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Justice Healed

Page 11

by Olivia Jaymes

  His strokes sped up and soon their breathing was ragged and her nails were raking the flesh of his back. She whimpered in his ear, urging him faster and harder. She needed everything he could give her. She teetered on the precipice, her world narrowed to only the two of them in this bed. He reached between them and touched her clit.

  It was all she needed to send her over. Her climax lit up fireworks behind her lids and the coil in her abdomen sprung free, making her flush with pleasure. Deep inside she knew this was what a man and a woman were made for. This was what they were designed to do.

  She simply hadn't known it would change her forever.

  He froze, thrusting deep one last time. His head was thrown back and his expression was tortured. He let out a long breath and shuddered as his hot seed emptied into the condom. She could feel him swell inside her. She kissed him everywhere she could reach until he was still, his forehead pressed to hers. He kissed her nose, their bodies covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

  "Honey, that was something else. Are you sure you don't do this all the time? You're dynamite."

  She giggled and stroked his back. "I'm sure. You're not too bad yourself, you know. Very adequate."

  He lifted up on his hands. "Adequate, huh? You really are begging for that spanking, Maddie." He pulled from her body and she winced slightly, unused to their activity. "Let me take care of the condom."

  He levered up from the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. She heard water running and a flushing sound before he came back out with a washcloth in his hands. "Let's get you rinsed off, honey." The cloth was warm and soon she was lying drowsy and sated in his arms. "Sleep. We have a big day ahead of us."

  He tucked her into the nook of his arm and shoulder. She never wanted this feeling of comfort and safety to end. She felt a shiver of fear run up her spine as she examined the feelings that had welled up tonight.


  There, she'd said it and the world hadn't exploded. She could hear Tanner's soft snoring next to her, completely unaware of how she felt. She'd never loved anyone before.

  That wasn't true. She loved her father and she loved Sherry, but she'd never loved a man before. And she was pretty sure she was falling in love with Sheriff Tanner Marks. She was halfway to a heartache if he didn't love her back. She didn't know how to make a man fall for her. It had never been something she'd cared to know.

  She waited until Tanner’s breathing fell into an even pattern before she slipped out of bed. She rummaged in her purse until she found her phone and pulled up her Google search. She typed in her question and wondered if there would be any results at all. Normally, she'd ask Sherry a question about men but this wasn't the time or place.

  How to make a man fall in love with you.

  There were over six hundred million search results. Well, crap. It was either really easy so everyone knew how, or really hard and everyone thought they knew but didn't. She glanced over at Tanner sleeping peacefully in bed, his face almost boyish in repose, and her heart lurched. She'd just spend a few minutes looking at the search results.

  It couldn't hurt, right?

  Chapter Eleven

  "Everything is under control." Fenton's hand tightened on the phone. He didn't like explaining himself to people, even if that person happened to be his boss, Lionel Warner. "We're ready when the time comes."

  "What about the sheriff? Aren't you fucking his ex-wife? Do you think that's wise? You're painting a target on your back."

  Fenton flicked a glance to the closed office door. Abby was in the kitchen conferring with his housekeeper about dinner. "What about the sheriff? He doesn't know a thing. Why would he? He's the Andy Griffith of a backwater, piss ant town, for fuck's sake. He's not Rambo."

  "I did a little checking on your Andy Griffith. Something you should have done. He was a fucking Army Ranger in Desert Storm. He won a Distinguished Service Cross. I don't think they just hand those out to anyone. Don't underestimate him."

  "He's a drunk," Fenton countered, tired of arguing. "At least he was. Doesn't matter. I've got the ex-wife and the son in my pocket. They think I'm a hero, not him."

  Chris was already in debt to Fenton. Soon he would have Chris doing jobs for the cartel. No way would Sheriff Marks turn his baby boy over to the law. Outing Fenton would out Chris. The kid was Fenton's insurance policy.

  "What about the wife? You're not really going to marry her are you? She'll fucking flip when she finds out you're not a humble rancher."

  The plan had never included marrying Abby Marks, but it wasn't out of the question. She was pleasant and non-demanding as long as she had a large spending account. She wasn't the smartest tool in the shed, which was also a bonus. Fucking her was good and if she didn't squawk about his business dealings, she might make a decent cartel wife.

  "Who knows what will happen? Once the job is done, I won't need to be here any longer, right?"

  Fenton hated Montana. It was too cold and there was nothing to fucking do except screw Abby and a few other women he had on the side in Bozeman and Billings.

  "You're there for more than the job. We need to take over that fucking route. That's your real job. This other is just a one time thing."

  Holding on to his patience, Fenton blew out a breath. You didn't act annoyed or impatient with Lionel Warner. If you did, your loved ones might never see you again. Fenton should know. He'd helped people understand the consequences of crossing Warner many times.

  "We're making progress. We should have complete control within sixty days."

  Warner cleared his throat. "Thirty days, Jacks. Stop fucking around and get it done. I want that route free and clear, understood?"

  Fenton swallowed hard. "Understood. When will I hear from you again?"

  "When I have something to say to you." Warner hung up leaving Fenton staring at his phone.

  He dropped it on the desk and swung around in his office chair so he was facing the window. What some people might call Montana beauty he called desolate wasteland. The house was a dump and the town was a yawn. Once he completed these two jobs he would take a trip to New York. Now there was a town where something was always happening. He might even take Abby with him.

  First he simply needed to make sure everything went like clockwork on this upcoming job. No problems. No snafus.

  No loose ends. In and out. Surgically clean.

  * * * *

  "Are you nervous?" Madison asked. "You look completely serene."

  The ceremony was only a few minutes away and Sherry looked beautiful in her white satin dress. It was a long, simple style, sleeveless with a scoop neckline and a plunging back. Her hair was piled on top of her head and her nails sparkled pink and silver.

  Madison, Karen, and Sherry had spent a few hours that afternoon shopping and having their hair done. The results were miraculous. Madison had never felt so glamorous. Sherry had insisted Madison wear a silky black dress that only came to mid-thigh. Strapless, it pushed up what cleavage she had and hugged every curve. She'd topped off the outfit with black high heels and a black velvet choker with a ruby-colored rhinestone in the center. Madison had protested that it wasn't a wedding outfit, but Sherry had overruled any other choice, proclaiming her "hot and sexy."

  "I am serene. I'm marrying the man of my dreams. Finally. I know I'm doing the right thing."

  Karen laughed and shook her head. "Just wait. The thing you love about him most right now? Well, that's the thing that's going to drive you up a wall in a few years. You'll still love him more than anything, but you'll be able to push each other's buttons like nobody's business."

  Tanner had done a great job of pushing all the good buttons Madison had. In fact, he'd joined her for a second round in the shower this morning, climbing in while she’d been washing her hair. Getting clean had never been so much fun.

  Sherry was staring at Madison as if she'd never seen her before. Madison rubbed her nose. "Do I have something on my face?" Sherry shook her head. "What then?"

nbsp; She grabbed Madison's elbow and pulled her off to the corner where no one could hear. "You're different. I've been so wrapped up in the wedding today I didn't notice. But you're different." Her eyes lit up. "You slept with Tanner? You go! How was it?" Sherry's voice was a whisper but Madison still felt the heat creep into her cheeks. Luckily the others appeared engrossed in their own conversations.

  "We should be concentrating on your wedding, not my sex life. We can talk about this later."

  "We can talk about this now. Don't bother denying it. The guilty truth is written all over your glowing face and from the look of it, it must have been good. You look like you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar."

  Blessedly the doors to the chapel opened and the woman who had helped Sherry and Dan fill out all their paperwork beckoned to them.

  "It's time, everyone. Follow me."

  The six of them followed the smiling hostess into the chapel, all of them taking their places. Tanner and Karen sat and watched as Jim and Madison flanked the blissful couple as they recited their vows. Tears welled up in Madison’s eyes as she heard the catch of emotion in Dan's voice as he promised to love and honor Sherry all the rest of his days. Sherry was beaming as she promised the same, their hands entwined.

  Quickly it was Madison's big moment when she would hand over the ring for Dan. As Sherry took the ring from Madison's fingers, she caught Tanner watching her, his eyes warm. Before she knew it, Elvis was singing "Love Me Tender" and Dan and Sherry were dancing right there at the alter, their expressions so full of love it made Madison's heart ache with longing. As the music faded away, they headed back down the aisle to make way for the next couple.

  Dan had a big grin on his face. "We have a surprise for everyone as thanks for sharing this occasion with us. I talked to the concierge at the hotel and he was able to get us tickets tonight to the Criss Angel: Mindfreak show after dinner."

  Karen shrieked in delight and jumped up and down. "Are you serious? I love Criss Angel."

  Jim put a calming hand on her shoulder. "We can all see that, sweetheart. Simmer down."

  Jim’s stoic personality didn’t seem to bother his wife. She grinned and gave Jim's shoulder a nudge. "You knew all the time, didn't you?"

  "I might have simply made a suggestion, that's all."

  “I love you.” Karen gazed at her husband with adoration.

  Madison looked up at Tanner, so handsome in his dark blue suit. "Did you know, too?"

  Tanner chuckled. "Let's just say we were busy while you ladies beautified. There are more surprises, you know. Dan wanted to make this really special for Sherry since she wasn't getting a big church wedding."

  "More surprises? I didn't realize you were devious, Tanner Marks."

  "Just trying to help out."

  Dan slapped Tanner on the back. "He certainly did help out. He turned on the charm and got us reservations at STACK tonight." Dan checked his watch. "In fact, we need to head out or we'll miss dinner. We're catching the late show afterward."

  They filed out, heading for the rented limousine. Madison tugged on Tanner's sleeve to slow him down, separating them from the other two couples. "Charmed? Should I be jealous?"

  Tanner smiled. "Would you be? Don't worry, Maddie. I'm a one woman man, and you're that woman."

  That was what she wanted to be.

  * * * *

  Madison and Tanner were finally alone. If you considered alone to be the two of them and several hundred people in a casino. Sherry and Dan were headed to their room to enjoy their wedding night and Jim and Karen were going to soak in the jetted spa. Tanner was going to teach Madison to play blackjack. She'd rather go up to the room and make love but the reading she'd done on Google was very clear. She needed to enjoy the things Tanner liked to do. If he wanted to play blackjack, then she would smile the entire time.

  The article had also suggested she ask for his help with something which was how they'd started talking about blackjack. When she'd said it would be great to get a few pointers from him, she simply hadn't thought it would be right now.

  "Go ahead and have a seat." Tanner motioned to a chair at the gaming table, shaped like a semi-circle.

  "Um, I thought I would just watch you." Madison tried to back up a few steps but Tanner was right behind her, urging her forward. She was only doing this to make him fall in love with her, not because she had a deep-seated need to give her money to this establishment.

  "The best way to learn is by doing. I'll be right here with you." He handed her the stack of red and blue chips. "Place one there so they know you want to play."

  Well, crap.

  Sighing, she sank into the chair. Each person at the table was dealt two cards face up and the dealer dealt himself one card face up and one face down.

  "You have a two and an eight. That's called a hard hand because you don't have an ace. Tap your cards so he knows you want another one."

  Tanner's hands were on her shoulders and she had to force herself to concentrate on the cards and not the warmth from his body or his yummy smell. She tapped her cards and the dealer dealt her a five.

  "Tap again."

  She tapped again and was dealt a three.

  "Wave your hand over your cards to show you are holding." She waved her hand and waited for the other players at the table to bet. One of them went over twenty-one and got up from the table in disgust, stomping away.

  "Now the dealer will play his hand. If he has sixteen or less, he has to take a card."

  The dealer had a ten showing. He turned over another card, an eight, and then flipped over the card that had been face side down. A five. He had a total of twenty-three.

  "You won."

  She twisted around so she could see Tanner's face. "That's it? I won?"

  "Although the game is called Twenty-One, the goal is really just to get higher than the dealer without going over. You did it."

  Where her one chip had been, there were now two. Her analytical mind quickly calculated her odds of winning if simply beating the dealer was her only goal. "I can see how people could get addicted to this. I'll let it ride."

  If he thought her saying "let it ride" was funny, he didn't act like it. Instead she allowed him to coach her until she had doubled her money. She could have figured out the odds for each play herself now that she understood, but the article had said it was important to make a man feel needed, to feel like he was helping her with something. She gathered her chips up into a plastic cup and pushed away from the table. The middle-aged man next to her looked up in surprise.

  "You're not quitting are you? You're on a roll, little lady. You should keep playing."

  She shook her head. "The odds aren't in my favor to continue winning at this pace. I should quit while I'm ahead."

  Tanner chuckled in her ear. "I agree. Let's get something to drink, okay?"

  With his hand under her elbow, he led her to the cashier where she exchanged her chips for cash, shocked at how much she had won.

  "Are you hungry? We can get an appetizer at the bar." He was looking around and she captured his jaw with her hand.

  "Can we go up to the room instead?"

  He frowned. "Of course, Maddie. You must be exhausted. You probably want to get some rest."

  She shook her head, going against the advice in the column. She couldn't play hard to get games. It simply wasn't who she was. If he didn't fall in love with her because of it, well, so be it.

  "I want to make love with you. Is that okay?"

  His eyes instantly darkened. "Honey, that is absolutely okay. I was trying to be thoughtful and not push you, but I've been thinking about it all damn day."

  The article had talked about giving a man a job to do for you. It made them feel important.

  "Will you take me upstairs and make me scream?"

  Tanner hurried her toward the elevator. "It will be my pleasure."

  It would be pleasure for both of them. She would make sure of it.

  Chapter Twelve
r />   Tanner couldn't get Maddie's clothes off fast enough. He'd practically dragged her to the room, his cock already hard and pressing against the zipper of his pants. There was something about this woman that turned him into a horny teenage boy. Maybe it was the innocence swirled with sensuality. Perhaps it was her innate intelligence mixed with a wide-eyed naiveté when it came to anything outside of her career. Whatever it was, it did it for him like nothing ever before.

  Within seconds their clothes were in a heap on the floor and he was pushing her thighs apart, kissing a line straight to her cunt. It was already pink and shiny, and he couldn't wait to delve into her depths and bring on that scream she'd asked for so sweetly. His fingers played with her nipples, hard and pointed while his tongue swiped at her clit.

  She was rolling around, partly laughing and partly moaning. He pressed her into the mattress firmly to hold her still. "Easy, honey. We don't want anyone injured."

  She giggled and looked down between her legs at him. "I didn't know."

  "Didn't know what, Maddie?" She looked so incredibly sexy lying there, her long red hair playing peek-a-boo with her breasts.

  "That it could be fun. That I would laugh." Her eyes widened. "Oh shit, is it okay to laugh? I'm not laughing at you. It's just, it tickles there." She pointed to her inner thigh. His heart tightened in his chest. He was falling for this woman. Hard. There would be no soft landing if she didn't feel the same. He liked her. Hell, he respected her. When she looked at him with her eyes shining, just the way they were now, he felt... Shit, he didn't know what he felt. It was as if everything was okay and always would be as long as she was there.

  Aww fuck, I've got it bad.

  "It's okay to laugh. Sex is supposed to be fun. It doesn't always have to be serious," he assured her and was rewarded with a smile. His stomach was twisted into knots and his heart was pounding. This wasn't a casual thing and hadn't he known it wouldn't be all along? Isn't that why he'd hesitated in the beginning? He could picture them making a life together. That was something he'd never allowed himself to imagine. He'd fucked up so many things. Was it too much to ask to be given a second chance?


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