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Rock On: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Series Book 1)

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by A. D. Herrick

  Mission accomplished. “Get your shit together; you act like you have never seen a girl before.” I sassed. “Tink, you’re like our sister. We just worry about guys looking at you.” Tosha said resigning. “Tosh-y, I know and I understand. But I’m 28 years old. I am grown and in case you haven’t noticed, I’m hot as hell. Guys look at me when I’m wearing a potato sack.” I said smugly then winked at him. Tosha broke the silence with a laugh and pulled me in for a hug. The other guys began to thaw and threw their arms around us until it was one huge group hug. They may not have liked what I was wearing but they knew that I wouldn’t budge. I was glad that they gave their love and support despite my outfit.

  Our hug disbursed as we heard the band announced. Taking a deep breath I shook out my nerves. I could do this. It would be a walk in a park. I just had to do what I had been doing practically my whole life. Just pretend it’s me and the guys in a jam session.

  The guys decided that they would go out on stage first, give their intro, start the opening song and I would walk on stage when it was time for my vocals to kick in. I was ready for this.

  I heard the crowd roar as the guys got in place. The crowd chanted their names. It was euphoric and hypnotic. Nik went through his spiel, thanking the crowd and expressing the band’s gratitude, and then gave them the news about a special guest, the crowd grew louder still cheering and screaming their names. The crowd didn’t seem at all upset about having someone else on stage. Tosha and Kiev began their intros on guitar, Damon was on the drums and Ivan followed on bass. I could feel the vibrations in my bones, it was like coming home. Any doubt or worry I had faded away into the air.

  Nik began singing and I slowly walked on stage, mic in hand. I began singing, matching my pitch to Nik’s and effortlessly picked up the track where Nik couldn’t. My gravelly voice was nowhere near as deep as Nik’s but it was equally effective. The blend of our voices amplified by the speakers gave me chills.

  We were each great vocalist but together we were something off the charts. The crowd started going wild and sang along with us. Though we had never practiced these roles before, we had absolutely no problem making it look like a well-rehearsed performance. With my growing confidence my performance grew to astronomical heights. It was a level beyond the garage jam sessions from high school.

  I now understood why the guys dealt with all the bull shit fame brought them. The high from performing live on stage in front of thousands was something you couldn’t achieve anywhere else. Though I honestly don’t believe a solo performance would have given me the high that performing with my brothers did.

  Chapter Four

  We bound off stage after an encore performance. We were high on life as we made our way back to the dressing rooms. Jumping up and down and screaming our excitement. I jumped on Nik’s back and rode him to my dressing room. “Oh my God! Can you believe it?” I shouted “Dude, we totally killed it!” Ivan said excitedly. “Fuck, you gave me chills, Tink!” Nik said beaming at me proudly. “Man we may not be able to let you go.” Gaily Tosh said, “Tink, your one of us.” Damon proclaimed. We made our way back to my dressing room before Nik set me down. “One of us will pick you up after we all shower and dress. Don’t open the door to anyone, Tink!” Nik warned.

  I laughed assured him I would be fine and told him I would wait for him. I went into the room and found the shower. I definitely needed it. Running around on a stage and singing really gets you worked up and the hot ass lights don’t help matters. I think you could break out in a sweat just from standing under the lights. I stripped off my barely there clothes and headed for the shower. It didn’t take me long to wash up and get dressed in a pair of jeans and a tank. I didn’t know how long the guys would take and I didn’t want to piss them off by having them wait for me. I slipped on my vans and waited for Nik.

  It had been about an hour since they dropped me off at my dressing room and I still hadn’t heard from Nik or any of the guys. I tried texting Nik.

  Tink: I’m dressed and rdy

  No reply.

  Ten minutes later I tried again.

  Tink: Dude, it’s been over an hour, how dirty is your ass????

  Nik still didn’t answer me after another text ten minutes later. I had also text the other guys with the same results. I was bored out of my mind and tired of waiting around staring at the same four walls. I decided to go check out the lounge area Tosha had mentioned. Hopefully there was a vending machine or some sort of food and drink. I was famished. I followed Tosha’s directions and landed in a huge room with seating randomly throughout. There were a few people in the room. I recognized some of them as members from the opening bands. I smiled as I made my way over to one of the plush couches. I sunk down and looked around to see if there was a vending machine of any sort. Apparently my luck had run out because the room was bare of anything resembling food or drink.

  I leaned back in the couch and kicked my feet up on the table in front of me, crossing my ankles. I had a couch in my dressing room but it was dull being in there by myself. At least out here I could listen to other people’s conversation and perhaps have one of my own. I closed my eyes and tilted my head side to side stretching out my neck. I opened my eyes in time to see a man standing in front of me. He was tall at least 6 foot or so, give or take an inch. He had dark brown hair slicked back. It was short on the sides but I could tell it was long on top. He had gorgeous sapphire blue eyes framed by long dark lashes that would make any girl envious. His thin lips were drawn into a lazy smile. He was wearing a tight white t-shirt that showed off his well-defined body and black swirls of ink peeking out of the sleeves and trailing down his forearms, a pair of acid wash jeans that hung off his hips in the yummiest way, paired with black Chuck Taylors. This man was sex on a stick and I wanted a bite.

  “Hey, did you just perform with Slava Pasha?” He asked in a deep baritone voice. I gave him a thorough once over not skipping an inch of his yummy body, I will admit; my eyes lingered in a few places... “Yeah, I did.” I said sweetly, the sweetness betraying my inner thoughts. Hubba, Hubba, give me some of what you got, Bubba. His smile deepened, as he gave me a once over of his own. “I thought that was you. Man, you killed it.” He said enthusiastically. I blushed at his praise. “Thanks, I appreciate it.” I said shyly. “Mind if I sit down?” He asked tentatively gesturing toward the couch. I gently shook my head and patted the seat next to me, encouraging him sit as close as possible. “No, Please. I could use the company.” I replied, I felt the heat on my cheeks and hoped he didn’t notice.

  Man, this guy is really hot. I’ve never had a guy reduce me to a silly school girl the way that this guy has. For a moment I worried about what the guys would think, knowing I’m out here in the lounge fraternizing. Then I thought, fuck it, they are taking forever anyways. I am going to take advantage of their absence and get to know this sweet piece of meat.

  The hottie with the body introduced himself as Kevin Knight. “It’s nice to meet you Kevin, My name is Katinka, but everyone calls me Tink.” I said, introducing myself, I made sure to skip over the last name, just in case he knew my brother or know who my brother was. “I didn’t get to see any of the opening bands. Are you with one of them?” I asked a bit embarrassed that he had known I had performed in Slava Pasha and that I had no clue who he was. He laughed. “Actually, I’m the front man for Dark Tide. I was supposed to meet up with the guys from Slava to talk tour dates because we are going to be headlining few shows together.” He said matter of fact.

  My jaw dropped. How could I have not recognized him? I love that band. They are one of my top five favorite bands. Perhaps I should quit drooling over M. Shadows, who is happily married, and start paying attention to the hotties of the other bands I enjoy. “No Freaking Way!” I gushed excitedly my hands instantly animated with excitement. “Dude, I freakin’ love your music. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you.” I told him getting more excited my hands waving through the air as I spoke. I was totally going all fa
n girl on him. Kevin began to look a bit frightened. I know I had over done it. I tend to get excited rather quickly. I forced myself to reel it in and dropped my hands to my lap. “Don’t worry; I’m not going to go all fan girl on you.” I told him blushing, too late. He gave an amused chuckle. “Please, just be yourself.” He said and winked. I had to laugh. “Darlin’ I don’t think you could handle me acting myself.” I said with an amused laugh. “Oh is that right?” He said with a cocky smirk, his body creeping closer to mine. “I...” I started.

  “What the hell are you doing, Tink!” Nik exclaimed cutting me off. Startled Kevin pulled away from me. I rolled my eyes and looked up at Nik. He was in clean clothes but I noticed lipstick smudges on his neck. I cocked an eyebrow up at him and flicked my eyes between the lipstick on his neck and his eyes. Nik huffed and wiped at his neck absent mindedly. “Tink, I told you to wait for me.” Nik’s voice sounded exasperated.

  “Dude, I came in search of food. I’m starved.” I told him, sounding like a scolded child. “Then I met a hottie with a body and you came to mess it up.” I said inclining my head toward Kevin, annoyed with his antics and trying to mask the embarrassment of being treated like a child by my big brother in front of a guy I was hoping to fuck. Kevin laughed as he stood, walking over to Nik and extending his hand toward Nik. Nik took his hand and shook it and they gave one another a pat on the back, a man’s sibilance of a hug. Nik rolled his eyes over exaggeratingly. “Hey ya, Kev, I see you met my sister, Tink.” He said, sounding apologetic before giving him a hard stare, as if warning Kevin to back off. Kevin chortled. “Yeah, I met her Nik; we were just talking about her set. Dude, you didn’t tell me you had a sister let alone one that could bring down the house like she did tonight.”! Kevin said with such sincerity and praise in his voice I couldn’t help but blush. Nik cocked an eye at Kevin challenging him to say any more in regards to me.

  “Kev, how about we take this back to my room. “ Nik suggested giving me a warning look. I gave Nik the most vicious glower I could muster. “Cock blocker.” I muttered under my breath. “You,” Nik said pointing at me. “…Back to your dressing room.” “Yes, daddy…” I sarcastically retorted. Kevin followed Nik out of the lounge. “Fucker...” I muttered. I wasn’t letting Nik rule me. I stayed my happy ass right in my seat in the lounge.

  A few minutes later I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned to look to see who it was only to find the deepest chocolate brown eyes staring back at me. Beyond those sensual eyes was a mop of blond hair that looked like it belonged on a surfer and plump kissable lips, he had broad shoulders and a barreled chest that tapered in at his waist. He gave me a big dopey lopsided grin and I couldn’t help but smile back. “Hey, I’m Shepard, but everyone calls me Shep.” He introduced himself leaning over the couch and extending his hand for me to shake. I smiled bigger “Nice to meet you Shepard, Tink.” I said and turned to reach out my hand to take his offered hand in a shake. “Mind if I have a seat?” He asked. I shook my head. “By all means...” I said sweetly, batting my lashes at him.

  Shep hopped over the couch and landed with a PLOP, causing me to bounce in my seat. I couldn’t help but laugh. I like this guy already, he was so easy going. “So, I saw what went down between you and Nik.” He said teasingly. I grimaced. “Yeah, my brother can be a dick.” The heat rising to me cheeks. This earned a hearty laugh from Shep. “I have brothers, I know how it is.” He said reassuringly. “I have one and then 4 surrogates. It’s the hard knock life for me.” I said and smiled at him.

  “So… I overheard you were looking for food and drink.” He said then blushed with embarrassment. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to easy drop but you guys were kind of loud.” He explained with mirth. I had to laugh. “That’s the understatement of the year, and yeah I’m famished. Have anything in mind?” I asked hopefully. A huge grin split Shep’s face in two. “I have it on good authority that Nik and Kevin’s meeting will be a while. How ‘bout we bust this joint and go grab a bite?” Shep offered with a wink. “I think you have become my new favorite person, Shepard.” I teased. “Shep laughed. “Why do you call me Shepard? Why not call me Shep like everyone else?” He asked quizzically, Shep stood and turned toward me, holding his hand out to help me up. “Because everyone calls you Shep, I’m not everyone.” I replied giving him a seductive smile and a wink. This earned me a rich laugh and a smile from Shep. “I like that.” He said pleased and slung his arm around my shoulder guiding me out of the maze of hallways. What is it with these tall ass gorgeous rockers? Surely Nik had no clue what he was getting into by dragging me along.

  Shep led us out to a Jeep Wrangler that was waiting in the nearly empty parking lot; it was missing its doors and roof. I jumped in the passenger’s side and stood up in the seat. I began whooping and hollering like a teenager. Shep laughed and jumped into the drivers’ side. “You’re not like any girl I’ve ever met.” Shep said pleased. “What can I say; I was raised with 5 brothers.” I replied with a shrug.

  Shep sped off with me hanging out of the top of the Jeep howling at the night. When we pulled up to a bar that looked like it had seen better days Shep nervously asked if it would be okay. “Dude, this is more than Okay, it’s perfect.” I jumped out of the car and ran up behind Shep and jumped on his back. He caught my legs and laughed. “Mush… Mush… Shepard. Food and drink await us.” I teased in a sing song voice. Shep walked us inside and headed toward bar, depositing me promptly on a bar stool. We didn’t have to wait long for the bartender to come over and take our orders. We both ordered food and a beer. I ordered a few shots as well. After the night I had, I deserved them.

  Shep looked over at me with a dreamy look in his eyes and a dopy smile. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked and laughed. Shep’s eyebrow quirked up questioningly. “You’re looking at me funny.” I explained sizing him up with my glare. Shep shrugged. “You’re so full of life. It’s crazy. You’re smoking hot, don’t care that we’re in a dive bar and you order drinks like a woman that knows exactly what she wants.” He explained with a look of wonder on his face. ‘Well, dive bars are my fav places, I love my drinks, and life is too short to be a bitch. Gotta have fun while you can and say fuck the bullshit.” I said with sass as I explained. Seeming to accept my explanation he turned back to his beer.

  Shep and I ate, drank, and talked like we were old friends. He was so comfortable to be with. I could definitely see myself banging him in the near future. I downed my drink and turned to Shep. “What do you say we bust this joint?” I said and gave Shep a seductive once over and a wink. “H-Hell. Yeah” Shep stuttered in surprise at my bluntness. Shep paid our tab, grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bar in a rush. We rounded side of the building toward the Jeep but then he changed directions and pulled me toward the back of the bar into a dark alley. Butterflies lurched in my stomach.

  Shoving my back against the wall his mouth descended on me, his soft lips felt like butter against mine. Shep’s tongue traced my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I parted my lips granting him access. Our tongues danced across one another. He tasted of beer and a delicious spice that was all him. Our kiss deepened and I gripped him behind the neck and buried my fingers in his hair as my other hand made its way to the button on his pants.

  Shep, taking the hint wrapped one arm around my waist and his other hand began to work at the buttons on my pants. We made short work of getting one another’s pants undone enough to gain enough access for play. We ate at one another’s lips in hunger and desire for one another. I snaked my hand into his open fly and slowly stroked his already hard shaft, a shiver went through his body, telling me he was just as affected as I was. His hand made its way into the front of my jeans and he stroked me through my panties. I moaned and he ate the sound from my lips.

  His fingers daftly pushed my now wet panties aside and he began to play with my lower lips, soft strokes, working his way into my sweet spot. His moans joining mine as we worked one another up. Grabbing me by the hair Shep
spun me around forcing me to let go of his cock. He pushed my chest against the wall and pulled my ass out in such a swift motion I could do nothing but comply.

  Before I knew it Shep yanked my pants and panties down to my knees and was buried balls deep inside me, in one smooth thrust. Man he was quick. The speed and force of his movements turned me on even more. I was so wet, my juices dripped down my inner thighs. I moaned in ecstasy as I thrust my ass back against him, displaying my eagerness. With his fist wound in my hair Shep’s grip tightened, causing a pain that quickly turned into pleasure, he pounded into me harder. I closed my eyes and gave in to his long, hard cock thrusting into me. The head of his engorged cock rubbing across my G spot. With his free hand he reached around and began to flick my bean.

  Bright white lights began to flash behind my eyes as Shep drove into me harder and faster. My orgasm took me by shock as I exploded around his cock. I felt Shep’s cock swell and his breathing changed, becoming more labored with each thrust of his cock. I felt his cock swell even larger inside of me and he exploded with a loud grunt sending me over the edge once again. His body racked with orgasm slumped against mine for balance.

  We stood there, I leaned against the wall and Shep leaned up against me, trying to regain our breath. Slowly his breathing returned to normal and he pulled out. I felt the slickness of our orgasms slide down my thighs. “Oh my God! I am so sorry.” Shep began in a fearful and panicked voice. ”I didn’t mean to be so rough or push you...” I turned around and started fixing my clothes. “Shut up! Don’t apologize for giving me a good fuck. It’s insulting, Shepard.” I said hastily.


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