
Home > Romance > Unforgettable > Page 8
Unforgettable Page 8

by Lacey Wolfe

  “Stop. I’m sick of hearing you say this isn’t going to work out. From what I’ve heard from you, that man is head over heels for you. A bachelor who never wanted to settle down is doing just that with you. You! He accepts your son. He still wants to be with you after getting to know you. Quit waiting for the bad and enjoy the present. No, I can’t tell you the future, but I think it’s going to be good.”

  “It’s hard. You know me.”

  “Yes, I do, and that’s why I’m telling you to knock it off. If you keep this up, the man is going to think you belong in a looney bin.”

  Krista sipped her juice. “Do you at least understand why I’m putting off this meeting?”

  Her friend nodded. “I do, but I also think you should get the one with Todd over with. You don’t have to let EJ meet him just because Todd does. You do that when you’re ready.”

  “I guess you’re right.” Krista set the glass down.

  “So, when are you going to see him again?” She pulled her hair into a ponytail.

  “I don’t know. It’s been a few days. We’ve talked some, but he’s been busy with work stuff. I think he leaves tonight, actually, on a short trip.”

  “At least if he travels a lot, you won’t have to get sick of seeing him.”

  Krista laughed. “I suppose you’re right about that.” Her cell phone vibrated on the table. She glanced at the screen. “Speaking of.” She picked it up. “Hi, Neil.”

  “Morning, beautiful. Are you busy for lunch?”

  “I’m not, but I am home with EJ.”

  Jamie kicked her and whispered, “I’ll watch him.”

  “Darn. I was hoping to take you out. I want to see you before I leave town for the next few days.”

  Krista chewed on her bottom lip. She really wanted to see him too. “I think that can be arranged.”

  “Really? Great.”

  She ran her hand along her knee. “Want me to meet you somewhere?”

  “Would it be weird if I asked you to have lunch with me at the office? My secretary will be gone, so it’ll be private. I can have something delivered.”

  She gulped. Did she really just gulp? “Yeah, that…that works.”

  “Excellent. Tana leaves at twelve thirty so feel free to come a little earlier. I’ll have lunch waiting.”

  “I’ll see you soon.” She set the phone down. “Guess I need to shower and get ready. I’m having lunch at his office.”

  “His office. How unromantic,” Jamie complained.

  “We’ll be alone.”

  “Ooo, I get it. Let’s find you something sexy to wear.” Jamie stood, grabbed Krista’s hand, and pulled her through the house to her bedroom.

  * * *

  It was five minutes until Tana went to lunch. Neil had hoped Krista would have arrived before Tana left. The more time together, the better. To be frank, he’d hoped to have eaten by now and then feast on Krista during the hour the office was closed.

  A light tap sounded on his office door, followed by it opening. “Do you mind if I head out? I have some errands to run,” Tana said.

  “Go, please.” He paused. “By the way, take an extra thirty and consider it paid.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Wow, thanks.”

  He needed all the extra time he could get. “Have fun.”

  Tana smiled and began to leave, when he heard her say excuse me to someone. She then popped her head back in. “There’s a woman here to see you.”

  “Send her in.”

  Tana’s expression changed as she evidentially understood now why he wanted her to take an extra long lunch break. She nodded and moved out of the way. Krista then walked in and he almost bit his tongue.

  She wore a red dress that hugged her all the way down her body. It had a low v-neck, baring her nice cleavage. As she entered the office, she closed the door behind her.

  He was already hard, his cock pressing against the zipper of his slacks. He hoped like hell Tana was out of the building, because he was about to take Krista right there.

  “Good afternoon.” She sauntered over.

  “It’s perfect now.” He wrapped a hand around her, tugging her to him. “I’m not really hungry, are you?”

  She shook her head. “I’d like to play first.”

  Krista pushed away from him and lifted her red locks, revealing the zipper that went from her neck all the way down to her round ass. “A little help.”

  Fuck! She really had come to play. Neil wasted no time. He took the zipper in his fingers and lowered it, revealing only creamy skin. Nothing else. Krista spun around and kicked the dress off. She stood before him naked—except for the black stiletto heels.

  “Speechless?” She winked.

  For once in his life he was.

  As he stared at her, taking in the sight, the primal side of him kicked it. He grabbed her, yanked her to him, and kissed her with greed. She giggled and moaned. Her little sounds sent him even more over the edge, his control melting away. He had to bury himself in her now.

  With a force he turned her around and placed her hands on the edge of the desk. He fiddled with his pants until finally he kicked them off. Gripping her waist, he positioned himself right at her sweet opening. She was soaking wet and he slid right in. She felt fucking amazing. Shit, the condom. He began to pull out, but as he glanced down at her ass, her tight calves in those heels, he had to thrust. He couldn’t stop. Reaching forward he wrapped a hand in her hair, pulling her head back.

  “This is going to be fast,” he groaned out.

  He pounded into her hard. With each thrust she cried out. Her walls tightened around him, she was almost on the brink of release. He did his best to stay in control because he’d have to pull out before he could release.

  “Neil!” she called out.

  She was close. A couple more thrusts and—what was she doing? She stopped gripping the desk and leaned down toward her ankles. He was deep—really deep—and it felt… Fuck!

  His orgasm tore through him as hers hit her. Gripping her waist, he pumped fast and hard, milking every last drop out. Her warm welcoming pussy holding him tight as she rocked her release.

  Holy fuck, that had been good.

  Removing himself from inside of her, he found a chair behind him and sunk into it. She turned to him, walked over, and straddled his lap.

  “Now I’m ready to eat.” Krista kissed his cheek.

  Food. He couldn’t eat right now. He’d never had unprotected sex—at least not in years. He had with Rachel, but she’d been on the pill.

  “What’s wrong?” Worry formed on her brows.

  She knew him well. “It’s…we didn’t use a condom.”

  He studied her face and waited for her response. “It’s fine. I’m clean.”

  He chuckled. “Me too, but what about pregnancy and all?”

  “Sure it can happen one time, but I’m not ovulating right now.”

  She was a woman and he assumed that might be something she knew about. He had no clue about any of it.

  She caressed his shoulder. “Todd and I tried for another. It didn’t work out, but I studied the monthly cycle. We’re okay.”

  That was a relief, but he still didn’t want to take that chance again. “Have I told you that you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on?”

  Her cheeks flushed.

  “I love the way we are together.” Neil brushed her hair behind her shoulder.

  “I’m happy too,” she said.

  “Good. I want you to be. I want to give you everything.”

  She stared at him with need. “Is this real?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  She lightly pressed her lips to his then pulled back and stared at him. “I’m scared.”

  He knew exactly what she was talking about. “I am too, but maybe that’s a good thing.”

  Krista’s gorgeous smile formed, the one that gave him that butterfly feeling. “Let’s eat, I’m starving.”

  “Do you promise to stay

  She laughed. “What if your secretary comes back?”

  “She won’t be back for a while.”

  “It’s a deal, but let’s get your shirt off of you first.”

  * * *

  Krista climbed into her car two hours later. A grin plastered on her face and she wasn’t sure she could ever get it off. Things were definitely looking to be on the bright side with Neil. This was happening.

  A few weeks ago she didn’t even know him; now he dominated her life. She expected him to want to play with her a bit and then toss her to the side. But the way he looked at her and spoke to her, it was like he wanted the same thing as her. Love.

  Oh yeah, she was in this deep. Love was entering this equation. Sure, she was lusting him majorly. Never in her life did she think she’d show up to a man’s job with no panties and bra on and seduce him at lunch. But she had and loved it.

  Then again, the only man she’d ever really been with was Todd, and he hadn’t loved her. They’d married for EJ. They did their best to make it work and tried to fall in love. She’d achieved the feelings more than he had. And before long, sex was non-existent. He’d told her he didn’t see her that way.

  They tried the marriage thing a little longer, but they had needs they couldn’t find in one another and Todd thought it was best to part ways. The way Neil made her feel—she’d never gotten that with Todd.

  Which was another reason she didn’t understand why Todd suddenly found her so desirable. Her being with someone else, did it cause some sort of reaction in him? Jealousy maybe? There was no way he could just begin loving her after all this time.

  She sighed. It was too much to think about. She started the car so it would begin to cool down and then dug through her purse. She found her phone and turned it off vibrate. She had a next text message from Todd.

  Call me as soon as you can.

  That had been forty-five minutes ago.

  She called him back. “Hey, Todd.”

  “Where are you?” he demanded.

  She did not like this side of him. For the most part, he was a friendly guy, but when he was mad, he was irrational. “I just had lunch.”

  “I know. I called the house to talk to EJ and Jamie was there. I assume you were with your boyfriend.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  He huffed. “When do I get to meet him? I told you I wanted to.”

  “And what, I can’t see him until you do? You’re being ridiculous.”

  “You better not be bringing EJ around him.”

  She’d had enough. “I’m not. I know you want to meet him, and fine. You will. I’ll introduce EJ to Neil when I’m damn ready to, got it? Now butt the fuck out of my life. You don’t get a say so in who I date and when I date them, got it?”

  “Whatever. Let’s see how you feel when I start flaunting women in your face.”

  She was about to argue back but what was the point. Todd wanted to ruin her mood and he’d almost succeeded. “I hope you do find someone. We both deserve love and happiness. I’ll be in touch soon about this meeting. Neil’s going out of town for a few days on business, so perhaps when he gets back.”

  She ended the call, not caring what else he had to say. He wasn’t going to control her.

  Tossing the phone into her purse, she pulled out of the parking lot and headed home.

  Neil placed a kiss on Krista’s cheek. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

  She stared up into his kind eyes. With him by her side, she almost believed it, but she was still scared about the lunch. “Do you think we should’ve gone out though? Here things could get heated.”

  “Why would they?”

  She’d been seeing a side of Todd she’d never experienced before. Having him in her home might not be a good idea. “I never know about Todd. At least in public he wouldn’t want to embarrass himself.”

  Neil chuckled and brushed a strand of hair from her face. “You’re overreacting. From what you’ve told me about him, he never deserved you. He did right by you for EJ and that’s all.” He stepped closer. “I intend to step in now and show you what it feels like to be cherished.”

  Krista’s heart sped up, only this time not about the lunch. “You’ve got to stop making me swoon. I’m barely holding on to the edge of not falling completely for you.”

  He kissed right below her ear. “I’ve already fallen.”

  Did that mean? Did he…?

  “I love it when I silence you.” Neil grinned. “Now, what can I do to help?”

  Krista glanced around. “Everything is ready. I didn’t want to go all out because I have no idea how long this will last. Luckily, Jamie isn’t only taking EJ to lunch, but a movie as well. So we have plenty of time.”

  “Maybe this will get over quickly on good terms and you and I can have some time together. I missed you while I was away on my trip.”

  She loved hearing that he missed her. “We talked every day.”

  He gave her a playful look. “Yes, but I didn’t get to kiss you.”

  She moistened her lips. “You can kiss me now.”

  Neil pulled her to him. “I plan to.”

  Their lips met slowly. Krista could feel her body already revving up and ready to go. A simple kiss from this man kept her on the verge of release. Maybe they had time for a quick romp, right there on the kitchen table.

  Before her thoughts could take her any further, the doorbell rang.

  “He’s got awful timing,” she whispered as she stepped away from Neil.

  Taking Neil’s hand, she led him through the house to the front door. Was she ready for this?

  Krista opened the door and Todd stood there with a bouquet of flowers in hand. She pushed the glass door open and Todd stepped in.

  The two men looked each other up and down and Krista realized she was supposed to be the one talking.

  “Todd, this is Neil, the man I’m seeing. Neil, this is Todd, EJ’s father.”

  They shook hands, but neither spoke to the other.

  It was time to get this show on the road. “Lunch is in the kitchen. Grilled chicken wraps and homemade potato wedges. Hope that’s okay.”

  “Sounds perfect. I always liked your wedges,” Todd said and handed her the flowers. They were yellow and white daisy’s. Her favorite.

  In the kitchen, she set the flowers down on the counter. “I’ll get those in a vase in a bit.”

  “I can help. Are the vases still in the same place?” Todd asked.

  Krista nodded. She had a feeling Todd was trying to show Neil that this had once been his home and she’d been his woman. But as Neil had reminded her, Todd had never wanted to spoil her the way Neil did. If she’d let him, she was sure the sky would be the limit when it came to his money.

  She set the food on the table, grabbed a pitcher of sweet tea, and then set it on the table as well. She stood by her chair and waited on both of the men. Neil walked over and rubbed her lower back.

  “You’re doing great.”


  Todd came over and they all sat down. Once everyone had food on their plates, she wondered where this would go. This was new territory for all of them, so how to approach this?

  “I’d like to start, if that’s okay.” Neil took a sip of his drink. “I want you to know, Todd, that I understand I’m not EJ’s father and I’m not coming in here looking to take your place. Krista has expressed wanting me to wait to meet her son and I respect that.”

  Todd sipped the tea before he spoke. “I appreciate that. Neither of us have yet to introduce EJ to someone we’ve been seeing, so I’m not sure how it will affect him.”

  Neil nodded and picked up a wedge. “Understandable. I don’t want her to feel pressured. In fact, I’d prefer if she waited until she knew for sure about her and me. I don’t plan on going anywhere. I hope in the future that you and I can possibly team up together with EJ.”

  Todd set his wrap down. “I don’t know about teaming up. I’m his fat
her and I think I can handle that role without any help.”

  “Todd.” Krista gave him a stern look.

  “It’s fine,” Neil said, not seeming upset at all.

  “In the event you actually stick around, I get that you’ll be in my son’s life. But I don’t give my permission for you to be any more than a friend to him.” Todd turned his attention to Krista. “You’d feel the same way if I had a woman in my life.”

  She nodded, because really, what could she say? She’d not been in the position that Todd was currently sitting in. So she couldn’t say how she’d feel or react. “This is new, for all of us. I think it’s best we take this one day at a time.”

  “Do you not have any children?” Todd asked.

  “No.” Neil picked up his glass for a drink.

  “Can I ask why?”

  Krista tasted blood in her mouth and realized she’d bitten her tongue as she waited on Neil to answer.

  He set the cup back down. “Kids haven’t come into my life equation yet.”

  Todd laughed. “I’m guessing you’re in your forties. Have you even been in a serious relationship?”


  Krista took a sip of her drink. She really should’ve served wine…or maybe tequila.

  Todd leaned back in his chair and stared at Neil. “So all these years, you’ve just been doing what?”

  “Running a successful business.”

  “And having a different woman in your bed whenever you want.” Amusement laced Todd’s tone.

  “Todd. His personal life isn’t up for review,” Krista snapped, having enough of her ex’s questioning.

  He shook his head with irritation. “It should be if he’s going to be around my son.”

  “Krista, it’s okay. I don’t mind answering his questions. And yes, Todd, I haven’t been looking for a relationship. In fact, I never planned on falling in love again. I was hurt badly years ago and vowed I would never give my heart to a woman again.” He reached under the table and took Krista’s hand. “But then I met Krista and that changed. She doesn’t even know the extent of my feelings for her. She isn’t a fling. She isn’t someone I’m just having fun with. She’s my future.”

  Oh. My. God.


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