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Dacia Wolf & the Demon Mark

Page 5

by Mandi Oyster

  Bryce looked from me to Cassandra and back again. “So, what does that entail?”

  “She’ll look into your eyes,” Dan said, “and see some of your memories.”

  “You’ll see them, too.” Samantha smiled reassuringly. “No big deal.”

  Feeling like I should be completely honest with them, I added, “It’ll make it so I can sense your presence, too.”

  “That doesn’t sound too bad.” Cassandra looked at Bryce and shrugged.

  “I have no control over the memories I see.” I picked off a piece of my roll and stuck it in my mouth. Everyone at the table stared at me, making me extremely uncomfortable.

  Finally, Cassandra nodded. “Okay. Let’s do it. What do I need to do?”

  Samantha stood. “Sit here.” She moved to Dan’s other side, taking her food with her.

  For only the second time since I’d met her, Cassandra didn’t look confident. She pulled the chair out and sat, folding her hands in her lap, staring at them. “What now?”

  “Just look into my eyes.”

  She lifted her head. Fear shone in her ice-blue irises. I stared into them. The first memory that flashed through her mind was when I froze her hands together. Then I saw her dumping her coffee in my lap. Then I was sitting on a bench with Damon. He looked different in her memory, not quite as handsome, a little harsher. I told her she should think about dating Bryce.

  I felt her insecurity, her fear, and her desire to help. I was surprised and relieved.

  “That’s all?” she asked.

  I nodded.

  “That wasn’t bad.” She smiled and stood up. Resting her hand on Bryce’s shoulder, she said, “Your turn.”

  He sat down next to me. I had to look up to gaze into his pale green eyes. I’d never really been this close to him, face to face. His eyelashes were so light that even from here, I could barely see them.

  The first image that floated through his memory was me healing his hand. It was quickly replaced by me crushing it. Pain flared. Then I saw him swing his bat at Cody, driven by some unseen force. I flinched back, and my connection with him flickered. The last memory I saw must’ve been from a dream. In this one, I looked maniacal.

  Bryce’s remorse and gratitude flowed through me. “Sorry.” He looked at his feet. “Not my best moments.”

  “We’ve all done things we regret.” My voice sounded gravelly. I remembered sending Mavros back to the Abyss and killing Draconian, crushing Bryce’s hand and hiding the truth about myself from my parents. I thought of Jonathan, my little brother, who’d been my first victim. I could barely remember his life, but I would never forget his death.

  He lowered his head further, and his hair hid his eyes from me. “Before—” he cleared his throat “—Cody’s a good guy. If I’d been myself, I wouldn’t have done that.”

  Even though his voice was quiet, I figured Cody heard him. “We can’t change the past.” I patted Bryce on the shoulder. “You both seem to have good intentions now.”

  Cassandra smiled, and Bryce went back to his chair. I took a bite of my potatoes while I decided how much to tell them. I wasn’t ready for them to know everything that I’d been through and everything that was going on.

  After taking a drink, I nodded at the Nephilim. “They want to cage me.” I rubbed my hand over my eyes. “Though to be fair, they don’t see it that way.” I hooked my thumb at the dragons. “They’re trying to make sure that doesn’t happen. They got into it today, and for some reason, fewer are following me now.”

  “They want to cage you?” Cassandra leaned closer.

  “Wanna keep her in a sanctuary.” Cody’s face was stony, and I finally knew where he stood on me going with them. “Never let her out.”

  Bryce looked at each of us. “But why?”

  “Because this’ll never end.” I set my fork down and pushed my plate away. “Evil is drawn to me.”

  Chapter 7

  A Helpful Demon?

  “I tried,” Mavros says. His eyes plead with me to believe him. “I wanted to tell you who summoned me when I came to you in the first dream, but even here I’m bound by the constraints put on me.”

  “Why?” I swallow a sob. “Why are you trying to help me?”

  He brushes the tears off my cheeks with his thumbs. His touch is gentle, tender. He no longer tries to control me. “Demons don’t have friends. We have enemies, competitors, and coconspirators. You were the first person to ever show me compassion, and I—” he rocks back on his heels “—I liked it. Okay?” His eyes turn flinty, and his voice hardens. “And, I hate the being that summoned me. Nobody should have that kind of control over someone else.”

  I can’t help the laugh that escapes from me.

  He turns toward me with hatred in his eyes, and I sober. “I’m sorry, but for nearly forty-five days, you tried to control me. It’s a bit ironic.”

  “When this is over—” he takes my hands in his “—I would trust you to summon me. You wouldn’t use me.”

  I pull away from him and rub the back of my neck. This seems like the kind of thing the Nephilim are afraid of.

  “I could give you my name, and you could put restrictions on me.” He smiles, and it’s an angel’s smile. “Don’t decide now.”

  I kick at the ground, knocking a rock loose. “What happened to ‘We’re all evil. If you live through this, you’ll do well to remember that.’ Those words are burned in my memory. I thought I’d meant something to you then. Now, I don’t trust you.”

  He lowered his head. “Trust no one, Dacia. When it comes to you, everyone has an agenda.”

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed.”

  Mavros steps closer, cupping my face. “Remember the promises you made last time I was here.”

  I nod at him.

  “Dacia Wolf, I release you from your vows.”

  My eyes popped open. I knew from past experience that Mavros could bind me in a dream. Could he also release me from my promises in one? Why would he? Could I trust that he had?


  Sunlight streamed in between the crack in the curtains. I rolled over, hoping to ignore it, but it was too late. I was awake. I opened my eyes to see Cody propped up on his elbow, looking down at me.

  He smiled and brushed his hand along my cheekbone. “Morning.”

  “Morning.” I pulled myself against him, running my hands along his back.

  “Heard Bryce.”

  I closed my eyes, not wanting to have this conversation. “Yeah.”

  “Need to forgive them.” He dragged his finger in a line from my forehead to my lips.

  I kissed the tip of it and nodded. Relief loosened the knot that had formed in my stomach. “They couldn’t help it.”

  “I know.”

  I couldn’t force Cody to forgive them any more than he could make me change my feelings toward Damon. I was proud of him for trying, though. Forgiveness would help him heal, too.

  His muscles tightened, and he rolled over, pulling me on top of him. “It’ll take time.”

  I straddled him, running my hands along his body. His eyes were bright with excitement. He held onto my waist while I traced his muscles and along his ribs, over his chest, and onto his shoulders. I trailed my fingers over his collar bones and up his neck. His eyes fluttered closed. I grazed my lips over his and drew back.

  He pulled my head down, and I kissed him hungrily, flicking my tongue against his lips until he opened his mouth to mine. He slid his hands under my shirt, massaging my back. He moaned, and heat shot through my core. I deepened the kiss.

  He held me with one arm and rolled us over using his other. His elbows pressed into the couch on either side of me. His eyes roved over me ravenously, looking at me like a blind man who was seeing for the first time.

“You know I love you.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “Right?”

  I nodded. “But not as much as I love you.”

  “More.” He lowered himself and kissed me slowly, passionately. I gasped and arched into him. His lips slipped onto my chin, then my neck. I clamped my hand against his head, twining my fingers through his hair. His blue eyes practically glowed with excitement.

  I dragged his mouth onto mine, wrapping my legs around his waist, clutching his back, pressing our bodies together. I moved my mouth from his, kissing his chin, his neck, nipping at his earlobe.

  He slid his arm under me, clasping my hips, pulling me against him. I gasped, and he covered my mouth with his, sliding his tongue against mine, biting my lip. My fingernails dug into his skin.

  I arched my back, and he slid his hands down my arms, entwining our fingers.

  Laughter echoed inside of my head followed by Malcolm’s voice. Skipping class this morning?

  My chest tightened, and my face was impossibly hot. “Oh, God. They’re watching. Always.”

  Cody pulled the blanket over us, then slid to the side. “Shoulda thoughta that.”

  I grabbed my bag, turned invisible, and unable to face the dragons, teleported to the bathroom.

  While I showered, I wondered if they watched me in here, too? Hopefully, they just made sure the Nephilim didn’t come in. The thought of being under constant surveillance gave me the willies.

  When I finished my shower, I walked to the door, made sure nobody was watching, and turned invisible. As soon as I stepped into the hall, Malcolm lifted his head, sniffing the air, then looked right at me. He smiled, showing his fangs and walked alongside me to my room. He kept looking down, smirking at me.

  “Oh, shut up.” I fought the urge to punch him.

  He laughed and opened my door for me, then leaned closer. “Stay away from Val if you can. Your power, anger, and lust combine for an even more intoxicating aroma.”

  I slammed the door shut in his face and heard his laughter through it. Before I’d even removed my invisibility, Cody had his arms around me. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault.” I turned to face him. “I was enjoying myself, too.”

  “Someday we’ll be alone.”

  I tried to imagine that future, but I doubted it existed. If the Nephilim had their way, I’d be guarded and imprisoned until I died of old age—if that could even happen. If the other beings had their way, I’d be fighting one monster after another until one finally killed me, or I’d stand by evil’s side and watch the world burn.

  As soon as Cody and I stepped into the hallway, we were surrounded by dragons. Arianna replaced Val as one of my guards. The other students stepped to the side as we walked by, throwing looks of confusion and annoyance our way.

  When we stepped outside, I was struck by the beauty of the morning. Frost coated every blade of grass, every pine needle. The air smelled crisp and cool. My breath plumed out in front of me. I shoved my hands into my pockets, wishing I would’ve grabbed my gloves.

  Cody walked on one side of me, and Arianna strode along on the other, looking like she wanted to say something.

  “What?” Curiosity got the best of me.

  The boys will tease you—even in my head her voice sounded lyrical—but there is no need to be embarrassed.

  Heat rushed up my neck and flooded my cheeks.

  They do not desire to copulate with humans. It means little for them to see you mating.

  My entire face burned. “We weren’t …” I let my voice trail off.

  Malcolm stopped walking and lifted his face, sucking in a deep breath. The others followed his lead.

  Cash looked over his shoulder at me. “Good thing Val’s not here.” His voice was gruffer than normal.

  “He’d eat her alive.” Tye smacked him on the back, and they started walking again.

  I repositioned my backpack just to give me something to do. “Do they mean that?”

  “Val is a creature of instincts.” Arianna looked at me over the top of her sunglasses. “He has difficulty controlling his base urges, but he vowed to protect you, and vows are sacred to dragons. We do not make them or break them lightly.”

  Chapter 8

  Noble And Righteous

  Thursday morning, I sat in class, trying to figure out why the Nephilim hadn’t turned up yet. They showed no sign of backing off. Diana and the dark-haired one stood in the hallway this morning, watching my every move, but they didn’t follow me across campus.

  I wondered what they were up to. Whatever it was couldn’t be good.

  Where are they? I thought to Malcolm.

  He shrugged his massive shoulders. Enjoy the reprieve. We’ll deal with whatever comes next.

  It was good advice, but unfortunately, I couldn’t take it. I sat on the edge of my seat, bouncing my leg up and down, staring at the door, waiting for the inevitable.

  Creative Writing ended without the Nephilim showing up and without me having heard a word of Professor Fisher’s lecture. I waited for the other students to leave before getting up. I wanted to talk to my guards without being overheard.

  I shoved my stuff into my backpack. “I hate this.”

  “It’ll be all right.” Tye squeezed my shoulder. Of all my guards, his was the most comforting presence. He was a huge, imposing man, but he didn’t use his size to try to intimidate me. He was more of a gentle giant.

  As soon as I hung my bag on my shoulder, we walked out of the classroom and into the hall. The dragons encircled me, a solid mass of muscle surrounding me. I felt dwarfed by them. Tye led the way outside. Cash and Arianna stood on either side of me, and Malcolm guarded me from behind.

  When we stepped outside, Tye stopped so quickly that I ran into his back. “Sorry, I can’t see around you.”

  He leaned to the side a little. All of the Nephilim stood in a half-circle, blocking our escape. I looked around, wondering where the human students were and hoping they were safe from whatever was about to happen.

  “They’re behind us, too.” Malcolm’s voice edged closer to his dragon’s than I’d heard for a while.

  I put my hand on Tye’s arm, nudging him to the side. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?” I widened my stance, ready for a fight. “I’ve done nothing wrong.”

  The dark Nephilim from the side street in Althea tapped his head. “We have seen instances where you fall to darkness.”

  “Have you seen instances where I don’t?” I shook my head, unable to believe his response. “I saw the world burn because of Nefarious and Mavros, but it didn’t.” I took a step closer, knowing the dragons would protect me and not wanting the Nephilim to see me as weak. “I saw myself as Draconian’s protégée, but I wasn’t.”

  “We have seen many paths that you may follow, but we cannot leave the fate of the world to chance.” He stretched his hand toward me.

  “Yeah … that’s not a good answer.” I rubbed my hand down my arm. “I’ve already saved the world twice, so it’s a good thing you didn’t try to imprison me earlier.” My chest tightened, and a heavy weight dropped into my stomach. I couldn’t believe they’d seen multiple futures and still believed the worst. “None of the other creatures of light are trying to capture me, so why are you?”

  Malcolm stepped up behind me, close enough that I could feel his breath ruffle my hair.

  “We”—Diana waved her arm, encompassing all of the Nephilim gathered around us—“are the ones who fight the evils of this world. We are the ones who will battle you when you fall to darkness. We have a higher stake in this than any of the other creatures.” More Nephilim arrived on campus every day, and I wondered how many of them would have to be here before they challenged the dragons, or if that time was now.

  “If you fight the evils of this world, w
here were you when I battled Nefarious, Draconian, and Mavros?” I clenched my teeth, feeling anger and hatred bubble up inside of me. These righteous creatures had allowed an inexperienced teenager to fight their battles for them. “Why didn’t you free the dragons?”

  A Nephilim I’d never seen before spoke up. A black tattoo ran down the left side of his face from his scalp, disappearing under his overly tight shirt. “We cannot fight every battle. We must choose the ones that will help those who deserve it the most.”

  Rage simmered in the dragons surrounding me, and that same anger flared inside of me. “Who makes that choice?”

  He shook his head like I was an imbecile. “We do.”

  “So, the dragons didn’t deserve your help?” I clenched my fists, trying not to show my outrage.

  “Most of them are not noble creatures.” Diana crossed her arms over her chest. “You don’t truly trust your guardians. Do you?”

  My lips curled with disgust. “Whether they’re noble or not, they were being controlled by a madman who used them against his enemies.”

  “It’s time for you to join us.” She stepped forward, stretching her hand out to me.

  “No.” I slid my hand into Malcolm’s just in case somebody tried to take my powers away from me. Be ready to teleport away if we need to, I thought to all of the dragons. “If you’re so righteous and noble, isn’t it your responsibility to help everyone, regardless of their worth?”

  Cash tilted his head, looking at me like he was seeing me for the first time.

  The dark Nephilim from Althea clenched his hands at his sides. I remembered him reaching into his coat last time I’d seen him, and I wondered if he was fighting the urge to go for whatever weapon he had hidden there. “Do not pretend to understand the world when you cannot fathom your own intentions.”

  “I understand my intentions just fine. Thank you.” I shook my head and hoped he could see my disgust with him and his kind. Then I whispered, “Now.” My dragon guardians and I teleported to my room.


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