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Fairy Tales Retold

Page 11

by Jamie Campbell

  She gripped the prince’s hand tighter in her slender fingers. “I would love to.” They laughed as they kissed again, this time they were both awake.

  I watched in silence as the royal family hugged each other and welcomed Prince Philip into the group. To anyone observing the scene, they would appear to be the perfect family. Now I knew the truth, I thought they were perfect too.

  The king’s eyes suddenly found me. “Guards! Seize her. She must be stopped before she can harm my daughter again.”

  Three guards ran for me but I did not try to escape. I deserved any punishment I was due for causing so much pain to the royal family. I had taken away their princess for sixteen years, I should have to suffer for my mistake.

  I was seized by the arms, one guard on each side of me and the last one at my back. I could not move without them allowing me to.

  “Take her to the dungeons,” the king ordered. “Fairies, will you help me bind her with magic?”

  They did not answer him, they didn’t get a chance to. Aurora spoke before anyone else could. “No, Father. These fairies have delivered my one true love to me, please do not harm her.”

  “Not this fairy, she is wicked.”

  Aurora hurried over to stand in front of me, shielding me from her father. “She cannot be wicked for bringing me Prince Philip. I do not accept that she can be wicked.”

  “She is the reason for your curse, my dear Aurora. You do not understand,” the king insisted. I held my breath as they went back and forth with their discussion. My entire future was in their hands.

  “I understand well enough,” Aurora continued. “Please, spare her.”

  They locked eyes for many moments before finally the king blinked. “As you wish, Aurora. We will give her the freedom she does not deserve. However, she must promise me she will do no further harm to this kingdom.”

  That was a promise I knew I could keep. “I promise, my king. I shall do no further harm to anyone ever again.”

  I don’t know if he believed me or not but he took his leave anyway. At Aurora’s request, everyone started to celebrate the awakening and her engagement. The entire kingdom would rejoice with a feast and much dancing.

  Before I left, I wanted to personally apologize and thank the princess. I waited until she was busy fussing with some flowers alone and approached her.

  “Princess Aurora, may I have a word?” I asked politely.

  “Of course. What is it?” She smiled sweetly, she really was beautiful.

  “Thank you for saving me from a grim fate. I can assure you, my guilt is punishment enough over what I have done.”

  “I could not bear anyone being in the dungeons, not on such a happy day,” she said sincerely. “We have a wedding to look forward to.”

  “Indeed we do. I wish you and Prince Philip all the happiness in the world.”

  “Thank you, fairy.”

  I took a deep breath, still needing to say what I really should. “I wanted to apologize for cursing you so many years ago. I made a mistake by trusting the wrong person. I am glad I did not succeed, for you have grown into a wonderful young woman.”

  She clasped my hands between hers as she took a few breaths. “That’s the thing, my dear fairy. You did trust the right person. But let us keep that little secret between ourselves. Shall we?”

  My mouth gaped open as Aurora gave me a wink and let my hands go. For the second time that day, my world spun around me. What had I done? The kingdom was doomed.


  Aurora married Prince Philip in an elaborate and beautiful ceremony shortly after her awakening. I heard it was a touching affair, full of heartfelt love and dreams coming true.

  Nobody believed me about the fair sleeping beauty. I tried to warn the fairies to watch her closely but they laughed off my misgivings. I had done all I could to save the kingdom.

  I left the palace and retreated into my cave. Even though I was no longer banished there, it was my home. And it would remain that way until the kingdom fell and Princess Aurora got her own way. It would only be a matter of time.

  The End



  The woods were not the same without her. She lit up all the trees, the leaves, the rotten logs, and everything in between. To say she was beautiful was severely underestimating her looks. And the effect she had on me.

  When she skipped down the path, it felt like everything was right with the world. It made me feel like I could fly, like anything was possible, like perhaps one day she would notice me.

  Red was her name. It wasn’t her real name, of course, who names their enchanting daughter Red? No, that was the name I gave her. For every time she came into the woods, she was wearing a red riding hood. The cape billowed behind her like she was flying, the hood framed her face like she was a portrait.

  Birds sang when she was around, at least they did in my head. Stubborn flowers that remained tightly budded would open up and blossom in her mere presence. The sun shone, the clouds parted, and night turned into day. And me? I floated on air. I did cartwheels, handsprings, and danced with glee. All because of my wonderful Little Red.

  I loved her. I loved her with my entire heart. I would have done anything for her. Literally, anything. I would have died for her. I would have given her the moon. I would have spent my entire life making her endlessly happy. It would have been worth it just to see her.

  All that, and she didn’t even know my name. I had spoken to her on several occasions. Every Friday she skipped along the same path to her grandmother’s house. I knew her routine so I could ensure I saw her. It was the highlight of every week. I often counted down the time until she passed by because I was so excited about that single moment.

  Sometimes, when I was feeling particularly brave, I would make sure I was busy next to the path. I would give her a nod hello or she would comment on what a beautiful day it was. It was always a beautiful day with her around. It was those few seconds that I lived for. Those few seconds gave meaning to every other moment of my life.

  I had it bad. And that was putting it mildly. The love I felt was like a dull ache in my heart. At times it was too painful to hold onto and I wished it could be released. Sometimes I would have preferred not to feel anything at all, be numb to the kind of ache that wondered if I would ever be able to be with her. It was a sweet torture that I carried around with me every moment of the day and night.

  Not that I was a stalker or anything. My love for her was real, and I was certain she would feel the same way if she knew me. It was a deep, true love that brought me back to the path every Friday just to catch a glimpse of her.

  I was a woodcutter so I spent a lot of time in those woods. I carried my axe and chopped firewood all day long. My muscles were big, my strength enduring. I had everything except the one thing I really wanted. Her.

  It was one day while I was chopping a tree that I saw her for the first time. I heard her first, she was singing a sweet little song to herself. It caught my ears so I had to look for who could possibly have a voice so wonderful.

  I had heard stories about mermaids that sung enticing songs that lured men to their doom. They called them Sirens’ Songs in the pub and told many fanciful stories about them. A part of me wondered if that was what I was hearing now for the song made me forget about anything else. I was nothing better than a fish caught on a hook and being reeled in.

  I crept through the trees so I could see the path. And there she was, in her bright red cape and hood. The sun fell on her face like a snowflake, making her glow like an angel. Her little black boots were spotless of mud even though it had been raining all night. She was pristine and perfect. I had no chance of forgetting about her.

  My heart felt like it was going to burst right through my chest at that moment. I had heard about love at first sight before, but I never really believed in it. Little Red made me a true believer. It was like I had been run over by a wagon, struck by lightning, and touched by
a heavenly angel all at once. I knew I would never be the same again.

  She had not seen me as I stood by a tree, but I couldn’t have moved even if she had. I was mesmerized, spellbound, and enchanted. I had never felt that way before. I never thought anyone could feel that way before. I had lived for Fridays ever since.

  It was Friday too, the day I decided I had waited long enough. I had dreamed about having a real conversation with Little Red and was determined that today would be the day it happened. She would have to see how much I loved her then. I just wanted her to know so badly. It felt like if I had to wait one moment longer, I might run out of breath in that time.

  I swept the path for her, making sure there was nothing to dirty her riding hood. I did this every week for her, but I never told anyone I did it. A grown man, a woodcutter no less, sweeping the forest floor? It was those kinds of things that got someone sent away for mental health problems.

  The moment I heard her skipping my way, I threw the broom into the trees and picked up my axe. I started chopping on some logs, pretending to be nonchalant in my task. I even whistled a little to make sure she knew how nonplussed I was.

  Her footsteps approached to the rhythm of my pounding heart. They grew louder as my heartbeat did too. I desperately tried not to look, I couldn’t stare at her. That would just have been creepy. And like I said, I wasn’t a stalker.

  The little footsteps slowed to a halt. Now, I was able to look. “Hello there, Miss.”

  She smiled politely. “Hello Woodcutter. How goes your work today?”

  “Very well. How goes your walk?” It was taking every piece of my willpower to remain where I was and not fall at her feet to declare my love. One day I might, but not today, not while I still had some willpower remaining.

  “It’s wonderful. The weather is so beautiful today. It’s a perfect day for a walk. But I must be going, I’ve got to get to Grandmother’s house to bring her these muffins. Good day, Woodcutter,” she said so sweetly, like honey dripping on caramel.

  I tipped my hat to her and watched her go. She had no idea how much she brightened each and every one of my days. In that moment, my mind was made up. It was time I did something about it.


  I followed her down the path. I stayed hidden in the trees and walked as softly as I could. It felt wonderful just being near her. I could smell the flowers in her perfume as it lingered in the air. It was intoxicating. I could easily have slipped into a drunken stupor just being so close to her.

  Little Red’s grandmother lived deep in the heart of the woods under the three oak trees. She was an angry little woman, much preferring the company of the trees to actual people. Once, I had seen her tell a robin to be quiet. Except her language was much more colorful. The poor little bird had flown away and still had not returned to the woods. And robins were not easy to offend.

  Red adored her grandmother though, she always saw the goodness in people. I hoped that one day she would see the good in me so we could be together. I was a good man, I was certain of it. I just needed to show her that. Surely she had to give me the opportunity one day. One day.

  The cabin was only small, it held little more than one room and a closet. Sometimes acorns would drop on her roof from the oak trees and make her angry about the interruption. Grandmother was old, but she refused anyone’s help. Little Red was her only visitor and she always brought her freshly baked muffins. The woman never appreciated her like I would. She never appreciated anything.

  I positioned myself among the trees so I could look through the window into the cabin. Being so small, I could see everything that happened inside. The only thing I couldn’t do was hear them. I didn’t care what the old woman had to say, but I would have done anything to be able to hear the melodic voice of Little Red. She was music to my ears but was currently on silent.

  They sat on the bed as Red gave her the basket of muffins. From the smell earlier, some of them had to be chocolate flavored. A strawberry one too, I would bet. Her grandmother actually smiled, something she rarely did.

  I tried to cut some trees around the area once, to supply her with firewood for the winter, but she nearly killed me when she attacked me with her fireplace poker. I was only trying to help her, I wasn’t even charging her. So much for thanks.

  They talked for some time as I watched. Little Red was growing into such a fine young woman. After asking some questions around town, I had discovered we were the same age so I knew she would soon be courted by one of the boys in town. She was far too beautiful to go unnoticed, as much I didn’t want anyone else to notice. Soon, I would lose my chance with her. It had to be only a matter of time before she gave her heart away to someone else. Someone who didn’t deserve it like I did.

  I knew I had to do something. And soon. If I didn’t declare my love for her, someone else would. I couldn’t let that happen. There was no way I could live out my entire life without Little Red. It would be no life at all.

  Just the thought of someone else winning her heart was enough to make me clench my fists and shake them in the air. That kind of heartbreak you could never get over, not even for a steely woodcutter. I would exist as a mere shadow of myself, sad and lonely for the rest of my days. And Little Red would never know.

  I needed a plan, a good one. One that would ensure I could win Red’s heart and she would be mine forever. I had to do it or I would lose her. I could not let that happen, not for a million magic beans.

  Just speaking with her hadn’t worked for me so far. They say that actions speak louder than words so I knew I needed to show Little Red how much I cared for her. I just needed a plan.

  I left Grandmother’s cabin under the three oak trees and headed deep into the woods again. Chopping wood always helped me to clear my head, it would assist me in thinking straight. There was something about the wood that made me remember how close to nature we all were, it was cathartic. And my hands were busy so they didn’t ball into fists again.

  As I went, I passed the wolf, a good friend of mine. His brindle and grey coat was thick to keep the weather out but still shiny like a pup. He had an air of danger about him, even though he was one of the nicest animals in the woods. I knew him and his family well.

  As we greeted one another and wished the other a good morning, a thought struck me. “Mr. Wolf, may I have some of your time?”

  “Why, of course. For you, Woodcutter, I have much time.” He grinned, flashing all his sharp teeth at me. They were perfectly straight and pointed down to fine ends. Yes, that was exactly what I needed for my plan. Little Red would be mine soon.

  That afternoon, I sat with Mr. Wolf and poured my heart out to him. He listened with keen ears as they stood at attention. I told him exactly how much I loved Little Red and that I needed to prove my affections. He listened quietly, sagely nodding his head as he took it all in. It was such a relief to share my story with somebody else and not have it eating away at me on the inside anymore.

  “Do you really think it will work?” He asked.

  “I can only hope, Mr. Wolf.”

  His black little eyes darted around as he thought about what I had said in full. Even just talking it over with him made me feel more confident, that it was possible it just might work. And I really needed my plan to work, my entire future was at stake.

  “And you want to try this next Friday?” Mr. Wolf clarified. It was only seven days away, but surely it would be enough time to prepare. I couldn’t wait a moment longer than I needed to. Even seven days seemed like an eternity.

  “Yes. Little Red goes to visit her grandmother every Friday. I can’t live without her a week longer.” There was desperation in my voice that I was no longer ashamed of. I was desperate, Little Red had to be mine.

  “I think that’s enough time.”

  “So you will really help me?”

  Mr. Wolf nodded his furry head. “You once saved my life when the hunters caught me. If it wasn’t for you, I would be long dead and my family would
be alone. Of course I will help you.”

  It had been my choice to save Mr. Wolf from the hunters, I couldn’t let such a fine man be destroyed. Especially not when he had a den full of children and a wife that would howl for her loss. I had convinced the hunters to trade the wolf with me for some wood. I had lost a day’s worth of work, but I had gained a true friend for life.

  Now I had the wolf on board, I was all ready to start preparing my plan. It was forming in my mind nicely, all I had to do was wait seven days.


  The wolf assured me that the trait of a good plan was preparation. Even though it might seem repetitive or boring, it was actually training us to ensure we didn’t make any mistakes. He was a wise sage, Mr. Wolf. As a consequence, we spent all week rehearsing what we would do.

  Time and time again, we ran through the routine. We smoothed out the problems until we were certain we had the perfect plan to win Little Red’s heart. All she had to do was come skipping down the path and land directly in our trap.

  My excitement grew as the days went by. My nerves were a bundle of knots, sitting right in the middle of my stomach. I could barely eat and my thoughts rarely sat straight. All I could do was cross my fingers that our strategy would work and we could pull it off the way we had planned. It was all going to be up to the mystical forces of fate.

  Finally, Friday came around. I barely got any sleep the night before, I was so on edge. I wore my favorite flannel shirt, hoping it would be lucky. I picked up my favorite red axe and went to wait by the path for the wolf.

  Right on time, he joined me. “Are you ready to get your girl?” He asked. He had brushed his sharp teeth, making them glint in the morning sun. He looked just as dangerous as his reputation. Thank goodness I knew the real Mr. Wolf, otherwise I would have been terrified to be so near to him.


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