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Entangled with the Duke: A Clean & Sweet Regency Historical Romance Book

Page 26

by Abby Ayles

  * * *

  It was the first time that Lord Grebs’ girls made the acquaintance of their eldest son, though they were all on the same level of the peerage, they certainly were not on the same level of society. Naturally, Lady Sophia’s eyes lit at the new prospect making Lady Alexandra groan inwardly.

  * * *

  It was Lady Alexandra’s greatest fear that this would be the party as a whole as she sat and listened to Lady Jocasta name and describe every animal member of her household. She was sure that today was going to be a much more strained picnic than she had once hoped if these were the guests that were to attend.

  * * *

  She had to admit she was slightly shocked as well to see Lord and Lady Derber with their family there. It had been true that the duke was setting his attentions on Lady Charlotte at the beginning of the season, but she had thought such things had changed.

  * * *

  Well, to be honest, she hadn't thought that per se, it was rather that her friend and sisters had put such ideas in her head. They had all been so positive that Raven was now turning his attentions elsewhere, to her in fact. How that could be the case when the other lady that he had been very public about making an association with was also present here today?

  * * *

  She would have liked to say she hadn’t put much stock in all their words and encouragement but that hadn’t been true over the course of the last few weeks, and especially not after that dinner Raven shared at her house. His words to her had seemed to have a much deeper meaning than just casual conversation.

  * * *

  For so long Lady Alexandra had determined that the duke was only tormenting her for entertainment’s sake. When that didn’t seem the case any longer, she was sure he was merely making acquaintances wither her out of politeness’ sake because he was befriending her father over a common interest.

  * * *

  After that family dinner, however, Lady Alexandra had begun to believe his motives were as her friend had suggested. It had taken her some time to resolve her opinions to that fact, and now that they were at the picnic she wasn’t as sure anymore. But it was too late now to go back on that notion. For as she had considered that the duke might have feelings for her it had naturally caused her to consider her feelings for him.

  * * *

  Though she was doing her best not to throw her heart out there wholly, it would be a lie for her to say that she didn’t have feelings for him.

  * * *

  He was a dashingly handsome man, smart, not afraid to stand up to others when he knew they were wrong, even corrected in the politest manner. He shared her love for seeing the world and even got to do so. She wondered perhaps if it was just his tales of adventures that she had fallen in love with. Upon inspection, she was sure this wasn’t the case. He may have been a sort of trickster in his teasing, but he was also good-humored and knew how to make her laugh, or even laugh himself.

  * * *

  Now Lady Alexandra was beginning to think she had been too quick to fall into her sister’s suggestions. Now it seemed too late to look or think on the duke without admiration in her heart.

  * * *

  Much to Lady Alexandra’s relief, the final portion of their party arrived. It was Lord and Lady Eagleton in their fine carriage. Lady Alexandra brightened at the prospect of spending the afternoon with her closest friend.

  * * *

  It wasn’t long after Regina and her husband joined the party under the tent that the Duke of Raven also joined his guests on horseback. Lady Alexandra couldn’t help but blush at how regal he looked riding up to the party on his chestnut steed.

  * * *

  He dismounted wearing high black leather boots, dark tan riding pants, and a dark blue riding jacket. Lady Alexandra noted that he handed over the riding crop to the man waiting to take the horse. It looked almost new with little use. She decided she could never imagine the duke ever using the item and most likely kept it for the same reason he was often seen with a cane.

  * * *

  Raven greeted all his guests warmly, but Lady Alexandra couldn’t help but feel that his eyes stayed on her the longest. It wasn’t the first time of course. It seemed that every time they were in each other’s company, there was a constant connection between them, even when she had wished otherwise. Now that she desired it, however, she seemed to second guess the significance of those black-eyed gazes that never seemed to give away the intentions of the possessor.

  * * *

  Once the whole party was joined, it was time to make their way to the site of the picnic. Lady Jocasta was very upset that it wasn’t under the tent that the guests had been sitting at and was sure Miss Whiskers could not stand a long journey.

  * * *

  “It is not long at all, Lady Jocasta. If you will just follow me on this path here,” Raven motioned, taking the lead of the party. “We are just going around the small cottage and up the side of the first hill. I would be most honored if you would allow me to escort you,” he added, holding his arm out for the elderly lady.

  * * *

  She gave another huff insisting the cat might not make it, but still took his arm. Lady Alexandra was sure the fear was more for Lady Jocasta’s own aged body and not that of the kitten. Much to her relief, however, a man came up with a basked stuffed with a soft pillow for the cat to rest on quite royally as the party made their way to the final destination.

  * * *

  Lady Alexandra wasn’t at all perturbed that the duke had chosen to escort Lady Jocasta instead of herself. In fact, she quite preferred it. In her mind, it once again showed that though he didn’t always hold to societal rules when it really mattered, he was the perfect gentleman that he was bred to be.

  * * *

  Instead, Lady Alexandra linked arms with her dear friend, Lady Eagleton, somewhere in the middle of the party. She vaguely heard her younger sisters commenting on the house.

  * * *

  “Did you hear that? Raven called it a little cottage. I think we could fit two of our townhouse inside his little cottage,” Lady Williamina said.

  * * *

  “I don’t even think this is his only home. Certainly not his country seat. Could you imagine that place?” Lady Sophia countered.

  * * *

  Lady Alexandra would have liked them to hush. It was not at all proper conversation to be having with so many others around. Instead, she chose to ignore her younger siblings and simply enjoy the day in her own way and let them do the same.

  * * *

  Raven was right to say the walk wasn’t far at all. Once they rounded the corner of the stone house, Lady Alexandra could already see a white cloth tent in the distance. In front of it was several spreads of blankets with pillows and even some benches for the older ladies to sit on.

  * * *

  It was a leisurely walk up the well-maintained path with vibrant green plants speckled with flowers of every kind along their way. Once they neared the picnic area, Lady Alexandra could smell the wonderful meal prepared wafting from inside the tent.

  * * *

  It didn’t take long for her to realize that the food was kept inside from the elements and then brought out to them by several servants standing and waiting for their arrival.

  * * *

  Miss Whiskers was promptly placed in her basket next to one of the benches where Raven deposited his escort. Miss Whiskers had fallen asleep on the short walk and seemed to have no desire to remove herself from the basket. The rest of the party found their places among the pillows for a wonderful meal served under the glorious sun.

  * * *

  Lady Alexandra had to admit as the day wore on that it was one of, if not the, best day she had ever had in her entire life. They had been treated to spectacular food. Raven had prepared a few games for them to play by way of entertainment. Just when she thought the day couldn’t get any better, in that relaxed atmosphere of good friends, Lady Rebecca and Lord Eagleton decided to take it at turns
divulging one mischievous act after another that Raven had gotten himself into as a boy.

  * * *

  Lady Alexandra hadn’t realized it at first, but as the meal was over and games were done, she noticed that her father had not only sat himself next to Lady Rebecca but was also engaging with her in a great many conversations. He seemed to light up as he spoke with her in a way she wasn’t sure she had ever seen before, for if she did, she certainly couldn’t remember it.

  * * *

  They both seemed to bond over the struggle of raising children all on their own. As she listened to Lady Rebecca speak with her father, she had to admit that she did find the woman most enjoyable as Raven had surmised.

  * * *

  Though she wasn’t able to sit near him or speak intimately with him over the course of the day, she was sure there was still something there between them. More often than not she would find him looking her way, not to just study her as before, but to almost gauge her satisfaction with the picnic.

  * * *

  “Do you believe me now, when I say Raven is quite taken with you,” Lady Eagleton asked after quite a private moment seemed to pass between the two of them.

  * * *

  Lady Alexandra rosied up instantly and pretended to reset a locket that had been blown by the light breeze. She was not unwilling to admit her friend was right, for Regina seemed to be right in a great many things over the course of their friendship, it was only that she didn’t want to confess it so openly in front of others.

  * * *

  Though she tried to hide it, Regina saw her reaction, and that was enough. She gave a knowing nod.

  * * *

  “He is a perfect match, and I would say that I didn’t believe anyone could deserve you, my dear. But, of all the gentlemen in the world, I find Raven to be the worthiest.”

  * * *

  Lady Alexandra nudged her friend in response as if to beg her to stop. Lady Alexandra had spent her life seeing to the needs of her younger sisters. She had never been the center of attention, choosing to support others instead. Having so much focus on herself was almost unbearable.

  * * *

  Getting the point, Regina did stop speaking on the subject, but still, both ladies couldn’t help but burst out in girlish giggles at the conversation that they had just shared.

  Chapter Thirty

  “I do have just one more fun game for us to play if you would all indulge me,” Raven said, coming to stand before the group on the blankets.

  * * *

  He had been planning this point out in the day for many weeks now.

  * * *

  “This game does involve getting up and exploring. Something I gather you have all guessed I rather enjoy after the stories you’ve heard today,” he added with chuckles from his audience.

  * * *

  “Now I don’t want any of you to feel pressured to go. You are more than welcome to stay here and keep Miss Whiskers company, and perhaps out of your teacup,” he added.

  * * *

  The feline had just recently woken up and had climbed up on Lord Jocasta’s lap, who was seemingly unaware, and quenched her own thirst with the cup still in his hand.

  * * *

  “But for those of you brave enough,” he continued rubbing his hands together. “I have a challenge for you. Any willing to accept?”

  * * *

  There were several cheers of agreement from the crowd.

  * * *

  “Good then. I give you this challenge. I want you to search the gardens, both surrounding the cottage, and on the hills. We will each bring back one item. The one with the most unique object wins the game. Naturally, my gardens are filled with objects and plants spanning the globe, so this should be a real treat if you are able to seek out some unique items.”

  * * *

  Everyone stood from their spot and with a few more words they were all off. Almost all decided to join in the game except for the elderly Jocastas and the Earl and Countess of Derber who found the idea not to their taste.

  * * *

  He was sure that Lady Alexandra’s younger sisters were just as excited about this adventure as he was, and for a similar reason. Where he had spent the whole of the afternoon beholding the woman he hoped to marry, they had both been making eyes and desperately trying to engage Derber’s eldest son.

  * * *

  Lord Melbourne seemed a nice enough fellow, only recently joining his family in town with a late start to the season. But to Lady Sophia and Lady Williamina, he could see their eyes glow alight with the prospect.

  * * *

  They saw this adventure as an opportunity to steal away for a moment, perhaps a romantic one, with the viscount and without a parental eye on them.

  * * *

  Raven was hoping for the very same thing with his Lady Alexandra. In fact, had it been up to him, he wouldn’t have invited Derber and his family at all. He wanted this moment to be a chance for his aunt to get to know the lady as well as an opportunity for him to profess his feelings to her.

  * * *

  Aunt Rebecca had different plans when Raven informed her of his idea of a picnic at the cottage property. Without even consulting him, she had invitations sent out to Lord Derber defaulting on the assumption that there would be no reason not to. In truth, it wasn’t her fault. Raven still hadn’t broached his aunt on that subject.

  * * *

  He was still waiting to see if he could find the proper connection to secure his aunt’s place on her charity board, the only reason she, in fact, was pushing Lady Derber’s daughter on him as a prospect of marriage. Until he resolved that issue, he had little faith that his aunt would support his choice of Lady Alexandra over Lady Charlotte.

  * * *

  Still, he made the best of the afternoon. He had enjoyed the company all around. Even though he hadn’t found a moment to even speak with Lady Alexandra, he was sure that something was different in her this meeting. Before when he couldn’t help but keep his attention on her, she would do the same but pretend not to.

  * * *

  She had always struggled to keep her distance and seem aloof from him. Now there didn’t seem to be any reservation in her eyes. He was sure that his moment had come. After his intentions were made at a family dinner, he had given her time to make up her own mind on the matter. He was almost confident that she had done so and had chosen him just as he had chosen her.

  * * *

  He would take this chance as they explored the property to find a moment with Lady Alexandra. Once he knew he had secured her heart, he would find a way to give the news to his aunt.

  * * *

  Much to his disappointment as the group stood up and left, Lady Alexandra did so in her friend’s companionship. He skirted around the property waiting for a moment for her to go a little ways off on her own so that he might make his moment a reality.

  * * *

  He slowly perused the paths only half noticing the things growing around his feet. He could hear the merriment going on all around him and could distinctly make out Lady Sophia’s flirtatious laughter. He smiled slightly to himself, thinking she found her mark.

  * * *

  “Your Grace?” A soft voice called out turning the duke’s attention.

  * * *

  He scanned the near vicinity which was a weaving path of shoulder-high bushes. Standing on a stone bench along one of the green walls of the path was Lady Charlotte.

  * * *

  “I wonder if you might help me?” She said with a polite smile.

  * * *

  Raven hesitated. This was not the lady he wanted to be alone with in the garden. Still, his honor would not allow the lady to be left in need.

  * * *

  “What is it, Lady Charlotte?” he asked pleasantly, but coolly.

  * * *

  “I was hoping to take a peek in that nest just there to see if there was any worth object,” she pointed to a tall tree just behind the shrub. Its lowest
hanging branch was thick in size and just dangling over the shrubbery. In its crook was a bird’s nest.

  * * *

  “It probably isn’t wise to disturb a nest. The mother might return at any moment, and she won’t take a liking to it. Not to mention you are dangling over rather unsafely yourself,” Raven said, coming to stand next to the bench she was atop.


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