The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)
Page 17
“For being you. For being here and for being mine.”
“Always, Lu. Come on, let’s say our goodbyes. Time to forget work and stress and make it all about the play.”
Gigi Divine is quite possibly the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. Currently sitting across from me, in a tailored grey trouser suit and chiffon blouse, she was effortlessly put together, maintaining a cool calm demeanour about her, whilst manically punching information into her smart phone. Gigi was apparently the best wedding planner in the area, if not the UK - Suzie’s words, not mine; I’d be the judge of that, although I have to say, she seemed just my cup-of-tea and I’d loved the website I’d perused at length the past few days.
I take a moment to secretly survey her. Her long blonde hair fell in tumbling waves of honeys and caramels, surrounding a perfect sun-kissed complexion, sapphire blue Disney eyes, with lashes to die for and a wide full mouth that lifted genuinely and often. The sexy Eva Mendes mole on her cheek was the icing on the perfect wedding cake. I instinctively check her wedding finger. Nope… no ring! How was this woman not married? She was utterly gorgeous, with endless legs I’d die for!
I wonder what her story was? She had an air of mystery.
“Sorry about that… swans - importation…regulations… well you don’t need to know the ins and outs.” Her white teeth glint at me and manicured nails wave her comments away.
I don’t but wow! Swans! “It’s fine, honestly, I get it.” I smile warmly at her, taking a sip of my green tea.
“Thank you for understanding. Will, Mr. Silver be joining us?”
“He’s running a little late, so we should begin but he’ll be here soon.”
“Not a problem - most brides want to have some alone time with me at the initial meeting anyway, so it may work out for the best.”
I nod, agreeing with her, watching as she extracts a larger file, unclips it and begins to remove sample leaflets and colour swatches, before reaching for her iPad.
“So, your sister recommended me, you say Lucia?”
“I found you on the internet but yeah, she also sung your praises from the Priestly wedding and please call me Lu?”
“Lu it is, Priestly wedding, yes I remember, gorgeous do − three years in the making.”
I grimace. We didn’t have three months, let alone three years. “Oh.”
“So… the wedding - when did you say it was?”
“In three weeks.” I whisper, wincing as I say the words - it was a ridiculous timescale for anyone to work with. 21 days; my impossible man.
The sharp clearing of her throat is combined with a quick eyebrow raise, followed by a gulp. “Hmmm, that’s soon?”
“Hmmm. Too soon for me, but Sebastian, my fiance, is insistent. We’ve waited years for this day and he’s not prepared to wait a moment longer.”
“And for how many?”
“About 150?”
“Right. Well, it’s not out of the question, but it could come with some restrictions on venues, date-wise and it will definitely cause an issue with deadlines for floral arrangement bookings, cake and decor suppliers etc…”
I hold my breath as she thinks on her feet, it was like glimpsing myself at work. We had a very similar way, making small organised notes in a calm manner. I liked her, immediately; liked her manner and the way that she had made me feel like she was in control within a few short minutes.
“Do you have a date in mind?”
“Unfortunately it does need to be over the weekend, a Friday, Saturday or Sunday to suit our guests, but we do have the venue already.” I wince again, this was going to be tough.
“Well that helps with our main problem - it’s just ensuring that our best photographers, videographers, florists, cake designers, seamstresses etc are also available.” She sweeps her shining blonde hair elegantly over her shoulder in one smooth movement before continuing to scrutinise her diary. “I have a wedding every weekend from now until the second week in December - how about Friday the 11th Dec?”
I immediately check my iCal and mentally calculate the weeks, knowing it was considerably further away than the 3 weeks Seb was expecting. “That would be seven weeks?”.
“Hmmm. I can’t see another date here. You’ll be hard pushed at this short notice to arrange a wedding on such a scale in three weeks. It’s only another few weeks to wait and it could be a christmas wedding!” Her honeyed brows meet in a neat frown and deep blue eyes focus on me. She really was very pretty. “We’d make it very special. Do you think that date would be an issue?”
It wasn’t a few weeks difference, it was 4 - a month!
“Not for me but my fiance might have something to say about it…”
“What will I have something to say about?” We both look up as a deep male voice interrupts us, pulling out the chair next to me and grinning sexily in Gigi’s direction.
“We were working out dates for the wedding, baby.”
“Tomorrow suits me fine. I’m in.” Seb leans in and plants a lingering kiss on my lips, that makes me breathless, his hand cupping my jaw. I quickly pull away as I remember where we are and that we have company. Gigi and I lock eyes and her knowing look makes me relax, she was probably more than used to PDA in her in profession.
“We can’t do tomorrow, silly.”
“That’s a shame. Hi, Sebastian Silver, sorry I’m late.” Seb shakes hands with our attractive wedding planner and I watch their interaction, extremely pleased when I don’t see her preen all over him. She was most certainly a keeper.
“Not a problem - Gigi, Gigi Divine, Wedding Co-ordinator - lovely to meet you. Lucia and I have just been talking about the concept of a Christmas wedding?”
“Absolutely, categorically…NO!”
If Gigi Divine is shocked at Sebastian’s controlling persona she does not show it - her facial expression not changing from the calm demeanour she has portrayed from the outset. Instead she smiles at us both, takes a small sip of her coffee before replacing it in it’s saucer and focusing her blues on my man. Then she leans in asks him, “Seb, how important is it to you to make your bride happy?”
I watch Sebastian’s jaw tick, his eyes narrow weighing up Gigi’s motives as his nostrils flare. She was certainly putting him on the spot and I liked it - she has sass! “She is my priority. I want her to be my wife asap but I need to put her first. I will put her first.”
“Ok, Lucia - how important is it you, to have a wedding that is planned, within reason.”
“I feel like we’ve waited this long to be together, what’s seven weeks. I would love to get married at Christmas.” I also am happy to breathe, take the time to find my dress, enjoy this a little - relax.
Seb shifts in his seat and frowns at me, clasping my hand. “Really? It matters that much to you, darling?”
“Really. It does.”
“You have always adored Christmas…”
“I have, and Finn would love it, Seb; all the trees and decorations and fake snow.” I had a warm feeling building in my belly that I’d won this round - the first of many.
“Fake snow?”
“Yes, fake snow!”
“Jeez! What am I letting myself in for?”
Gigi and I both laugh in unison.
“But it’s seven weeks away?” he grumbles.
“Nearly six if you squint at the diary.” I squeak.
“Lu! Seven days maybe but not seven weeks; don’t do this to me baby.”
“It’s not so long, Sebastian and we have so much to do in the meantime. We have to move house, we both have work commitments, I need to plan the bloody thing and try and enjoy what is supposed to be the best day of our lives. You and I have a lifetime to look forward to together - don’t rush this. I haven’t even bought my dress, please Seb, do this for me…”
“It will fly by, trust me.” Gigi interjects, assisting me in my argument.
I watch my sexy Silver
man battle with his lack of control. I know it’s hard for him but I’m not budging with this and I can see him wavering. At last he nods on a whim and squeezing my hand grunts. “Let’s do it. Go for it Gigi, December the 11th it is but I mean it this time Lu, not a second longer.”
We haven’t even given Gigi the go ahead to plan our wedding but she is hired without a doubt. Anyone who can convince Sebastian Silver to do something he doesn’t want to so easily is worth their weight in gold in my book and glancing across to my delicious husband-to-be, I can tell he feels the same. “Gigi, you are magic.” I compliment her.
“Yes, well-played Ms, Divine. Exceedingly smooth.” Seb concedes dryly.
“You two did the hard-work guys, I just got you started in the right direction - now lets see about getting you married.
“There is no limit.”
I watch as the beautiful blonde across from nods impressively. “Well that will assist with the lack of time, considerably.”
“Nothing is too good for my baby.”
I feel my cheeks heat as Sebastian’s hand finds my knee beneath the table and begins to stroke in leisurely circles.
“Well we can discuss some general plans and I’ll send you an invoice after today- my rates are fair and set on a monthly basis. We have a Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum package that we offer our clients to choose from.”
“Platinum through and through.” Seb’s words slice through me and I bite my lips, knowing their innuendo was meant for me. He really was.
“However, as you have a no budget limitations… I can always draw up a tailor-made package to address your particular… needs?”
“Lucia has always loved it when I use my tailor-made package… to address her particular… needs.” Seb draw out the words leisurely with mirth in his chocolate eyes.
“Sebastian, stop it. Poor Gigi will feel uncomfortable! I apologise for my fiancées lack of restraint.” I whack him playfully on his arm.
On the contrary, Gigi is smiling openly at our banter. “Not at all, it’s rather refreshing to see a couple so in love and such good friends.”
“Eh? Isn’t that how all your clients are at this point?”
“You’d be surprised Lucia - if I had a £1 for every couple I could spot heading for divorce before they’d even taken their vows.” Gigi’s lips purse. “Sorry, not that I should be talking about that now, you two just make me feel, well let’s just say that this is why I got into this line of work - for couples like you.”
Seb grins openly at her. “Thank you Gigi. This woman is my life and I can’t wait to marry her. I don’t care if that makes me sound like a sop, I like the fact that we appear to have found a planner that can see ‘us’.”
“Anyone would have be blind not to see what you and Lu share, Sebastian. The air is electric around you both.”
Seb winks at her and I stroke his face before leaning in. “Right, enough about us… what about you?”
Gigi’s huge eyes grow dull instantly and I know I’ve hit a nerve. “Me? Nothing to tell. I get my fix from couples like you guys. Anyway, you said you have a venue in mind already?”
There’s much more to her story - a real enigma but we leave it and instead answer in unison. “The Ashton.”
“At Holdgate? I know it - it’s recently been re-furbed hasn’t it?”
“All Lucia’s Interior Design handiwork.” Seb proudly informs her.
“Really? Wow - that’s good to know. It is stunning. Wonderful that we have a venue already, as at this short notice that may have been an issue.”
“The owner is a close friend of ours so he will be accommodating.”
“Super. Well, how about we head on through to the wedding fair together and you point out the styles you like and dislike and we can go form there.”
“Can’t wait!” Seb answers sarcastically.
“Oh come on, you love weddings.”
“I love the thought of you in pearls, and ivory lace too, especially if you’re wearing nothing else.” His brows raise wickedly, “But all the trimmings I’m happy to leave to you experts.”
“Sounds good to me. I have tonnes of ideas - I love the idea of a Silver theme… to play on Seb’s name.”
“What a great concept! We could have a Winter, frosted, silver look.”
“Hmmm, nothing too poncy and I’m in.” Seb grins. “Besides it will be a play on our name, and I love the concept too, Mrs soon to be, Silver.”
I’ll never tire of hearing those words. “I stand corrected.”
From his secluded position in the foyer of the luxury 5 Star Westbury Manor, the man in the black leather jacket, remains focused on his targets. Finally, as his back has begun to ache from his contorted position, they enter .
“About time!” He mutters through gritted teeth as he watches them walk through the conference room doors, hand in hand like a fucking smug married couple. “Not. Fucking. Yet. Mate. Cocky Bastard!”
Lucia is dressed in a black and cream blazer, jeans, heels and pearls - she looks fit. Silver is dressed liked frigging David Beckham. “Ponce!”
Who the fuck did this guy think he is?
The couple stop for a moment, accompanied by a slim blonde woman he doesn’t recognise, to review the noticeboard situated outside the open ballroom doors before heading on into the Essex Suite, to join the many visitors, milling around - all here to enjoy the hotel’s Wedding Fair Event showcasing that day. He waits a short while longer, before slipping through those same doors and into the crowds behind them. The woman with them was pretty hot but she had one thing about her appearance he couldn’t abide; she was a dumb blonde. He’d never go there again.
Ducking in behind one of the stall holder’s, roller banners, he holds his camera close to his chest and focuses the zoom in on Lucia’s face, snarling as he sees her happiness. “Really? You’re really going to tie yourself to this smooth prick for all eternity and you’re smiling about it?” His blue eyes narrows on her mouth, enjoying the opportunity to peruse his love at such close proximity, then dropping to her chest and clicking with each movement. This was so much more reliable than his blasted phone, and the detail would be incredible when he printed them out.
Now they are tasting wedding cake? Talk about rubbing it in! The bride and groom to be were currently feeding small pieces of chocolate, fruit and sponge to one another, whilst chuckling openly at the mess they were creating. To onlookers they created the perfect picture of a couple in love, to him they made him feel physically sick - they were taunting him! He watches as they move on to the next business, this time a photographer and he chuckles inwardly. “I know a great photographer… shame he be won’t be able to make your wedding Silver, he’s fully booked that day, as will be the bride.”
He spends the next hour weaving in and out of the shadows, watching his chances with the woman of his dreams slip through his fingers by the second; desperation, quickly being replaced with anger. These places made him itch, he’d done it with his now ex-wife. Marriage hadn’t been for him. He remembered it, standing at the aisle, her ash blonde hair gleaming like a beacon beneath the translucent veil. She had been a vision and had promised him the world. But the second his brain triggers that one memory, it’s as though the image has been set on fire in his memory as the bride’s face contorts into an ugly, evil, lying bitch!
He’d buried that time along with all his bitterness, but here in these sweet and sickly surroundings, the stench of hope filling his nostrils combined with the heat of desperate women, keen to shackle themselves to men who will never be true to them is bringing it all flooding back with a ferocity that hits him like a bus. His mouth is watering, filling with metallic tasting saliva and pressing his finger to his lips, he sees the blood where he has bitten right through skin.
Yes, his whore of bride had been untrustworthy too. He had not chosen well.
They always left, always
wanted more than he could give - more than him.
He shakes his head to rid himself of the past and his sombre thoughts, before heading for the exit - he couldn’t be here a moment longer. “Oh Lucia, can’t you see that this man isn’t going to be there for you, through sickness and health? Are you really going to honour a man that has been a player all his life - who will undoubtably cheat on you?”
The cool air hits his face in a welcoming gush as he escapes the confines of the hotel and he zaps his saloon, sliding inside hurriedly. “With my body I would worship you. All that I have I would share with you, but it would never be enough with you would it, sweetheart?” The man with the cool blue eyes, wipes the thin film of sweat from his top lip and appraises himself in the rear view mirror, nodding as his words form clarity in his mind. “With my fist, I’ll break you, with my mind games I’ll control you. Women need boundaries, and men need to be in charge. I will always be the one in charge but I’ll have fun destroying your stubbornness Ms. Myers and take extreme pleasure, bending you to my will. Oh boy, that will be a challenge. Time is up, sweetheart - you are mine and it is time I finally get to taste the goods.”
A week later and it was moving day at last. Finally, I would have Lucia and Finn living with me, at Silver Birches. It would be a home; our home.
We’d be a family.
Finn was with his father for the day, leaving the adults the time to crack-on and really make a dent in the mountain of boxes to be shifted. I don’t care about the graft ahead of us, I usually hated moving house but not today - today is a great day - I’d been waiting for it for for weeks. Fuck, if I’m honest I’d been waiting for this for years.
Today I am moving in with the woman of my dreams.
Pulling into Rose Avenue, I park up outside number 41 and greet the removal guys ready and waiting outside Lu’s terrace and notice that Nathan’s truck is already here. Good lad - all we needed now was Big G and we’d be sorted. I didn’t want Lu lifting anything too heavy - it was much to early for her recovery to overdo things. She was doing so well, I couldn’t risk setting things back and messing up our wedding plans.