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Page 5

by Lacey Wolfe

  “Love you too. Come on, Dad.” EJ grabbed his duffle bag and went out.

  Todd stood there. “I’d like to sit down soon so we can talk.”

  “About EJ?”

  “Not really. We’ll set something up soon. Enjoy your weekend as well.” Todd went out the door.

  Krista shut the door. Just what she needed. Todd to throw a curveball in this when she was already stressed enough about Neil. Now she had a feeling Todd wanted to talk about them. But there was no them. After all, he was the one who told her that he’d fallen out of love with her. He couldn’t have possibly re-fallen in love with her, could he?

  A low-key date wasn’t as easy as Neil had thought it would be. Simple, he kept reminding himself. It was the way to win over Krista. And he was pretty sure that this date was simple. It certainly wasn’t the type of date he’d usually offer a woman. Perhaps he’d learn a thing or two from this for the future.

  Everything was ready; now all he needed was Krista. He’d planned on picking her up, but she’d been stubborn—as usual. She was meeting him at a park about five minutes from her house.

  One last check and he was ready. The drive over to the park was short, but his mind was still clouded with her. It seemed as though his life was revolving around this one woman. One moment he liked it, the next he wanted to run. The last time he’d been head over heels for a woman, it hadn’t gone well. Krista was certainly after his heart, even though she didn’t know it. Hell, even if he handed her his heart on a platter, she’d have some reason to refuse it. And that was why he was so crazy about her. She didn’t care at all about his place in the world or the fact that he owned a chain of successful hotels. He had more money than he’d ever dreamed of, and he could give her any type of life that she’d ever want. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman was interested in him for him. Even then, he wasn’t sure Krista was all that interested in him.

  Then again, that kiss. She’d been on fire. Oh yeah, she’d wanted him all right. If they’d been inside her home, he’d have had her naked on the couch in no time, sinking into her warmth. He’d have made love to her until she’d lost her voice and then he’d do it all again.

  Pleasing her was something he didn’t think he’d ever tire of. A challenging woman—that’s what he liked about her.

  Neil pulled up to the park and found a spot. She’d given him a general idea on where to meet. But he didn’t see her yet. While he waited, he’d find the perfect spot.

  After he climbed out of his vehicle, he scanned the area. The green fields led to a lake that he imagined often filled with geese. There was a tall oak tree that supplied a good amount of shade that was nestled near the water.

  Picking up the picnic basket and blanket, he made his way over to the tree. He laid out the soft white cashmere blanket then set the basket in the middle. He’d brought candles to light, but now that he was here, he saw how silly that was. The land wasn’t flat enough and the only fire he wanted to start today was Krista’s.

  He heard the sound of a breaking twig. Turning, he saw Krista making her way to him and her beauty caused his heart to race. She wore a simple white sundress. Her long red locks were straight. He smiled when he saw the heeled wedge sandals she wore, giving him a glimpse at her rock-hard calves. God, he wished he could run his hands up and down her legs, feeling their smoothness. Slowly he’d make his way higher until one finger could dip into her slit and feel her wetness.

  Damn it. He ached to touch her. To have her arch her back, lay her head against this blanket, and let him pleasure her. He wanted to see her face as she released. Would she be a woman who bit her bottom lip to suppress the moan, or would she let her mouth hang open and lose herself in her orgasm as she chanted? At this moment it didn’t matter how much longer she made him wait, it was his goal right now to find out how this woman released.

  “Hi.” She smiled and took a seat, tucking her legs under her.

  “You look as pretty as ever.”

  “Thanks. You look handsome yourself.”

  He grinned. Maybe she was fantasizing about ravishing him. “I hope this is okay. I packed a picnic for us and this spot looked good.”

  She looked around. “It’s very private.”

  “Yes. Though that wasn’t my intention.” Not totally.

  “Sure.” She winked at him

  Her mood was much more at ease today. He liked this side of her. “Any fun plans this weekend?”

  “Other than today, not at the moment.”

  He was surprised she didn’t have a full agenda. “For a single woman, you don’t do a lot. How come?”

  She shrugged. “What should I be doing? Going to clubs every night and shopping?”

  The women he usually dated did. “Not necessarily. I guess I want to learn what you like to do.”

  She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “My life is boring in capital letters. I have no excitement whatsoever.”

  “I don’t think your life is boring. If you’d let me, I’d like to be in it more.”

  He waited for her to tell him this was it, but she didn’t. Was she coming around? Had the kiss changed things for her?

  Neil opened up the basket and pulled out some of the contents. He set out a bowl of grapes and a small platter of cheese and crackers. He’d packed two plastic cups and a small pitcher of wine.

  “That’s the never-ending basket.” Krista giggled.

  “In the event you don’t want wine or this, I also have two cans of coke and PB and J.”

  “You packed soda and peanut butter and jelly?”

  He nodded. “I did. I wanted to impress you.”

  “You have.” Her smile filled her face.

  Today was on track to being the perfect date.

  * * *

  Krista took a bite of the cheese and a cracker. She couldn’t believe that she was sitting in the middle of park, drinking wine and having a snack with Neil. This was not at all the type of date she’d pictured having with him, but she was enjoying it.

  He was fun. He’d been sharing different stories about his life and people he’d met through his business. Some funny stories about those who had stayed at his hotels. If it wasn’t for the fact that they were from two totally different worlds, she would’ve thought he was perfect for her.

  She took a long sip of her wine as Neil cleaned up.

  “Was lunch okay? I know it wasn’t much.” He set his empty glass back inside the basket.

  She handed her cup to him. “It was perfect. Thank you. I enjoyed getting to know you a little better. What’s next?”

  He grinned that sexy smile of his that made her heart pitter-patter. “The movies.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “I’ll leave it up to you. Do you want to see a new release or one that’s been out for a while?”

  It was so high school. Either go see the movie that would be packed with people or the movie where they could sit in the back of the theatre and make out. “We’ll have to see what’s playing first, before I make my decision.”

  He closed the lid on the grapes. “Would you like to ride with me? I promise not to bite.”

  “Uh,” she hesitated, “I don’t want to leave my car here for the day unsupervised.”

  “I understand.”

  They finished packing up lunch and Krista stole little glances at him. His white button-down shirt was rolled up, revealing his tanned arms.

  As they strolled toward the parking lot, Krista caught a glimpse at the black two-seater Mercedes he drove. Wow, it was nice. She’d love to go for a ride in it, but if she was going to keep in control of this date, she was going to have to climb into her ten-year-old Nissan Sentra.

  “I’ll meet you there.” She removed her keys from her purse.

  “Sounds like a plan.” He winked and opened his car door before climbing in.

  Krista moaned as she got inside her vehicle. Looking over at Neil, she watched as he backed up first and drove toward the entrance of the park. Al
l the while, she found herself green with envy. If this was her one date with him, why was she passing up the chance to ride in that car?

  Ten minutes later, Krista pulled her car up next to his. He leaned against the side of it, looking sexy as hell, waiting on her. She got out of her vehicle and walked toward him.

  “Ready?” he asked as he offered his arm.

  She stared at the invitation to touch him a moment, took a deep breath, and wrapped her hand in the crook of his arm. “Ready.”

  They were silent as they made their way to the ticket booth. It was pretty quiet for a Saturday. She was surprised.

  “What did you decide?” he asked. “New or old?”

  “Uh.” She hadn’t yet. This was the moment she had to make the decision. Did she want to pass up the chance to kiss him again the way she did the ride in his car? Or did she want to continue to play it safe? “Let’s see the oldest movie out.”

  Neil stepped up to the booth. “Two tickets to whatever movie’s been out the longest and will have the least amount of people inside.”

  The person behind the counter grinned and let their eyes look back and forth between them. Did they look like an odd pair? Did they think he was her father?

  She’d never thought about that before. Certainly not.

  “Here you go.” The lady slid two tickets under the Plexiglas. “Enjoy the show.”

  “Oh, we will.” Neil smirked at Krista and once again offered his arm.

  As soon as they were inside the cool theatre, Neil handed her the tickets. “Go get us a seat. I’ll get the food. Any preferences?”

  Krista released his arm. “Popcorn and soda makes me happy.”

  “I aim to please.” He winked.

  Her heart raced from the way he made her feel as she searched for theater room ten. Go figure, it was in the very back of the place. As she walked down the corridor to the stadium seating, she began to feel nervous.

  It had been so silly of her to make this decision. She wasn’t sixteen. If she wanted to make out with Neil, she could just take him back to her place. But then again, the thrill of being in public also piqued her interest. What was wrong with her? Did she like the idea of being caught? Or of someone watching?

  Pushing the thoughts aside, Krista marched all the way to the back of the theatre and took a seat on the very back row in the middle. She’d already gotten this far, might as well go all the way—not literally—she hoped!

  It didn’t take long before Neil was in the theatre as well, carrying a tray of drinks and a big bucket of popcorn.

  He sat next to her. “The middle. Love it.”

  She took a drink from the cardboard tray and placed it in her cup holder. “Best spot in the place.”

  “Any spot next to you is the best.”

  She giggled, hating that his comment had given her the butterflies. “Does that line usually work on your dates?”

  He shrugged. “I only care if it works on you.”

  Reaching over, she scooped up some of the popcorn. He was totally making her swoon. “You make it hard to resist you, you know that?”

  “I don’t want you to resist me. I want you to accept the attraction between us.”

  She couldn’t fight it anymore. The more time she spent with him, the more she liked him. “Do you really think this can work? We want different things in life.”

  Neil rubbed a finger along her cheek. “Maybe what we want is the same. Happiness is something you’re after, right? I can provide that.”


  “Let’s not worry about that, okay?” he interrupted. “Let’s just live in the now and see where this takes us.”

  He leaned forward, taking her lips just as the lights dimmed slightly and the previews started. Live in the now, she could do that. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself into him.

  A thud echoed and she realized that the popcorn had fallen to the floor. Chances were they weren’t going to eat much of that anyway.

  Neil broke the kiss. “We’re all alone in here. Perhaps we should thank the lady behind the desk when we leave.”

  “Neil. Shut up and kiss me before I change my mind.”

  With a force, he wrapped his arms around her waist and thrust her into his lap. She laughed, but was soon silenced by his kiss. She placed both hands on either side of his face to deepen and control the kiss. But it wasn’t easy as his fingers danced under her dress, going higher and higher, until they finally he cupped her breasts.

  It had been so long since a man had touched her that she felt herself silently praying for him to pull the material back and pinch her nipples. Finally, he did. He didn’t pinch though; instead he rolled the point between his two fingers. Oh God, it felt much better than she remembered. She squirmed in his lap and found his erection pressing into her.

  His mouth left hers and kissed down her neck. She flung her head back and slightly grinded into his hardness. If only they were somewhere more private, she’d let him have his way with her. Just to have him inside of her. After this movie was over, she was inviting him home. There was no way she couldn’t have sex with him. It was as though something primal had been set off inside of her.

  Pulling herself back from the arched position, she lifted his face to kiss him. Only it wasn’t a sweet kiss; it was greedy. One hand slid down his chest, past his belly button, and finally circled around his shaft. Through his pants alone, he felt huge. Not only did she want him inside her, she wanted to taste him. Have him fill her mouth as she pleasured him. That was a secret infatuation of hers.

  Ring, ring, ring. Ring, ring, ring.

  Was that someone’s phone? How freaking rude!

  But as it continued to ring, she realized it was hers. Breaking away from him, she stared into his eyes. To answer the damn thing or not. The ringing stopped and just as she was about to lean forward to kiss him again, it started again.

  Krista groaned and climbed off his lap. She picked up her purse and dug out her phone. The caller ID displayed Todd. She quickly answered it, casting an apologetic glance in her date’s direction.


  “Krista, listen, don’t freak out.” Todd’s voice quivered.

  “Okay.” A feeling of unease swept over her.

  “EJ and I were in a car accident.”

  She clenched her fists and took a deep breath. “A what? Is EJ okay?”

  “Yes. But we are at the hospital because I wanted to make sure. He’s asking for you.”

  Her heart sped up and a cool shiver swept through her. “Tell him I’ll be there right away.” She ended the call. “I’ve got to go. My son was in a car accident.”

  As she got up, Neil reached out, grabbing her arm. “Wait, your son?” He stood. “Let me go with you. You don’t need to go alone.”

  “No, you can’t,” she snapped. “I’ve got to go, Neil. I’m sorry.”

  Without another thought, she put her purse over her shoulder and stormed out of the theatre.

  Krista shoved the heavy door open that led into the ER. She stopped long enough for her gaze to dart across the room to the welcome desk and then ran to it.

  “My son is here. EJ Michaels. He’s a kid.”

  The lady smiled. “Okay. Just a moment as I look him up.”

  Krista took a deep breath and glanced around at the waiting room, seeing many ill and hurt people. She hated this place. It was so cold and unwelcoming. Couldn’t they spruce it up? Make it feel a little more happy as people waited.

  Finally the lady spoke. “If you go through that door,” she pointed, “and then turn left, you’ll look for room 918. Hurry, he’s about to be discharged, from my understanding.”

  That was a relief. Krista thanked her and made her way to her son. As soon as room 918 was in sight, she could hear EJ laughing.

  “EJ.” She burst into the room.

  “Mom.” He hopped off the table, looking the same as she’d seen him last.

  She ran her hands all over his body
, feeling for anything out of place. “Are you okay? Sit back down.”

  “He’s fine, ma’am. Good to go actually.” An older gentleman, whom she assumed was the doctor, approached her.

  “What was wrong? Why was he here?” she asked.

  “Just a precaution to make sure he didn’t have whiplash or anything,” the doctor said.

  “Did you hear me on the phone?” Todd asked.

  Bits and pieces. She’d been too shocked by the phone call for it to really register. “Well, yeah, but I wasn’t sure since he was here and all.”

  EJ laid his head against Krista’s arm. “I’m fine, Mom. Ready to get out of here. Dad and I are getting ice cream.”

  Glaring at Todd, she asked, “What about the car? How are you going to drive?”

  Todd reached out and touched her shoulder. “Relax. It wasn’t totaled.”

  The doctor cleared his throat. “If you don’t mind, can we get you fully discharged so we can get someone else in the room?”

  She nodded and helped EJ down from the table. She wrapped her arms around him as they left the room. She wasn’t going to let him go for anything. As soon as Todd was finished with the paperwork, they made their way out to the lobby.

  “I think I should take EJ home with me,” she said firmly.

  “Why? It’s my weekend.” Todd stared at her with a confused expression.

  She ran a hand through her hair. “In light of what happened, I’d like to take him home so I can watch him.”

  Todd crossed his arms. “I can do that too.”

  “Yes, but I’m his mother.”

  “And I’m his father.”

  “He’s coming home with me and that’s final.” She hated having to act the way she was, but didn’t he understand? She had to have EJ. Hold him, baby him, and so on. Surely he wanted to be with her as well.

  “Why don’t we leave it up to EJ?”

  “Oh, sure. Let’s put that kinda pressure on him.” She rolled her eyes.

  “You were obviously in the middle of something by the way you’re dressed.” His gaze traveled the length of her body. “Go finish up whatever it was. I promise to take care of him. And if he needs you, I’ll call.”


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