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Rock On: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Series Book 1)

Page 8

by A. D. Herrick

  Once we docked, Nik and I grabbed our bags and began our short walk to the Grand Hotel. The Island had no vehicles on it. There were horse drawn carriages and bicycles but we opted to walk and take in the sights along the way. The smell of fudge made my stomach growl. “Once we get checked in we can walk back down and grab a bite to eat and shop fudge.” Elated, I grabbed Nik’s hand and began dragging him to the hotel. In theory it seemed like a good idea, but I had to jog just to pull him at a casual pace. His long legs giving him the advantage, my three steps equaled one of his. Chuckling Nik shook his head. A wide toothy smile split his face. It had been a while since I had seen him smile so freely, that one smile was worth so much to me. I gritted my teeth and scrunched up my face in an over exaggerated display at pulling him up the hill. I mock grunted and panted, eliciting a laugh from him.

  People walking by gawked. Some laughed shaking their heads and some scowled in horror. To outsiders I looked like a petulant child dragging her father. Once the thought crossed my mind I couldn’t help the fully belly laugh that over took me. Confused, Nik stopped and looked at me as thought I had lost my marbles. Between gasps of air I told him what had crossed my mind and he too began to laugh hard. Standing there looking like a couple of loons we laughed and grabbed our sides, tears running down our faces. Though it was not truly funny enough for such theatrics, it was a cathartic release of pent up emotions and unsaid words. Nik and I had always been close and with so much going on in his life with the cancer and the thing with Tosha and me, we both badly needed the release.

  Finally getting ahold of ourselves, we turned our attentions back to getting to the hotel. Walking up the steps of the hotel I was taken aback at the grandeur of the long porch that went the length of the magnanimous hotel, bright red begonias lined the front of the porch while white rocking chairs were placed strategically throughout. Stunned by the beauty, Nik grabbed my hand and guided me into the hotel. Releasing me so that I could look around he went to check us in.

  As I was checking out the art work Nik came up and grabbed me gently by the elbow, “Have you ever seen such opulence?” I asked in wonder, my jaw slackened and hanging. Nik let out a soft chuckle shaking his head. “I have been here a time or two; this is kind of my go-to place when I need to just get away.” He admitted unapologetically. Surprised by his admission I whipped my head toward him, “And you’re just now bringing me?” my voice accusatory, rolling his eyes. “Hello, what part of get away didn’t you understand?” I scoffed. Ignoring me, Nik pulled me off toward our room.

  Nik opened the door, bowing deeply he swept his hand out toward the door “Your room awaits, milady.” He said in a faux British accent. I gaily skipped into the room, stopping just a few feet inside. My jaw dropped as my eyes scanned the room. The room was done in red, the carpet, the walls, the furniture, and the bed, all of it red. Bright white popped sporadically throughout breaking up the red and adding depth. The red curtains that hung above the beds were lined with gold silk. A picture of Nancy Regan hung between the beds. White and black lamps dotted the room with gold finishing’s. The room screamed regal. “I booked us the Nancy Regan suite; I thought you would enjoy it.” Nik beamed, he knew he was right. I was instantly in love. Tears stung my eyes, I turned and threw myself in his arms. He squeezed me back tightly. “Nik, it’s beautiful! Ya lyublyu tebya I love you!” I could feel him smile against my crown; “Ya lyublyu tebya, Myshka. Ready to head back down to town for a bite to eat?” Releasing him I stepped back and smoothed down my hair and wiped away the happy tears. “What about our bags?” “They will be brought up for us. So, you ready?” I gave him a big cheesy smile. “Goober smooch, I was born ready!” I said rolling my head on my shoulders and snapping a Z in the air. Arching an eyebrow Nik gently shook his head; he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of the room, practically dragging me back down to town. I had to jog to stay up with him.

  Exiting the hotel Nik released my arm. Taking advantage I got behind him and leapt up on his back. Nik caught my legs and hoisted me up so that I could wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. “Mush, Mush, Zvyozdochka.” I cried joyfully. Nik laughed and began to jog down the hill toward the small village. I held tight to his shoulders, his long strides causing me to bounce on his back as though I were riding a galloping horse. My legs tightened around his waist for support.

  I took in all of the small houses and buildings along our jog. The architect was a mix of colonial, revival, Victorian and French rustic. All of the buildings were painted white with pops of color throughout, red begonias dotted window sills. It was quaint yet breathe taking. Nik’s jog slowed as we entered the village, he stopped to set me down so I could walk beside him. Snaking my arm around the crook of his elbow. “What are you hungry for? And don’t say fudge, I need real food before we hit the fudge shops.” I wrinkled my nose up at him and stuck out my tongue. Sitting between a fudge shop and a clothing store I spotted a pizzeria. “What about some Pizza?” I asked, hoping he would agree because I couldn’t wait to get to the fudge shop next door. Giving me a skeptical look he said, “I thought you hated pizza?” ‘Well, I know you love it and you brought me here. The least I can do is suck it up and eat some pizza with you.” I bat my eyes innocently. Cutting his eyes at me he shrugged and capitulated.

  The pizza wasn’t half bad; I patiently waited for Nik to finish his. I would swear he was taking his time just to get to me. I shook my foot incessantly under the table, forcing myself to smile and be patient. The fudge shop would still be there when he was done. Nik looked completely at ease, taking his time eating his pizza as though he didn’t have a care in the world. I closed my eyes and sent up a prayer to baby Jesus. My patients were wearing thin. Pursing my lips I prayed harder, my hands gripping the side of my chair in a white knuckle grip. I could do this. I could be patient. UGH!!! I heard Nik’s chair scrape across the floor. Snapping my eyes open I looked over at him. He stood over me with a wide toothy grin, his eyes sparkled with mischief. “So are you ready or do you plan to sit there all night?” my eyes narrowed into slits as I glared daggers at him. Huffing I scooted my chair back and stood. Placing my hands on my hips I jetted my hip out my lips pursed. I refused to blow up at him. “You are such a meanie face!” I scolded. He winked at me before taking my hand and rushing me out of the pizzeria. “Hurry up, they will be closing soon.” Shaking my head in contempt I followed behind him.

  Walking into the Fudge Shop my mouth watered. There was fudge of every type, truffles, bon bons, and so many chocolatey confections. I was salivating at the sight and scent alone. While I drooled all over the glass display cases Nik talked to the women behind the counter. I vacillated over the different confections. I knew I couldn’t have them all; my waist would never forgive me. I decided to allot myself one slab of fudge and three smaller confections. Narrowing down which three would be the hard part. “Tink we will be here for a couple of days, you can come back every day and try something new. Just pick a few so they can close up.” Nik said from behind me in a hurried whisper. I turned to him and glared, “Do you know how hard it is to just pick a few to sample?” I told him in an angry whisper. Nik rolled his eyes at me in exasperation. Huffing I stomped my foot and crossed my arms over my chest. Yes I was twenty-eight and yes I still pouted like a child. Deciding on the Rocky Road Fudge, a bon bon, and two truffles, I placed my order. Nik smiled whimsically. He paid for my treats and grabbed my bag; I noticed he also had a bag of his own. I was happy I wouldn’t have to share my treats with him.

  We walked out of the shop, “Hop on my back and I will carry you back to the hotel, I know you can’t wait to tear into this bag of chocolate.” I bounced up and down and twirled around displaying my happy dance to the world as I fist pumped the sky. Nik tipped his head back and let out a convulsing laugh. I shook my head and stuck out my tongue, “Saddle up big boy, I have chocolate to devour.” Nik squatted down, aiding me in climbing on his back. Once settled he took off in a brisk walk toward the

  Chapter Eleven

  Once in our room Nik dropped me to the bed. I landed after a short bounce. Nik wagged his eyebrows at me and handed me my bag of chocolate, taking his and setting it on his bed. He walked over to a small built in and opened a door, reaching his hand in he removed it with a bottle of red wine in his grasp. Lifting two glasses off the shelf above he asked “shall we stick to the beds or would you prefer to go in the sitting room?” I tilted my head as I contemplated the question. “Have any cards?” Nik paled, “I know you did not just seriously ask me that question.” Nik scoffed loudly. He walked the wine and glassed over to the small coffee table and set them down before returning to his luggage that had been placed on the luggage rack. He unzipped a pocked and withdrew a deck of playing cards. Shaking his head in disbelief, “You know I never leave home without them.” I rolled my eyes and grabbed my goodie bag, I trudged over to the wing backed chair and pulled it closer to the coffee table. I sat down and crossed my legs Indian style. Nik grabbed his bag of chocolate off his bed and brought it over to the settee. Sitting down he propped his elbows on his knees and began to shuffle the deck. I got up and grabbed the cork opener, bringing it back to the table I opened the wine and poured us each a healthy glass. Nik crooked his eyebrow at me but didn’t say a word, a faint smile playing at his lips.

  Nik dealt out the cards and the game started. Rummy was our favorite game to play. We had been playing it since we were small children. We were both really good which made the outcome highly unpredictable. We sipped our wine and played cards, munching on our chocolaty confections. The wine Nik had chosen paired perfectly. “So what’s your deal?” Nik asked, his eyes never leaving his cards. I shrugged, arranging my cards, “I have no idea what you mean.” I replied nonchalantly. Giving a shake of his head he sighed and laid down four eights. I gasped in mock horror, Nik played his discard turning the game back to me, I pulled a card and laid down a five card straight. “Take that punk.” I gloated, shimmying happily in my seat. I discarded, sending the game back to him. “You look extra cute today, Tink.” Nik said skeptically. “Oh, thanks, I thought I would try out being a girl for a day.” Keeping my eyes on my cards, I hoped he would just let it go. “Any particular reason?” He asked, his eyes never leaving his cards. I picked up my glass and downed my wine in one gulp. Setting the glass down, I refilled it and took another long swallow.

  “Did you sleep well last night?” his voice objective. “I guess…” I finished the wine in my glass yet again. I set it down to refill it again. Nik’s hand grabbed mine, halting my movement. I slowly dragged my eyes up to meet his. His face was void of emotion. It was un-nerving, I couldn’t tell if he knew anything, how he felt. Wait… We didn’t get so drunk that we… NO… No way!! The hair on the back of my neck stood at attention and I could feel the moisture beading up between my shoulder blades and my upper lip. Using the back of my hand I haphazardly swiped at my lips. My eyes narrowed at him, trying desperately to find any crack in his composure. “What exactly are you getting at, Nik?” nervously I asked. Though, I feared the answer. “Did you go to bed alone, Tink? Wake up alone?” He asked incredulously. My heart stopped, fear numbed me. “Nik…?” Not knowing what I was asking. My mouth worked but no words came out. Nik cocked his head to the side, studying my face.

  “What do you remember from last night?” He asked quizzically. The vice on my heart wrenched tighter. “I … I remember the set… the party… leaving the party… going to the bar… dancing with Kiev…” I stammered. I could hear the beating of my heart in my chest. Quirking his brow higher, “That’s all you remember?” He asked doubtfully. My eyes widened with fear. “Yes!” “What about this morning?” My stomach seized, I felt the bile rise in my throat. I rose to run to the bathroom. “I saw you with him!” Nik blurted out. My head snapped back to him. My legs unable to hold my weight collapsed and I fell back into my seat, the nausea settling. It wasn’t Nik. Thank god. I never thought I could get that drunk, but hell now days, who knows. “Who?” I asked eagerly. “What do you mean, who?” he asked dumbfounded as he paled.

  Unable to hold back any longer, I told him everything, and I mean everything, even about Kevin, Shep and Sasha. Nik sat back listening, never interrupting. His face contorted through so many emotions, as if it was incapable of holding to just one. He scrubbed his face with his hands and raked them through his hair. He leaned back on the settee, his eyes closed and his hands over his face, he listened to every tiny detail. Feeling shammed, my voice wavered, but I didn’t stop until it was all out.

  Once I finished I sat back waiting for a response of any type from Nik. I expected him to yell and shout at me, to be disappointed in me. I prepared myself for anything. He scrubbed his face with his hands once again and then rubbed fiercely at his eyes with the palms of his hands. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I rested my chin on my knees and watched him. I studied his movements, waiting for him to erupt.

  “So you have no clue who was slipping out of your room this morning?” His voice sounded tired. Shaking my head, I looked down at my toes absent mindedly. “Would you like me to tell you?” My head jerked up, my eyes wide “Oh my god, would you please. It’s been killin’ me!” I begged. Shaking his head, his lips pulled up slightly at the corners. “I don’t know. This may be fun. How about you guess and I will tell you if you are right or not?” I cut my eyes at him and narrowed them into slits, slithering in my seat I prepared to strike at him. He looked at me expectantly and pursed his lips. Letting out an angry groan I rolled my eyes.

  ”Was it someone we know?”

  “Yes.” Okay, that made me feel a bit better knowing I didn’t drag a stranger in. “Was it anyone from Dark Tide?” “No.” Great, I had already suspected as much but I just wanted to be sure. “Was it Kiev?” I asked and grimaced. A sickened look came across his face. “No.” Thank god, that would have been awkward. “So it was Tosha?” Smirking he shook his head. Panic seized my heart. Was that a ‘no’? Please tell me it wasn’t Damon or Ivan. I don’t think I could live with myself, let alone ever show my face again. “Nik!” closing his eyes he shook his head slightly back and forth. “Nikolia!” He opened his eyes briefly; his lips were turned down in a frown. He still never said a word. “Was it Ivan?” I asked hesitantly. “No.” Flopping back in the chair like a fish I groaned loudly. “So it was fucking Damon?” “No” I jerked upright. “What the fuck do you mean ‘no’?” I screeched. “Who the hell was it?” I screamed my face riddled in agony. Who else did we know in the area?

  Nik gave me a long cold stare. His hands gripped his knees. His eyes remained unblinking. I returned his stare, fear and horror written all over my face. My eyes burned with unshed tears. I nervously chewed at my lower lip. Nik broke away first and got to his feet. Towering above me he glanced at me dismissively then turned to look at his watch. He studied the small silver and black contraption on his wrist for what seemed like forever. I sat in my chair staring up at him expectantly. My stomach was in knots. How could he do this to me? How could he give me just bits and pieces of information? Nik exhaled loudly. He walked around the coffee table toward the door. His back was to me. I leaned up in my seat and planted my feet on the floor preparing to follow him. Nik turned and called over his shoulder quickly “It was Tosha and he is in love with you.” Before sprinting to the door and flinging it open. I was momentarily stunned by his words. It took them a minute to sink in. Realizing that Nik was fleeing, I leapt from my seat and tore off after him.

  I sprinted through the door gaining on him I followed him as he made a left in the hallway. Big strong arms reached out and yanked me off the ground, halting my pursuit. I struggled to get free, intent on murdering my brother. Focused on Nik’s death I didn’t realize what was happening until it was too late. I was tossed over a broad shoulder and hauled back to the room. My captor kicked the door closed behind him and walked to the bed tossing me on it. My body bounced back up. Before I could bounce
a second time he was on me. He wrenched my hands above my head and held them captive with his large strong hands. His lips descended upon mine, covering my screams. Using his legs he spread my legs apart and pinned them down. His free hand snaked between our bodies and worked at my jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping them. I thrashed and flailed trying to escape. I was out muscled.

  His free hand worked at my jeans, yanking them down my body. He got them to the top of my knees. Using his feet he pushed my shoes off, I heard the thunk of his shoes following. Using his legs and feet he squirmed and pulled my pants the rest of the way down. He undid his own pants and they followed. His kiss deepened. I opened to him, allowing his tongue past my lips. His tongue massaged mine as we ate at one another’s mouth. He groaned and I ate the sound.

  He began to work my shirt up, his lips leaving mine momentarily as he pulled my shirt up over my head. He released my hands; instinctively I wrapped them around his neck, tunneling my fingers through his hair as I held him firmly against me. He kissed me with more passion than I had ever felt. My body bucked and writhed beneath him. Moaning as I ground my wet pussy against his thigh.


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