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Beautiful Burn

Page 9

by Adriane Leigh


  After a long week of countless things that required instant attention, I found myself bored and thinking of Auburn on Friday night. After watching a baseball game on television, I texted her.

  She texted back that she was in Traverse with friends for the night. She was drinking, I could tell. I wished we had a relationship where I could meet her out. Maybe partake in some dirty public bathroom sex. In my fantasy she wore a short skirt that was easily accessible to my wandering hands, before it dawned on me that she might actually be wearing a short skirt with other wandering hands trying to get a feel and it bothered me more than I wanted to admit.

  I texted her again, but heard nothing back. I set to work gathering some figures for Auburn’s book case. I was serious when I’d said I would make her one. She of all people needed it. Books were a pain in the ass to store, but when you collect them, you love them, and you need something that reflects that–sturdy and strong, willing to stand the stress of the precious volumes.

  I put myself to bed after one am and scrolled through my old messages, wishing Auburn would have been around to chat tonight. I finally rolled over, ready to fall asleep when my phone chimed from the nightstand.

  Are you home?

  Yes. Where are you? I replied.


  The single answer burned behind my eyelids. I shook the surprise from my brain and hustled to the front door. I opened it, and in the dark moonlight, hidden in a corner of the shaded front step, stood Auburn. She wore a pair of tight, dark wash jeans, snug from thigh to ankle, with a pair of sexy heeled boots, and a loose white tank top. It flowed around her, held only at the neck by a thin black strap.

  I blew out a soft whistle as my eyes drank her in.

  “Shut up.” She swatted me on the shoulder. “It’s Callie’s. Pretty, huh?” She did a cute little turn to show off the outfit.

  “Fucking stunning.” I ducked into the shadowed light and kissed her lips with slow precision. With hands gliding up the planes of her waist and back, I held her, tucking my nose into her neck. “What are you doing here?”

  “First,” she grinned wickedly as her eyes scanned my body. “Lookin' good, Mr. West.” She trailed her index finger down the ridge that separated my abdominals. I stood on the stoop in just fleece sleep shorts that sat low on my hips.

  “Glad you like what you see,” I flirted as her fingertip danced at the edge of my waistband.

  “I just wanted to say goodnight,” she whispered.

  “I’m glad you did.” I touched her forehead with my own. Her hair fell in soft curls over her shoulders and was a little wild, I assumed from the fun she'd been having. I pulled her into me and soaked up her light. If we were so wrong, how could it feel so right?

  “Do you want to come in?” I asked, hoping against hope she'd come back to bed with me.

  “I shouldn't.” She tucked a strand behind her ear as she pulled away. “I promised Grandma I'd take her to the flower market in the morning.” A frown danced around her lips and I could tell she wanted to stay as badly as I wanted her to.

  “So grandma's cock-blocking me?”

  She erupted into giggles against my chest. “It would seem so.”

  I held her in my arms, one palm stroking her glossy strands before she finally loosened her arms from my waist and pulled away. “I'll let you get back to bed.” She snapped the waistband of my shorts with her index finger.

  “I wish you were coming to bed with me.” I clasped her hand before she could dart away.

  “Me too,” she murmured, twisting her fingers with mine.

  “Goodnight, Auburn,” I finally murmured, reluctant to let her go.

  “Goodnight, Reed.” Her quiet voice filtered across the thick night air and without looking back, she turned the corner and was gone.


  I bounded up the steps Monday anxious to lay eyes on the girl who’d been occupying my thoughts all weekend. I slid into the classroom just as the hand landed on the one. While students shuffled papers and pulled out books, my eyes landed on Auburn. She sat half-way back and on the right with the bright light of the window casting a soft-focus glow around her.

  I greeted the class and started by talking to them about the importance of a well-edited manuscript. Not only would they need to correct typos and grammar, but I encouraged them to be fearless when it came to the cutting room floor. With just over two weeks in the summer course remaining, I explained where I expected them to be in their first drafts. There were a lot of questions, so after talking most of the class, I released them a few minutes early.

  I watched Auburn dig through her bag and pull out and replace the same book a few times as she waited for everyone to shuffle out, before walking down the aisle to me. She wore cut-offs and a billowy, floral top that was cut a little low, but with feminine frill every where else, it made her look more innocent ingenue than tiger on the prowl, and on the prowl is exactly what she was.

  Her eyes were hooded and glistening as she approached. I was so ready.

  “Hope you didn't get into too much trouble this weekend, Mr. West.” She flashed me a seductive look. She turned her hip and showed me the round curve of her denim-covered ass. My mouth watered and I was transported into a daydream where I ripped her shorts down her legs and tasted her sweet cunt over my desk. I swallowed and averted my eyes, redirecting my attention to the girl that always held it.

  “Not nearly enough,” I answered.

  “Maybe we can do something about that,” she purred and tapped her index finger against my closed lips. My mouth parted and I sucked in her digit, tasting and nipping, before dragging along the flesh with my teeth. “Mmm…” she hummed before dropping to her knees, her hands working on the zipper of my dark pants.

  “Auburn! Fuck, not here.”

  “Yes, here.” She looked up at me with a careless smile and devilish sparkle, then pulled my cock from my pants and sank her mouth down on it.

  “Auburn,” I groaned and wrapped my fingers in her silky hair. I began to tell her we should stop, maybe move this to my place, when I heard the faint echo of a door closing.

  “Auburn.” My eyes shot to the small rectangular window two thirds of the way up the door.

  “Shh...” She held a finger to her mouth and backed under my desk. Her long legs folded beneath her as she sat hidden and waiting. I quickly tucked my cock in my pants and zipped up, before sitting at my chair and sliding in to disguise Auburn as best as I could. The door burst open less than a minute later and Steph hurtled in.

  “Steph.” I tried to smile as I felt Auburn tighten further beneath my desk. I prayed she wouldn’t have to cough or sneeze.

  “Hi, Mr. West.” Steph waved happily, as if I hadn't just seen her five minutes ago. “Forgot my notebook.” She swiped the spiral bound notebook off her desk and walked up to me. I chastised myself for not noticing it was there earlier, before Auburn had put my cock in her mouth.

  “I’m glad you’re still here.” She said a little too fast. “I was wondering,” she shifted, leaned over. I noticed a couple buttons popped on her collar. Christ, she was coming on to me and here I sat, my cock thick between my legs and wet with Auburn’s saliva as she hunkered between my feet.

  “Maybe we could go for coffee or something this weekend?” Steph twisted a lock of hair around her finger as she smiled expectantly.

  “Now isn’t really a very good time…”

  “Oh, I know things with Mel are still fresh. I thought if you wanted to talk about it...”

  “I just don't think it's the right time yet.”

  “I understand. Someone said Mel mentioned–actually, nevermind.” She looked as if she’d said too much.

  “Someone said what?” I leaned closer, anxious to hear what the rumor mill had to say about the demise of my marriage.

  “Oh nothing. I just wanted to jump in before everyone else.” She giggled so loudly it nearly pierced my ear drum, before a realization seemed to occur to
her. “There isn’t someone else already is there?”

  “Steph, I don't really think, it's just, ya know, Mel would…” I struggled to find words.

  “You know, we've all been waiting for this to happen. We all thought from the beginning you were too good for her, but the offer stands if you change your mind.” She smiled and waited, for what I wasn't sure.

  “Um...ok. Thanks, I appreciate your concern.” I rambled, taken aback by her words. I held my breath and shifted the rigid muscles of my thighs as I waited for her to exit. I nearly choked when a hand smoothed up my pant leg and landed square on my crotch, over my raging hard-on that had been happily seated between Auburn’s lips just minutes before. “I’ve got to get going Steph.” I hastily shuffled a few more books into my bag, praying for her to leave. Auburn increased the pressure on my dick, her fingertips strumming a small rhythm through the fabric, my cock burning for release.

  “Of course. If you ever need anything...” The innuendo in Steph's words left me anxious and irritable.

  “Thanks.” I smiled and Steph finally turned to make her exit just as Auburn unzipped the teeth on my pants. The door swung closed with a loud thud as Auburn’s mouth swallowed my dick and lodged in the back of her throat. I twisted and my hands threaded through her hair as I held her tightly. Forcing her on my cock, taking it deeper.

  “Such a cock tease.” I groaned as she sucked up the length, tongued the tip, and then hallowed her cheeks and sucked again. “I’m going to cum down that beautiful throat and then I’m taking you home for your punishment.”

  She hummed a smile around my cock, before jerking me off with her hand, her tongue licking and caressing at the base and driving me insane. Just before my release hit me I pulled her head down, and she swallowed the long spurts of my semen.

  “You are in so much trouble.” I said as I lifted her, a radiant smile blanketing her face, while she stayed in step behind me. “You go out first.” I pushed her to the door.

  “Sure thing, Mr West.” Auburn mimicked Steph and batted her eyelashes at me. I shook my head, a smile on my face, and tapped her on the ass before she snuck out the door. I hoped like fuck she was free tonight because that little scene wasn’t nearly enough.


  I stood outside, enjoying the cool night air and waiting for Auburn later that night. We’d made plans earlier to meet at my place after dark. When I’d asked her what time, after dark was all she’d said. Auburn made my cock ache and my teeth clench in frustration at any given moment, but what I craved from her the most was the easy banter that existed between us. I heard a car door closing down the street and a plan formulated in my mind as I waited, hoping it was her.

  Footsteps came closer, slow and cautious. She turned the corner, her phone out and head bent, before she looked behind her and then up the stairs to my apartment as she tucked her phone away.

  “Stay there.” I grunted as I stepped out of the shadows. Anxious eyes caught mine. She stood still, all but her chest heaving, belying her racing heart and rapid breathing. I advanced on her, circled, then grabbed her wrists and pushed her against the brick wall.

  “You were bad, Auburn,” I hummed at her ear. She moaned while her hips pressed against my pelvis, her ass cheeks seeking contact with my cock. “I told you I was going to punish you tonight.” Again she only nodded as quick breaths escaped her throat, her cheek pressed to the cool brick of the building.

  “I’m going to fuck you out here because you sucked me off under my desk while I talked to a student. Such a naughty whore.” I lifted the skirt she wore and my cock jumped when my palm met bare flesh. “Good girl.” I fisted at the flesh of her bottom before landing a swift smack on it. She jumped with a squeak, fingernails clutching at the maroon brick at her sides. She moaned and stuck her ass out further while I held the fabric of her skirt at her waist. With my hands at her hips, I positioned her into the moonlight. I wanted a first-class view when I slid into her. She arched and moaned when I sheathed myself and started working her hips back and forth, grinding her ass against my pelvis. I ran my palms up her skin, down her thighs, between her legs to finger her clit, and up to tug on her hair. I couldn’t get enough. I was a man starved.

  “Tell me who owns this sweet cunt.” I growled and fingered her clit furiously as I worked in and out. She pushed, flat-palmed against the brick and rocked her hips with mine.

  “You do,” she moaned.

  “Say my name,” I growled and tugged on her hair, forcing her head to swivel and her gaze to meet mine. Her eyes narrowed and a small quirk of her lips told me she enjoyed this.

  “You own my pussy, Reed,” she purred and then reached a hand between her legs and cupped my sac, massaging. With one hand supporting her against the brick wall, I fucked her like an animal, sending us both into oblivion in the soft moonlight when we released everything between us in a frenzy.

  We were hustling up the stairs minutes later. Upon entering my door, she dropped her bag and headed straight for the fridge. The sense of peace that flooded my system seeing her so at home at my place made all the stress worth it. “Who keeps peanut butter in the fridge?” She twisted on her hip and held the offending jar up to me.

  “I dunno, people.” I shrugged and swiped it from her hands, grabbing a pack of crackers on the counter and dipping one in the smooth mixture. I chomped and looked up at Auburn. She broke out in a laugh and then swiped the jar from my hands, stealing a cracker and dipping her own.

  “Mel hates when I do that,” I said before thinking. In hindsight, not a time to bring up an ex, or wife, as it were.

  “Hmm…” Auburn hummed and took my comment in stride. I knew then she was bad ass. No jealousy, no complication, just us. The baggage we carried, we shed at the door. Maybe it was an escape. Maybe she’s what I needed. Maybe she was exactly the thing I didn’t need. I was unable to keep the stupid half-smile from my face as I relished in the comfort of it. We were lovers, friends, and so much more. It felt good.

  “Beer?” I asked as I leaned around her and into the fridge.

  “Sure.” She stepped around the island to watch me. “Want a smoke?” She pulled a cigarette from her bag.

  “I'm good. I need to get back to healthy living.” I answered as I swiped another cracker in peanut butter.

  Auburn glanced down at the small stick held between her fingers and then back to me. “You're right.” She broke the cigarette in half and then tossed it and the rest of the pack in the garbage.

  “You don't have to quit, smoking's just never really been my thing. I mean, how fast could I row with a smoker's cough?” I joked.

  She laughed. “I've been wanting to quit.” She shrugged and leaned a hip against the counter before stealing the jar from my hands and swiping a blob onto her finger. She sucked it in her mouth with a flirty smile.

  “Stock up on energy, you’re going to need it tonight.” I wrapped my arms around her waist. She pushed her hands in my hair and planted a long, slow kiss on my lips. It was fucking heaven and hell all wrapped in one. My entire body craved her. I craved her intellect, her sex, her smile, her laugh, her eyes--I craved everything about her.

  “Take me to your bedroom.” Her warm breath washed over my neck and alighted every nerve in my body. I heaved her into my arms and she locked her legs around my waist, kissing me the entire way to my bed. I laid her down on the fluffy white cotton and hovered above her, peeling her out of her clothes one scrap of fabric at a time, discovering her body as if it were the first time, from the last hair on her head to the tips of her painted toes. My tongue traced down the center of her neck, tasting the sweet spot between her breasts, before ending at her navel, tonguing and tasting her, savoring this moment. I no longer needed to get lost in a book, I needed to get lost in Auburn.

  I held my breath as I pressed into her, inch by inch, filling her until she gasped and arched against my taut frame. “Reed,” she moaned as she clutched at my shoulders and locked her ankles around my waist. I moved
slowly, but with purpose. I drove her to the edge, lost myself in her body and watched her come to the brink, before slowing again. I relished her for over an hour. I took and took and Auburn gave everything.

  “Spend the weekend with me.” I mused a few minutes later once we’d finally come down from our sex-induced high.

  “Is that smart?” She turned and curled up under my arm, one fingertip trailing a circle around my erect nipple.

  “I don't care.” I caught her hand when she started to blow warm air on the sensitive flesh. She laughed and snuggled into the crook of my arm, settling into the comfort of being together. Her hand was touching me again, running fingertips along the sharp slash of my hip bones and causing my flaccid cock to twitch to life.

  “I like the new, carefree Reed.” I grunted and arched my hips reflexively when she ran a palm just close enough to brush my dick. I'd never fucked twice in one session before, much less three times. I wouldn't have even thought it possible before Auburn.

  “Good. Say you'll stay.”

  She pushed off my lower abdominals with a palm and sat up in bed. “I'll stay on one condition.”

  “Name it.”

  Her brow furrowed in thought before she continued. “The memoir has been going really well.”

  “Okay....” Auburn hadn’t spoken to me much at all about her writing after the initial bout of inspiration at the lighthouse. My mind was working overtime with the possibilities, maybe a To the Lighthouse parallel, but I was too respectful to ask.

  “It’s going so well, I think I’d like to publish it. I mean, I’m only twenty-two thousand words in, but it’s turned into a full length novel and I can’t stop writing it. Like, I’m obsessively writing it in the middle of the night. I’ve never written so fast, the ideas just keep flowing.” She was motioning with her hands now.


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