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The train rolled to a slow stop, sitting at the platform for a few seconds before opening its doors and letting the cool air rush into the car. Ruby breathed it in, grateful to have some relief from the heat of the crowded space. She leaned her shoulder against Liam, instantly regretting the puddle of sweat that formed where their bodies touched. It was a surprisingly hot fall day for Westerlake, and their ride to the Elemental Center was starting to feel unbearable. She was regretting not taking Liam up on the cab ride he had offered earlier as more people piled into the already full train car.
“It’s a hundred degrees in here,” she sighed and rearranged her purse to sit in her lap.
Liam’s hand wrapped around her, pulling her closer to him seemingly oblivious to the blazing heat. Being a Fire Elemental was proving to be especially useful in this situation and Ruby wished she could tap into even the smallest amount of the comfort he held at that moment. “It’s just a few more stops,” He said, wiping a bead of sweat off her forehead. “Next time, we’re not doing the train.”
“I get it, you were right.” Ruby rolled her eyes, “You know, you’re worse than Shay sometimes.”
“Speaking of Shay, have you told her about school yet?”
“Not yet. Waiting for the right moment.” She frowned, “She was really excited about starting the semester together. I just didn’t have it in me to break the news.”
“Rue, if you’re planning on taking the year off, you should probably tell her. Doesn’t it start next week?”
“Ugh, I know. She’s just so eager about it. She keeps asking me about my classes and if I get to spend more time in the studio this year.”
“And you’re sure you don’t want to go back?”
She thought about his question briefly. After everything that had happened during the summer, the idea of going back to school should get her excited. Instead, her life before the Elementals was a constant reminder of the person she could never be again. The normalcy that would never return as long as she stayed an AetherBorn, as long as she stayed with Liam. She wanted to tell him all of it. Every doubt she had about choosing to become their leader, their so-called queen. Confide in him her every fear. “Positive.” Was all she could utter on the over-packed train. Not just because there was only so much she could discuss about this life of theirs in public but because admitting the uncertainty might make it seem like she wasn’t sure of what they had together, and their relationship was the only thing she could never doubt. “Never been more sure of anything in my life.”
“Afraid you can’t handle the workload?” He teased.
“If I can handle your massive ego, I can handle anything.” She joked back, elbowing him in the ribs. “It’s just not who I am right now. Maybe I’ll rethink it later, but who knows. It’s like–” She paused to choose the next sentence carefully, “The photographs were what I needed to escape. To build some kind of world that was more than what I had.”
“And now?”
“Now I think I need quite the opposite. With the center and the AetherBorns, I have enough around to keep me pretty busy for a while. Besides, we still don’t know if Demas is coming back. For all we know, he could be out there right now, doing God knows what with Lord knows whom.”
“But we don’t know that,” His squeezed hers in assurance, “All we know is that he hasn’t shown his face yet and who knows? Maybe he never will. Maybe he’s fine just hanging out with his family forever.”
“He hates his family.”
“Everyone hates their family sometimes, Rue. They’re still family.”
“That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.”
The train bucked from side to side, almost knocking her purse off her knees. Ruby’s hand reached for the Onyx stone, forgetting for a moment that it was just a placebo. She knew having the sword back together made it a much more useful object to possess but the underlying worry about it still resonated in her. They had taken every precaution now that they knew what Demas was capable of, guarding it behind symbols of protection that were sure to detract his thieving hands. Ruby even checked on it herself a few times each day, both physically and by connecting to the bond she shared with it. Just to be on the safe side. Still, she craved its power after the Onyx stone was no longer tied around her neck. After she channeled the energy of the deities in the Aether Plane, her connection to the sword intensified. It was as though it became a part of her. Not some foreign object she controlled but a piece of her very body. A limb, really. Without it in her hands, she felt as though someone had sliced a part of her away.
Liam turned to face her, tuning into her discomfort and sneaking a kiss on her cheek. As much as Ruby’s powers grew, his own did as well; and there were times where she was certain he could read her every thought. An impossible situation for a girl still trying to keep some mystery in a relationship.
“You know what we need?” He asked, shining a perfect row of teeth her way, “A quiet night alone with some pizza and a few of those horrible movies you make me watch.”
“Yeah, good luck getting Shay’s ass off the couch and away from the news!”
They giggled at each other, attracting attention from a grey-haired woman across from them. The whoosh of the train passing through the tunnel muted their laughter and Ruby noticed her smiling at them. Taking pleasure in their young love. It was strange to her that with everything they’d been through– all the torture and death they had endured– that they could still be happy. If only for a brief second, she saw them through that woman’s eyes. A couple on a train with not a care in the world.
Chapter 3
Twisted army of doom
Ruby’s hair reflected the blue glow of the lamps as she walked down the center’s hallway. When they finally arrived, she rushed to the cafeteria to gulp down what seemed like an entire barrel of water. She felt as though she had spent days lost in a desert.
Next time we’re not doing the train. She repeated Liam’s words and laughed.
This morning was no different than any other since the day they had welcomed the large lot of AetherBorns into the center. The two of them arrived before the classes and training started, parting ways by the greenhouse so Liam could meet with the rest of the elders. In just a few short weeks, he had really grown into his role as the Fire House elder. She had thought it would take him more time to adjust, especially having to replace his aunt in her untimely death, but it seemed that he was determined to put the Elementals first. He barely even cringed anymore when someone mentioned Alice, and she often wondered if Elementals were just better at compartmentalizing their feelings.
Ruby was thankful for the times she had while he was in his meetings. Spending the hours walking the halls of the center to check in with everyone she encountered, Elemental and AetherBorn alike. Even though Liam had continuously reassured her that the transition went over smoothly, she needed to see it for herself.
She made a sharp right turn past the library and ducked down low enough that the top of her hair bun didn’t leave a trace in the windows above the two metal doors, taking every precaution to make sure that Liam did not think that she was spying on him while he was inside. Creeping by in a crouch, she bolted upright when it was a safe enough distance away from the doors and almost bulldozed Nola to the ground.
“Shit!” the AetherBorn yelped and hit her back against the wall.
“Nola! I’m so sorry!” Ruby mouthed, somewhere between a yell and a whisper. “I’m an idiot.”
“Hiding from Liam again then?” Nola reached down to help her off the ground. “You know you can just take the other hallway, right?”
“Yeah, but then I won’t get the rush of almost killing you every morning. It’s better than coffee!” She laughed, grabbing Nola’s hand and hoisting herself up to stand.
There were dozens of AetherBorns that had decided to take a chance on her after she had freed them from the hold Demas had on them. Most of them stayed in their quarters with the exception of food breaks, tak
ing their time to get acclimated to life underground in the center but a few others accepted their new lives with open arms and inquisitive minds. Nola was one of the first to come out of her shell, making sure to introduce herself and her mother to Ruby the first chance she got. She was fearless and it was one of the qualities that made Ruby connect to her instantly. She reminded her of Shay in a way, the same fire boiled in her, making her say things without having to have a filter. If it wasn’t for her very short, platinum bleached hair and black eyes, Ruby would have sworn her new AetherBorn friend was just Shay wearing a different outfit.
“Yeah, okay. If it wasn’t for your little boy toy, I’d be sure you were hitting on me.”
“More like actually hitting you, Nola.” She laughed, noticing the slight figure behind the AetherBorns shoulders. “Hi, Beatrice! Almost didn’t notice you there with your daughter always in the way.”
Unlike Nola, her mother was a quiet and polite individual. When they first arrived at the center, Ruby was not even aware that Nola was here with a relative until they were introduced. She wondered how much of Beatrice’s shyness could be attributed to having spent most of her life with Demas. She couldn’t even imagine what that life could have been like. Spending your days with a monster that convinced you to give everything up to follow him. Worse, to bear him a child just to help his evil plan.
In her weeks making the rounds each morning, Ruby’s heart nearly broke from some of the stories that were shared with her. They had opened the center doors to dozens of AetherBorns, all of whom were either coerced or physically forced into following Demas. When she first started getting to know them, she had a hard time accepting that anyone could believe his lies enough to join his twisted army of doom. Her own grandmother had chosen to end her life instead of being with him. But after hearing some of their tales she began to understand their choice more. When Ruby found out that she was an AetherBorn, she had Liam and the other Elementals to help her understand her powers and who she was to become. Being surrounded by others like you, being promised a family, would be a hard thing to turn down. And she had to admit that Demas could be very convincing when he wanted to be. Enough to persuade these women to give up their individuality for his cause. To live in some perverted version of a cult, multiplying his numbers with lies and calculated pregnancies. The thought of letting him touch her made Ruby sick.
Beatrice was one of the women Demas had impregnated, Nola being the outcome of that union. The AetherBorn had often referred to a few of the other offspring as her sisters but Ruby couldn’t imagine that they had any bond between them that true sisters might have. The only thing that tied them together was their hatred for the man who had fathered them. In a way, Ruby could say she shared that same connection with every AetherBorn in the center.
“Morning, Ruby.” Beatrice peeked her head from behind her daughters’ broad shoulder. “How are you feeling today?”
“Pretty great! Excited to get the day going. I was thinking of maybe getting some training in today with Nola, you can come join us if you’d like.” She nudged Nola’s arm enough to make her tumble.
“Oh, you girls have fun. I promised Zag that I’d help him out in the greenhouse today.”
“And she doesn’t want to see me pummel you.” Nola added with a smirk.
Ruby laughed before saying her goodbyes and moving along down the hallway. She had a feeling that it would be quite some time before the AetherBorns joined any of them in training. Not that she could blame them, they had likely had their share of fighting to last a lifetime. At least Nola was always up for a good practice run. It was hard for Ruby to be comfortable enough with new people to develop true friendships but something about Nola made her feel safe and at peace.
She thought more about her new friend as she made her way through the center, stopping occasionally to chat with passersby. Despite weeks having passed, Ruby still had a hard time believing how many people called the center their home now. A home she built by sheer hope alone.
The blue light danced lazily on the walls as she took each step, admiring the sound of friendly chatter in every room around her. Maybe Liam was right, and Demas had chosen his own family over his obsession with the Elementals. If this is what family was, she would select it above all else. Ruby picked up her pace and walked back to the library, suddenly thinking that her and Demas had more in common than either of them would like to admit.
Chapter 4
His wrath is that much greater
“Do we all agree the murder in Dalhurst is not something to worry about?” Elena asked, swirling the last of the champagne in her glass. Today’s elder meeting was running long, and one look told Ruby that the mayor was ready to end it.
“We don’t all agree on that Elena,” Harvey thumped a fist on the table in defiance, but the weakness of his shaky hand left something to be desired. “The ash around the body is concerning.”
“It could be a clue.” Myriam chirped.
“Or it could be nothing,” The mayor continued, “Besides, a clue of what exactly? We don’t even know who this poor boy was. They won’t divulge his name on the news. I feel we’re jumping to conclusions out of fear.”
Ruby had listened to them argue about this all morning and every time she thought they reached a consensus and were going to let it go, someone flipped their opinion, igniting the debate once again. “What do you think?” She turned to Liam who was particularly quiet this meeting.
“Me?” His eyebrows rose like he had been called to the front of the class, “I don’t think it’s anything to worry about yet. But we shouldn’t rule it out either.”
“So, it could be something or it could be nothing? That’s helpful.” She didn’t mean for her tone to come out dismissive, but Ruby was annoyed with his lack of support. She didn’t care whose side he was on, just that he would pick a side to begin with.
“I’m sorry. I’m simply saying that while it may look like nothing, we can’t rule out the fact that it could be Elemental. We’ve already made the mistake of disregarding signs before with...”
He didn’t have to finish the sentence for Ruby to know exactly what he was referring to. The signs they had received from Demas that they chose to ignore. Signs of his presence in the center, his powers that were beyond anything that they had encountered before. Signs that could have helped prevent so much heartache and death. Alice’s death.
Liam saw her expression fill with pain and reached for her hand under the table. She was reluctant to accept it, fearful to show any weakness or favoritism in her position, but eventually her fingers laced his and squeezed. “Maybe we could just keep watching more closely for now.” He added, slipping back into the neutral ground that infuriated her.
“And if it is Demas? What do we do then?” Cyril’s cold eyes cut through his words until each letter crumbled on the ground beneath them. “How do we protect our people? Not sure if anyone noticed but we have quite a few more now to worry about.”
“The AetherBorns can take care of themselves.” She offered through clenched teeth.
“I’m not saying that they can’t, just that if it is him again, there is a chance he might come after them. Demas is not the forgiving type.”
“I’m the one he can’t forgive. If he’s coming back for anyone, it’s for me.”
“And the rest of the Elementals,” Cyril added. “If I’m not mistaken, we’re the reason he’s here in the first place. To kill us for what our ancestors did to his lover.”
“Incredibly foolish for a deity, if you ask me.” Elena noted, sliding the now empty champagne flute across the table. “One dumb royal kid made a bad move centuries ago and he’s willing to punish every house for it.”
“The kid was Air House, Elena. Your House. And the bad move you’re talking about is murder. The murder of someone he loved and the mother of his child. How would you react to that?” Her hands clenched into fists under the table, and she could feel the tips of her fingers tingle as black fog sta
rted to seep out of them.
“Careful Ruby. It almost sounds like you agree with him.”
“I don’t agree with any of it,” she said, quickly shaking off the fog. “I’m just saying that he’s had all this time to let it go but instead he’s channeled it into some twisted version of a war, a justice only he can dish out. He loved and he lost, being a deity only means his wrath is that much greater than the rest of ours.”
The room fell silent for a few brief moments while the elders took in her point of view. She had hoped they could understand that if the murder was somehow his doing, if he was really back, there could be no plan for his return. He was angry enough to level the entire planet if he wanted to. Especially if he wasn’t returning alone. A thought Ruby tried incredibly hard to erase from her mind for now.
Liam shifted in his seat, drawing attention to himself and diverting the elders’ glares. “So, do we know if Demas would have some connection to ash of any kind? Or fire even?”
“All we’ve seen so far is his connection to shadow,” she answered, relieved for the change to a more pragmatic subject matter. “I haven’t seen anything either here or in the Aether Plane that would imply he can control fire.”
“You can control all the Elemental powers. Is it possible he can to?”
“Not at all.” Harvey answered for her, “Ruby is an AetherBorn. Made of all the Houses. That’s what allows her to channel all of our powers. Demas could only control the powers of his own rights. From everything I’ve read on Tartarus, his strength lies in the darkness which would explain his connection to the shadows of our planet.”
“Do you think it’s possible I can harness some of those powers?” She asked.
“Of course. You’re in his lineage so I think it’s safe to assume that. Though I haven’t seen anything to imply that an AetherBorn was able to do so before.”