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Emerald (The Silvia Saga Book 1)

Page 1

by Jenna Lee

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Coming Soon


  The Silvia Saga

  Book #1

  Jenna Lee


  Jenna Lee

  2018 Projected Releases


  (The Silvia Saga Book 2)


  (The Silvia Saga Book 3)


  (Witches of Oakland, Book 1)

  2019 Projected Releases


  (Witches of Oakland, Book 2)


  (Witches of Oakland, Book 3)


  (Witches of Oakland, Book 4)


  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are all products of the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblances to persons, organizations, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  Emerald. Copyright © 2018 by Jenna Lee. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations used in articles or reviews. For information contact Jenna Lee at:

  Jenna Lee Facebook


  I have so many people to thank so please bear with me. As each one deserves a mention, this story wouldn’t have happened without them.

  This is my #squad

  Dill - Your encouragement and support mean the world to me. I couldn’t have done this without you. You believe I can do anything, and I love you for that. Hope you love it.

  Mum and Dad - Where do I start? You both have always taught me that I can do anything if I put my heart into it. Well, I have done it! Thanks to you both. I look up to you and love you more than you will ever know. Thanks for giving me the confidence and guidance to follow my dreams.

  Shannon – Girl, where do I start? You have been there from the very beginning; pushing me, encouraging me and just being there to listen to my crazy ideas. You always tell me the truth even when it shits me. You’re always there when I want to run my ideas past you. You’re the plotting queen and I couldn’t do this without you. Keep being you, cause you’re bloody amazing! Love you lots, bestie.

  Rebecca, Jes #twinning, Jennifer, GG, Meg and Kim - To my #squad you girls are seriously the best. I couldn’t have done this without your support and guidance. You have helped me in ways that I can’t explain, and it means the world to me. Rebecca, you were the first person I told about this series, and you have been there since. #twining thanks for letting me slip up from my PA duties to do the author gig, I love you hard. Meg, thanks for letting me be a part of your #chosen. Momma Jen, I appreciate you so much. GG thanks for being there and for our crazy chats. Kim, I think you’re amazing and I appreciate you sharing your wisdom. Love you all.

  And finally, to my reader and ARC #squad, thank you so much for your support, means so much to me.

  Find your #squad and love them hard.

  Squad means family.

  Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.


  To the dreamers.

  Wonderful things don’t happen when you stay in your comfort zone.


  On Facebook

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  On the Web

  Jenna Lee's Squad - Facebook Group



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Coming Soon



  My precious Marissa is gone.

  My heart pounds against my chest, threatening to burst, as I stand over the lifeless body of my beautiful wife. I break down, falling to my knees, clenching her tightly against my pounding heart.

  All that is left is her lifeless form and our beloved daughter, Dara. I watch as the blood seeps out of her now still heart. The last words to come out of her mouth were, “Keep Dara safe. Do whatever it takes.”

  As soon as I heard those words, I took an oath. To protect our daughter with everything I had left. To make sure James couldn’t lay a hand on her.

  I cannot comprehend that my once loved brother, James, could stoop this low. How could my own blood kill the one thing that I loved most in this world. How could he just walk into our Kingdom and take the life of his sister-in-law. I yell out in frustration, cursing the sky until I have no voice. She can’t be gone, I need her. She keeps us together, without her I am nothing. I am lost.

  Marissa was in our room freshening up. If I had been in there with her, this would not have happened. I could have prevented it. I could have talked James down. Telling him this isn’t the way, that we could help him. But I had been at the local market, checking in with the vendors. How could I be so stupid, to leave her there unprotected, when I knew James had been off the rails?

  He had been drifting further and further away over the past few months. But never in my life would I believe he could be capable of such evil.

  Ever since the passing of our parents and myself being crowned King, he had been furious, drifting further away. What did he think would happen? I was the eldest of us two. Of course, I would be crowned King. On top of that, I had Marissa, who was fit to be Queen. She knew how to rule Silvia. James didn’t have a better half, he never could keep one long enough to stay around.

  Five years after being crowned King and Queen, we had our precious daughter, Dara. Now 10 years old, she will be absolutely devastated to hear of her mother’s death. She is old enough to know the meaning, and that’s what breaks my heart the most. Knowing how much pain it will cause her poor little heart.

  Right now, she is outside playing with her Warriors, Anna and Albert’s children. Oblivious to what’s happened within the walls of my Kingdom. My Kingdom, it’s mine and somehow, I let James slip through the protections we have in place.

  How could I have been so stupid? I have the most powerful spells in place to protect our Kingdom and the land surrounding it. But somehow, he managed to break through the barriers and hurt what I love the m

  Marissa and I made Silvia, the way it is today is thanks to what we’ve done. Silvia is a dimension we helped build, full of pure magic that was used for good. This land of beautiful vibrant greens, lush vegetation and prosperity, it’s beauty is unbelievable.

  The beautiful people of Silvia are a strong community, all close and kind. Now James is threatening to bring it down. To turn it upside down and have everyone on their knees. Bowing down to him, that’s all he ever wanted. Power. The power to make everyone do as he pleases. To turn Silvia into an evil world, where everyone uses dark magic and fights for power.

  I hear the door open and close. I look up to see Albert standing there, looking down at me. I see the pain and loss in his eyes. “No,” he yells out in frustration, as he runs over to join me on the ground. I am covered in Marissa’s blood and I cannot stand to see the colour red any longer. I stand up, turning around.

  “Please arrange to get her body taken away and cleaned up. Albert, I cannot stand to see it any longer, James will pay for this.” I see the understanding in his eyes, he wears the same expression as I do. He isn’t even surprised to learn that James is to blame for this death.

  Marissa is very dear to Albert and Anna, they are our best friends and godparents to our Dara. The closest and most trusted friends we have. Their four sons and daughter are very close to Dara. They all play together and love each other dearly. They are Dara’s Warriors: Harlan, Declan, Blair, Oliver and Jolie. They’ve been in training since a young age to protect Dara at all cost. Dara, of course, is destined to become Queen, so she will need all the protection she can get. I trust no one more than my good friend’s kids, to protect my daughter.

  I hear a gasp, which breaks me from my thoughts. Looking up, I find Anna running to Marissa, falling to her knees, clutching Marissa with everything she has. “No, please no. Please don’t be dead, you can’t leave me, Marissa. You can’t.” She cries out, with tears falling down her face.

  I can’t stand to see my friends in pain or Marissa’s still body anymore. I make my way out of the room all the while trying to figure out a way to tell Dara. What am I supposed to tell her? How am I supposed to tell her? Without breaking her heart, there is no way I can.

  Life without Marissa in it is going to be torture. She was my world, we did everything together and made all of our decisions together. Like equals. Silvia will be lost without her. Now with her gone, I feel as though part of me is missing. I want to give up. But I have Dara to protect and it was Marissa’s dying wish to ensure that I keep her safe. How was I supposed to do that when it wasn’t safe anywhere in Silvia right now? James is on a mission to bring my family down, every one of us until there is no one left in his way. He wants to rule Silvia and everyone in it.

  I need to keep Dara protected and away from all of this until it’s safe again. But where could she go? Where was safe? I find myself entering my office, sitting down at my desk. Trying to muster up a plan of attack. I need to find a way that will keep Dara out of harm’s way. I lose track of time as I rack my brain, trying to come up with a plan. Anna and Albert enter the room, taking the seats in front of my desk. They look heartbroken, their eyes swollen and red.

  “Sam, we need to ensure Dara’s safety. I hate to say this, but nowhere is safe here in Silvia anymore. We need to send her someplace safe, where James can’t hurt her. With her powers, she will be able to defeat James when the time comes. But for now, we need to send her away from all of this,” Albert confirms my worst nightmare.

  As much as I want to say no, that I want to keep Dara here with me, where she belongs, I know it’s in everyone’s best interest to send her away. At least until Silvia is safe again.

  “Very well, but where do we send her?” I ask, confiding in both Albert and Anna.

  “Earth, it’s furthest away and has no affiliation with Silvia. No magic is present, Dara can live a normal life until the time comes for her to return. It’s the last place James will think to look,” Anna reveals, surprising me, as Albert is usually the one with the plans.

  “Very well then, I need to let my daughter know what has happened tonight. Then, I will need to remove her memories and put a block on her powers. So she has no recollection of Silvia.” I rub my hands through my hair, trying to think how and when we summon Dara back to Silvia.

  After several minutes of thinking, it comes to me. “I will put a spell on Dara, that upon her 25th birthday she will be summoned in some way, that will make her return to Silvia, with the help of her Warriors of course,” I explain to them both.

  They nod their heads in agreement, confirming that my plan is good. “Good plan Sam, let me go and retrieve Dara,” Anna says, as she leaves the room.

  Albert clears his throat. “It will all be okay Sam, this is the best way to keep Dara safe. She will be back before we know it. Hopefully, Silvia is safe and we have defeated James by the time she returns,” Albert explains, trying to make me feel better about my decision.

  Someone knocks on the door and in comes my sweet Dara. Albert gives me a final nod, giving Dara a tight hug as he leaves. Dara stands in front of me with a smile on her face. How can I be the one to tell her of her mother’s death? I don’t ever want to see my daughter upset in any way. But she needs to know before I take her memories away, I owe her that much.

  “What did you want Dad? Where is Mother? We were meant to be going to the market,” she questions, which breaks my heart even more. I stay silent for several minutes. She must realise the sadness in my eyes, as I watch her face fall. “What’s wrong Dad, has something happened?”

  I swallow hard. “Dara sweetie, something has happened to your Mother. While you were out playing with your Warriors. She is gone, I am so sorry.” Breaking down, I look up into her eyes, it’s like looking into a mirror. Her face falls as she breaks down along with me. She is in my arms hugging me within seconds. Her tears soak my shirt and in this moment, I don’t care one bit. I cry with her until we both are exhausted with no tears left to fall.

  “Dad, what’s going to happen now? It’s Uncle isn’t it, he’s the one who did this? How are we going to stop him?” My sweet little 10-year-old figures it out without me having to tell her. She really is the brightest, strongest girl I know. That’s why I know she will be safe on Earth, safer than anywhere here in Silvia.

  “Well sweetie, Silvia isn’t safe for you anymore. Uncle is too far gone now, there is no way to bring him back. To ensure your safety we need to remove your memories and send you to Earth. You will live there until things get better here. Understand?” I ask, seeing the hurt in her eyes.

  “But why Dad? Why can’t I stay here with you?” She pleads, not understanding how powerful and important she really is.

  “We need to keep you safe, Dara. You’re too powerful, we can’t let Uncle hurt you too. Please understand that I love you with all of my heart. It was your mother’s dying wish to keep you safe. I won’t let anything happen to you. I couldn’t stand losing you as well. You’re what’s keeping me together. You’re all I have left.” I say confiding in her, hoping she understands.

  “I understand Dad, but please there has to be another way. I don’t want to leave Silvia, it’s my home. My family is here, I can’t walk away from that.” She breaks down again, clinging to me for dear life.

  This breaks my heart, I really wish there was another way. But there isn’t, James won’t stop until we are dead. I can’t let him take away my daughter too. I will gladly die protecting her, with everything I have. I pull her against me, hugging her tightly. I kiss her head and pull her back.

  “Dara, I wish there was another way. But there isn’t, please understand this is for everyone’s safety. You’re everyone’s priority, we need to keep you safe. Please, please understand,” I beg her.

  She takes in a deep breath, looking up into my eyes, “Okay Dad, I trust you. We can do this.”

  I pull her in for a deep hug, putting everything I have into it. Kno
wing this will be the last time I get to hug her.

  I pull back and catch her eye. “I love you, Dara, this is for the best. Be strong my Princess. Now this is going to hurt.”

  I make one last wish, for Dara to find happiness in her new life.

  “Goodbye, my Princess.”

  With a deep breath, I pull all my power from within and perform the spell that will take away my little girl.

  Chapter 1

  Dara, 15 years later

  It’s 11 p.m. on a Friday night, and as usual Wellington’s bar is pumping. I’m working the graveyard shift tonight, so I was in for a long one. The bills needed to get paid, somehow. I look up and take in the bar. As sad as it sounds, this place was like my second home. It’s located in an old warehouse that has recently been done up. They kept the high ceilings with exposed wooden beams and the rustic design of the space, it really is beautiful, full of wild animals tonight though.

  Kayla breaks my thoughts as she smashes down her empty glass in front of me. “Dara, can I get another vodka raspberry, please?” In typical Kayla fashion, she is already fucked-up after two drinks. God, she was hilarious. I was in for a fun night babysitting her sorry arse.

  She is sitting up on the bar stool, sandwiched between two good-looking guys. “Hey Kay, what’s up girl?” I ask, eyeing the guys next to her.

  “Oh, these are my new friends, Johnny and Rex, I believe.”

  Typical for Kayla to have two guys after her at once. She was stunning, with white blonde hair cut into a short-styled bob. Beautiful green eyes and flawless skin. Tall too, a perfect 5.8ft. I was the complete opposite, a shorty with long dark hair.

  “Nice to meet you, boys. I hope you have been keeping Kayla occupied?” I ask, eyeing them both. Johnny checks me out but doesn’t linger. However, Rex takes his time checking me out from head to toe and gives me a playful wink when his eyes meet mine. Oh god, keep it in your pants, mate. He might be alright for a one-night stand, I think to myself. It had been how long? Who was I kidding, it had been way too long since my previous fling, six months ago. I mean, Ryan was okay physically but in bed… well, that was another story. Sure, he could turn me on, but he didn’t have much in his pants to keep me going if you know what I mean. He was short stacked but sexy as hell. I guess you don’t get it all, apparently.


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