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Dacia Wolf & the Demon Mark

Page 16

by Mandi Oyster

  I stared at him, and he motioned me to get going. “If your powers are stolen from you, it won’t be when you’re well-rested and raring to go. It’ll be when you’re near exhaustion.” There was sympathy in his bronze eyes, but mixed with it was resolve.

  Once again, I created a fireball. I stared into the green and blue blaze. The flames undulated and writhed. Their beauty equal to their power of destruction.

  The fire danced along my wall. I sat on my bed with Glacier as the flames devoured my room. Dad stood in the hallway, trying to figure out how to get to me, but then he left. He left me with no way out. The smoke burned my eyes and my lungs. It crawled over the floor, clung to the walls, and hung from the ceiling. I screamed as they leaped toward the bed.

  Arms wrapped around me, holding me close. “Shhhh. You’re okay. It’s okay,” Cody whispered in my ear, and I snapped back to the present.

  Malcolm and Cash kept my fire contained, and as soon as I quit screaming, Cody stepped away from me, rubbing his arms. I called the flames back to me.

  “She’s done,” Cody said. His skin was red, and blisters dotted his hands and arms.

  I pulled my hands through my hair. “Oh, God, what did I do?”

  “You warned him.” Cody glared at Malcolm.

  I reached out to Cody, not sure if he would touch me again. He placed his hands in mine, palms up. Closing my eyes, I focused on life and healing. He sighed as my energy flowed into him.

  As soon as Cody’s burns were healed, Malcolm said, “What happened?”

  “The flames pulled me into my memories … the night I killed my brother.” My heart clenched. I stood up, turning my back on them, not wanting to see their sympathy. I didn’t deserve it. My brother had deserved a life, but that night I’d ended his to save mine. One more death at my hands and I’d be a serial killer … or did taking my life count? Was I already one?

  Soft footsteps padded up to me. Cody stopped in my peripheral vision. “You were six. It was an accident.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” I wiped underneath my eyes. “Accident or not, I killed Jonathan. I took him away from my parents.”

  “There was a demon in your house.” Cash’s voice was softer than I’d ever heard it. “I wouldn’t be surprised if it caused his death.” He squeezed my shoulder. “You have saved more lives than you’ve taken.”

  I knew he meant well, but how many other people my age had taken a life, let alone two or three? And, how many more would I have to take before mine was taken?

  Chapter 25

  Building My Stamina

  Malcolm came back the next two nights and trained me harder than he had before. When I asked him why, he said that if we were going to lure the Nephilim here, he wanted to make sure my stamina had improved.

  We jogged through the passageways using my fire for light. Malcolm fought to wrest my powers from me as we ran over the uneven ground. I stumbled, and he reached out to steady me. “Careful.”

  “I’ll heal.”

  He nodded. “But you’ll bleed.”

  By the time we got back to the chamber, my clothes were drenched with sweat. Cash shot me a look that let me know I needed to bathe.

  I grabbed up my bathroom bag and stomped out of the room with Malcolm on my heals. “You’re not going to watch me bathe.”

  “No”—he shook his head—“but I will stand guard and make sure you’re safe.”

  “I’ll be fine on my own.”

  He grabbed hold of my arm, and I looked up into his concerned face. “You are nearing exhaustion.”

  I yawned in response.

  “You will have your privacy.”

  Heating the bath to lukewarm took more energy than it should have. I sunk beneath the water and rested my head against the ledge. Malcolm’s red fires illuminated the room. I looked up at the ceiling and wondered how my friends were doing. I hoped the Nephilim and other dragons were leaving them alone. I hoped Aurelia was figuring out a way for me to get out of this if my plan didn’t work.

  Even though I was scraping the dregs of my power, I willed my eyes to see through the ground to the outside world. There was only darkness above me. I couldn’t even see the stars or moon. My heart seemed to drop further.

  Being inside a cave with only fires for light, it was easy to adopt a new sleep schedule. As I laid down the next morning, I prayed that Mavros wouldn’t be able to pull me from my dreams and that nobody would stumble upon my hiding place. Then I fell into the deep sleep of extreme exhaustion.

  When I woke up, Cash was gone. I sat up and shot Malcolm a curious look.

  “He figured he should check in.” He tossed me a protein bar, and I let it drop on top of the blanket. “Eat.”

  I picked it up but couldn’t bring myself to open it. “Couldn’t you teleport out and bring back bacon and eggs?”

  He shook his head. “Not today. Not with Cash gone.”

  I grimaced at my breakfast.

  “Eat it, and I’ll get some different food when I go out again.”

  “Thanks. There’s only so many of these I can eat.” I smiled at him. “Will he be back?” I peeled the wrapper off and nibbled on the bar. It was dry and tasteless.

  Cody sat up, and Malcolm threw him a couple of the bars. “He’s going to lead them to where you teleported to yesterday.”

  “Won’t they be able to tell Mavros was there, too?” I pulled my legs up and wrapped my arms around them. My stomach seemed to roll over itself. “Won’t that just reinforce their beliefs that I’m with him?”

  “He’ll cover up Mavros’ scent.” He stared pointedly at the bar until I bit into it. “It could be a day or two before he makes it back here. After that, we’ll lure the Nephilim in and hopefully put an end to this.”

  “Toss me a water, please.” I caught it, unscrewed the lid, and gulped down half of the bottle. “Do you think it’ll work? Will the Nephilim believe them?”

  He nodded. “They’ll believe them, but I don’t know if they’ll care. They seem to have their own agenda.” He pointed at Cody. “You’re with us today. Get dressed and put your running shoes on.”

  I groaned but did as ordered. When I stood up, my muscles protested, but running through the cave was better than sitting around, wondering when we’d be found.

  Malcolm pushed me harder, made me run faster, and keep multiple fireballs under my control. By lunchtime, I was ready to collapse, but he pressed me more stringently.

  Cody kept up easily, occasionally whispering words of encouragement. His belief in me kept me moving, kept me in control of my powers, and kept me from losing focus.

  When Malcolm allowed us to stop, I collapsed onto the ground and slipped my shoes off, rubbing my aching feet. Malcolm pulled water bottles out of his backpack and tossed them to me. “Cool those off. Then you can rest for a minute.”

  I did as he said and handed a bottle to Cody. He pressed the cold plastic to his forehead and neck before drinking it.

  Malcolm looked between the two of us. “Will you be okay for fifteen minutes while I get food?”

  “If I can’t keep the two of us safe, why are they concerned that I’m such a threat?”

  He flashed his fangs at me and disappeared.

  I sipped my water, then lay down, not caring that rocks jutted out, poking into my back.

  “How’re you doing?” Cody’s voice was soft and filled with concern.

  I opened an eye and peeked at him. “I’m ready to get out of here and to figure out who’s controlling Mavros. I’m worried about Samantha and Dan, and I feel bad that you’re missing all of your classes.”

  “Don’t worry.” He brushed my hair back. “I’ll drop if I need to.”

  “You know I don’t deserve you.”

  “Funny.” He smiled, and it was stunni
ng. “I think the same about you.”

  Malcolm returned, and the smell of pizza filled the chamber. My stomach growled in response. He handed each of us a bottle of pop and napkins, then set the pizza down between us.

  “Thank you, Malcolm.” I put my hand on top of his. “I’ll never be able to repay you for all you’ve done for me.”

  He shook his head. “I have a long way to go to settle my debt.”

  After stuffing ourselves with pepperoni and all meat slices, the jog back to our cavern was much slower. Malcolm had me light the way back while levitating him, turning Cody invisible, and straightening my hair and changing my eye color.

  Slowly, my stamina improved. Besides exercising my abilities, getting eight hours of uninterrupted sleep probably helped.

  Malcolm went inside the chamber first. When he decided it remained safe, he motioned for Cody and me to enter. “Cash hasn’t been back. His scent lingers here but not strong.”

  My chest tightened, and my shoulders dropped. Even a few days ago, I would’ve been glad to hear that Cash was nowhere to be seen, but now, I worried. “Should I try to contact him?” I pulled my hand through my sweaty hair and wiped it on my leggings. “Make sure everything’s okay?”

  “No.” Malcolm tilted his head. “They may have a way to tell if you’re contacting him. I’ll check in with him. That shouldn’t seem suspicious.”

  He sat on top of a pile of cushions and closed his eyes. I walked up to Cody and slid my hand into his. I was more nervous than I’d like to admit. Even though the game plan was to lure the Nephilim here, I wanted it to be on our terms, and if they didn’t believe the fairies, I didn’t want the dragons to suffer for helping me. They’d been under Draconian’s control for a long time, and they deserved freedom.

  “He is leading them on a wild goose chase.” Malcolm’s voice was reassuring. “He took them to a few places you’ve been. Some of the other dragons are with him, so he can’t just say he smells you there.”

  Cody rubbed his thumb along the back of my hand. “Maybe she should teleport a few places. Could go invisible, leave her smell, and get out.”

  “Not yet.” Malcolm stroked his jaw. “Her scent is in a few places thanks to Mavros. We’ll wait, and if we need to in a couple of days, I can lead them to new spots. It would seem odd if Cash discovered them all. Besides, it might lend me a little credibility.”

  “They still don’t trust you?” I asked as I gathered up a change of clothes.

  He shook his head. “I believe the Nephilim can sense where my loyalty lies. They have ways of discerning the truth.”

  “Why wouldn’t they be able to tell with Cash then?” I shoved my stuff into my duffle bag.

  “Nobody expects him to have loyalty.” Malcolm smiled. “He hates everyone equally.”

  Chapter 26

  Sneak Attack

  “Dacia?” Mavros’ voice is so forlorn. I want to answer him, but I’m afraid that if I do, he’ll be able to call me to him.

  I hide in the trees, hoping if I stand perfectly still, he won’t be able to see me. The sun is high overhead, and the air carries the bite of winter. I wonder how many days I’ve been hidden away in that cave. Not for the first time, I wonder if I traded one prison for another.

  “Please, Dacia, I need to see you … to know you’re okay.” His desperation nearly undoes me. I can feel you, Dacia. You need to wake up. Go back to sleeping at night. Maybe I can give you a few days’ rest that way. He’s getting impatient.

  Why are you trying to help me?

  Wake up!

  His scream jarred me awake. Malcolm stared at me, his eyes knowing. “He found you?”

  “Yes.” I sat up and pulled my hand through my tangled mass of hair. “He told me to start sleeping at night again. Said he might be able to buy me a couple days.”

  “Why?” Cody’s voice was groggy.

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. I have no idea why he’s trying to help me. Maybe he does want to help. Maybe he’s just playing a game. Either way, I think I should listen.”

  “Well—” Malcolm walked over and handed us a box of donuts “—let’s wear you out so you can sleep tonight then.”

  We ran through the cave. Malcolm told me to keep the illusions up on the chamber we were calling home. He also had me light our way, teleport the three of us ten to twenty feet along the passageway, cool the tunnels with a breeze, and transform my features. One time, just because I could, I turned myself into a wolf and shot him a toothy smile.

  By the time we got back to the cavern, I had to have Malcolm come along to keep me protected while I bathed. I still heated the water for both Cody and me and kept the cavern lit, but I figured it would be better to have him along in case I’d worn myself out more than I thought.

  That night, I laid my head down on the pillows, and Cody wrapped his arms around my waist. Peacefulness and exhaustion washed over me, and I was asleep within minutes.


  “He made me, Dacia.” Mavros stands above me. His hand is transformed into claws, and silver lines his eyes. “My powers are stronger at night. I couldn’t pull you out of your dreams during the day.”

  I scoot back. The pine needles and rocks bite into my back. “I trusted you.” My voice shakes, and anger swells inside of me. How could I have been so stupid? I wonder as I prepare myself to fight him.

  “I know you did. I am so sorry.” He sounds so sincere, but I don’t know if it’s real or an act.

  The muscles in his arms go taut, and the tendons in his neck bulge. I think about glaciers, wintertime, and snow-covered mountains. Frost spreads over my hands, coating my arms, and climbs my neck. My entire body turns to ice, but the frost continues spreading into my mouth. It coats my throat, freezing my breath.

  No! I scream inside my head. You are mine. I control you, nobody else. I look up into Mavros’ eyes. His are panicked as he watches me struggle with my powers.

  My breath hitches. Tiny shards pierce my lungs, and the ice slowly fades from my limbs.

  Mavros watches as the ice recedes, then he grabs hold of me.

  Cold air struck my body, and I shivered in response. A million stars lit up the night sky. The Milky Way was a bright streak illuminating the darkness.

  Freeze, Mavros shouted in my head. He held his hand back. His claws were extended. The tips of them glinted.

  I willed my body to turn to ice, but my powers were not mine to control. Mavros swiped his claws across my chest. They tore through my skin, ripping into my lungs, shattering my ribcage. Pain sliced through my body. I sucked in a startled breath, and the blood pouring from my wounds bubbled.

  Mavros’ eyebrows pinched together, and his mouth turned down. He stretched his hand toward me, fighting some invisible force.

  Great wings beat against the air. My vision darkened. Blood spewed out of my mouth when I tried to breathe.

  The ground beneath me shook, and a gust of air blew across my body. Mavros reached down. His hand brushed across my arm. A breath filled my lungs, and I disappeared.

  The massive silver dragon with rheumy eyes stepped up beside Mavros. His voice was ancient and angry. “Where is she?”

  Mavros knelt down. “I did as you said. I attacked her. She couldn’t breathe, yet somehow, she disappeared.”

  The beast lowered its head and licked my blood from the ground. His eyes rolled back in his head as if it was the best thing he’d ever tasted. “Find her, and bring her to me. No more excuses, Chaódis Skotádi.”

  Mavros’ eyes flicked to me, but the dragon didn’t notice. Go. His power shot through me, and I clung to it, using it to teleport me away from them. My body stretched and pulled, and agony shot through me. Lights flashed in my vision, pulsating with the pain.

  I landed flat on my back in the snow visible once again.
I looked at my chest. My shirt was shredded. My chest was torn open, but I could breathe. Blood seeped from my wounds. Malcolm —I sent him a vision of where I was—help me.

  I thought about life until darkness took hold of me.

  Chapter 27



  They were so far away. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but I felt compelled to answer them. It seemed like they were searching for something. Frantic. Terrified. They drifted away, and I was left alone.


  “Dacia, I know you heard him.” Mavros’ voice fills the darkness, but I can’t see him, can’t respond to him. “You can use my name. You can free me from his control before I hurt you again. It won’t take me long to find you with my venom in your veins. Don’t make me hurt you please.”


  “Dacia, you have to wake up.” Malcolm sounded frazzled. “We have to leave here. This place has been compromised.”

  I tried to pull my eyelids apart, but they felt like they weighed a ton. They barely fluttered.

  “Come on, Dacia.” Cash growled, and his energy flowed into me. I tugged on it, drawing it into me. He groaned, but he didn’t stop me from siphoning his power.

  I opened my eyes, and relief flashed through his amethyst ones. “She’s awake.” He lifted me into his arms and teleported away.

  My insides spun, and my stomach heaved.

  “Don’t throw up on me.” Laughter filled his voice as he set me down. We were inside a different cavern. Treasure was heaped all around, reminding me of Aurelia’s den, but this was different. It was easily twice the size of the chamber with the underground lake. The ceiling was at least a football field or more above my head. The air was dry, and the cave was free of stalactites and stalagmites.

  Cash knelt down next to me, and Cody and Malcolm stood behind him. “You took a lot of my strength. So, how are you doing?”


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