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Drake (The Powers That Be, Book 5)

Page 10

by Harper Bentley

  Well, all right then.

  “Room?” he bit out.

  “Last to the right,” I answered, almost dizzy from being moved so fast. Dang.

  He burst into my bedroom and in the light from the hall, saw my bed and threw me on it where I let out a yelp as I bounced a couple times. Dang.

  “Light,” he ordered and I reached over to turn on my bedside lamp.

  He went back to the door then stood there looking at me, hand stroking his chin and still freaking hesitating, as if assessing the situation, like he was really thinking it over...afraid he was making a mistake.

  Okay. That was it. I wasn’t begging someone to have sex with me for God’s sake.

  And a big fat P.S. here—This all made me feel like shit.

  I put my feet to the floor and stood. “Drake, I’m not gonna force—”

  “Quiet,” he interrupted making me look at him. Eyes boring into mine, he commanded, “Ass back on the bed.”

  Was he serious?

  I narrowed my eyes at him and seeing how he didn’t budge, figured he was.

  Damn it.

  I crawled back onto the bed, then sitting with my knees up, elbows resting on them, I restated, “We don’t have to do—”

  “I said quiet.”

  I shook my head. “God. You’re so boss—”

  His eyes burned into mine making me stop talking as he closed and locked my door then he ground out, “You ever fuckin’ listen?”


  My legs straightened as I got ready to get off my bed again. “Well, this has been romantic and all…” I shared then stopped talking when he stalked toward me removing his shirt then reaching behind his head and pulling his t-shirt off.

  And, holy mother of frick. His body was magnificent: abs that had ripples upon ripples, pecs that were solid as steel, and biceps that bulged as he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans.

  And the tattoos. Holy cow.

  My eyes got big as I stared at his chest that had swirls of colors surrounding something at the center…an angel of death? Then I noticed tribal-type art on his left shoulder I’d seen at the flag football game and saw the name “Will” in it. Which reminded me he’d never answered when I’d asked about him. So I tried again. “Who’s Will?”

  “Take off your shirt,” he instructed darkly, standing at the foot of my bed and looking down at me like he wanted to devour me, so sexy standing there shirtless, jeans undone.

  I was so confused as to what to do, my emotions all over the place at that point. He wouldn’t answer me about Will, he acted as if he had to convince himself to have sex with me, and now he was being super bossy again.

  “Take it off, Honor,” he stated, his voice authoritative as always.

  I admit I was kind of scared, yet aroused, thrilled, at his domineering demeanor as I began unbuttoning my shirt then removed it.


  I looked at him waiting for him to crack but that wasn’t going to happen I now saw, his face deadly serious, eyes glittering as he watched me.

  I unzipped my jeans and lying back, pulled them off, tossing them to the bedside floor near my shirt. When I sat back up, I gazed at him then sucked in a breath feeling my womb dip at the way he was staring at my panties, his tongue coming out as he licked his lips before biting his bottom one.


  His eyes took their time making their way to mine as they drifted up my body.

  “Good girl,” he praised.

  Sweet Jesus, this was hot. I was literally panting now, my panties soaked with my need. And it felt like I was going to come again just from his slow and deliberate seduction with only his friggin’ eyes. Gah!

  He sat on the edge of the bed, seeming to take his time as he unlaced his boots then took them off before standing again. Then I saw him jerk his chin up slightly and knew he wanted me to continue getting naked.

  I was so in sync with him just then and found I was beginning to understand his ways. Eyes staying on his, I saw his crinkle just a bit at the sides showing he was pleased that I was doing what he’d wordlessly asked when I reached a hand behind and unhooked my bra letting it slide slowly down my arms before removing it. Next, my thumbs went inside the waistband of my panties and raising up slightly for a second, I pulled them down my legs and off.

  “Lean back and spread your legs for me.”

  This was so intense, so different from any experience I’d had, and I found I was a bit reluctant. The sides of his eyes creased again then he gave me a barely discernible nod, and breathing out, I did as I was told, going back on my elbows and letting my legs fall apart.

  “Touch yourself.”

  Oh, God.


  My heart was about to pound out of my chest as I bit the inside of my lip in uncertainty. But I’d trusted him this far, so swallowing roughly I moved my hand down knowing I’d come the minute I made contact which I did. Shit! My back arched up off the bed and my head fell back as I screamed out, “Oh, fuck!”

  Immediately, my legs were over his shoulders then his mouth was between my legs where he sucked and licked, his tongue entering me, fucking me, keeping my orgasm going.

  Oh my.

  “Want you to coat my chin, baby,” he growled as he sucked hard on my clitoris.

  “Drake!” I cried as my body shuddered with more spasms, my legs trembling on his shoulders as he tasted every bit of me.

  Lowering me gently to the bed, he stood tall and eyes on mine, used his finger to wipe his chin before putting it between his lips to suck my juices off it.


  Breathing hard, I watched as he put a knee to the bed and crawled up to hover over me. Then looking down at me, he uttered, “We do this, you’re not pulling any shit again like you did the other night.”

  It took a second for my cloudy brain to catch up and grasp what he’d said.

  Wait. What?

  “Uh,” was all my climax-fogged brain could get out.

  “Fuck,” he drawled out staring down at my body. “Fucking beautiful just like I knew you would be.”

  I found my voice and whispered, “What do you mean by ‘shit like I did the other night’?” because I thought it was pretty important that he clarify.

  His eyes came up to mine and he explained. “If I sense you’re in danger, I need you to listen.”

  “Oh,” I mumbled. “Well, okay.”

  His eyes twinkled and he kissed me roughly. Then he was gone, standing at the side of the bed reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his wallet to retrieve a condom. As he slid his jeans and boxer briefs down, I saw his hard cock spring out and stand brilliantly at attention, and oh my word, it matched the rest of his glorious body and it really was a masterpiece.

  Dear God, all of him was beautiful.

  He put on the condom then covered my body once again with his, resting on his elbows as I cradled his hips between my legs. Looking down at me, eyes piercing mine, he stated, “This is important to me, Honor. I don’t fuck around like most guys. Got too much on the line to do that shit.”

  Even as I was trying to decipher what he meant by his having a lot on the line, when I felt the head of his cock at my opening, my heightened libido took over as my hips surged toward him, wanting him inside.

  “So you get me, yeah?”

  Damn it. I wasn’t completely sure what he was saying or what I was getting myself into. I had so many questions. But I didn’t listen to my brain because my body needed him, craved him at that moment, so instead, I breathed, “Yeah.”

  “Good,” he said low, his eyes sparkling with what looked like relief, like he’d heard what he needed to hear. He slid his hand behind my knee and stretched my leg all the way up as I watched. “Eyes,” he ordered and just as I brought my eyes up to his, he drove in deep.

  “Oh, God!” I cried out at his hard thrust inside, feeling as if he was touching my very soul.

  “Ah, fuck,” he rasped as his hips started moving, burying
himself so deep with each push forward, I gasped every time. “So fucking tight, Honor. Jesus fuck!”

  My fingernails scored into his back but I couldn’t help it. He was big. Huge. If I hadn’t been primed, he’d have ripped me in two. But the way he was moving now, the delicious friction he created as his hips pistoned into mine, another climax was building and, oh my God, this was pure heaven.

  Leaning down, he covered my mouth with his, swallowing my moans just as I peaked again.

  “That’s it, baby. Fucking milk my cock with that sweet pussy,” he groaned against my lips.


  The way he talked had my head reeling, turning me on like no one else had ever done before.

  He dropped my leg and slid his hands under my bottom, pulling my hips up as he began slamming inside powerfully, going so deep, oh, God, so deep, that I cried out again.

  Sweet Jesus.

  “Like me fucking you, don’t you, baby?” he said huskily.

  “Yes,” I moaned.

  “Mm, let’s see if you like this,” he growled, pulling out and flipping me to my belly, then pulling my hips up, drove inside, going so deep and thrusting so hard, I had to grab the blanket to stay in place.

  Snaking a hand around he splayed it across my belly as his other hand moved up to twist in my hair pulling me up so my back was now against his front.

  As he pumped his hips, his mouth was at my ear and he ground out, “More than I fucking dreamed it’d be.” His hand at my stomach slid down to move in circles on me at the same time his other let go of my hair and curled around to the front where he gripped me by my chin.

  “I-I can’t come again,” I whimpered, my body worn out.

  “You can. Gonna come, babe. Want you with me.”

  I exploded just as I heard him grunt, and he buried himself to the hilt inside me as I collapsed back limply against his hard body.

  Mother fricking frick.

  So this was what all the hubbub was about.

  The sex I’d had with the two guys I’d been with before was nothing compared to this.


  Drake moved us forward to lie down then lips brushing my shoulder, he slowly pulled out.

  “Be back,” he said, kissing the side of my head.

  I had no idea when or if he made it back because I passed out seconds later.

  Chapter 13

  I awoke to an empty bed and frowned.

  I stretched huge, sore in all the good places and had to smile thinking about the night before with Drake. Then turning to the side, I grabbed my cell off the nightstand—how it got there, I had no idea because I’d left it on the coffee table in the living room—and read the text that was waiting for me.

  Text Message—Thurs, Mar 10, 4:39 a.m.

  Drake: Miss you already, babe. Heard Victor come in, talked with him a sec then left. Call you later

  I smiled again as I texted back.

  Text Message—Thurs, Mar 10, 7:09 a.m.

  Me: I miss you too. Was Vic shocked to see you? And thanks for bringing my phone in here

  Text Message—Thurs, Mar 10, 7:12 a.m.

  Drake: He was more scared. Screamed like a little girl. Welcome

  I giggled. Oh, that was priceless. I’d have to tease Vic about it later.

  Me: That’s awesome lol Wanna come to dinner tonight?

  Drake: Can’t. Webinar for class tonight, plans for the weekend. Can I see you Monday?

  Well, damn. Of course, my chick-brain immediately went to a bad place thinking he had a date over the weekend. And for all I knew, that could very well be what was going on.

  Text Message—Thurs, Mar 10, 7:16 a.m.

  Me: I’ll check and let you know later

  There. Two could play this game.

  Drake: Okay. You were amazing last night

  I felt my face get red wondering what I should say back.

  Me: You were too…

  Drake: Call you later x

  Me: Okay. Bye xo

  Before I let my head go into overthinking territory, I decided to drop it. He said he missed me, so that counted for something, right? Besides, we weren’t exclusive. He could be dating thirty other women for all I knew.

  And on that depressing thought, I got up to get ready for class.


  That night after getting home from work, my phone rang.

  “Hey, babe. Can’t talk long. I’ve got a shit ton of homework. Just wanted to say hi,” Drake said when I answered.

  “Hi! I understand. Go get ‘em, tiger,” I replied with a chuckle.

  “Fuckin’ cute, Honor. I wasn’t busy, I’d come over and spank your gorgeous ass.”

  My eyes went wide. He’d spank me? I had no idea how to feel about that.

  “Um, okay.” Brilliant response, I know.

  He chuckled sexily. “See you haven’t been spanked before, huh?”

  “Not since I was little when I accidentally threw out Mom’s chicken broth for dinner she had on the stove thinking it was dirty water.”

  “You shouldn’t have been spanked for an accident.”

  “Yeah, well, tell my mom that.”

  “I have a feeling you’d like my spankings, though,” he said darkly, intriguingly.


  “Fuck. I’ve gotta go before you make me wanna come over and prove it. Talk to you tomorrow?”

  “Yes, sure.”

  “Later, babe.”

  After ending the call, I immediately called Krystal.

  “What’s up?” she answered.

  “Okay, I’m trying not to wig out here, but Drake just said he’d spank me.”

  She laughed. “I take it you’ve never been spanked sexually before.”

  “Why’s everyone so concerned about my sex life suddenly? First Drake now you. I’m starting to feel inadequate here!”

  “Nah. It’s just one of those things you need to try. You either like it or you don’t,” she assured.

  “You’ve been spanked?” I asked, kind of in shock.

  She giggled. “Victor liked…exploring lots of things.”

  “Oh, yuck.” I heard her giggling harder. “Gross. Now every time I look at you two I’m gonna gag.”

  I wanted to tell her that Vic might be calling her but held back just in case he didn’t follow through. Although there’d been no heel clicking this morning when I got ready for school, which was a good start, I never knew what he was going to do.

  “Oh, I can tell you lots of sordid things we did,” she replied with a snort.

  “Going now. Talk to you later. Bye,” I said and hung up, shuddering because I didn’t ever want to hear about anything she and Vic had done. I also realized she’d probably been right to keep their breakup details mum because I’d basically just shown I couldn’t be objective.



  The next night, Drake texted close to midnight after I’d already gone to sleep so I didn’t get it until Saturday morning. He’d just texted to say hi so I texted back the same but got no reply.

  He didn’t text back until after I was asleep again, so I got his text Sunday morning, I texted back, and, again, got no answer.

  And I loved that my imagination was going wild telling me he was dating fifty supermodels and I needed to move on. Gotta love the human brain. All I could do was throw it a big middle finger, reminding myself I’d be fine with or without him even though I knew the latter would hurt like a son-of-a-bitch.

  Just as I was drifting off Sunday night, my phone rang.

  “Babe,” Drake replied when I answered. “Can’t do tomorrow night. My parents and aunt and uncle are going out of town for two weeks and I’ve got the shop. No evenings free until they get back. You wanna swing by and say hi Friday, that’d be good.”

  I frowned. He didn’t want to see me until Friday? Hm. “I can do that. Can I ask where they’re going?” I said.

  “Of course, you can.”

  There we went again.

  “Where are they going?” I asked, not bothering to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

  He chuckled. “Funeral in New Jersey. My great-uncle passed away, and they haven’t gotten to see the family in years, so they thought they’d make use of the time while there and visit.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry about your uncle,” I answered.

  “Thanks. I didn’t really know him. Think I saw him once but I was little so I don’t really remember.”

  “That’s too bad.”

  “Yeah. Well, whaddya gonna do. Anyway, I wanna see you, just can’t take time to get away.”

  “Okay,” I replied. “Well, since I live farther away and you’re closer to the shop, maybe I could come over to your place one of these nights?”

  “Not a good idea,” he answered abruptly which pinged my senses and threw up all kinds of red flags.

  My thoughts instantly went to, he’s married and doesn’t want me to know, or he’s into something illegal and running it out of his house and doesn’t want me to see it.


  “Just come by the garage Friday after you get off work.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “Do it,” he ordered.



  We hung up and I lay awake wondering what he was hiding and if I really wanted to stay involved with him.

  It was after two by the time I fell asleep.


  After work Friday, I wasn’t sure what to do.

  I wanted to see Drake, but things just seemed kind of strained. We’d texted on and off during the week, he’d called Wednesday night and we’d talked for an hour but not about anything major. He was still closed off, and I felt sure he was hiding something.

  Or had I just made shit up in my own head?

  I mean, we’d gone from having mind-blowing sex to not seeing each other for over a week. What was going on? Was he juggling me along with a few other women? He’d told me he didn’t sleep around, but maybe his definition of that was different from mine. And he’d said he had a lot on his plate, but was that plate filled with gorgeous chicks?

  God. Sometimes I hated being a woman with all the emotions that just drove me crazy.

  I made my decision as I left Colonial Manor’s parking lot, turning and heading to the garage.


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