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Chase the Moon: A Historical Romance

Page 8

by Lynn Hubbard

  Amelia not sure where to put her hands since she was in the center, she kept them clasped together in her lap. Chase was his usual talkative self keeping up a steady stream of remarks to the riders around them.

  They were packed in so tight on the small seat her thigh was touching his from knee to hip. She tried to ignore it, which was extremely difficult. Every furrow he hit was like a caress.

  “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were hitting those damn ruts on purpose! Keep it smooth or I’m taking over!” Sabrina grumbled as she clung to the edge of the set least she be sent flying into the dirt. Brock was immediately riding by her side and glaring at his younger brother.

  “Keep your mind on the road Little Beaver.” He cautioned using Chase’s childhood nickname. Everyone snickered.

  Arriving home, Chase pulled Brock aside requesting to speak with him and Warren. Perplexed Brock followed him inside leaving the horses to the others. Finding Warren in his office the two Stafford brothers stepped inside and shut the door.

  Warren looked up from his piles of paper wearily.


  “I found out some information in town that you and Brock need to hear.” He went on relating what the clerk had revealed to Amelia and himself.

  Brock’s knuckles turned from red to white as he tries to control his anger. Warrens’ eyes narrowed and he rubbed them with a sigh before speaking. “Well, that definitely answers many question. I know this person, he may be a bit naïve but not harmful.”

  “Not harmful? Sabrina could have been killed due to his stupidity.”

  “The letter I received from Sabrina had no return information. Only a postmark. It was not opened, I checked it very clearly myself, looking for clues of her whereabouts. The only information he could have gleamed and passed on was the area.”

  “I can’t believe you are sticking up for him. At least one other family was killed due to his interference.”

  “I am in law. I know this man. He lost his family recently from a long time illness. Perhaps that is why he accepted any money. People do desperate things in desperate times. I cannot rebuke him for doing everything he could to save them. As I recall Sabrina put herself at risk. And many other people as well. Should we denounce her as well?”

  Brock stood angrily “Sabrina risked her life to save other innocents. She is warm, brave and giving. You could learn much from her.”

  “Yes, and she would be the first to say “Do not condemn this man.” Warren replied returning to his paperwork and dismissing them in the process.

  Brock slammed the door shut behind him and almost knocked over Sally in his haste to leave.

  “Oh, hello Brock and Chance?”


  “Yes of course. I was looking for Warren, have you seen him? He promised me a tour. Unless you two would like to show me around?” She asked with a simpering smile.

  “Yes, Warren did mention he was waiting on you. Go right in, I’m sure he will be thrilled.” Chase spoke up opening the door they had just slammed shut and ushering her inside.

  The two brothers headed back outside. It was funny how a beautiful home such as this one could seem so cold. Brock found Sabrina, Jaelyn and Amelia on the porch rocking.

  “Heard the door slam. Nice chat with Warren?” Amelia surmised as Sabrina frowned.

  “What is it you’re not telling me?”

  The two men remained stoic, not willing to upset her. Ignoring them Amelia turned and relayed the event to Sabrina.

  “Don’t you think something should be done?” Chase asked despair thick in his voice as Brock remained silent watching Sabrina closely.

  Sabrina stood taking a deep breath before answering. She turned to watch Brock as she spoke.

  “I didn’t think I would ever say this but, I agree with Warren.” She held up her hand to the men’s protests as she continued. “If he hadn’t of sent them to Oklahoma I would not be free. I would still be looking over my shoulder, never at peace. Now I am.”

  “But they killed that family.”

  “They were murderers, pestilence. I’m sure if it wasn’t that family it would have been another one somewhere else. Moreover, another after that, and another. It would not have ended until they were dead. I can only have solace by believing that I saved others from the same fate.”

  Her eyes were begging him for understanding Brock sighed pulling her into his arms as he held her close and kissed the top of her head. She was safe. That was all that mattered to him.


  Dinner was another boisterous affair. Sally had somehow managed to seat herself between Warren and Riley. Both men seemed pleased by her attention. Sabrina was grateful for the distraction as she sat next to Brock. Glancing down the table Dr. Reynold was in a deep conversation with Thomas about new medical techniques and Amelia sitting nearby looked kinda green as she listened.

  Needing to change the subject she spoke up. “We have sometime before the wedding. I suggest we go to Biloxi.”

  “Sure I’ll go.” Chase asked going anywhere with Amelia sounded good to him.

  “What is Biloxi?” Sally asked.

  “It’s a town on the Gulf of Mexico. Being this close you have to experience it at least once. Water as far off as you can see. The Gulf is so large it’s almost like seeing the ocean. They have Hotels, Saloons, and restaurants with amazing seafood…”

  “Many folks from all over the South go to Biloxi to relax and have a good time. However, water may be the only thing to look at these days. Last fall a terrible storm battered us hard. Hit while we were out looking for you.” Warren said sadly.

  “What storm? Was Montgomery damaged?” Sabrina asked in concern.

  “Montgomery stood her ground. Storm came in from the Gulf, from what I heard took out whole towns in Louisiana, killed thousands and did much damage to the coastal towns. Some of our hands went down to try to help out. There was lots of destruction, the beach is still there of course, and I’m sure they have started rebuilding. Beautiful place but can be just as deadly.”

  “That’s awful. So much tragedy.” Sabrina said feeling her eyes weld up with tears. She could imagine all the people without a home searching for their loved ones. She gripped Brock’s hand for comfort.

  “I still think it’s a good respite. We could leave tomorrow morning. Who else is coming?” Amelia asked still needing adventure.

  “I’ll go.” Riley replied.

  “We’ll go.” Jaelyn said referring to her and Thomas. Then she hesitated turning to her beau. “I mean unless you want to visit with your family instead?”

  Dr. Reynold shook his head, “No, no you go on and have fun. I still need to recover from the trip here. Sally can go as well if she wishes.”

  “We’ll keep Dr. Reynold company.” Jonathan said with a wink to his wife Anna.

  Brock looked over at Sabrina not sure what her thoughts were. He was surprised when she declined the offer. She had other plans for him.

  “Well that leaves Warren and Samuel.”

  Samuel shook his head. “No ma’am. I went down to help out after we got back. Did my time in Biloxi. It’ll be awhile before I’ll return. However, Warren should go. Would be good for him to get some sun, loosen up a bit.”

  “Yes, of do please come with us Mr. Lovett.” Sally pitched in.

  “Yes, please go.” Sabrina said jokingly.

  She received a glare as the table laughed. “All right I will go as well.”

  Samuel and Chase cleared the table while the travelers went off to pack.

  “Biloxi huh?” Sabrina asked finding herself back in Amelia’s room. It was amusing watching her usually practical cousin fretting over what to wear.

  “If I have to stay cooped up in this house for two weeks I’d go stir crazy. No offense.”

  “None taken. You should pack light.” Sabrina advised watching her cousin grab a large suitcase to fill.


  “Because it’s a rough trip f
or a wagon, some swampy areas, I’m sure they are planning on taking horses. Especially after the storm. Probably washed out some roads.”

  “Horses?” She frowned sitting down on the bed as the excitement left her. She wasn’t fond of horses after being thrown as a child. “I don’t ride.”

  “We’ll perhaps you can double with Chase. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”

  Amelia blushed remembering his stolen kiss from earlier. “Perhaps, or I could ride with Riley.”


  “Do you think we should inform Sally?”

  “No!” They said in unison before giggling madly.

  Chapter 14

  Sabrina found Brock sitting in the rocker as he starred out the window watching the day turn to night she stepped beside him wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders.

  “We need to talk.” She whispered in his ear.

  His sigh was her answer. Turning he pulled her onto his lap, her feet dangling over the chair arm.

  “I’m surprised you passed up the trip.”

  “I’ve seen Biloxi before. ‘Sides it’s kinda nice having more privacy.”

  Instead of replying, he only hugged her tighter. She pulled away a bit so she could look up at him.

  “I talked to your mother. How come you never told me she lost a child?”

  “It was just something we never talked about, even as a family. The twins don’t even know.”

  “Brock, sometimes things happen for no reason at all. It’s no one’s fault. Not your mother’s, not your father’s, and not yours.”

  “I know, but it’s my job to take care of you.”

  “Then take care of me.” She whispered placing her hands behind his neck and pulling his head down to meet her mouth. His mouth opened in protest and she took advantage slipping her pink tongue inside and capturing his.

  It felt so good being held by him again. He had been so distant lately and she missed the intimacy. He pulled away for breath and rested his chin on her shoulder as he took several deep ones. Kissing her cheek he lifted her as he stood and carried to the bed lowering her gently.

  He stood next to it as he undressed slowly and she turned to watch. The soft light from the candle on the washstand shimmered across his torso enhancing his sculptured body. As if God had molded his flesh perfectly.

  Sabrina tingled in anticipation as he slid into the bed. He propped himself up cautiously with an elbow while his large hand cradled her head.

  His dark eyes met hers and watched her closely as his hands roamed every inch of her body. It had been way too long since he had touched her like this. At one time he had every curve and nuance of her memorized. But now do to his child growing inside of her, her once lithe body had transformed. Her enhanced figure was more supple and he enjoyed exploring all of her new secrets.

  He leaned in giving her a searing kiss on her lips and moving down her neck. His hot mouth covered her swollen breast as his hand traced down her side.

  Sabrina was dismayed and excited at the slowness of it all. It had been way to long since they had last made love and she wanted him. Now. Wrapping her legs around his hips she moved to pull him closer. But he was not to be rushed and he placed a quick smack to her bottom for her efforts.

  She was shocked and aroused at the same time. It was amazing that even after all this time every experience with him was more exciting than the last. Still a bit miffed about the slow pace of it all, she tried to relax and enjoy his ministrations.

  She hissed as he moved away from her only to resettle between her legs. Her back arched as he gently spread her folds his tongue tasting her essence. Instinctively her hands grasped his head. She was not sure if it was to push him away, to stop the torrent of sensations flowing thru her body; or to hold him there for more.

  Her legs were quivering as she gasped breath. She barely registered that he had again moved and was now leaning over her held up by his hands settled above her shoulders. He was breathing hard himself and she was desperately afraid he would refuse her yet again.

  Lifting her bottom up he placed a pillow beneath to raise her higher. Satisfied he kept his weight off her with his strong hand as his other guided his long shaft to her entrance. Sabrina gasped out loud at the pleasure. It had been too too long. His movements were so slow and tender she wept. She felt his pace quicken as he embedded himself within her over and over much more gentle than usual. Much like their first time together and she loved him more for his tenderness if that was possible.

  He pulled her close as he shuddered inside of her. Trembling from the moment he moved so that his manhood rested against her thigh. He kissed her sweet lips as he turned on his side and lay next to her.

  Chapter 15

  Morning came too soon for all. There was much chaos and excitement. The horses were saddled and bags were loaded. Sally was a bit glum to find out she could only take one bag instead of three.

  Sabrina volunteered to help her repack. She was in a much better mood today and had several comments and winks in regards to the cause of her good nature.

  After assuring Sally that she would not need any ballgowns, they came to a somewhat happy medium and returned to the bedlam outside with one bag.

  Amelia and Sally were not thrilled to find out they had to ride horses. Due to their inexperience it was determined it would be safest to let them ride double.

  Sally ended up with Jaelyn and Amelia with her brother Riley. Chase asked and received permission, to his surprise, from a happy Brock to borrow Thor. Soon they were off and Sabrina watched them go until they were out of site.

  “Are you sad we did not go?”

  Sabrina turned to her husband. “No, I am happy we are alone.”

  “We’ll almost.” Jonathan piped up interrupting the couples’ moment as everyone laughed and went off to start the day.

  Chapter 16

  Riley took the lead with Chase next and Warren last. The horses not carrying two had extra baggage to help even out the loads.

  Warren fingered the gun at his side. It still felt odd for him to wear one. Even though Mississippi was a much tamer countryside than Oklahoma it still held its dangers.

  Warren looked ahead at the Stafford twins. They both sat a horse expertly. Thomas was holding his own and he noticed Jaelyn was keeping a close eye on him. He also saw that Chase was keeping a close eye on Amelia and he frowned. He had already lost one family member to the Stafford’s.

  He was saddened to realize that even though he had finally found his sister, he had lost her for good. He was starting to understand that Sabrina would not have fit in up north, with the city life style. He did not think any of the Boston society men would have stood a chance of securing her heart. However, it was good for Sabrina to be home again, no matter how long she planned to stay. It was nice seeing her happy and safe after so many years of worry. Of ‘course Amelia was almost as head strong as Sabrina. He wished Chase luck.

  Having company these last several days had been a world of good for him. He was used to being in charge and in control of everything. Now he was learning that it’s okay for things to happen sporadically. Sometimes chaos was good.

  Jaelyn was not in a good mood. Not only was Sally clutched onto her back like a leech but she was complaining nonstop about everything. She glanced over at Thomas and received an apologetic smile. He had warned her about his sister’s antics but she had thought he had been exaggerating. As she does when she tells people about Chase.

  Desperate times call for desperate measures.

  “Whoa!” She yelled pulling her horse to a sudden halt as Sally screamed bloody murder in her ear.

  Ignoring her and breaking free from her grasp, Jaelyn agilely slid off her horse. Warren road up quickly to grab Sally before she toppled off. He pulled the sputtering girl onto his lap and held her while everyone else backtracked to see what the commotion was.

  “Took a rock.” She explained as she inspected the Horse’s hooves and pretended to remove the sto

  “You need me to check it?” Riley offered hopping down and leaving Amelia to grasp the Saddle horn for dear life.

  “Nope it’s good now. I’m sure she’ll be okay, might need to lighten the load for a while.”

  Thomas frowned a bit noticing Sally with Warren. He would have volunteered to take Sally but he wasn’t as steady himself on horseback as the others. He would probably break both of their necks. Moreover, with him being the only doctor, well, some things just needed to be let be.

  “It’s probably a good idea to switch anyway so the horses don’t get tuckered out as fast. There is a creek nearby where we can rest the horses. Let’s take a break and we’ll swap when we take off.” Riley suggested as they moved out.

  Jaelyn kept up the premise a little while longer; she was enjoying the spring day and the new world around her. She decided to walk her horse to the creek. She was used to the solitude of the forest and being around so many people all the time she wasn’t able to relax. Thomas dismounted and walked his horse as well. He would rather walk than ride any day. Smiling up at him she reached for his hand as the couple slowly made their way towards the others.

  Chase tethered Thor near the water before turning to wait for Riley to arrive with Amelia. He was not used to the high spirited girl looking so out of sorts. He was about to offer his assistance but Riley had already deposited her on the ground without a thought.

  Amelia spent several minutes brushing the trail dirt off the riding skirt Sabrina had let her borrow. It sure did come in handy, she was thankful for her cousin’s foresight. Looking up she noticed Chase watching her. Their eyes met and she looked away first with a slight blush.

  Chase took a step towards the beauty and offered her his arm. She accepted and he led her over to a fallen log near the water. He took some biscuits from his sack and offered her one.

  “No thank you.”

  “You should eat while you can. You never know what may happen on the trail.”


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