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La Famiglia

Page 56

by Sienna Mynx

  “It’s awful, Rosetta. Let’s not discuss it now,” she said. She folded the paper and slammed it down on the table. She glanced to her husband once more.

  He looked up at her and the sly smirk to his lips chilled her.

  “Excuse me,” Mira said. She pushed back from the table. She handed Eve to her father and Giovanni took her without complaint. She needed air. She wasn’t able to take a deep enough breath until she escaped them all. She walked through the villa and turned toward the zen gardens near the open terrace on the opposite side of the villa. She put her hands to her head and closed her eyes as her heart slammed rapidly in her chest. It beat faster than she knew it should. Was she having another stroke? She had to calm down. She went to the chair and lowered to it and fought back her tears.


  She glanced up with tears blocking her vision. He stepped closer.


  “Are you okay?” Dominic asked.

  “Yes, I am. I’m fine,” she replied.

  “You don’t look fine,” Dominic said. He stepped toward her and she had to look away to wipe at her tears.

  “Did he do it? Did he kill Dr. Buhari?” Mira asked.

  Dominic stared at her for a moment. “Why would Giovanni kill your doctor?”

  “Why does he do any of the things he does!” she shouted back.

  “May I?” he gestured to a seat.

  Mira dropped back in her seat and shrugged. “Don’t come in here and try to explain away his actions, Domi. I’m in no mood.”

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “Not now,” she sighed.

  “I’m afraid it has to be now,” he insisted.

  “What is it?” Mira asked.

  “You’re playing a very dangerous game with our lives, Mira, and his,” Dominic said.

  She sat up. “Me? I’m playing games?”

  “You’ve seen him. How he is. You’ve heard of how he was when he lost you before. And you continue to fight with him.”

  “This is my marriage!” she seethed. “Not some business deal for you to negotiate! I’ll work it out with Giovanni, my way!”

  “At what cost?” he asked.

  “I can’t believe you. My marriage is more than this family, it means more to me than your Mafia business.”

  “Is that so?” Dominic asked.

  Mira scratched her brow. Dominic’s voice was soft yet unyeilding. “Nothing he does or says to you will change the fact that he has lied and deceived you about your sister and mother. Nothing. He knows this, Mira. It’s why he doesn’t think he has an option to fix things with you.”

  “Stop, Domi,” she sighed.

  “The inevitable is that you will accept your role as the Donna to this family by force or even worse by giving up. Neither option helps you or Giovanni.”

  “No shit,” Mira said sarcastically. “I’m trapped. I have three kids, and him… I’m trapped.”

  “I’m sorry you see it that way.” Dominic withdrew.

  “Wait. I’m sorry. I’m angry at him. But I love him. I just can’t find a way to understand him right now.”

  Dominic nodded that he understood.

  Mira put her face in her hands. “I’m scared, Domi. I’m scared for him and of him.”

  “So is he. That’s fear not anger you see ruling his actions.” Dominic said. “And if you don’t accept your role as his wife, and find a way to make him accept your role as his partner it could very well cost more lives.” Dominic tossed the newspaper article to her feet. Mira looked down at the paper then up to Dominic.

  “So many men and women fear your husband. Even I do. It’s because he has so much power over all our lives. It’s ironic that you are the only person who has power over him, and you don’t even know how to wield it. That is the reason Flavio put you on a plane and sent you away from Giovanni. The reason we all breathed a sigh of relief when you came back to him and agreed to marry and build a family with him. Don’t abandon us now. Well all need you.” Dominic smiled. He nodded respectfully to her and walked out. She reached down for the paper once more and looked at the picture of her slain doctor.

  * B *

  Armando paced. He had waited for this day but nothing prepared him for how deeply painful it would be. The man who ruled his life, taught him everything, was slipping away. The doctor looked up from his father and shook his head. Marsuvio Mancini had been confined to his bed. He shriveled. His skin was pasty pale, and his lips grey and chapped. He was on a constant supply of oxygen and too weak to bathe or feed himself.

  “He was fine a week ago. Walking around and drinking.” Armando reasoned.

  “It’s pneumonia. And his lungs are the worst of it. Too much fluid.”

  “How long does he have?” Armando asked.

  “Days, we can’t say. We’ve done all we can. You should consider bringing him into the ospedale. Let us treat him there.”

  “No!” Armando shook his head and blinked back his tears. “No ospedales! He doesn’t want it. Leave us.”

  The man walked out. Armando went to his father’s bedside. He took a seat and touched his hand. Mancini opened his eyes. “Papa? The doctors say…”

  “I heard the doctors, Armando,” Mancini chuckled. “They are fools. I’m not ready to die.”

  The old man began to cough with hard chest rattling rasps. Armando turned for the glass of water and the coughing stopped. He brought the water over and put the straw to his father’s lips.

  “Mirabella?” Mancini asked.

  “She left the ospedale with the kids. Unfortunately it’s all I know.”

  Though weak his father pushed back on his pillows. “Buhari?”

  “We took care of him, Papa. His refusal to give you information on Mirabella and the bambini did not go unpunished. No worries. Rest. I have news,” Armando smiled. “Isabella is dead. The body found after the explosion is hers. We are sure of it. She won’t be a threat anymore.”

  “Grazie, son. Isabella was a threat to all we have. It had to end this way,” Mancini said. “Now, I can go in peace.”

  “I called Dominic. Giovanni still refuses to arrange a visit for your daughters. There is nothing else I can do, Papa.”

  Mancini looked away. “Giovanni is right to deny me.”

  “What?” Armando said.

  “I don’t deserve the visit. This is just. What became of their mother was because of Manny Cigars. I don’t want my girls to ever meet Manny Cigars,” he said.

  “Papa, the will. You have to give me control. Give me my birthright before you die.”

  Mancini stared at him from the bed. “You will run the family affairs, the clause in the will for your sisters is to make sure you do so without harming them. It stays. The percentage of the legitimate business deals should be split between you three. They are you blood,” Mancini said weakly. “You’re my son. I made you. I know this is… the only way… to be a family.”

  “It’s too late for that kind of family, Papa. We are well past the time of being brother and sisters. All I am is what you leave to me. Giovanni will come for me and I intend to be ready. But I must have complete control. I swear no harm will ever come to your daughters. I swear it.”

  “Isabella is dead,” Mancini panted. “The only threat… now… is you,” he wheezed. “Try and understand.”

  Armando kissed his father’s hand. “That is impossible for me to do.”

  * B *

  “I want to talk to you!” Mira slammed the door to their bedroom. Giovanni zipped his travel bag. His back was to her. “Is it true that you have stopped all production at my company? That you have closed Fabiana’s?”

  He didn’t turn or address her.

  “Answer me!” Mira shouted.

  He glanced back at her. The look in his eyes made fury boil the blood in her veins. “Is it true you now manage Esta’s healthcare? You hired her a private nurse behind my back? Tried to move her back to Bagheria?” Giovanni asked.

Mira frowned. “I told you I would help Esta, because it’s the right thing to do!”

  “NO! You said you ran the family and I run the business. So run the family and leave your business to me!” Giovanni shouted.

  “Stop this! It’s not the same. That’s my damn company. I built it! I own it.”

  “Not anymore.” Giovanni tossed back. “It’s my company now.”

  “You’re doing this to punish me. It’s so fucking childish, Giovanni! You’re mad at me. I’m mad at you! We’re fighting. So what! It happens in a marriage, damn it! It does. But you can’t go off killing people and shutting down my business to get my attention. It makes you insane!”

  Giovanni chuckled. He turned and faced her. “I can do whatever I want and you and I both know it. What makes me insane is constantly having to repeat that fact to you!” He put his hands in his pockets. “What makes me insane is a wife who can’t face me so she runs and hides in another room! I own your business. I run this fucking family and I alone will make the decisions for it. That’s not just the definition of insanity, that’s the definition of your reality.”

  Mira put her hands to her head. “I can’t believe you! Don’t come back! I’d rather be locked away like your mother to raise your children than to spend another minute in this marriage with you!” she shouted through her tears. She turned and stormed out.

  Giovanni watched the door long after she slammed out of it. Sleep deprived and heartsick he wiped his hand down his face to clear his head. He would have sat but he couldn’t summon the energy to do so. Instead he pushed down the maddening urge to find his wife and drag her into this room and keep her locked here until she was his Bella again. The woman she was now he didn’t care to know.

  He glanced around the room for his things. He found his gun and put it to the front of his pants. He found her gun. He stared at it for a moment. He checked it to make sure it was loaded. He engaged the safety and placed the weapon on her pillow so she would remember to keep it close.

  Giovanni picked up his travel bags and walked over to the door but stopped. A gleam of light caught his eye from the dresser. He looked over to see it was the sparkle of jewelry. He walked over and saw on top of the dresser was the charm bracelet he’d given Mira on Christmas. The tiny diamond pacifier sparkled. He had said he would add another charm for his sons. The sight of it reminded him of all the promises they made to each other when she told him he would be a father again. He lowered his bag and picked up the bracelet. He slipped it into his pocket and then picked up his things to leave the room. As he walked through the hall he noticed the door to the nursery was half open. He paused outside of the door and peered in. Cecilia tended to his sons. She changed the diaper on one of the boys.

  Giovanni put down his things and went inside. The young girl looked up at his approach. “Ciao, Gio,” Cecelia smiled.

  He smiled. “Gino?” he asked, hoping he guessed which son lay sprawled out on the changing table sucking his pacifier.

  “Sí. Very good. This is Gino.”

  “May I?” Giovanni asked.

  Cecilia looked confused. He would never ask her for permission to tend to his sons but he had. And Giovanni had never changed a diaper in front of any of them, although Mira made him change Eve’s pampies regularly in their room. Cecilia nodded and stepped aside. Giovanni approached his son. He learned with Eve how to change a diaper with the elastic tape. But cloth diapers looked to be more complicated. He and Mira had said they would take turns in the night with the twins. And the crib would be in their room so their babies would never be far.

  The tiny cloth diaper did cover Gino but he was at a loss on how to make it fasten.

  Cecelia chuckled. “Let me help.” Gino opened his little legs. His head was turned left and he sucked his pacifier with contentment. Cecilia brought up the middle of the cloth diaper to cover his tiny genitals. She then brought over the right side and the left side of the diaper to pin all three in the center. “See this here, you just pin it here. And there you have it,” she said.

  Gino’s head turned, he blinked up at his father and Giovanni smiled. He leaned in and kissed the baby.

  “He’s not a crier, like Gianni. Very quiet this one,” Cecilia said. “I have to check him to make sure he needs changing.”

  “He’s a survivor. No need for tears,” Giovanni said. “Tears never got a man anywhere.”

  “I have a bottle for him if you want to feed him,” Cecilia offered.

  “No. Take care of them. Help the Donna,” Giovanni said.

  “I will.”

  He turned to pick up his things and his eyes met with Mira’s. She stood at the door. She glared at him. Fresh tears were glistening on her cheeks. He had hurt her deeply and sadly it was his intent. If she cried, it meant she cared. He picked up his luggage and avoided her eyes, ashamed of his actions. She stepped in front of him. She blocked his pass. She touched his chest. “I love you… so much, Giovanni,” she said, and sobbed. “I don’t want to fight anymore. Stay,” she pleaded. “I can’t go on like this.”

  On impulse he leaned in and kissed her. He expected her to push him away but she kissed him in return. “I don’t want to stay,” he said.

  She stepped aside and he walked out.

  Mira watched him go. She pressed her lips together and closed her eyes but the tears flowed. Wiping the tears away she sucked down a deep breath and returned to her sons. It was all she had left to do. “I’ll take care of it from here, Cecilia. Go find Eve for me please? I think she’s with Zia. I want my children with me.”

  “Yes, Donna.” Cecilia walked over and gave her little Gino. He blinked at her. She removed the pacifier from his mouth.

  “Maybe we should not start this habit huh, Gino? No matter what Evie thinks,” Mira said and tried to sound normal.

  The baby yawned and then fed his fist into his mouth, sucking. Mira laughed. She cried and laughed. If Fabiana were there she’d help. She felt so alone and so desperate. Gino’s blue eyes sparkled like his father’s. She kissed his brow. Her nipples ached and itched and the urge to nurse became greater. She went to the rocking chair and opened her shirt.

  “Knock! Knock!” said Marietta. “Busy?”

  Mira sniffed. “No. I was about to feed Gino. Come in.”

  “Ick!” Marietta smiled. “I could never let a baby lick my nipple. Creeps me out.”

  “Lick?” Mira frowned. “He’s feeding. It’s the best thing for your kids. You don’t plan to breastfeed?”

  “Don’t plan to make babies,” Marietta grinned. She dropped down on the bed. Mira didn’t bother to disguise her tears. Her sister stared at her intensely before she spoke. “I saw King B and his crew roll out of here on a mission. Guess he’ll be wherever the hell my husband is,” Marietta said.

  Gino’s eyes closed as he nursed and she brushed his chubby cheek with her finger. Thankfully Gianni slept. She often chose to give her breast to Gino first because he was still underweight.

  “Are you two upset with each other still?” Marietta asked.

  “I think we’re past being upset. We’re in territory neither of us wants to be in. I don’t know what to do,” Mira said and she began to cry again.

  “Awe, sis. Don’t cry.”

  “I can’t fix things with him. I don’t know how. And it might be too late.”

  “Forgive him.”

  She glanced back at Marietta. “It’s not that easy. I can forgive him. I’ve made mistakes too. Done things I regret. But he isn’t sorry. He isn’t the least bit remorseful. He’s just consumed with having me kneel and agree to his orders. I can’t do that. I need more in my marriage.”

  “You know what I think?” Marietta asked.

  “What do you think?”

  “I think you’re just as stubborn as he is. You want him to kneel, to come to you on bended knee and beg for your forgiveness. Repent. So that you can put him in his place.” Marietta laughed. “You married the wrong man for that, sister.”

�I’m not trying to break him,” Mira sighed.

  “You could have fooled me. The man is a walking ball of fury now that you are home. And I’m telling you, honey, you didn’t see how devoted he was to you when you were sick. How mean and nasty he was when you sent him away from the hospital. We all stayed out of his way. The poor guy is hurting.”

  Mira frowned. “Why are you defending him?”

  “Listen to me. I know we are new at this sister thing. And I know we are trying to get to know each other. So please don’t take this the wrong way. But I always hated women like you.”

  “Women like me?” Mira rolled her eyes. “Here we go.”

  “Let me finish. You married a mobster. You faked your death and left your career because of him. Yet you walk around here like you are above the shit in this family. It’s ridiculous. Women like you who play both sides. Who fool themselves into believing the princess dreams and then freak out when things get tough. The man did wrong. Punish his ass. True. But get on and get over it.”

  “As much as you think you know me you don’t! I want respect in my marriage. That’s all. I won’t sit here and pretend to think I have control over much else. I’m not sitting on the fence. Giovanni knew who I was the day he pursued me. And we made promises to each other that he should have kept!”

  “Fine. All of that is fine, honey. But what did you do? You shut down. You locked the man out. You pushed him away. Tell me how that gets you respect? Ever hear that to have respect you have to give it? Shiiiiit, if I pushed Lo out of my bed he’d be kicking the door in. Your husband left the hospital and respected your wishes. What the hell else do you want him to do?” Marietta reclined back on her hands. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to offend you. I just don’t get it. If I had the money, the fame, the sexy Don, the family, I wouldn’t spend so much time at being miserable. Life is too short.” Marietta sat upright and smiled. “I’m running my mouth and you’re trying to feed your baby. I’ll give you some privacy.”


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