Rock On: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Series Book 1)

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Rock On: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Series Book 1) Page 11

by A. D. Herrick

  Her hands lingering and caressing his exposed skin a bit longer than I thought a typical doctor should, though I wasn’t going to say anything. If this lady could help Nik, even to just put his mind at ease, I would let her do whatever she wanted to him. Nik swallowed hard. I could tell he was nervous, and it wasn’t the cancer talk making him nervous. “No, it has been a bit hoarse, but that has been getting better, the sore throat has almost completely gone away and my voice is getting so much stringer.” Dr. Popov nodded as she listened to Nik. “Open your mouth real wide for me.” She peered in his mouth and down his throat as her hand gently rested on the side of his neck. I couldn’t help but to smile. “I don’t see anything that would cause any alarm right off, though these things are not often seen, you look like you are healing nicely. I will need to do a laryngoscopy, we will see what exactly we could be working with, and I will also need to make a few incisions for a biopsy. Will you be comfortable with that?” Nik looked at me, fear and concern in his eyes. I nodded my head at him, encouraging him along. Nik nodded his head at the doctor woefully. “The incisions will be small, more like a scratch, and I don’t have to get deep. I just need enough tissue for a thorough scan.” Nik nodded his head in concession. “I understand.”

  After giving Nik a very thorough examination, Dr. Popov took some samples and informed us, well Nik, I seemed to be invisible once the sister card came out, that it would be at least twenty-four hours before she could get anything back, but that it could take up to seventy-five hours. I crossed my fingers and silently prayed that it would be sooner. She also informed him to refrain from speaking as much as possible for the next few days and placed him on a liquid diet. His throat hand to heal from the incisions she had made. I left the room to give Nik a few minutes alone with the good doctor. I walked back out to the waiting room and let the guys know what had happened, catching them all up.

  When Nik walked out into the waiting room he had an extra hop in his skip and a smile plastered on his face. He did not look like a guy that was waiting on results from a biopsy to determine whether or not he had cancer. He looked like a guy smitten with his lady doctor. The guys gave him confused smiles as he walked over to us. I couldn’t help but giggle at him. He looked high on life. Nik smiled brightly at me. ‘What’s so funny?” I shook my head walking over to him I looped my arm through his and began to walk him toward the exit. “So how is your girlfriend?” He laughed. “She is fine.” I bumped my shoulder into him. “So did ya get her digits?” He laughed and knocked his hip into me. “As a matter of fact, I did.” Shocked, I stopped, using the momentum to spin him around to face me. “You dirty dog, did you seriously?” He chuckled, turning me around and tugging me toward the waiting van. “I have crazy, mad skills. Of course I got her number.” I whooped and hollered causing him to laugh. We all loaded in the van and Nik told us about his chat with the gorgeous Doctor, Elena.

  We had a show to perform that night and Nik wouldn’t be able to perform. He was supposed to rest his vocal cords but that didn’t stop him from droning on and on about his crush on his new doctor. I was ready to strangle him and the doctor by the time we were set to go on stage. Nik went so far as to hang out in my dressing room while I got ready, forcing me to dress in the cramped bathroom. He about bored me to tears while I did my hair and makeup. His crush on this doctor was seriously going to be the death of him, by me. I was beyond ecstatic for him to have found someone he liked, but I didn’t want to hear about it for the rest of my life. I loved my brother more than life its self, but I was close to killing him.

  We walked out on stage Nik and I hand in hand. “Hey guys, it’s great to be here. I was so excited to be able to come out here and perform for you. As you can tell my voice is scratch and fading in and out. I have a bit of a cold or something so unfortunately I won’t be able to sing for you.” The crowd began to boo. Nik’s voice was breaking more and more as he spoke. I decided to take over and give him a break. “Hey, Hey, Hey! Y’all don’t worry your pretty little heads. I’m Tink and I will be taking over for Nik tonight. “More Boos. “You may be booing now, but just wait and see what we have in store for you tonight. Are you guys ready to get pumped and rock the fuck out?” The crowd began to come around. “I don’t think you guys are. I said, are you guys ready to get pumped and rock the fuck out?” I shouted even louder. The crowd in turn got even louder. Nik took a step back and let me take the lead. Tosh came up beside me and started to play, Kiev and Ivan joined in. We started with a heavy song, it was one of their new ones, I had written it so I knew it well. I decided to just go for it and I let it rip. Reaching deep for my inner strength, I let out a loud roar and tore into the song.

  Before I was through the first verse, the crowd was on their feet and singing along. I had proven my worth. As the song built I tempo so did the crowd. Nik walked up and gave me a quick pat on the back, encouraging me to keep digging deep. We ripped through song after song, not letting up. We played the hardest we have ever played. The crowd ate it up. By the time we finished the encore I was beat. I felt as though I had been taken through the ringer. I had no clue how Nik could do this night after night. But the roaring cheers of the crowd lightened the load. Letting me know it was well worth it.

  Tosha laid down his guitar, walked up to me and grabbed me on the stage, spinning me around into his arms; he kissed me deep and hard in front of the crowd. This sent the crowd into utter chaos. Cheers and screams erupted. “I love this woman!” Tosha shouted and he lifted me up and tossed me over his shoulder, carrying me off the stage like a caveman. I laughed and slapped his ass. The guys followed behind us.

  Tosha carried me back to my dressing room and placed me of the floor. Leaving me with a kiss and a wink. I showered and dressed. I grabbed my phone and started working on some of the songs while I waited for the guys to finish. Nik knocked at my door then entered. We sat there and worked together while we waited on the guys. One by one they filed in. Once everyone was done we left, headed to the hotel to eat and relax.

  Chapter Sixteen

  It had been thirty-six hours before Nik got the call. Dr. Popov gave Nik the all clear. Excited, we all hugged and cheered. I had never been so relieved in my life. Nik still had a few days before he could sing again but I was able to cover the shows for him. I had started getting used to being front and center on stage. I couldn’t wait for Nik to take his rightful place, but until then I wouldn’t mind borrowing it. My second show in San Diego went just as well as Phoenix. The crowd wasn’t happy about Nik being out of commission, but after I belted a few lyrics they were won over.

  We were headed out of San Diego to Vegas when Nik’s doctor from L.A. called. He gave him the thumbs up, this further cementing the relief and excitement of Nik still being in remission. We decided that once we were in Vegas we were going to spend our first night celebrating. The next night we would be performing at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. We would be staying in the penthouse of the hotel which would be convenient. I couldn’t wait to land and celebrate with my brother. Getting two conformations that he was in remission was the best news I had ever heard.

  When we landed a limo was waiting to pick us up. Instead of going straight to the hotel we decided to bar hop. We started at the Chandelier; we got a private room with our own mixologist who made some of the best drinks I had ever tasted. We took turns sampling one another’s drink and having the mixologist make us something different each time. After a few drink we decided that we were sufficiently buzzed and decided to hit the Commonwealth before we got too drunk. We sat at the roof top bar and sipped our drinks. We chatted and laughed as we enjoyed the view from the bar. Ivan wanted to check out the Millennium Fandom, hearing about it being a cosplay bar we decided it would be fun to check out. How often do you get to see someone in fun geeky costumes when it isn’t Halloween? Wait, don’t answer that. We staggered to the bar arm in arm, linked like cancan dancers.

  We spent a good portion of the night in the Millennium Fandom, meeting
new people and checking out the amazing costumes. Tosha stuck by my side, holding my hand or having me sit in his lap. The guys were approached several times and asked for autographs. I was stunned and flattered when someone had asked for mine; they had seen me perform in Atlanta with the guys and recognized me. I was honored and so proud. I completely flipped the script and asked for a picture with them to post on my social media sites. I thought that I would hate being recognized and asked for my autograph but I actually found that I didn’t mind.

  Damon decided that he wanted to check out the Minus Five Ice Bar and I couldn’t agree more with him. How awesome is it to have a bar in the desert that is not only cold as hell but also had ice sculptures and a bar made from ice in it? We laughed and giggled as we bundled up in to borrowed fur coats and sipped out drinks. I gave Tosha Eskimo kisses and he laughed so hard he fell out of his chair.

  We briefly hung out at the Park on Freemont before we left for the Peppermill Fireside Lounge. The creepy paintings and décor of the Freemont stuck with me through our bar crawl. The place seriously gave me chills. I was sitting in the push lounge chair at the Peppermill when Tosha and Nik disappeared, telling us briefly that they wanted to go get a listing of all the other cool bars. Ivan, Kiev and Damon kept me company as we people watched and tried to decide what we wanted to do the rest of our time in Vegas. I had never been and I knew that a day or two here wouldn’t be enough for me. It was like Disneyland for adults. I don’t just mean the casinos either. There were so many spectacular shows and amusements. I couldn’t wait to see it all.

  Nik and Tosha finally came back. Nik held out a flier for a new bar that had opened. It claimed to be haunted. I was creeped out already by the last bar but agreed to go, curiosity getting the better of me. I was blindsided when Tosha dropped to his knee in front of me, his hand out stretched with a ring box in it. I stared at him, speechless. “Katinka, I love you more than anything in this world. I can’t imagine spending another day without you by my side. Would you do me the honor of marrying me and becoming Mrs. Mikhailov?” Tears began to stream down my face. I couldn’t seem to get my mouth to work, to tell him how I felt, so I did the only thing I could do, I nodded. A loud roaring cheer boomed from Nik and the guys as the whooped and hollered. Tosha pulled me in to him as he wrapped his arms around me. The ring forgotten. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him with all the passion and love I possessed. I felt him smile against my lips. He gently pulled away, grabbing my left hand; he slipped the ring on my finger. It was a large princess cut diamond; it looked to be at least four carats. The ring fit perfectly. I couldn’t help but to smile so big my cheeks hurt. “Tonight?” I couldn’t help but giggle. I nodded to Tosha; I would marry him right this second of I could.

  Still buzzed, the six of us made our way to the county clerk’s office for a marriage license. I was surprised at the amount of people waiting for a license. The room was packed. Tosha pulled a number and we waited our turn. Seeing the long line the rest of the guys bugged off, claiming to have other things to do. I think they just didn’t want to sit around and stare at couples so in love they couldn’t wait to spend the rest of their life together. I hopped that one day they would all experience the same happiness I felt when I was with Tosha.

  When our number was called, the panic set in. I couldn’t believe that I was going to be marrying Tosha Mikhailov! We went from a life time friendship to dating, to engaged, and now soon to be married in less than a month. Was this the right choice? Tosha held my hand and lead me to the counter. As if feeling my uneasy, he gently squeezed my hand. We handed over our IDs and signed the appropriate forms. Marriage license in hand we walked out of the building. Tosha tucked the paper safely in his back pocket and pulled me into his arms, his kissed me lightly on the lips. “Ya lyublyu tebya vsem Khert I love you with all of my heart.” I smiled against his lips. “I ya lyublyu tebya And I love you.”

  The guys pulled up a few minutes later in a limo. Damon hung out the sunroof hooting and hollering at us. Kiev swung the door opened and we both climbed in. Nik popped a bottle of Champaign and poured us all a glass. The limo took off as we sat back sipping the bubbly and chatting away, avoiding the elephant in the room.

  The car rolled to a stop and the guys all jumped out. Nik waited at the door for me and took my hand helping me out. When I looked around I noticed the other guys had disappeared. Nik led me by the hand into what looked like a little white chapel. I let out a nervous laugh. “Hey, you want to do this, don’t you?” Nik asked; his voice laced with concern. I nodded my head. “Just say the word and we will jump back in that car and go drink ourselves silly.” I smiled up at him. Always my protective brother, doing everything in his power to make me happy, even if it means leaving his best friend at the altar. I laughed and shook my head. “No, I want this. I’m just scared. That’s normal right?” Nik smiled down at me. “You are about to promise yourself to Tosh for life, in front of god, yeah that is plenty reason to be scared.” I shoved at him. “Oh shut up, were doing this Mr. “Nik laughed and nodded his approval.

  We walked into the chapel and music began to play. To my surprise Journey’s Don’t Stop Believing began to play, Ivan and Kiev began singing the lyrics standing beside Tosha at the altar. I laughed as Nik took my arm in his and walked me slowly down the aisle. Elvis stood waiting for us. The Hunka Hunka burning love himself in his white jumper that had been bedazzled to death. This was perfect. Absolutely perfect. Tears began to stream down my face. When we reached Tosha at the end of the aisle, Nik turned me to face him. Holding my hands he kissed my crown. “No matter what, you will always be my baby sister. If he doesn’t treat you right I will kill him and feed his body to the fishes.” He flashed a smile and winked before releasing me to my soon to be husband. Tosha took my hand in his. With his free hand he gently wiped away my tears. I smiled up at him and whispered my love to him.

  Elvis gave a perfect vow ceremony, complete with hip thrust and all. “Do you Tosha with the crazy weird last name take this gorgeous, sweet piece of meat to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Tosha smiled at him “I do.” “And do you, Katinka Von, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Smiling at Tosha, I winked, “I do.” “By the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you man and wife; you may now kiss the bride.” Tosha bent down and kissed me, his arms going around my waist as mine snaked around his neck. Tosh lifted me up deepening the kiss. “You two cut it out; we have double celebrating to do.” Kiev yelled. Laughing we broke apart.

  We walked out of the chapel hand in hand, now husband and wife. I couldn’t have been happier. We all climbed back in the limo ready to party the night away. With Tosha on my right and Nik on my left I couldn’t have been happier. Nik leaned into me, motioning with his eyes down toward his phone which he held in his lap. Nik scrolled through text messages he had sent and received. They were from the guys of Dark Tide, wishing me congratulations and sending their best regards Nik had sent them pictures and video of the ceremony that he had taken on his phone. I was glad to have the support of my friends. This day couldn’t have been more perfect.

  Haven’t had your fill of the men in Slava Pasha?

  Check out Rock Harder

  Nikolia Von’s story

  Now available on Amazon

  About the Author

  A. D. Herrick was born and raised in Southern California though currently resides in Birmingham, Alabama with her husband, 3 children, 2 dogs and 3 cats. Though she was born and raised in the big city, she is a country girl at heart with a taste for smoldering hot men.



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