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Falling for Fallon (Oak Hill Series Book 2)

Page 19

by S. J. Sylvis

  I was confused, and surely my face showed it, but the officer climbed his lanky body back into his car, made a U-turn, and headed back down toward the way he came.

  Emmett appeared in front of me within seconds and smiled. “You ready?”

  “How... Why is he leaving? Aren’t we in trouble?”

  Emmett rolled his eyes. “Fallon, I live in Oak Hill. I literally know everyone, and nothing bad happens here.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You knew him?”


  “So what did you tell him?” I asked, walking over to the passenger side of my car, the flag whipping in the wind.

  “I’ll tell you later.” He smirked as he unlocked my car and climbed inside.

  I did the same, not even caring that my boots were muddy and getting the floor dirty. “Tell me now,” I demanded, placing the flag over my lap.

  Emmett sighed after turning on my car. He looked over at me, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Only if you promise not to get mad.”

  My face stayed even. “I promise.”

  He rolled his lower lip in between his white teeth, trying to hold back his smile. He looked out the windshield and not at my face. “I told him you were from the city, and you wanted to know what it would be like to have sex out in a hayfield like all the country girls do.”

  My mouth flew open, but no words came out.

  I was stunned.

  I couldn’t form words.

  Finally, I smacked his arm. “EMMETT! WHAT?!”

  He threw his head back and a throaty laugh filled the car. “What? I had to think fast! He said he’d gotten a tip about an hour ago, before we even stole the flag, that someone was here and up to no good with a young, pretty woman, so we weren’t off to a good start. And also, I knew that Grant would understand. Hell, I’m pretty sure he took every single girl he ever dated out here to have sex back in high school. It was just the thing to do back then.”

  I flung myself back onto the seat, out of breath. “What? Who would call and say that? And… guys literally bring girls out here to have sex? In a field? What about the bugs?”

  He lifted his shoulder. “I have no idea… and you just lay your clothes down on the ground. It’s pretty simple, honestly. And who the hell thinks of bugs when they’re having sex? If you have time to think about bugs or your surroundings when you’re having sex, then you’re not doing it right.”

  “I would think of the surroundings no matter what! I would be afraid a bug would crawl someplace they shouldn’t be.”

  Emmett turned his head to me, a wicked look on his face. “Oh really? You didn’t think too much about the surroundings the other night at Ships…did ya?”

  I instantly wanted to suck the words back into my mouth. My mouth parted, but nothing came out. He was right. I thought back to a few nights ago when we’d played pool at Ships and then Emmett whispered something naughty in my ear.

  He pulled my hand and led me to the bathroom. He pushed me inside and locked the door behind him. He kissed me eagerly, like a damn rabid animal, and I did the same right back to him. He spun me around, leaned me over the sink, and that was when someone knocked on the door, breaking us apart. But he was right; I wasn’t thinking of anything other than the thrill of what we were doing. I didn’t care that we were in a disgusting bar bathroom.

  I huffed. “That doesn’t count. We didn’t have sex. I can promise you that I would be thinking about bugs and nothing else in the middle of a hayfield.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Yes, I would,” I argued, feeling a laugh bubbling up in my chest.

  Emmett’s voice suddenly turned husky. “Wanna test that theory out?”

  My insides flipped inside out. “What are you suggesting?” I asked, my voice low.

  “You know exactly what I’m suggesting, Fallon. But I’ll say it if you want me to.”

  I felt the devil inside of me smiling. “Say it, then.”

  “I want to fuck you out in the hayfield right now and show you how we do it over here in Oak Hill.”

  I bit the inside of my cheek and gulped. Fallon Addington, prestigious daughter of the Addington family, caught having sex in the middle of a hayfield. My parents would faint.

  My hand reached over to the door handle slowly. I kept my stare on Emmett’s darkened one and opened the door. I slid my body out and latched the door shut quietly.

  He did the same.

  We met in front of the car, him looking down at me and me looking up at him.

  Nothing was said between the pair of us, but I could feel the way my heart was flipping in my chest. Instead, he reached down and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso and ripped off his beanie, throwing it on top of my car.

  He grinned and whispered something I didn’t quite understand. “What are you doing to me, Fallon?”

  I leaned my head down, my brown hair spilling out from below my beanie and kissed him like I meant it.

  He and I both knew that the only thing I’d be left thinking about in the middle of that hayfield would be him.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I sat in my car holding the DVD of The Sandlot and a bag of popcorn in my lap, knowing very well I shouldn’t have been parked outside Fallon’s.

  I really shouldn’t have been there.

  Yet, there I was, waiting for Fallon to text me back and hopefully allow me to come inside her house so that way I didn’t just waste a shit ton of gas and forty-five minutes of my life driving over here on a whim.

  I saw her two days ago, buried myself in between her legs in the middle of a damn hayfield, and somehow, I found myself driving to her house in the middle of the week, after working all evening, because I missed her.

  I couldn’t believe I’d gotten myself into this mess.

  I missed her.

  And what better way to rectify that than to use the excuse of her never having watched The Sandlot? I mean, honestly, I was only trying to teach her the ways of life.

  Come on, if you’d never seen The Sandlot… were you really living?

  My phone buzzed.

  Fallon: Yes, I’m up. We’ve already discussed this. My sleep schedule is all messed up after meeting YOU. I stay up too late nowadays.

  I grinned.

  Me: Good, open up.

  She texted back within a second.

  Fallon: What? Open what up? Emmett…

  Me: Your door. And relax, Fallon. This won’t be my first time sneaking into a girl’s room. ; )

  I didn’t wait for her to text back again. I stepped out of my car, placing the essentials in my jacket and zipping it up. I’d parked my car near the bushes where, hopefully, no one would see… especially this late at night. I glanced over to the castle-like home and shook my head. Who really needed a house that enormous? It seemed totally pointless unless you had, like, twenty children.

  I slowly walked over to her door and waited, feeling excitement overtake my body at the thought of spending the evening with her again.

  Once the door opened, Fallon’s small hand gripped my jacket, and she pulled me inside. She looked so damn adorable with her flushed face and messy hair. She was wearing pajama bottoms and a tank top that nearly matched her pink-tinted cheeks.

  “Hey,” I said, taking in her startling blue eyes.

  “Emmett! If my father sees you, he’ll kill you!”

  I brushed her off. “I’m not afraid of your dad, Fallon.”

  She looked worried. “You should be. He has a lot of money, and he knows how to use it.”

  I rolled my eyes and walked into her small kitchen. I’d only been there once, but it was such a small house that it wasn’t hard to forget its set up. I unzipped my jacket and pulled out the box of popcorn and movie.

  “What’s all this?” she questioned, flipping on the light in the kitchen.

  My cheek lifted. “We’re having a movie night. It’s un-American that you haven’t seen The Sandlot, Fallon.” I moved to face
her. “I cannot believe I’m friends with someone who hasn’t seen it. It’s just not right.” I shook my head, and she playfully smacked my chest.

  “Oh, whatever!”

  I smiled and then got the sudden urge to pull her into me to kiss those kissable lips.

  I was playing a very dangerous game lately—letting my heart do all the talking instead of my actual brain. Just like showing up here tonight.

  I ignored the way my heart was thumping in my chest and busied myself with making popcorn and getting the movie running. I had to do something with myself, because I felt all out of sorts.

  We finally settled on the couch, and Fallon started off a foot away from me. For what reason? I had no idea. But somehow, during the movie, she had managed to curl up beside me, her head on my chest and feet hooked over my lap.

  “So, let me guess,” Fallon said, peering her head up to look at me. “You had a huge crush on the lifeguard when you were younger.”

  I laughed but couldn’t deny it. “Of course, I did. Every young boy who watched this movie had a crush on her. I’m sure she was the center of every teenage boy’s masturbation fantasy.”

  Fallon made a disturbed face. “Ew, Emmett!”

  I laughed and pulled her in closer.

  “Shh, the movie’s on,” I whispered into her ear. She giggled along my chest, and I swear to God, I could listen to her laugh every single day for the rest of my life and still never get sick of it.

  “Emmett?” Fallon asked, snuggling up to me even tighter.

  “Yeah?” I responded, looking down at her again. My eyes trailed over the curve of her nose, all the way to her lips.

  “I like this,” she whispered, angling her head up to mine. I stared down into the endless blue pools of her eyes and found myself spiraling.

  “You like what?” I asked, blinking rapidly. I could hear my voice creaking with unshed emotion.

  Fallon blinked. “I like being here with you. I like this.” She wrapped her arms around my torso and hugged me. I hugged her back and kissed the top of her head out of a simple reaction.

  “I do, too,” I said, placing my chin on her head.

  I was in so fucking deep I would never be able to pull myself out.

  This was becoming more.

  Me being there on her couch, watching a movie, and snuggling like we were in an actual relationship. What the fuck were we doing?

  I ground my teeth, willing myself to just enjoy the ride, but something inside nudged me. It was the same thing that kept on poking me every time I was with her.

  “Fallon,” I said, inhaling a large amount of air. “What are we doing?” My voice dropped at the end, but I knew she heard me. Her entire body froze. She stiffened in my arms, knowing exactly what I’d meant.

  “I… I don’t know, Emmett.” Fallon looked down as she fiddled with her thumbs. “I... I find myself thinking about you constantly, wondering what the rest of your family is like, if your mom and dad would like me…if you and I were ever a thing. I think things I shouldn’t think, and I just… I don’t know, Emmett.”

  My heart was expanding in my chest, picking up its pace the longer I sat there on the couch with her wrapped in my arms. It was beginning to be too much for me.

  I wasn’t sure I could put off my feelings any longer. My feelings that were, at first, only attraction and a quest to tackle this girl and have a good time with her, but now they had evolved into something so much more.

  I wanted more with her.

  I wanted to be her comfort.

  I wanted to be her trust.

  I wanted to love her.

  Fuck me.

  Fallon must have sensed my change in emotion, because she finally relaxed her body and pulled away from me. She took in my face, her eyes tracing over every part of the expression I was wearing, and then she clenched her eyes shut. I felt my heart reaching for her, but it was as if it was only pieces, because I could literally feel the damn thing breaking at the same time.

  It was overwhelming.

  So much emotion in one single part of my body.

  When did this happen? When did I become completely wrapped up in her? When did she become wrapped up in me? I knew something had changed the other night. Even when we were in the middle of the hayfield, tangled up in each other, things were different. Less rushed, less flirty. It was just… more.

  I knew I was playing a dangerous game of limbo, but I decided to do what I felt I needed to: I shoved all the thoughts out of my brain and left them scattered on the floor.

  I pulled Fallon to my torso, her legs automatically straddling me on the couch. Her eyes flew open, and the fear inside them was enough to kill me.

  My nostrils flared, and I felt a twinge in my chest. I knew after seeing the look in her eyes that I wasn’t the only one who was completely in over their head.

  We were both feeling something on an entirely different level. It was like, all of a sudden, we both came alive.

  And I knew neither of us was going to say the words, because the second—and I mean the very second—we said them aloud, things would become real. And messy.

  We couldn’t live in this fantasy world forever.

  Reality was going to hit us head on.

  My unsteady hands left Fallon’s slender hips, and I cupped her face. Her lower lip trembled with an overbearing amount of emotion, the same emotion that was filling up my entire body. Her caramel-colored hair fell on either side of us, caging our faces in, blocking everything else out.

  I placed my lips on hers and felt every single bone in my body break.

  She was breaking me.

  She was healing me.

  She was making me fall in love but pushing me away at the same time.

  My mouth covered hers slowly but deeply. It was like my body knew what to do, even though my heart was trying to pull me back. It was trying to save itself, but she was too much.

  I caved.

  I lifted us from the couch, gripping her under the butt, and walked past the small kitchen area, placing light kisses all over her mouth and neck. I went through the only other door in the small house, hoping it was her bedroom.

  My eyes locked onto the large bed in the center of the room, and I laid her back carefully. Her soft hair splayed out all around her head, and her chest was rising and falling fast as her eyes followed my every move.

  I slowly lifted my shirt up and over my head and then moved to my pants. I pushed the button through and unzipped my jeans, letting them fall to the ground. I hooked my thumbs in my boxer briefs and pulled those down, too. As soon as I was fully naked, I took my fingers and slowly inched them underneath her tank top. I guided it up her body slowly, drinking in every inch of her creamy skin. Once the shirt was over Fallon’s head, I worked on her pajama bottoms. They were loose and fell off with one single pull.

  My dick was instantly hard as I gazed at her beautiful body covered only with a small pair of panties. My hands roamed over her breasts, her toned stomach, her belly button ring gleaming with its glittery pink ball, and then over to her hips. I pulled her plain panties down, painfully slow, memorizing every curve and perfect flaw of her skin. Once she was fully naked, I pulled my attention up to her face.

  We both needed this.

  I was ready to let my body do the talking, and so was she.

  Fallon scooted backwards on the bed as I pulled a condom out of my jeans before climbing on top of her.

  There were no words spoken between us, no playful giggles or teasing like in the past. We weren’t flirting with one another. Hell, we weren’t even smiling.

  This was different.

  I slowly dipped my head down to hers, anchoring my body with my arms near her head, and started to kiss her as deeply as I could. My mouth covered hers as I slowly inched my way inside her warm center.

  Fallon’s hands reached up and wove into my hair, bringing my face down to the crook of her neck. I inhaled the scent of her hair, my dick throbbing for a release. She was so war
m, and tight, and perfect. Everything about her was inviting.

  I pulled my body back, my ass tightening with every single thrust. Fallon’s head tipped, her eyes shutting out the world. Her legs were spreading wider and wider with each plunge of my body. She was starting to tighten around me, but I kept going slow. I made it sensual, deep. I pulled out slowly, almost leaving her body, and then slowly thrust back into her. Each time I did that, Fallon’s breaths became more ragged. I circled my thumb around her most sensitive spot, needing to watch her fall apart underneath me. Fallon’s small hands gripped my biceps hard, her nails cutting into my skin. Her moans floated out of her mouth, wrapping around every inch of my soul.

  I felt like I was on top of the world with her like this, pleasure overtaking her body from what I was doing. My entire body felt like it was in sync with hers. Our breathing, our thrusts, our moans, everything.

  Every spasm of her orgasm sent another signal to my chest.

  Every moan from her mouth caused it to squeeze.

  The barely there smile on her face made my heart beat a little faster.

  I was no longer falling for Fallon… I already fell.

  As soon as the thought left my brain, I buried myself inside her. My hands gripped the bedsheets around her head, my chest heaving up and down, and I wished I could’ve blamed it on the physical exertion, but I knew damn well that wasn’t the reason my lungs were gasping for air.

  At that point, I wasn’t even gasping for air.

  I was gasping for her.

  Chapter Nineteen


  The darkness of the room made everything seem a little easier. Everything seemed a little less scary. The future didn’t look so dull. I felt safe in the dark, like I could hide from everything.

  Everything other than the man lying beside me.

  Tonight, Emmett pushed me right off the edge that I was teetering over. I felt like I was free-falling.

  My eyes traced the curve of his nose, his closed mouth, his sharp cheekbones.

  He was agonizingly beautiful and kind. He was so kind. His eyes were full of life and happiness. They were dark in reality, but they lit up every feeling inside of me to the point that I felt like I was a sparkler on the Fourth of July.


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