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Crowded Bus: Lap Temptation (Taboo Erotica)

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by Anya Merchant

  Crowded Bus: Lap Temptation


  Anya Merchant

  Copyright © 2015 by Anya Merchant

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only. It contains substantial sexually explicit language and scenes that may be considered offensive by some readers.


  “Come on honey, we’re going to be late!”

  Jack already had a heavy traveling bag in each hand, but somehow managed to take another one from his step mom, Alicia, as she passed it over. The two of them stood outside of the family’s minivan, grabbing everything that they were going to take with them on the bus ride across the country.

  “Jeez mom, are you sure that we’re going to need all of this stuff?” Jack watched as Alicia reached deeper into the trunk of the vehicle, giving him a quick flash of her sexy butt and pink panties underneath the very short skirt she was wearing.

  Alicia had married his dad almost eighteen years ago, back when Jack was still in diapers. She was the only mom that he had ever known, and the two of them had always been close. She was in her late thirties, but had a body that put most younger women to shame, with large, firm breasts and sensual hips.

  “Trust me, honey,” said Alicia. “It’s always better to over pack than it is to under pack. Besides, it only looks like a lot because your father is meeting us there.”

  It was late afternoon, but the sun was a powerful force in the sky, heating the day’s air up and reminding Jack that it was still summer. He’d only worn a tank top and a thin pair of shorts, but it was more than enough clothing to make him feel hot and humid.

  “Alright, fine.” Jack grabbed the large, wrapped package that had taken up most of the room in the trunk on the drive out. “Will you at least tell me about what you got for them?”

  Alicia turned towards him and smiled. The blouse that she was wearing was low cut and had been tied off on the bottom, revealing a nice amount of cleavage on top, and her toned, sexy stomach underneath.

  “It’s a wooden statue,” she said. “Your grandpa’s a little crazy when it comes to collecting that kind of stuff.”

  “Oh yeah…Cool, I think he’ll get a kick out of it.” Jack shouldered the bag he was carrying and somehow managed to hold the present in his hands. Alicia was just as overloaded as he was, carrying her own bag and a couple more with Jack’s dad’s clothing in them.

  The two of them locked up the minivan and headed through the parking lot towards the main terminal of the station. The bus was large, air conditioned, and designed for cheap, comfortable, cross country travel. All of the windows excluding the large front one were tinted, and the roof appeared to be raised up a little higher than a typical city or school bus.

  There was an attendant standing right outside the stairs leading up and into the bus, and he took Jack and Alicia’s tickets and ripped them in half as they walked over.

  “You two made it just in time,” said the man. “Most of the under vehicle cargo area is full, but I think they’ll be room inside in the overhead compartment or down by your feet. I mean, hopefully…are you guys sure that you need all of that stuff?”

  Alicia shot him a severe look.

  “Yes, actually, we do!” Her voice had a matter of fact tone to it. “We’ll find a way to make it work!”

  Jack followed behind her as she walked up the stairs and onto the bus. The aisle was surprisingly narrow for how big the vehicle looked from the outside, but each wall of it was lined with comfortable looking seats. Most of them, however, were already taken. Alicia walked down towards the only open two, which were at the very back of the bus.

  “Come on honey, let’s figure out a way to make all of this fit!”

  It felt to Jake as though everybody on the bus was waiting for them to get situated so the trip could get underway. It took him and his mom a minute of trying to get the bags into the upper compartment to realize that there was just no way it was going to happen. The people who had gotten on before them had taken up almost all of the space, leaving very little left for them to work with.

  “Mom, maybe we should bring a couple of bags out to the van?” asked Jack. “I mean, we could probably mail the present, and it wouldn’t take more than a day or two extra.”

  “Nonsense, sweetie, we’ll just have to get creative!” Alicia began sliding their bags into the space by their feet. It didn’t take long for them to pile up, and the last few, including the present, she sat down on the actual seat.

  “How are we going to fit, though?” asked Jack.

  “It’s fine honey, We will both just squeeze in, and make the best of the room we have.”

  It was already a couple of minutes past departure time, and the bus driver was giving them an impatient look through the wide rearview mirror across the top of cab. Jack pushed into the row as tightly as he could. Only about half, maybe even less, of the usual space was still open and available for his mom, but she did her best to cram in.

  The bus departed literally as soon as her butt had come to a rest on the seat. The two of them were in the very back row, and Jack found himself being grateful for it. Instead of having a seat across from them, there was a tiny bus bathroom, which meant that there was nobody there to witness just how embarrassingly tight of a fit he and his mom had ended up in.

  “There, that’s not so bad, is it?” As soon as Alicia had asked the question, the bus went over a bump, and she slipped out of her seat and into the aisle. Jack grabbed onto her and helped her back up, but it was immediately clear that there was no way it would work for the duration of the five hour trip.

  “This happens to people every now and then.” There was a woman sitting in the seat directly in front of them, and she looked over and smiled as she spoke. “My name is Jamie. I ride this bus every weekend.”

  “Nice to meet you, Jamie. I’m Alicia, and this is my son, Jack.” Alicia was bracing herself against the bathroom door on the other side of the aisle, fighting to hold herself in position as the bus continued to go over bumps. “What should I do? I can’t ride like this for the entire way…do you think the bus driver might listen if I-“

  “Frank’s an asshole,” said Jamie. “Unless the two of you want to argue with him and get kicked off, it’s not an option. Just sit on your son’s lap, at least until the first rest stop.”

  Jack felt his face flush red as he thought about having his mom sit on his lap. He loved her, and he knew that she was his mom, but he also recognized that she was a very attractive woman. He wasn’t sure if his mind could separate everything out with her soft body right on top of him.

  Alicia looked as though she was having a similar dilemma. She was blushing, and looking at their bags and cargo.

  “I, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” said Alicia. “I think maybe we should-“

  “Look, just trust me, it will be fine.” Jamie flicked a strand of hair out of her face, and Jack noticed for the first time that she was also quite attractive. “You guys won’t get caught, and it will be over before you know it.”

  Jack looked at his mom. She smiled awkwardly at him, and then lifted her butt in the air and began sliding over and onto him.

  “She’s right sweetie,” Alicia said. “Hopefully having the weight of your mommy on your lap won’t be too much for you to handle for a little while.”

  Jack blushed even more at hearing her call herself his “mommy”. He rubbe
d her reassuringly on the shoulder, and then tried to think of something, anything, other than how good it felt to have his mom’s soft, warm butt resting on his cock.


  “You grandpa and grandma are going to be so happy to see us, Jack!”

  Alicia had come to terms with the situation and gotten comfortable in the new seating arrangement first. She hummed and looked out one of the windows as the bus made its way through traffic.

  “Yeah mom, I bet it will be hard for them to keep from celebrating when we get there.”

  Jack was having a much worse time with it. Despite his best efforts to focus his thoughts on safe, platonic things, his body was acutely aware of just how good his mom felt against him. The short skirt that she had on didn’t cover more than the bare minimum of her thighs, and he could feel his skin below the bottom of his shorts pushing up against hers.

  “I hope they like the wood carving,” said Alicia. “I spent such a long time picking it out! The creator polished the surface of it to an almost glossy sheen.”

  “That’s…great mom,” whispered Jack. “Polishing wood, that’s great.”

  He was in his own world, and could barely focus on what she was saying. Despite Jack’s best efforts, his cock was slowly getting harder. He felt it reach about half of its full size when erect, and knew that there was no way his mom could still be ignoring it. Jack was completely ashamed and embarrassed, and prayed to god that the rest stop wouldn’t be that much farther.

  “Jack, sweetie...” Alicia turned towards him, placing one of her hands on his chest and whispering into his ear. “Do you have something in your pocket?”

  Jack was more embarrassed than he had ever been in his life. He avoided his mom’s eyes, and slowly shook his head back and forth, feeling his cock throbbing and becoming more erect even as his shame threatened to overwhelm him.

  “No, mom,” he said. “My pockets are empty.”

  “Oh…Oh!” Alicia was suddenly bright red too, and Jack could feel heat radiating off her body. “Well…Let me just see if I can get into a more comfortable spot then. It’s okay sweetie, these things happen!”

  Alicia stood up right as the bus went over another bump, resulting in her flying up into the air and falling back down onto her son’s lap. Jack managed to catch her before she landed, and held her steady against his crotch. His cock was rubbing up in between her buttocks, and it felt almost as though he was being jacked off by a soft, fat hand.

  “Are you two okay back there?” Jamie poked her head back over the seat and grinned at the two of them knowingly. “I’m sure it’s pretty hard for you guys in such a tight spot, huh?”

  “Yes…” whispered Alicia. “It…It is very, very hard.”

  “Oh wow, I can almost feel the heat from you guys,” said Jamie. “It’s always hot when you’re in such close contact like that.”

  “Yeah, it’s hot,” said Jack. “Having her sit on my lap, her body is hot, I mean.”

  Jack shook his head, feeling like a fool. He was embarrassed, ashamed, confused, and worst of all, incredibly horny. His mom’s summer blouse was so high up on her chest, and it left tons of exposed skin for his eyes to see and his mind to run wild with. His cock was at its full extent by this point, and it ached for relief underneath her.

  “Are you doing okay, sweetie?” asked Alicia. She turned back towards him and put her hand on her chest again, this time orienting her upper body so that he had a perfect downward view of her cleavage.

  “I’m…hanging in there, mom,” he said. “What about you?”

  Alicia blushed, and then smiled at him.

  “I’m okay,” she whispered, leaning in close. “But I had a thought…maybe you could go into the bathroom and, you know, take care of yourself?”

  Jack stared at her stupidly for a moment, not willing or able to accept that his mom was talking about what he thought she was talking about. His cock was throbbing underneath her, and every time she would turn to talk to him, her butt would rub and massage across it, making his predicament even worse.

  “Mom…what do you mean, exactly?” He didn’t want to ask her, but he had to make sure.

  “Honey, I mean…this…” Alicia stood up and off him slightly, and then ran her fingers across his rock hard tool. Jack let out a small moan and almost came in his pants. It was too much, too fast, and the embarrassed and yet still incredibly motherly look on his mom’s face only made it even more arousing.

  “Mom, I’m so sorry!” Jack said. He wanted to die, or at the very least, turn invisible.

  “Sweetie, it’s okay!” Alicia ran her hand across his cheek and leaned in to give him a kiss. The bus went over another bump, and her lips ended up making contact with his, turning what was meant to be an innocent show of affection into something much more illicit.

  “I…I’ll do it, mom,” said Jack. “I think it will make this trip a lot easier.”

  “Thanks, honey.” Alicia smiled at him, still blushing.

  Jack watched as his mom slowly stood up and off him, his cock bouncing to attention as the weight keeping it down was lifted. She looked unbelievably hot in her skirt, and the way she tried to smooth it out before walking into the aisle was enough to get Jack’s mind primed with nasty, shameful ideas.

  He stood up and walked over to the bathroom. It looked tiny from the outside, but once he had gotten the door open and himself inside of it, he realized that there actually was a good amount of space. The toilet was also clean, and the room was free of any unsavory bathroom odors.

  Jack slowly pulled down his shorts and boxer briefs, feeling his massive erection beginning to hum at the idea of being touched, and stroked. He had to do it, he reminded himself. It was for the sake of his mom, for the sake of them being able to have a calm and unobstructed journey.

  His mind was alive with ideas and images, and embarrassingly, they all were about his mom. Her perfects tits, and sexy ass. The way she felt balanced on his cock, and how badly he wanted to feel her body and pull her into him.

  Jack’s cheeks flushed red, and he tried to think about something else. He was already beyond his limit for shame, just having to deal with what had already happened. His mom was off limits, and she always would be.

  He slowly began to rub his hand up and down his cock. Jack didn’t have any lube, but even just letting his fingers dance along his shaft felt incredibly good. He let out a sigh, and sped up, feeling his cock pulsing in its hand, rock hard and ready for action.

  Jack almost jumped when he heard a small knock at the door. He hurried to pull his shorts up, banging into the back wall clumsily in his rush.

  “Uh, hold on, just a minute!” The door opened, despite his shout. Jack was surprised to see Jamie, the woman who had been sitting in front of them, walking into the bathroom stall.

  “Shhh…” she whispered. “The bus driver’s one rule is that only a single person can be in the bathroom at a time. You wouldn’t want him to catch us, now would you?”

  She was an attractive woman, in a way that reminded Jack a little of his mom. She had big breasts and a nice figure, and though she was ever so slightly on the curvy side, she pulled it off well.

  “What are you doing in here?” asked Jack.

  “I told you mom that I’d help you out, make it a little less awkward for you,” said Jamie. “She thinks I’m only coming in to give you this…”

  Jamie held a porn magazine in her hand and tossed it to the ground. Jack felt his cock throb as he looked at the cover, bringing him back to what he’d been doing before the intrusion.

  “Here, let me help you,” said Jamie. Jack watched, his mouth wide open in surprise, as the attractive older woman stepped in close to him and took his cock into her hands.

  “Oh god, oh man,” moaned Jack. “What are you-“

  “Just taking care of you, sweetie,” said Jamie. “My my, did your mommy really make you this hard?”

  Jack blushed and tried to look away. It was embarrassing enough fo
r him to deal with the situation without having to talk to strangers about it.

  “It was just, I mean, I’m a man and she’s a woman,” he said in his defense. “It would have happened to anyone!”

  “Oh, but you’re so hard!” Jamie gave his cock a playful squeeze and waves of pleasure went shooting through Jack’s body. She pushed her breasts up against him tight, and slowly began to slide down, letting them rub all along Jack as she dropped to her knees in front of them.

  “I bet your mom wonders what’s taking so long,” said Jamie. “If I was only coming in here to give you a magazine, I should be back out by now, right?”

  Jamie gave Jack’s cock a lick all the way from the base to the tip, and Jack gasped from the pleasure.

  “Oh god, Jamie,” he moaned. “That feels…really good.”

  “Let’s just hope your mommy doesn’t come in and catch you with my lips wrapped around your cock,” whispered Jamie. “That would be a little too much embarrassment for one day, I think.”

  She kissed the head of his cock, and then pushed her lips forward along it, taking Jack’s member into her mouth. He let out a moan and grabbed onto the walls of the stall, pleasure sweeping over his body like the darkness of a solar eclipse.

  Jamie was good at sucking cock. She pushed all of her hair back behind her and focused on getting Jack off, turning her head slightly as she sucked and slurped. Her tongue massaged across the skin of his dick as she went, giving Jack an unbelievable amount of extra pleasure.

  “Oh jeez, Jamie,” moaned Jack. “Fuck, don’t stop, don’t stop!”

  She was sucking his dick like a pro, as though it was her mission to make Jack cum. She was leaned forward, and Jack brought his arm down to one of her tits and began to grab at it. It was soft, and warm.

  Jamie pushed all the way forward, and Jack felt the tip of his dip slide down her throat. He almost lost it, and as Jamie slid her mouth back and gagged slightly, he knew that he was on the verge of cumming. Jack reached forward and grabbed the back of her head, intent on face fucking her until his dick was ready to let his load go, when a noise interrupted them.


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