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Dark Genesis (The Darkling Trilogy, Book 1)

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by Koboah, A D


  The Darkling Trilogy

  Book 1

  A. D. Koboah

  Copyright © 2012 A. Addo

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For permission, contact the author at

  This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used factiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Extract of ‘Dream Variations’ by Langston Hughes taken from Collected Poems of Langston Hughes.

  Reprinted by Permission of Alfred A Knopf Inc/Vintage.

  Cover design:

  ISBN: 978-0-9573003-0-9

  Table of Contents

  Atlanta 2011

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  To Jan and Jonesy. Thank you for your support.

  To fling my arms wide

  In the face of the sun,

  Dance! Whirl! Whirl!

  Till the quick day is done.

  Rest at pale evening...

  A tall, slim tree...

  Night coming tenderly

  Black like me.

  Dream Variations. Langston Hughes

  Atlanta 2011

  I don’t know why I got such a sharp presentiment of danger from the woman—no, girl—leaning against the lamppost ahead of me, but I did and it was strong.

  I’ve had warnings like that before. For example, I knew my grandmother was going to die months beforehand, even down to the exact time and date. And when I first laid eyes on my ex Carl, I’d had a warning which I ignored, something I bitterly regretted months later when I found out what a lying, cheating dog he was.

  The strongest one by far happened a few years ago when I left my parents’ apartment on New York’s Upper East Side and heard a voice, or something I perceived as a voice, in my head saying gently but insistently: Not that way.

  It stopped me cold in my tracks and I stood on the sidewalk taking in quick startled breaths as snow, light and ethereal, fell all around me. Realising that the doorman was looking at me quizzically, I began walking away, treading carefully through the snow, having to stop and turn around when I realised I was going the wrong way. That was when I heard a loud screech of tyres, what sounded like an explosion and the awful gut-wrenching sound of twisting metal.

  Knowing somehow that I needed to see whatever had made that noise, I hurried down the street and around the corner where the sight of a green car wrapped around a lamppost met my horrified gaze. I don’t know if that car would have hit me if I hadn’t been spooked by the warning and gone the other way, but it scared me nonetheless and feeling like a criminal, I ran away from the awful sight to slip and stumble my way back home.

  This one was a lot more intense than the one I’d had that day in the snow. It was like a vibration in my mind, getting stronger with every step I took toward the girl and had my whole body tingling in response to the perceived danger. She may as well have had a neon sign above her head flashing ‘Warning!! Danger!!’ and I couldn’t understand why because the woman—no, girl—leaning against the lamppost didn’t appear to be much older than sixteen and couldn’t possibly be of any threat to me.

  It was dark, yes. But there were lampposts casting little oases of light along the street and I was only a couple of doors away from my aunt’s home. The street was deserted, yes. But I was in a nice middle-class area of Atlanta and there were plenty of lights on in the two- and three-storey townhouses on either side of us. And she was tiny, no more than five foot tall and very slight, making me feel like a giant at five foot eight. I couldn’t see her expression as her long braids had been parted down the middle and hung like a curtain over her face, but I’m sure I wouldn’t have seen anything sinister even if I could. She looked like a normal teenager in her spaghetti strap yellow summer dress and sandals.

  Yet the scent of danger was strong, like thick smoke in the air and as I got closer, I knew somehow that she was waiting for someone to prey on. She may have appeared completely oblivious to my presence, but I knew, I just knew that her thoughts, along with her heightened senses, were attuned to my every movement as she waited with an air of heavy anticipation.

  When I was a few feet away from her she looked up and smiled.

  “Hey. You got a light?” she asked.

  Her voice was soft and breezy. She was still smiling but there was something sly and furtive around her eyes and in the curve of her lips.

  “Sorry, no,” I said, not breaking my stride.

  “Sure you do,” she said, falling into place beside me.

  It seemed she wasn’t going to take no for an answer, which wasn’t a surprise as there seemed to be something about me that gave most people the impression that I was a bit of a pushover. It must have been something about my small delicate face, soft sleepy-looking brown eyes and generous mouth that had them fooled. Perhaps that was why this girl was following me, smiling slyly as if she knew something I didn’t. Well, she was about to find out that Dallas Marshall was no pushover. So I faced her, ready to deliver a cutting remark, but then stopped and simply stared.

  I was looking at her but I was no longer seeing a young girl. Instead I saw a much older woman of around forty-five. What I was seeing was bizarre and yet I knew that this was the same person. I was seeing her as she really was or as she would have been. This made absolutely no sense but it was exactly what my sixth sense was trying to show me.

  I blinked and the impression was gone. All I saw now was the same young girl, but instead of that sly smile she now wore the same shocked expression that was no doubt on my face and I had the horrifying sense that she could read my thoughts and had seen what I saw a moment ago. I also knew that she was angry and frightened by the fact that I somehow knew she wasn’t what she appeared to be. Her eyes narrowed to thin slits and that is when I knew with one hundred per cent certainty that the warning had been right. She was dangerous. Very dangerous and she had no intention of letting me live to see another day.

  “What...?” she began and then went rigid and her head slowly veered to the right to look down the dark street from which I had just come.

  Her face contorted with fear and she started to tremble. I followed her gaze and thought I saw something in the dark for a moment, someone standing in the shadows watching us. But it must have been my imagination because there was no one there. And yet she was terrified. She still looked like a cat that had cornered something but now her expression betrayed the fact that the defenceless mouse she had been toying with earlier had turned into something much deadlier.

  “Okay, cool. S-sorry I bothered you.”

walked away and quickly crossed the road before I had time to respond, looking back over her shoulder at me and then down the street as if she expected something to pounce on her at any second. I turned in that direction but there was no one there.

  I felt silly now for thinking she meant me harm. She was just a kid and she had only been asking for a light.

  I was about to call her back and offer her the lighter I had in my purse but when I turned around, she was gone and I could only stand there wondering where she had disappeared to so quickly.

  I continued on my way and tried to forget that girl but there was something about the whole thing that had left me deeply uneasy. Worse, I still couldn’t shake the feeling that I was lucky to be alive.


  Later that night, I wandered into the garden at the back of my aunt’s small but homely two-storey town house with a glass of rum and Coke. It was past midnight but insomnia, my faithful friend, was once more keeping sleep at a distance, so I sat down on the back step hoping that the balmy night air would help draw it near.

  As I sipped my drink, the scent of the gardenias drifted by on a light breeze and I felt loneliness clamp down on me like a tight fist. My grandmother had loved gardenias so we had planted them in her memory when my aunt bought this house two years ago. God, how I missed my grandmother. She had been a refined, stately woman with a beautiful rosewood complexion and had been more of a mother to me than my own distant, superficial mother would ever want to be. With Grandma gone, I felt desperately alone and found no respite from the emptiness that had been with me for as long as I could remember. It also meant that there was no one to act as a buffer between me and my parents and the arguments at home had gotten worse, reaching a new level of viciousness when I dropped out of college at the beginning of the year and spent the following months partying.

  I hated my parents at times. The rest of the family were no better. They were a haughty, driven bunch who seemed to care only about increasing their millions. Aunt Rose, a humble, caring artist was the only one who was any different. She had chosen to make her own way in the world on her small income as a sculptor. But then again she didn’t want anything to do with the Marshall family millions as she thought the money was cursed. And I suppose she had good reason for thinking that.

  For as long as I can remember, my relatives have joked about the Marshall family luck or our guardian angel. And from the stories I’ve heard over the years, it would seem that we have been very lucky. Even during slavery our family had been fortunate enough to escape some of the hardships that blacks suffered during that particular point in history, and in some cases, we’d even managed to prosper. There were also stories of ancestors who had ended up in some dire life-threatening situations only to somehow come away unscathed. The one told most often was the story of Jonas, a free black living in the eighteen hundreds whose life almost came to a premature end when he fell down a well. He spent most of the night in that well treading water and was sure he would die there. He eventually lost consciousness and awoke to find himself lying at his front door with no knowledge of how he had escaped the well.

  Another such story was about Lina, Jonas’s mother. Her parents and siblings had been runaways living in the north who were captured by their Master and were about to be taken back to the south when a mysterious benefactor had bought their freedom. Despite their attempts, the family had never been able to find out who this man or woman was or how they had been able to persuade their Master, who had said many a time that he would rather die than let any of his slaves taste freedom, to sell them.

  There were many stories like that right up to the present day and I thought they were all just that, stories. Tall tales that my relatives had invented to keep from thinking about the proverbial pink elephant in the room. And that pink elephant was why so many family members had met gruesome deaths under mysterious and often bizarre circumstances. Sometimes it was suicide but most of the time it was murder, the details of which were horrific enough to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. And the really odd thing was that in each and every circumstance, the assailants were never found. The police could expend large amounts of resources trying to find the murderers but they never ever found so much as a stray hair to help them in their investigations.

  At least three such deaths occurred in every generation and that sure as hell wasn’t the norm for the average family.

  Even so, I didn’t share my aunt’s view about the money being cursed. Every family had their demons, ours just happened to be a little bit stranger than others. To me, the family millions were a blessing and when I received my inheritance on my twenty-first birthday in a few months’ time, I would enjoy spending every last penny. And if the money did turn out to be cursed then I would make sure that when I met my end, it would be at a bar with one hand on a fine-looking man and a tequila in the other. Yep, there was nothing like endless nights of drinking and dancing to keep the yawning emptiness that was forever snapping at my heels in check.

  Knowing that this would be one of those nights when sleep would fail to arrive, I thought about bringing my sketchpad down so I could spend the next few hours drawing. But in the end, the memories of my grandmother were so hard to bear that I left the balmy warmth of the night air and stepped inside, making my way to the basement where I knew my aunt kept some of my grandmother’s things.

  Interestingly, the basement was the only room in the house that was kept in order and I made straight for a large wooden trunk, grandma’s trunk, and opened it. It contained books, photo albums and the quilt I had come in search of. As I scooped up the quilt, my fingers brushed against something at the bottom of the trunk, and as sometimes happened whenever I touched an object, I received a vibe or a psychic impression.

  I jerked my hand back in alarm, as whenever something like that had happened in the past, the impression I received was usually vague and indistinctive like a hazy dream. Besides, alcohol had the effect of dulling these psychic vibes down to nothing, and yet what I got this time was so strong it took my breath away. Letting my curiosity get the better of me, I carefully reached under the quilt and picked up a battered leather-bound notebook.

  And there it was again. It wasn’t so much an image but a strong emotional vibe of a woman in love. A fierce—if I can’t have him I’ll die—kind of love.

  It was starting to fade, which was a relief because the force of the emotion was debilitating, and I felt a little bit disturbed by the intensity of it.

  Had this belonged to Grandma? Was this how she had felt about my grandfather?

  I would have liked to believe it was, but I had been around them long enough to know that it wasn’t. Theirs had been a slowly unfolding kind of love, like a warm languid sunlit afternoon filled with joy and laughter. This was something else altogether and I couldn’t imagine how someone could function with that degree of emotional attachment to another human being. How did it not drive her insane?

  I was one hundred per cent sure that this journal wasn’t written by Grandma. But I felt a familiarity, or a connection with the unknown woman who had written it so there was no way I was going to put it back inside the trunk and just walk away. So, completely forgetting about the quilt, I closed the trunk and left the basement with the journal held to my chest.

  As I mounted the steps to the spare bedroom, I could feel excitement building and by the time I finally settled into bed and opened the journal, my hands were shaking.

  I didn’t need my sixth sense to tell me that this book was important. But what I didn’t know was that it would end up being the single most exciting discovery of my life and that everything was about to change.

  Chapter One

  My name is Luna and my tale begins on a dry summer evening in 1807.

  I was walking quickly along a dusty country road, my shoes stirring up a small cloud of dust that turned the hem of my faded violet dress a muddy brown. The trail of dust I left in my wake soon settled. But the pressing need
that had me make this two-hour journey in beaten shoes and a broken spirit, in the midst of a particularly merciless Mississippi summer, would not be settled as easily. Wiping the sweat from my brow and waving away the flying insects that droned lazily near my face, I wished for some respite from the relentless heat but found none. Although the sun hung low in the topaz blue sky, it felt as if I were walking through warm soup and it was likely to stay like this long after the sun went down.

  I would have found some relief from the pitiless sun if I had chosen to walk through the woods that rose up on either side of the road like a green and brown wall. But green woody spaces such as those have been a deep source of fear for me since I was a child and I imagined that they would continue to be so long past what I guessed was my twenty-second or twenty-third year on this Earth. So I clutched my lantern and small cloth bundle and walked on in the heat, listening to the birdcalls punctuate the otherwise still air.

  I was lucky to be able to make this journey during the summer months as the previous two trips had been made in the dead of winter when night gathered up the day long before I could finish serving the family’s supper and slip away, leaving the other house slaves to do my share of work and conceal my absence. That small mercy meant that I didn’t have to walk alone in the dark, afraid to light my lamp in case the solitary glow brought unwanted attention my way, or have to dive into the trees every time the sound of a horse’s hooves disturbed the sweet melody of the crickets. It also meant that when I turned the corner and saw the woodland give way to cotton fields, marking the beginning of the Marshall plantation, there was still roughly two hours of daylight left, which meant I would be able to finish my business and be back before dark, hopefully before I was missed by my hawk-eyed mistress.


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