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The Illuminated Witch

Page 11

by Imogene Nix

  A knock came at the door, and he frowned. “Come.”

  The door opened, and Cressida entered. He rose and moved toward her. She was smiling broadly. “So, I finally get here, and you are hiding in your office?”

  “Councillor Cressida, it is my pleasure to formally welcome you…”

  She waved away his words and embraced him. “I am so pleased to see you. And don’t bother with the Councilor nonsense. I count you as my friend. It’s time we found new ways of doing things.” The knot he hadn’t realized was there loosened a little in his chest.

  “Then you don’t have any objections?”

  “It’s your nest. You have to make choices and decisions that feel right for you. The Council does not and will never tell you how to run your nest.” She gripped his hands hard, ensuring he understood what she was saying. “Now, let’s go meet those candidates.”

  * * * *

  Celina received her blue folder from Kharisma. “Thanks.”

  Kharisma gave her a long look, then winked.

  Thoroughly lost as to what that meant, Celina hurried through the door and opened the folder, checking the listed candidates. There was a mix of men and women from a range of nests and each had a sheet noting their strengths and how it might work with the nest. It also included details of their family status.

  She wasn’t totally sure how she felt about being one of those who would whittle the list down, but Javed had shown his confidence in her, and she had no intentions of letting him down.

  Out in the garden she could hear voices and smell food cooking, so she headed in that direction, but not before she noticed that the cool blonde Councilor who had orchestrated the investiture had arrived. The woman walked into the office after knocking while Celina watched. The door shut, and Celina turned back to see Bertha watching her.

  “Come on then. Let’s go get something to eat and see who we can find from the candidates.”

  Trailing behind Bertha was no mean feat—for a larger lady she was quick. Celina had to hurry to keep up.

  The first of the candidates stood by the door, appearing to observe the nestlings mingle. Her face betrayed indignation at what she saw. She’d dressed impeccably in a smart slim skirt suit and matching pumps of blood red and the peek of a lace camisole hid whatever assets she might have. Her dark hair was fastened up and back severely, though it did accentuate the pale pearls at her ears. The way she clutched her bag, nails digging into the highly polished leather, betrayed her discomfort.

  Mentally Celina crossed her off the list. Javed had talked about how he wanted to set a new standard in this nest—that it should be democratic and welcoming. This woman didn’t feel right for his vision. All this was formulated quickly, but when she glanced around, Bertha had disappeared into the crowd. “Great. She’s gone.” She couldn’t contain her mutter as she swung around.

  Instead, Celina headed for the bar, deciding a glass of white wine was in order. As she stepped up, a man bumped into her. “Sorry.”

  When he turned to apologize, shock stole her breath. His hair was the same red as hers and his eyes… They were the same green—emerald. She’d never met anyone else with the exact same hue as hers. The thought discomforted her.

  “Hi, I’m Daniel. You must be from the nest.” She couldn’t detect any shock in his voice, just a genuine interest. She accepted the hand he held out, and shook with an odd formality.

  “Hi, Daniel. I’m Celina. Welcome.” She waited for his reaction, but he just grinned.

  “Would you… Would you like a drink?”

  She nodded, unsure of how to progress the situation. He was exceptionally friendly, but was it because she was holding a folder? Was it because he knew she was one of the panel reviewing the candidates? Or was he naturally like this? There wasn’t a sign of anything hidden in his open gaze, which exuded honesty.

  “Sure. A Chardonnay would be fantastic.” He slid around her and returned quickly, icy cold glass in hand. She peered at his soft drink.

  He shrugged. “My mother… She was an alcoholic and left my father when I was seven. Just took off. I can’t face alcohol… Look, you don’t need to know all that, though.” He smiled uncertainly.

  She mentally put him onto her ‘keep application’ list.

  * * * *

  Javed walked with Cressida into the garden, marveling at the work his nestlings had done in preparation for the night. Lanterns were hung with fairy lights winking inside them.

  A small bar had been set up outside, and nestlings laughed and chatted happily. This wasn’t the way the other nests operated, but it seemed to be working for his. It felt right.

  But even as he mingled, he kept searching for Celina. When he noticed her talking to a slight red-haired man his stomach clenched. The predator deep inside wanted to go over and drag her to him—to kiss her and lay his claim. “You are very much interested in that witch. What’s her name?”

  He heard Cressida’s words, keeping an eye on Celina while she nodded at something the man was saying. “Celina. Celina Wurst.” He curled his fingers, and he had to calm himself.

  “She’s very beautiful. And, I feel, very powerful.” Her words had him turning.

  “What do you mean?” He glanced over his shoulder.

  “I see an aura of light. It’s pulsing. She’s exceptionally strong. Or she will be, one day.”

  Javed frowned. “I don’t—”

  Cressida laughed lightly. “No. You have yet to embrace your power fully. It will come in time. Then you will see some of what I do. Now come, let’s circulate before you begin the formalities.”

  They circled the area, meeting with many, just a hello, how are you? He allowed himself to scan and listen, though his awareness was always partially on Celina.

  She’d disengaged herself from the man and had been introducing herself to others, yet her face betrayed no idea of her thoughts. Eventually, it was time to retreat to his office. Cressida retired on the grounds of other places and meetings to attend, and Javed felt strangely relieved.

  This was a decision he had to make, with his nestlings. He appreciated her appearance, but once she’d left they could lay the foundations for their own ways.

  He caught Kharisma’s eye and she nodded, understanding what he required. From then on the night was long as he met and interacted with those whom they’d decided to interview. One after the other. Some he felt wouldn’t fit the nest. Some he doubted could even fulfill the role. Then there were those who felt right.

  Kharisma tapped on the door not long after the last had left. “Do you want to see everyone together or one at a time?”

  He understood that she meant those from the nest. “Send them all in… And I would like to talk with Celina at the end.”

  Kharisma inclined her head.

  He flushed a little under her knowing gaze.

  Once everyone had trooped within he called them to order. “We need to decide which ones are suited to our nest. Did you all get a chance to meet with everyone?” The chorus of yes pleased him.

  One by one, he ran through the names, pleased to find that the majority of the nestlings agreed with his thoughts, though he did drop another from the list by the end of the meeting.

  “Thank you for your participation. This being the first new nest in a century, we have an opportunity to make it what we want. Tonight you have all played your part. I thank you.”

  Hearing the implicit dismissal in his tone they all exited the room, except Kharisma and Celina. He grinned seeing the way Celina nodded at Kharisma. Then Kharisma too left, leaving the two of them alone.

  “Sit down.”

  Celina quirked an eyebrow at him but sat on the chair.

  “You were deep in conversation with one man. Daniel?”

  “Uh, yeah. He’s had an interesting life so far.”

  Javed bristled slightly. She’d had time to find out about his life? Just how long had they chatted for, then? He castigated himself mentally knowing his attitude was o
ver the top. But damn it! She’s mine!

  The thought startled him for an instant before he accepted it.

  “You’ll move your things into my room tonight.”

  She stared at him. “What?” Her voice rose.

  He flattened his lips at the question and tone.

  “You’re moving into my room tonight.” He stood and walked toward her.

  Celina rose, her face dark with anger. “One night and you’re ordering me to sleep with you! Until when? You change your mind? Then what? I’ll get ordered back upstairs, or out the door?” She laughed, and the anger he’d tried to bank rose. “Pig’s bum, I will!”

  In that instant, he realized he’d gone about it wrong. Remorse filled him and he made to touch her hand but she tugged away quickly. His gut churned. “Please. I shouldn’t have ordered you. I… Please, will you stay with me?”

  She glowered at him. “Look, Javed, just because we spent one night making love—having sex, doesn’t give you the right to order me around.” She stalked to the door.

  He waited. “No. It doesn’t, and I didn’t mean it. Please, Celina. Don’t leave.”

  Celina rested her hand on the doorknob as she glanced back, indecision clear on her face. “Why?”

  “Because I’m asking.”

  * * * *

  Celina woke slowly, stretching muscles that had stiffened in her sleep. The night air brushed a cool caress over her burning hot naked skin and the rustle of silk captured her attention. Slowly she turned over.

  Javed lay beside her, his breath fanning the warmth that spread through her limbs. “You are so beautiful.”

  She watched as he leaned forward, his lips grazing hers so softly and the whisper of his breath musky and warm fluttering over her. Her insides felt like they were melting and she concentrated on the moment. She experienced a sense of all being right and completion in his presence.

  Celina reached out, brushing a lock of hair from his face as the net curtains above them swayed in the breeze. Sunlight dappled his skin. “I have never wanted a man as much as I want you.”

  She noted the way his eyes blazed. “You honor me.” His movements were slow, languorous even as he gathered her against his firm chest. Her nipples were crushed against the smooth satin over steel.

  She traced her fingertips over his shoulders and down his arms, lightly playing over the muscles that she found.

  He nibbled at her neck, the touches both sensual and reverent. The rasp of day-long growth scratched at her, heightening the sexual tension that fizzed deep in her veins, like quicksilver winding through her body. Will I ever get enough of this man?

  As if hearing her thoughts, he laughed, the throaty sound filling the air. She slumped back to the pillow, waiting to see what he would do next. Slowly, he cupped one breast, plumping it with a smile. “You have such beautiful breasts. They are full and ripe. Ready for me to taste.” He lightly pinched the distended bud and a sharp sensation of sexual hunger shot all the way to her center, stealing her breath, before he lowered himself, and opened his mouth just over the areola. He blew and she arched as a million tiny nerve endings quivered in response.


  Carefully, he brushed his fingers over the curve of her body and her belly. She stopped him and he looked up, laughter evident in the crinkled lines at his mouth and eyes.

  She levered up to his chest and kissed the silky smooth skin. Laved his nipple and he groaned.

  With care, she spread her fingers over his hard stomach and circled the tiny indentation she found.

  He clapped a hand over her shoulder. “Come to me.” He rolled onto his back, and a wicked thought took hold. Celina pushed to her knees and opened her lips to close them over his cock, letting them slide slowly all the way down. He bucked, and she let go, a small pop filling the air.

  Javed grasped her hips, lifted her…

  Bang! Celina woke with a jerk, her heart racing, and she was unbearably aroused. Her legs clenched against the urgent need, and she was hot. So damned fired up!

  The T-shirt she slept in had tucked itself around her middle, and she was naked from the waist down. Sunset had arrived, and she shivered, wondering what Javed’s reaction would have been to her unbelievably erotic dream of him—of them.

  She didn’t want to rise, and she wondered for a moment, if she was late getting up, would anyone notice? Celina slid her shaking hand down her body, but she stilled it. Is that really what you want?

  If she were honest, the only thing that would satisfy her now was Javed, moving deeply inside her. She released a strangled moan. “I doubt he’ll want anything to do with you after you told him no last night.” The words ended with a wail and she slumped back on the bed, her eyes on the ceiling.

  The crash of her door startled her. There stood Javed, his face a mask, and she gasped. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’ve come to you.”

  * * * *

  Creedar waited as his servant paced and muttered, waiting for his orders. Jelani had retreated back to the cavern, injured and bleeding, and it had taken every ounce of his willpower not to rip his throat out and gulp down the red liquid that had spilled on the floor.

  His hunger had raged fiercely until he had contained it with the cattle Jelani had supplied. He’d fed deeply, then rested, gathering his strength. Now the need filled him once more. It was always like this after he’d hibernated.

  “Master, you are hungry. Let me get you sustenance.” Jelani’s voice carried a wheedling tone.

  Creedar indicated his agreement.

  Jelani scurried from his sight, but once gone Creedar frowned. This nest that had the artifact was much stronger than he’d been led to believe. They’d had it for days now. Had they found what was hidden?

  Estersham had been tasked with retrieving the sword after he’d lost it in a game of chance but had failed. Now, after hundreds of years it had reappeared without any warning.

  “Jelani should have known.” Creedar bit the words out as he glanced around him.

  For now he was reduced to hiding, living in a cave. The vacant booths mocked him in their emptiness. He studied the inscriptions etched in the stone above each niche.

  Perhaps Jelani had become a liability? “Maybe he has outlived his usefulness?” He let the words echo in the cavern while he waited. His thoughts swirled as he considered his current situation. His memories had started to resurface clearly now and he chafed at being hidden away.

  He’d been treated like a God in the fertile valley of the Nile Delta. Now he was reduced to hiding from the world. Hiding! Me! A God!

  Jelani had told him of amazing things. Metal ships that flew through the air, horseless carriages that moved swiftly. It seemed unbelievable and he’d told Jelani so. Jelani had insisted it wasn’t magic but the evolution of humanity that had wrought these changes. But Creedar hadn’t seen it yet. Soon, though, he would leave this cavern. He too would experience the wonders of this modern age.

  “Once more I will decide what will survive.” He enjoyed the sounds of humans being herded, the scent of them as they filled the hall. “Food.” He rubbed his hands together. Once he was sufficiently ready he could make his appearance and once more humanity would bow down before him. Just as they did in the past.

  Jelani appeared in the doorway, dragging the human cattle with him. “I have reached a decision. Listen carefully, Jelani.”

  His servant blanched then waited as he began to outline his plan.

  Chapter Nine

  Javed wasn’t happy. After Celina had refused to spend the day with him, he’d endured a highly erotic dream. Of them. Together.

  Once he’d woken he’d made his way to her bedroom, and when he’d entered it he could smell her arousal. It had been all too much to bear. Her come-hither look had just about sealed the deal. He’d pulled off his clothing in record time while she jerked her T-shirt over her head, revealing her form. Unable to wait, he’d crawled onto the bed with her, running his hands ove
r her body while his cock strained, needing the hot wet glove of her core surrounding him. Then, his phone had rung.

  Clambering off her heaving form and away from the tangled sheets he’d made his way to his pants then grabbed the phone. He’d checked the caller identification. Kharisma. With a silent oath he had punched the glowing green button. “This had better be good.” His heart still pounded, and the warm flush of sexual hunger heated his body.

  “Well, Cressida is on the phone, so yes. I suppose it is.” Kharisma laughed.

  He ground his teeth in frustration as Celina scurried from the bed and headed to the small bathroom with her T-shirt in one hand.

  “Why? Did I interrupt something?”

  He growled.

  “Okay, I’ll put her through now.” A click sounded then a voice trilled.

  “Javed, I just needed to ring you to see how you went with shortlisting the applicants for the position of Yeux Secondes? I’m not ringing at an inconvenient time, am I?”

  He rolled his eyes but kept his voice steady. “Of course not, Cressida. We have the list down to four and I hope to meet with them and my team later tonight to make a final decision.” He waited, sure that wasn’t the only reason for the call but the silence on the line was excruciating while he stood here naked, his erection slowly ebbing away. Celina remained out of sight, engaged in whatever she was doing in the room beyond. He’d purposely made no attempts to listen.

  “I also need to present an update on the artifact. Have you managed to get any further?”

  He swore under his breath. “Yes, we have. May I call you back later? I need to check some facts.”

  He had the uncanny sensation that she realized he wasn’t focusing totally on the conversation with her, “Of course. Ring my private line when you are ready.”

  Even as he hung up, Celina opened the door to the bathroom, her T-shirt firmly in place. He wanted to curse. “I’m sorry…”

  “Look, Javed. We really need to talk. But to be honest this isn’t the place nor am I dressed for it. Could we…?”


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