Rock On: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Series Book 1)

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Rock On: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Series Book 1) Page 1

by A. D. Herrick

  Rock On

  A Heavy Metal Romance

  Slava Pasha Series


  A. D. Herrick

  Copyright © 2016 A. D. Herrick

  All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any similarities to real persons, living or dead, events, or locales are coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Music is the strongest form of magic. - Marilyn Manson



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  My name is Katinka Von. My friends call me Tink for short. The nick name is fitting. I’m only 5’2 and 100lbs soak and wet. My brother tells me that I remind him of a Pixie, my hairstyle doesn’t help much to dispute his theory, my dark chocolate brown hair is short with long sweeping bangs that hang over one eye. I would have to say, my best feature are my eyes, they are a steel gray which are a stark contrast against my hair. I’ve always wanted to add colored highlights but I can never decide on a color that I would want longer than a day. The other thing I have going for me are my curves. How I managed to get any on this tiny frame is still a mystery, but I’ll take it. I would totally describe myself as hawt! I am not stuck on myself, but I get enough complements to know it’s a fact.

  Fame is the name of the game. Well, that’s what they say. No, I’m not famous. I could be if I wanted to, but that’s not me. I prefer to leave that to my big brother, he is the famous one. My brother, Nikolia Von, known by his friends as Nik, is the lead singer and front man for the heavy metal band Slava Pasha which loosely means Person of fame that is small and humble, though there is nothing small about any of the guys in the band.

  It is easy for me to stay out of the public eye and live a normal life because no one sees the resemblance between Nik and I, though, my brother is pushing to change that. I don’t exactly think he wants me thrown in all the mess that fame brings but he definitely wants something from me in the spot light. How do I know? Well, he is dragging me from my happy home in Knoxville to go out on the road with him and his band mates.

  Nik is my only living family, he 2 years older than me and the complete opposite; He is 6’5 and 240lbs of solid muscle. He has long blonde hair that goes to his shoulders and bright blue eyes. He looks like a Russian god if there was one, at least that’s what all the tabloids tag him as. To me, he is just my big pain in the ass play boy brother.

  The band is made up of 5 guys; Nik, Damon, Tosha, Kiev and Ivan. I don’t mind his band mates. They are all like brothers to me. We all grew up together in Knoxville and have been friends since birth. Our parents were friends in Russia and all migrated to the States together before we were born, bought houses in the same subdivision and decided to have children at the same time. That’s how all of the guys came about to be the same age. I was surprise and the only girl. But that was okay, the only thing I suffered from was too many over protective brothers.

  The guys have been in the band together since they were 15. The boys are like my extended family, but family or not, they never pushed so hard for me to be on the road with them. Actually, they have always pushed me away from going on the road with them. So, this sudden change is unnerving.

  Nik and the guys have always been players. I would love to think that it is because they are always on the road and that it’s hard to settle down, but I know better. These guys have been players their entire life. I don’t condone it though. I myself have commitment issues of my own. The only thing I am able to commit to is a haircut and that’s because I haven’t found a cut that looks any better on me. But as far as anything else goes, I just can’t bring myself to engage in anything long term. We all come from good homes with two loving parents; none of us actually had it bad or have had any traumatic events in our life.

  I guess you can say we are all too adventurous to settle down. I’m not sure why Nik wants me on the road with him but I told him that I would give him 2 months, though I can’t promise anything. I mean, I have a life and I really don’t know if we can all get along, being confined for so long. I will be the only girl in a group of over protective brothers. Good bye fun time, hello High School all over again.

  Chapter One

  My brother Nik called me two nights ago and asked me to come on the road with him and his band for their US tour. Most girls would scream in excitement, me, well not so much. Don’t get me wrong, I love my brother and all, but in the past 15 years he has never once asked me to come to a gig, show or on tour with him.

  I remember being in high school and asking him if I could tag along and he had said no. Not only did he say no but he made sure I wouldn’t be able to go by telling our parents he found rubbers in my room, which led to them refusing to let me out of the house for three months in fear that I might be fooling around with some guy. No matter how much protesting I had done, I was grounded to the house until I could be ‘trusted’. That’s okay, I got him back later by telling the schools gossip hound that he had crabs. I mean, what are sisters for after all? I don’t play fair, I play to win. Which brings me to the mystery, why now? Why ask me to city hop with him and the band? My phone vibrated across the coffee table alerting me of a text message.

  Nik: We will be there in 20 minutes

  Nik: Have your shit packed and rdy to throw in the trunk

  Tink: Dude! I have been rdy and waiting on you!

  Tink: Your 30 min late

  Nik: We got tied up

  Tink: You could just take me on the next round

  Nik: Not happening Tink! Be rdy!!!

  Twenty minutes later and Nik was late, I was beyond tired of waiting. The guys decided to drive in to town instead of letting me fly out to them. I swear, they kill me. I pray the whole tour won’t be spent with us driving around together. I’m all about travel and adventure, but with 5 smelly guys? Please… I know it’s mainly Nik’s fault. I can blame him because I love him and he is my brother, but mainly because I know Nik is the alpha of the group. It was never written out, but Nik is just a natural leader and the guys always follow him because he has never led them wrong. Though that does not mean I can get anything by with the other guys, they are also alpha assholes just like my brother. My brother just so happens to be the head alpha asshole. I will warn you though; no one and I mean NO ONE is allowed to call any of the guys’ assholes, except for me. I have put up with them for 28 years, I have earned that right.

  I would love to pretend that the money and fame changed them and made them over bearing, rude, selfish, pretentious assholes, that wouldn’t be the truth though. The guys have always been that way. Just kidding, the guys are all exactly how they had been my whole life. They are strong, confident, arrogant, kind, and charming. A deadly concoction if you ask me. Katy bar the door.

  I’m sure my age and size never helped the matter. They are older and have always been able
to overtake me with sheer size and have had zero issues manhandling me. I couldn’t tell you how many times one of them have picked me up, slung me over their shoulder and carted me away from a situation they didn’t want me in. They are such Neanderthals, though at times, even labeling them as such would be a compliment.

  I felt the vibration of my phone in my pocket.

  Nik: pulling up

  I didn’t reply, I was hungry and Nik was 45 minutes late. He can wait on me now.

  I was in the kitchen cutting up an apple when my front door crashed open with a thud. I heard the door’s handle smashing into the drywall behind it. I will definitely be sending Nik the bill. Stopping what I was doing I headed toward the foyer. Before I could get through the kitchen entry I heard Nik’s booming voice shouting out, “Tink, where the hell are you? I told you to be ready!” Annoyed by his brash entrance, I decided to be an ass and ignored him. I turned around heading back to the apple I had set on the counter and started cutting it into bite size pieces.

  “Tink, where are you asshat? “ I heard Damon bellow in his gravelly voice. From the sound of his voice fading off I could tell he was going toward the back of the house. I ignored him too. Who just barges in someone’s home and starts yelling? I rinsed off the knife I had been using, dried it with the kitchen towel hanging on the stove handle and placed it back in the chopping block. Leaning on the counter top in the kitchen with my back to the entry to the kitchen, I started munching on my apple slices. Let the idiots wait on me and see how they like it, I mused.

  As I was putting a bite of apple in my mouth big arms, the size of logs, picked me up from behind and turned me, tossing me over a shoulder and smacked my ass. “Hey!” I yelled shrilly. The mountain of a man gave a deep, rumbling laugh that shook his whole body, jostling me in return. “You have your brother pissed off, he has already loaded your bags in the van, you know how impatient he is, and now Damon is out searching the garage and your back yard for you, while Kiev and Ivan are in the van placing bets on who will get you first and how hard of a struggle it will be to get you in the car.” Tosha said gaily. I smacked Tosha’s tight ass.

  Tosha was built like my brother; actually all of the guys were built about the same. They looked more like models with bodybuilder bodies that heavy metal rockers. All 5 of them were tall as hell and drop-dead gorgeous, they have been fighting of women since they were teens. Ivan was the shortest at 6’2. I would never fool around or anything with any of the guys because they were like brothers to me, it never stopped me from looking and the occasional friendly flirting when I’ve had too much to drink or just wanted to annoy them.

  “Why the hell would Damon search the garage and back yard for me? He isn’t quite the sharpest tool in the shed is he?” I teased. Tosha let out a deep bellowing laugh. “Aren’t you feisty today. Kitty has claws.” Tosha teased back. “Can you put me down now? You won, I won’t fight. I was just getting a snack while I waited for your idiots to get here.” I explained in exasperation. “Nah, I have to claim my money from Ivan and the only way to do that is if I have you in my hands. I’ll grab your rabbit food.” He said, overjoyed at his win. Tosha dug in the drawer and pulled out a baggie and dumped my apple slices into it before turning around and marching out of the house with me still over his shoulder. Please don’t be a sign of things to come I silently prayed.

  I would love to say that my situation was shocking and that I felt undignified, however, I grew up being tossed like a sack of potatoes by these guys so it was practically a natural position. Plus I got to stare at his ass. Hey, I can look but I can’t ‘touch’, at least not that way. “Hey, I need to lock the door and grab my purse.” I shouted up at Tosha. “Damon, come the fuck on and lock Tink’s door and grab her girly shit.” He yelled over his shoulder toward the house. “There, problem solved.” He said cheerfully as he carried me to the van. “Pay up asshole. I got the kid.” Tosha bragged. His chest puffed out with pride, as we approached the open door to the van. “Where did ya find her?” Damon asked jogging up from behind us, panting slightly at the exertion of running through the house in search of me. “I was in the dayum kitchen getting a snack you buffoon.” I smarted to Damon. He smacked my ass hard; the smack made my ass sting, and jumped in the van.

  “Because you’re an asshat you get to ride in the back, Tink.” Damon bragged smugly with a chuckle. My world swam for a minute as Tosha placed me on the ground quicker than my mind could register the shift, my body swayed slightly and Tosha places his hands on my shoulders to steady me. “Thanks Tosh.” I said sarcastically as I climbed in the dreaded rear seat of the van. I always got the shit seat, being the smallest of the group. Tosha climbed in the van behind me, shut the door and tossed my bag of apples back at me. “Let’s roll!” Yelled Kiev in excitement; smacking his hand on the top of the seat in front of him.

  The driver gave a wave of acknowledgement, flicking his hand in the air and started the van. And the journey begins. Closing my eyes I sent up a prayer. Dear Lord baby Jesus, I swear I will lay off the corn chips if you make these boys behave and give me a trip of sanity. I could already tell this was going to be an interesting trip, they already have me praying and I am not the praying type. Now I know what people mean when they say they found Jesus. Shit is getting real.

  “So where are we going.” I called out to no one in particular. Nik was in first seat, positioned behind the driver, he turned back to face me. Nik smirked sarcastically, “To hell if we don’t change our ways.” I rolled my eyes at him. He may be 30 but he was still as immature as a child. “Ha Ha smart ass.” I sassed back at him with a fake smile before rolling my eyes at him again. Tosha was in the seat beside Nik and turned around to join in on the conversation. “We are going on tour Tink, I thought you knew.” Tosha said with mock sincerity. I let my head dropped back against the seat and let a loud groan escape my lips. Speaking to the ceiling I sarcastically retorted “Thank you, Captain Obvious. You deserve a gold star! So, why must you boys drag me on the tour?” I tilted my head back down so that I could look at them. Tosha smirked and then his face went blank, all the other guys turned around to look at me; all of their faces wore a blank expression. What the hell was this? The Twilight Zone…? Talk about feeling like the center of attention.

  Any other girl would be thrilled to have these five men staring at her with their full attention. Me, well I knew better. Nothing good comes from having the full attention of these boys. Nik finally spoke up breaking the awkward silent staring contest. “Tink, we kind of need your help.” Nik said shyly his cocky demeanor vanishing was unsettling; his shoulders slumped as if he had the weight of the world on them causing his age to show on his face, I saw the fine lines around his eyes. My stomach pitched. Nik actually looked nervous and yet broken at the same time. How is this possible? This was a look I was not used to seeing on my brother. Nikolia Von has never been anything but cocky and confident.

  I looked away from my brother, to look at each of the guys in the van. All of them looked nervous and awkward. Their heads down and their shoulders slumped. My heart felt like it was in a vice. “Woah… Woah… Woah… Dude how can I help you guys? Do you need money? Did one of you knock someone up? Need me to kick some girl’s ass?” The questions spilled out at rapid fire. The guys gave a low deep chuckle before the atmosphere returned to its somber tension. Tosha spoke up. “No, none of those things.” He said woefully and rolled his eyes. I looked from guy to guy hoping one of them would just spit out what they needed my help with. I mean there isn’t much that I actually could do for them. I’m just Tink; I have no super powers or connections. Okay, well I have Connections’, but these guys are my connections.

  Exasperated I sighed. “One of you needs to spit out what you need. I’m not a dayum mind reader. And you’re really starting to annoy me with all this weirdness.” I spit out in irritation of the entire cloak and dagger bull shit, but really I was scared. The guys have never acted this way, they have never looked more their age than the
y did right now. I could see worry etched on their faces. They have all been loud and brash about whatever was on their minds, their faces always held boyish wonder and humor. Ivan and Damon turned around abruptly to face the front, whatever was about to go down, they obviously wanted no part of it. Before they could fully execute the maneuver I caught a look of shame on their faces. I was seriously perplexed as to what I could have that these guys needed, that they were so ashamed and shy to ask for and would take such dramatic actions in acquiring my help in. Did someone need a body part or something? I mean depending on what part may be needed, I may be willing to give it.

  My eyes wide in annoyance, I slightly shook my head, stretching my arms our in a ‘what the fuck’ motion. Still no one spoke up. “Nikolai! Seriously bro, what the fuck? Tell me why I’m here and how I can help you, this shit is scaring me.” I pleaded. Nik gave an exasperated sigh. Using Nik’s first name always got me results. “Now hear me out before you answer Tink. You know we wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.” Nik pleaded, his eyes filled with worry crinkled on the sides. I gave him a bewildered look and motioned for him to go on, waving my hand in the air. “We need you to perform with us on this tour.” He explained quickly in a rush of words.

  Shocked, I couldn’t say anything. My face paled, the vice on my heart loosened and I felt a tension headache forming behind my eyes. I could kill them, all of this… over asking me to sing with them? Why couldn’t he just ask over the phone? They worried me half to death over asking me to perform. Of course the answer would be no. I mean, I love my brother, I loved the guys, but I just never wanted to be on stage.

  Nik continued. “I had throat cancer,” My heart stopped beating, the air escaped from my lungs and the world seemed to stand still.

  “The doctors caught it in time but I’m not completely healed from the operation they had to do to remove it.” His voice sounded as though he was speaking to me on the other side of a tunnel. Black spots flickered across my vision.


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