizzie, as she picked herselfup, bruised, wet, and faint with pain; "but, oh, my heart! won't Madamescold when she sees that band-box smashed flat," groaned the poor child,sitting on the curbstone to get her breath and view the disaster.

  The rain poured, the wind blew, the sparrows on the park railing chirpedderisively, and no one came along to help Lizzie out of her troubles.Slowly she gathered up her burdens; painfully she limped away in the bigboots; and the last the naughty sparrows saw of her was a shabby littlefigure going round the corner, with a pale, tearful face held lovinglyover the bright bouquet that was her one treasure and her only comfortin the moment which brought to her the great misfortune of her life.


  "Oh, mamma, I am so relieved that the box has come at last! If it hadnot, I do believe I should have died of disappointment," cried prettyBelle, five years later, on the morning before her eighteenth birthday.

  "It would have been a serious disappointment, darling; for I had sotmy heart on your wearing my gift to-morrow night, and when the steamerskept coming in without my trunk from Paris, I was very anxious. I hopeyou will like it."

  "Dear mamma, I know I shall like it; your taste is so good and you knowwhat suits me so well. Make haste, Marie; I'm dying to see it," saidBelle, dancing about the great trunk, as the maid carefully unfoldedtissue papers and muslin wrappers.

  A young girl's first ball-dress is a grand affair,--in her eyes, atleast; and Belle soon stopped dancing, to stand with clasped hands,eager eyes and parted lips before the snowy pile of illusion that wasat last daintily lifted out upon the bed. Then, as Marie displayedits loveliness, little cries of delight were heard, and when the wholedelicate dress was arranged to the best effect she threw herself uponher mother's neck and actually cried with pleasure.

  "Mamma, it is too lovely I and you are very kind to do so much for me.How shall I ever thank you?"

  "By putting it right on to see if it fits; and when you wear it lookyour happiest, that I may be proud of my pretty daughter."

  Mamma got no further, for Marie uttered a French shriek, wrung herhands, and then began to burrow wildly in the trunk and among thepapers, crying distractedly:

  "Great Heavens, madame! the wreath has been forgotten! What anaffliction! Mademoiselle's enchanting toilette is destroyed without thewreath, and nowhere do I find it."

  In vain they searched; in vain Marie wailed and Belle declared it mustbe somewhere; no wreath appeared. It was duly set down in the bill, anda fine sum charged for a head-dress to match the dainty forget-me-notsthat looped the fleecy skirts and ornamented the bosom of the dress. Ithad evidently been forgotten; and mamma despatched Marie at once to tryand match the flowers, for Belle would not hear of any other decorationfor her beautiful blonde hair.

  The dress fitted to a charm, and was pronounced by all beholders theloveliest thing ever seen. Nothing was wanted but the wreath to makeit quite perfect, and when Marie returned, after a long search, with noforget-me-nots, Belle was in despair.

  "Wear natural ones," suggested a sympathizing friend.

  But another hunt among greenhouses was as fruitless as that among themilliners' rooms. No forget-me-nots could be found, and Marie fellexhausted into a chair, desolated at what she felt to be an awfulcalamity.

  "Let me have the carriage, and I'll ransack the city till I find some,"cried Belle, growing more resolute with each failure.

  Marnma was deep in preparations for the ball, and could not help herafflicted daughter, though she was much disappointed at the mishap. SoBelle drove off, resolved to have her flowers whether there were any ornot.

  Any one who has ever tried to match a ribbon, find a certain fabric, orget anything done in a hurry, knows what a wearisome task itsometimes is, and can imagine Belle's state of mind after repeateddisappointments. She was about to give up in despair, when some onesuggested that perhaps the Frenchwoman, Estelle Valnor, might make thedesired wreath, if there was time.

  Away drove Belle, and, on entering the room, gave a sigh ofsatisfaction, for a whole boxful of the loveliest forget-me-nots stoodupon the table. As fast as possible, she told her tale and demanded theflowers, no matter what the price might be. Imagine her feelings whenthe Frenchwoman, with a shrug, announced that it was impossible to givemademoiselle a single spray. All were engaged to trim a bridesmaid'sdress, and must be sent away at once.

  It really was too bad! and Belle lost her temper entirely, for nopersuasion or bribes would win a spray from Estelle. The provoking partof it was that the wedding would not come off for several days, andthere was time enough to make more flowers for that dress, since Belleonly wanted a few for her hair. Neither would Estelle make her any, asher hands were full, and so small an order was not worth deranging one'sself for; but observing Belle's sorrowful face, she said, affably:

  "Mademoiselle may, perhaps, find the flowers she desires at MissBerton's. She has been helping me with these garlands, and may have someleft. Here is her address."

  Belle took the card with thanks, and hurried away with a last hopefaintly stirring in her girlish heart, for Belle had an unusually ardentwish to look her best at this party, since Somebody was to be there, andSomebody considered forget-me-nots the sweetest flowers in the world.Mamma knew this, and the kiss Belle gave her when the dress came had amore tender meaning than gratified vanity or daughterly love.

  Up many stairs she climbed, and came at last to a little room, very poorbut very neat, where, at the one window, sat a young girl, with crutchesby her side and her lap full of flower-leaves and petals. She roseslowly as Belle came in, and then stood looking at her, with such awistful expression in her shy, bright eyes, that Belle's anxious facecleared involuntarily, and her voice lost its impatient tone.

  As she spoke, she glanced about the room, hoping to see some blueblossoms awaiting her. But none appeared; and she was about to despondagain, when the girl said, gently:

  "I have none by me now, but I may be able to find you some."

  "Thank you very much; but I have been everywhere in vain. Still, ifyou do get any, please send them to me as soon as possible. Here is mycard."

  Miss Berton glanced at it, then cast a quick look at the sweet, anxiousface before her, and smiled so brightly that Belle smiled also, andasked, wonderingly:

  "What is it? What do you see?"

  "I see the dear young lady who was so k
ind to me long ago. You don'tremember me, and never knew my name; but I never have forgotten you allthese years. I always hoped I could do something to show how gratefulI was, and now I can, for you shall have your flowers if I sit up allnight to make them."

  But Belle still shook her head and watched the smiling face beforeher with wondering eyes, till the girl added, with sudden color in hercheeks:

  "Ah, you've done so many kind things in your life, you don't rememberthe little errand girl from Madame Tifany's who stole a rose in yourhall, and how you gave her rubber boots and cake and flowers, and wereso good to her she couldn't forget it if she lived to be a hundred."

  "But you are so changed," began Belle, who did faintly recollect thatlittle incident in her happy life.

  "Yes, I had a fall and hurt myself so that I shall always be lame."

  And Lizzie went on to tell how Madame had dismissed her in a rage; howshe lay ill till Mrs. Brown sent her to the hospital; and how for a yearshe had suffered much alone, in that great house of pain, before one ofthe kind visitors had befriended her.

  While hearing the story of the five years, that had been so full ofpleasure, ease and love for herself, Belle forgot her errand, and,sitting beside Lizzie, listened with pitying eyes to all she told of herendeavors to support herself by the delicate handiwork she loved.

  "I'm very happy now," ended Lizzie, looking about the little bare roomwith a face full of the sweetest content. "I get nearly work enough topay my way, and Estelle sends me some when she has more than she can do.I've learned to do it nicely, and it is so pleasant to sit here and makeflowers instead of trudging about in the wet with other people's hats.Though I do sometimes wish I was able to trudge, one gets on so slowlywith crutches."

  A little sigh followed the words, and Belle put her own plump hand onthe delicate one that held the crutch, saying, in her cordial youngvoice:

  "I'll come and take you to drive sometimes, for you are too pale, andyou'll get ill sitting here at work day after day. Please let me; I'dlove to; for I feel so idle and wicked when I see busy people like youthat I reproach myself for neglecting my duty and having more than myshare of happiness."

  Lizzie thanked her with a look, and then said, in a tone of interestthat was delightful to hear:

  "Tell about the wreath you want; I should so love to do it for you, if Ican."

  Belle had forgotten all about it in listening to this sad little storyof a girl's life. Now she felt half ashamed to talk of so frivolous amatter till she remembered that it would help Lizzie; and, resolving topay for it as never garland was paid for before, she entered upon thesubject with renewed interest.

  "You shall have the flowers in time for your ball to-morrow night. Iwill engage to make a wreath that will please you, only it may takelonger than I think. Don't be troubled if I don't send it till evening;it will surely come in time. I can work fast, and this will be thehappiest job I ever did," said Lizzie, beginning to lay out mysteriouslittle tools and bend delicate wires.

  "You are altogether too grateful for the little I have done. It makesme feel ashamed to think I did not find you out before and do somethingbetter worth thanks."

  "Ah, it wasn't the boots or the cake or the roses, dear Miss Belle. Itwas the kind looks, the gentle words, the way it was done, that wentright to my heart, and did me more good than a million of money. I neverstole a pin after that day, for the little rose wouldn't let me forgethow you forgave me so sweetly. I sometimes think it kept me from greatertemptations, for I was a poor, forlorn child, with no one to keep megood."

  Pretty Belle looked prettier than ever as she listened, and a brighttear stood in either eye like a drop of dew on a blue flower. It touchedher very much to learn that her little act of childish charity had beenso sweet and helpful to this lonely girl, and now lived so freshly inher grateful memory. It showed her, suddenly, how precious little deedsof love and sympathy are; how strong to bless, how easy to perform, howcomfortable to recall. Her heart was very full and tender just then, andthe lesson sunk deep into it never to be forgotten.

  She sat a long time watching flowers bud and blossom under Lizzie'sskilful fingers, and then hurried home to tell all her glad news tomamma.

  If the next day had not been full of most delightfully exciting events,Belle might have felt some anxiety about her wreath, for hour after hourwent by and nothing arrived from Lizzie.

  Evening came, and all was ready. Belle was dressed, and looked so lovelythat mamma declared she needed nothing more. But Marie insisted thatthe grand effect would be ruined without the garland among the sunshinyhair. Belle had time now to be anxious, and waited with growingimpatience for the finishing touch to her charming toilette.

  "I must be downstairs to receive, and can't wait another moment; soput in the blue pompon and let me go," she said at last, with a sighof disappointment, for the desire to look beautiful that night inSomebody's eyes had increased four-fold.

  With a tragic gesture, Marie was about to adjust the pompon when thequick tap of a crutch came down the hall, and Lizzie hurried in, flushedand breathless, but smiling happily as she uncovered the box she carriedwith a look of proud satisfaction.

  A general "Ah!" of admiration arose as Belle, mamma, and Marie surveyedthe lovely wreath that lay before them; and when it was carefullyarranged on the bright head that was to wear it, Belle blushed withpleasure. Mamma said: "It is more beautiful than any Paris could havesent us;" and Marie clasped her hands theatrically, sighing, with herhead on one side:

  "Truly, yes; mademoiselle is now adorable!"

  "I am so glad you like it. I did my very best and worked all night, butI had to beg one spray from Estelle, or, with all my haste, I could nothave finished in time," said Lizzie, refreshing her weary eyes with along, affectionate gaze at the pretty figure before her.

  A fold of the airy skirt was caught on one of the blue clusters, andLizzie knelt down to arrange it as she spoke. Belle leaned toward herand said softly: "Money alone can't pay you for this kindness; so tellme how I can best serve you. This is the happiest night of my life, andI want to make every one feel glad also."

  "Then don't talk of paying me, but promise that I may make the flowersyou wear on your wedding-day," whispered Lizzie, kissing the kind handheld out to help her rise, for on it she saw a brilliant ring, and inthe blooming, blushing face bent over her she read the tender littlestory that Somebody had told Belle that day.

  "So you shall! and I'll keep this wreath all my life for your sake,dear," answered Belle, as her full heart bubbled over with pityingaffection for the poor girl who would never make a bridal garland forherself.

  Belle kept her word, even when she was in a happy home of her own; forout of the dead roses bloomed a friendship that brightened Lizzie'slife; and long after the blue garland was faded Belle remembered thehelpful little lesson that taught her to read the faces povertytouches with a pathetic eloquence, which says to those who look,"Forget-me-not."


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