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Fallen Angel's MC Box Set

Page 11

by Erin Trejo

  Taking a deep breath and another puff to calm my frazzled nerves I look to Sharp.

  “Kenny Roland. He wants me because no one else knows the secrets I know.” Sharp’s eyes widen, he runs his hand over his face. He looks haunted. I don’t know what I said that would bother him but he is clearly shaken.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” His eyes don’t connect with mine as he speaks it’s like he is off in his own world.

  The door pops open but I don’t turn around. I want to know what the fuck is going on now. I can see somethings off by the way Sharp took in what I just said.

  “This is fuckin’ shit!” His screams pierce the night before I feel hands go around my waist. Looking over my shoulder Creed looks at his president.

  “What the fuck is this?” Creed pulls me back against his hard body while Sharp continues to mumble to himself.

  “What the hell happened?” Creed’s questions now come to me. Shrugging, I flick the cigarette to the ground.

  “He asked me who I was with at the Shadows. I told him Kenny Roland.” Clearly this name means something to them or this club because Creed lets go of me and takes a step back. What the hell does Kenny have to do with the Fallen Angel’s?

  “Did I fuckin’ miss something here?” Sharp turns to face Creed before giving him a small nod but Creed shakes his head no.

  “She’s gonna find out brother.” Sharp doesn’t look at me, his eyes stay on Creed as if I’m not even here.

  “Not like this. We need to figure shit out between us first.” The more these two talk around me the angrier I get. My hands clench at my sides before I head towards the driveway.

  Fine, they don’t want to tell me what the hell is going on, I will find out myself from the source. As scared as I am that Kenny will kill me if he finds me, I have to know that Creed will be ok. If that means facing him, so be it.

  “Where the fuck do you think you’re goin’?” Creed grabs my arm pulling me back against him.

  “If you two don’t want to tell me why Kenny matters, I will find out myself.” The amusement that flashes in Creed’s eyes makes me want to slap the shit out of him.

  “You aren’t fuckin’ goin’ anywhere.” Creed leans into me, kissing my neck gently.

  “You can’t make me forget like that you know?” His chuckle sends a whole new wave of pleasure through me.

  Why does this man do this to me?


  I love how Jada thought she was fucking walking off. The things that go through that girls head truly amaze me. She must be crazy to have thought she would walk off this MC’s property without me.

  “You going to tell me Creed?” With my lips plastered to her flesh, I don’t want to talk about any of this. I want to drag her inside and fuck her until she forgets the whole damn thing. That’s very unlikely to happen, Jada is hard headed.

  “I’m goin’ to fuck you like crazy.” I love the little huff that she lets out of her mouth. She knows she wants me.

  “Damn you Creed. I’m not playing.” Hearing her tone, I know she isn’t. I know she wants to know what the hell is going on.

  “Bring her to church in 20 minutes.” Nodding over at Sharp I know what he’s doing.

  “Are you going to tell me?” I shake my head because I know Sharp wants this to be his way. I don’t plan on interfering with that either.

  “Nope. Church in 20 sweetheart.” Moving my head towards her to kiss her, she pulls back slightly. Damn this girl knows all kinds of ways to get me hard.

  I watch the slight curl of her lips when she looks up at me.

  “Keep playin’ darlin’ and I will make your ass pay for that shit.” Pointing at her I take a step back turning to head inside when she leaps onto my back.

  Her lips are so close to my neck I can feel her warm breath.

  “You think I’m scared of you? I want my ass to pay for it.” Her tongue glides along my neck and down my shoulder before she bites into my skin. Fucking Christ this girl is going to kill me before the day is over.

  “You should be scared of me sweetheart. I’m the big bad wolf.” Nipping her arm, she lets go and drops to her feet. I spin around instantly grabbing her and crushing my lips to hers.

  “I will never get enough of you.” Her eyes dance around while she looks at me. The sparkle in them touching something deeper inside of me. I want this girl more than I ever thought I could.

  “I love you Creed.” Her lips slam into mine before I can say another word. Our tongues duel for the win in her mouth. Her hands run up my chest and fuck me; I want to take her right here.

  I want to slam my dick into her so hard she will never think about another man without being sore.

  “Let’s get in there so I can get you back in bed.” Squeezing her ass in my hands she yelps but doesn’t complain. As soon as church is over, I’m bending that beautiful ass over every surface I can find.

  Back inside the guys are all heading towards the chapel. I hope this shit doesn’t back fire on Sharp having Jada sit in on this. I know he wants whatever information she has but the fact that Kenny is who he is; well that shit doesn’t sit right with me.

  “Sit down and let’s get this shit over with.” Sharp eyes the guys as they all eye Jada. It isn’t normal for us to have a female in this room. I don’t think I have ever seen this happen before today.

  “We have a situation with the Shadows. We all know about it but what some of you don’t know is about Jada’s situation. She was in with the Shadows for a good while, with Kenny.” Everyone talks at once but Jada is lost. I know she needs to know this but the fact that I want her safe isn’t helping us. I don’t want her back in the middle of this shit.

  “What the fuck you mean?” Fly the asshole chimes in. Should have known that motherfucker would be the first to open his mouth.

  “Just what the fuck I said! Now shut the fuck up Fly. We need to get down to business.” Sharp looks over at me and Jada. I don’t let the girl out of my lap either.

  “What we want to do is lure him out. If I can get to him, I got shit handled.” Oh no. I know what he wants to do. My body shakes and my hands tighten around Jada’s thighs. I already know where this is heading and there is no fucking way I’m letting it go down.

  “How you wanna do that?” Tank looks at him already knowing the answer to that. Tank has always had my back and I know this time isn’t any different.

  My heart slams in my chest while I wait for it. This might be the day that I lose my cut all together.

  “Well we take a vote on that. I was thinkin’ we send Jada back in, monitored of course. Have her get Kenny out alone. We take it from the there.” I see a few heads nodding but the heat inside of me rises. There’s no way in hell that I’m sending her back to him. No fucking way at all.

  “Fuck that. Scratch that shit Pres. I am not sendin’ my girl anywhere.” Tightening my grip on Jada, she turns to look me in the eye.

  “I can handle it Creed. I’m not the same girl I was.” Shaking my head, this is out of the fucking question.

  “How do we know he will come out and tell you anything?” Blowing out a breath, I’d like to see Sharp sweet talk his way around this one. Jada shifts in my lap so she can turn to look at Sharp. This might get good.

  “I know he will. Kenny is my brother by blood.” I can feel Jada tense up in my arms. This shit is about to get out of control.

  Tank flies to his feet along with a few other guys but Fly stays planted in place. That motherfucker knew he was too.

  “Kenny is your brother? You want me to believe that you would hurt your own brother? This is complete bullshit.” Jada snaps but the tension stays.

  “I know my brother. He wants what he can’t have. He has gone against my club too many times and it’s time it stops.” Jada straightens her back before standing from my lap. The new power she possesses in this moment sends a surge of pride through me.

  I try to grab her back but she just brushes me aside. Well shit this is ge
tting worse than I thought.

  “So you want to use me to get Kenny. You want me to put my life in danger for your own family issues? You must have lost your fucking mind!” Jada roars as the room grows quiet. Oh fuck me!


  “You better watch how you’re talkin’ right now sweetheart.” Sharp stands and so does Creed. I don’t give a shit what kind of vendetta he has with Kenny. I won’t be the fucking pawn in the middle of it.

  “No. You can’t make me put my own ass in the line of fire for a fucking family feud!” The fire that sparks inside of me is new to me. It’s almost overwhelming.

  Creed puts a hand on my shoulder and this time I let him. The tension in his grip only lets me know that he is backing me on this.

  “You made your choice when you chose that brother behind you. You are club property now sweetheart.” The way he says property makes my skin crawl. I left Kenny, Well, not by choice as much as kidnapped but never the less I left him for this reason. I will not be some club property.

  “I’m Creed’s property. That doesn’t make me shit to you.” Before things escalate any further, Creed steps in front of me.

  “Look, Pres. I ain’t into this idea no more than she is. You saw what the fuck they did to her.” Sharp pulls in a deep breath as Creed speaks. I know it’s time for me to keep my mouth shut and let my man handle this as much as I want to stab that asshole in the throat.

  “I didn’t ask you Creed.” Sharp’s tone is scary and dark. I have no doubt that he will do whatever it takes to use me as bait.

  “He’s right Pres. She was seekin’ safety here. We never used a woman as bait before; I don’t think we should start now. It’s not the way we roll.” Tank stands now and my eyes flicker to his.

  The slight nod he gives me calms me somehow. It’s like I know he was saying, hey, I have Creed’s back here.

  Creed’s hand hangs in the back waistband of his jeans when I slide mine into it. I feel like I’m putting him against his club and that makes my stomach churn.

  I’m slightly reassured when he squeezes my hand.

  “Why don’t we give it a few days to register Pres. Come back and vote on it.” That’s got to be the first smart thing I have heard come out of Fly’s mouth since I’ve been here.

  Sharp looks around at the table as I follow his gaze. The other guys are all nodding along, thank god.

  “Fine. Today is Sunday. I’ll give it till Wednesday, and then we vote.” Sharps anger seems to flow straight at me when he looks my way again.

  “You get that bitch under control brother, or she will learn the ways quickly.” I want so bad to snap the fuck out but Creed squeezes my hand like he already knew what I was thinking.

  “We’ll talk with her.” Tank’s hand comes down on my shoulder before Sharp gives him a nod. I take it that Tank is the enforcer around here. I should have guessed that by the size of the man.

  With a quick slam of the gavel, Creed drags me out of the room followed by Tank.

  “Hey Tank.” Cher walks towards us until she sees the look on everyone’s faces.

  “Not now.” He growls as she jumps back but Creed keeps walking. I don’t know what the fuck is going on now but I won’t leave Cher by herself.

  Yanking my arm back, his grip tightens.

  “You can’t leave her out here. It’s my fault she’s even here.” Creed cuts his eyes at me before looking at Tank.

  “We need to talk.” Tank’s voice is low but I’m stubborn. I stop with my arm dangling from Creed’s hand with a very bored look on my face.

  “You are fuckin’ pissin’ off all kinds of people tonight darlin’.” Tank points at me before turning back to go get Cher. Oh, I won.

  With a half grin, I follow Creed back into the room. As soon as we’re inside he slams the door closed and runs his hand through his hair.

  “I’m sorry.” He doesn’t look at me. He just runs his hand over his face pacing the room until the door flies back open. Tank leads Cher inside but she doesn’t say a word. She must be learning quickly.

  “We don’t need to talk in front of them.” Tank points to the both of us. I don’t care what he says, it’s my ass.

  “She ain’t leavin’ brother. I won’t send her to the fuckin’ wolves for his own shit or fuckin’ club shit for that matter. I know this club means a lot to you and you fuckin’ know you’re the best friend I got but I won’t fuckin’ do it.” Creed keeps moving as Tank runs his hand over his bald head. I know he is thinking shit through too.

  “This club has been goin’ downhill brother. What’s to say we don’t put in for Nomad status? We walk from here and get her somewhere else.” I take a step back and look between the two of them moving next to Cher.

  “He won’t approve that. He has his sights set on her. I won’t fuckin’ let her take this fall for him.” Creed runs his hand through his hair again. I can tell his nerves are on edge.

  “This is getting crazy.” Cher whispers in my ear. I look over at her and nod. She has no idea just how crazy.

  The guys pace the room and make comments every once in a while but that’s about it. I stay out of their way in the corner with Cher, watching and waiting.


  “I can go home.” Jada offers that suggestion after we have been in a crazed state in this room for over an hour. I’m sure the guys are sniffing around out there now too. I don’t want to draw any more attention to us than we already have.

  “They found us there once darlin’.” I pull out a cigarette and light it up. This is fucking crazy.

  “But then it wouldn’t be on you.” I cut my eyes at her stupid suggestions. That shit isn’t happening and she can get it the fuck out of her head.

  “We need to make a plan here. We got a few days to get this shit worked out but we can’t hide in the room. The brothers will know somethin’s up.” Glancing at Tank I know he’s right. I was thinking the same thing.

  “You’re right. Let’s head out to the party and fuckin’ hang out for a while. Tomorrow we take a ride. I don’t give a fuck about the lock down. I’ll come fully fuckin’ loaded.” Tank nods in agreement before looking over at Cher.

  “What are we doin’ about her?” Cher notices where he tilts his head when her hands fly to her hips.

  “You don’t do anything with me. I don’t need you.” Shaking my head that’s the same cocky ass girl that I knew years ago.

  “You want in on this sweetheart? You think cause you’re an outsider he won’t throw your ass out there?” Tank snaps at her, causing her to jump. There’s a new anger in his eyes too. He doesn’t like this shit any more than I do.

  “Come on Tank. Let’s get out there before they start talkin’.” After a long stare off between the two, Tank turns and leaves the room.

  “Fuckin’ hell Cher. What did you do to him?” I smile slightly as I look over at her. Clearly she’s shaken but I still see the little shit that i used to know in her.

  “I didn’t do anything!” Watching her face, I think the girl really likes ole’ Tank.

  “You watch your ass with that one. When he falls he falls hard. You won’t get outta here without him.” Her eyes hold on mine, a silent understanding resonates between us.

  “Come on sweetheart.” Grabbing Jada by the hand we head back out to the main room.

  The party is back in full swing just like nothing else happened. The Angel chasers are meandering around looking for a dick to suck while the guys take advantage of that.

  I drag Jada over to the bar and grab some beers before pulling her to the back of the room.

  I drop on the couch dragging her with me.

  “You think we can come up with something?” Her eyes look solid but I know she’s scared on the inside. Everything that Kenny did to her has brought her to this moment in time and she has learned to be brave no matter what hell she was living in.

  “I think I won’t let anythin’ happen to you. If I have to take you and run, I’ll fuckin’ live the rest of
my life lookin’ over my shoulder to make sure you’re safe.” Her eyes sparkle with tears before she leans in kissing me. Fuck this party. I need to fuck my old lady.

  “Come on.” Laughing, Jada stands and follows me back towards the room. Fly stops us on the way back.

  “I don’t know what shit he’s got goin’ on brother but I never used a woman for bait. I may be the biggest motherfucker you ever met but that shit doesn’t sit well with me.” Watching him as he talks he seems genuine. Then again you never know with a guy like Fly. The kind of guy that only wants to cover his bases to keep his ass out of the line of fire.

  “I appreciate that brother. Right now I’m fuckin’ this little ass.” Laughing he steps aside to let us go through. I have to contain the growl that threatens to rip through me right now.

  Shoving Jada through the door, I slam the door shut before she’s on me.

  “What the fuck?” She takes me by surprise. Her hands work frantically to rip my jeans off my body before throwing the t-shirt she’s wearing to the floor. Looking at her standing there perfectly naked with my motherfucking name across her back does something to my insides.

  “Get that pretty ass on the bed, hands and knees.” Growling through my gritted teeth she does as she’s told. She’s damn lucky she listens in the bedroom.

  “God damn Jada. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” Running my hands across her ass, I climb on the bed behind her. I slide my hands over the mounds of her ass and up her back to her shoulders.

  “You love me darlin’?” I want to hear it before I slam myself inside of her.

  “Yes, I love you.” Running my dick along her wetness, she’s so fucking ready for me. I can’t believe I ever went so long without seeing her and having her.

  “You feel so good.” Jada groans as I push the tip of my dick inside of her. The warmth of her threatens to consume me. I wouldn’t care if she did.


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