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Loving the Game

Page 1

by Melody Heck Gatto

  Loving the Game

  The Renegades Legacy Trilogy

  Book One

  By Melody Heck Gatto

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Loving the Game (The Renegades Legacy Trilogy, #1)

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  About the Author

  Sign up for Melody Heck Gatto's Mailing List

  Further Reading: Score On Me

  Also By Melody Heck Gatto

  Loving the Game – The Renegades Legacy Trilogy (Book One)

  By Melody Heck Gatto

  Copyright © 2020 by Melody Heck Gatto

  License Notes

  All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  The Pittsburgh Renegades™ is a fictional sports team. Their name and logo are created for the sole use of the owner and covered under protection of trademark.

  Editing by Shore to Please

  Cover Art by Kat McCarthy – Evening Sky Publishing Services

  Chapter One


  Paige Kidd, Assistant PR Person for the Renegades Ice Hockey team, hurried to her office, carrying her morning coffee, and juggling the winter coat that was draped over her arm. Stopping off in the lobby to grab a bagel like she did every morning.

  Once settled in her office, she scanned today’s schedule on her tablet while she nibbled on her breakfast. It was halfway through the season. Winter was finally bearing down on Western Pennsylvania, and the guys were beginning to buckle down on their game, feeling the stress of the team standings.

  A knock at her door pulled her out of her thoughts. The door swung open before the knocking stopped, and in walked her boss, Melanie, who was just entering her third trimester of her first pregnancy.

  “Hey, Mel. Come on in.”

  “Good morning, Paige.” She closed the door behind her. “Do you have a few minutes to talk?”

  Putting down her bagel, Paige focused on Melanie. She was not as happy and jovial as usual. Her serious tone had Paige’s stomach doing somersaults. “Sure, Mel. Have a seat.”

  Melanie crossed her arms across her chest and leaned against the edge of Paige’s desk.

  “I’m not going to lie, Mel, you’re worrying me. Are you okay? Is the baby okay?” Paige’s heart rate picked up now in addition to her stomach tying itself in knots.

  Melanie shook her head, a smile crossing her lips, giving off a calmer demeanor. “Relax, Paige. Everything and everyone are fine.” She put her hand on her growing stomach.

  Flopping down in her desk chair, Paige let out a heavy breath, her heart dropped back down to a normal rate. “Oh, thank god! You scared me for a second. So what’s going on?”

  “Oh, hon, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you. I didn’t think you’d jump to that conclusion, but with you I should’ve known better.”


  “What I need to talk to you about is work related.”

  Paige’s heart began to race again. After all, she was only the assistant PR person. If they were going to start making cuts, she’d be the first to go. She’d like to think that what she did for the team gave her value and she wasn’t so easily replaceable. Melanie could handle this job. She did it before Paige and could presumably do it after her.

  Two losing seasons in a row for the Renegades, she knew they’d be making changes, but rarely do they affect the office team. But as the old saying goes, never say never.

  “I understand,” Paige said sadly.

  “You understand what? I didn’t say anything yet!” Melanie teased. “Why do you look like someone just flushed your goldfish? I came to offer you a promotion.”

  Paige stared at Melanie. A promotion? She was good at her job, and there wasn’t another position that suited her as well as her current one. “Wait, what? Doing what?”

  Melanie smirked. “Girl, relax! This is a good thing, trust me! My husband and I have been talking, and with this little one on the way, all the running around I do with the team won’t let me spend as much time with him as I’d like. But I do love my job, so staying home full time isn’t an option for me. Can you even imagine me at home all of the time?”

  “No! You’d go nuts! Even with the little one to care for. But, you know, he is going to be a handful.” Paige shook her head and they laughed together. But she had seen how much time Trina needed to spend with Willow and Hank, especially when they were infants.

  “I know little ones need a lot of attention, and I plan to be at this little guy’s side whenever he needs me. That’s why my husband and I decided that I should keep working — because I do love my job so much. But since I want to be home more, we decided to compromise.”

  Paige tried not to squish up her face in confusion, but she had no idea where Melanie was going with this.

  “So, we decided that I would go part time. And the promotion is you taking over my position. What do you say?”

  This was a lot to take in, seeing as how Paige hadn’t even finished her coffee this morning. She grabbed her coffee and took a long gulp of the hot liquid. “Let me get this straight. You want me to take over your position?”

  “Yes.” Melanie looked at the coffee in her hand. “I probably should’ve waited until you had a sufficient amount of caffeine in your system, huh? With the baby coming, I’d like to drop down to part-time, maybe not work every game day, maybe work only home games, the details still need to be worked out.”

  “You? Slow down? I’ll believe that when I see it.” Paige teased. Melanie was always so full of energy, picturing her sitting at home seemed like a joke.

  “Yeah, well, babies change people. At least that’s what the books say. You’ll see when it’s your turn.”

  When it’s her turn. No one tells you when that will be exactly. Paige was twenty-eight years old and still waiting for her turn.

  “And, of course, you’ll be on your own during my maternity leave. But I know you can handle it.”

  “And that falls at the busiest time of the season.”

  “Right, playoffs. But I’ll only be a call away. And I plan to come in if anything exciting happens. Trust me, no one is keeping me away from all the fun! So, what do you say? Next season will you take over my position?”

  “Um,” she knew she could do it. Heck, she was already doing the job like a boss, this would just mean she really was the boss. “Can I talk it over with Tyler first?”

  “Sure! There’s no hurry.” Melanie winced and grabbed at her stomach.

  Paige panicked. “Mel, are you okay?”

  “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. This kid has quite the kick!” she laughed. “I
’m pretty sure this little guy is going to be a soccer player or maybe a hockey goalie with those wicked toe saves.”

  Melanie beamed as she rubbed her belly.

  Paige grinned. She was over-the-moon happy for her friend. And she was getting really good at hiding how much it hurt her to see people around her getting pregnant while she saw nothing but negative test after negative test. ‘Her turn’ seemed less and less likely with each passing month.

  PAIGE SAT AT HER DESK and scribbled on a notebook – the “pros” and “cons” of taking over Melanie’s job. It was a no brainer. Her “pro” column was filling up quickly with every reason why this job was perfect. There really was no cons.

  So why was she hesitant? It was as if something was holding her back from just jumping at the opportunity. She needed a sounding board.

  Her best friend, Rylee, was just a phone call away. As well as her sister-in-law, Trina. While Trina had her hands full with two little ones, Rylee was very pregnant with her first baby with husband Nicholas Talon.

  Paige was surrounded by babies and families. She had never been one of those girls that was eager to have children. Babies were fun to play with when they were someone else’s and even nicer to hand back to their parents. Career was important to her, and she put hers first. She never regretted that decision. She loved her job and she loved working for the Renegades.

  But, still, Paige never realized how much she wanted a family of her own until now. And always having families and babies in her face kept it front and center in her mind, even when she was trying to forget. Not being able to avoid the new babies caused her a great deal of stress knowing that it was happening for all these folks and not her. It didn’t seem fair.

  Focusing again on the list, it seemed to speak for itself. She still needed to talk it over with Tyler, and he was on the ice at the moment. She was a reasonable woman; it wasn’t as if she didn’t know that Melanie was having a baby. She knew this opportunity would eventually present itself. And up until this very moment she thought she was ready.

  Pushing the notebook aside, she drank the remainder of her now room temperature coffee. She needed a break, and a friendly face. Paige grabbed her cell phone and video called her best friend.

  Rylee answered the phone. Her smiling face appeared on Paige’s screen. Rylee’s cheeks were puffy and rosy, and the woman glowed beautifully.

  “Hey lady. What’s going on over there in casa-Talon?”

  “Hey Paige.” Rylee shifted in her seat, her large baby bump filling the screen for a moment until Rylee re-adjusted how she was holding the cell phone.

  “Well that was an extreme close up. Hi baby Talon!” Paige waved at her friend’s stomach. “Does baby still not have a name yet?”

  Rylee shook her head. “Nope. Baby T is supposed to be here in less than a week, and still has no name.”

  Talking with Rylee had already improved Paige’s mood. She was so happy that her friend not only found love, but now they’re having a baby. “If it’s a girl, Paige is a great name.” she teased. “Just sayin’.”

  “Yes, I am aware.” Rylee humored her. “So, why are you calling me instead of working? Are things really that boring there that you need to check up on me?”

  “Am I not allowed to check in on my best friend? Especially since you are ready to give birth to little Paige any day now.” Paige teased.

  “Little Paige, you’re not giving up hope on that, huh?”

  “It has a beautiful ring to it.”

  “Yeah, I’ll keep it in mind.” Rylee rolled her eyes with amusement.

  “Well, I was just sitting here thinking about you, so I thought I’d see how you were doing and if you needed anything.”

  “You manage a team full of men, and you’re worried about me?” Rylee joked.

  Waving off the comment, Paige sat back in her chair, more relaxed than she’s been since before Melanie showed up at her office. “They’re on the ice right now, so all’s quiet here for now.”

  “Until the media starts banging on the locker room door.” Rylee winced, then forced a smile, which just made her appear in pain.

  Sitting up straight in her chair, Paige panicked, almost dropping her phone in the process. “Ry, you okay? Do I need to call Nick?”

  “I’m fine. The baby just moved. I swear this little one is doing gymnastics in here.” Rylee’s voice was calm, and the pain had left her face.

  Paige’s brain told her that Rylee was fine, but she was so close to her due date, the worry was second nature. She fumbled with her desk phone, preparing to dial Nick’s cell. “Are you sure you don’t need me to call Nick?”

  Nick’s voice filled the speaker before his face graced the phone screen. “No need to call. I’m right here, Paige.” His usual classy smile crossed his face and he waved.

  “Oh, hey Nick! You’re at home today?” She hadn’t been downstairs yet today, Melanie had handled today’s pre-skate interviews.

  Nick was Nicholas Talon, the Renegades General Manager. Typically, he spent his days at the arena with the team.

  “Yeah,” he put his arm around Rylee. “With Rylee’s due date so close, I don’t like to go too far.”

  Rylee added, “and I’m hoping this little one’s eviction day is sooner rather than later. I feel like a damn whale!”

  “Well you look nothing like a whale. As a matter of a fact, you look more beautiful than ever.” Nick said, staring adoringly at Rylee.

  “Aww, how sweet. Too bad you’re a big fat liar. Well, I take that back, I’m big and fat, you’re just a liar.”

  “Oh, stop it, Rylee. You’re a freaking rock-star – you’re growing another life inside of you!” Paige said. Her heart breaking with every word, knowing it was something she wanted more than anything. “And your husband is right. You are gorgeous.”

  Rylee nodded in agreement. “Yeah, you’re totally right, Paige. Maybe a rock-star whale, but definitely a rock-star.” Rylee yawned. Her eyes had dark circles under them, and she laid her head on Nick’s shoulder.

  “Well, guys, I’m going to run. If you need anything, give me a call. And don’t forget–”

  “We know, Paige. You are first on the list to be called when I go into labor.” Rylee said.

  Nick held his phone up to Rylee’s phone, a list of names on the screen. “See? There you are, number one.”

  She looked closely, and just like Nick said, her name was number one on the list. “What’s the star beside my name?”

  “Oh, that? That just means you’re allowed in the delivery room if you want.”

  “I... what now?” Paige stumbled over her words. She knew she’d be in the waiting room when her best friend had her baby, because where else would she be? But the delivery room? She was stunned, and speechless, and honored.

  “Sure. Obviously, I want the little one’s godmother by my side, being one of the first people to see this little angel.”

  “Really? Godmother? Are you for real?”

  “Paige, girl, who else would I pick? You’re my best friend! We grew up together, you stood by my side at my wedding, there’s no one else I’d want to watch out for this baby.” Rylee started to whimper, and then came the waterworks.

  Paige had gotten used to over-emotional-Rylee during the last nine months. Poor Rylee seemed to cry at everything these days. But she wasn’t wrong in her statement about them being such a big part of one another’s lives. Paige and Rylee did grow up together, they were as close as sisters all their lives. When Nick and Rylee found out they were pregnant, they decided to have a small, intimate wedding, Since Nick didn’t have much family, they limited it to the team, and Paige was asked to be the maid of honor. There wasn’t many, if any, events in each other’s lives that they missed.

  Nick nodded. “And I can’t believe that we are doing this over the phone. We could’ve had her over for dinner or something a little more formal.”

  Nick, the man with impeccable manners, and more suits than jeans, would think this i
s odd.

  Rylee looked at Nick and shook her head. “It’s just how we are, babe.” She sleepily rubbed her eyes.

  “Nick, why don’t you make sure that pretty lady gets some rest. And I will talk to you guys tomorrow?” Paige suggested.

  “Rest? You’re funny! This child has taken up residence on my sciatic. There is no comfortable position to rest. Just be glad you aren’t dealing with this!”

  Paige forced a smile and nodded. “Yeah. Sure am. Okay, talk later!”

  Ending the call, Paige sat back in her desk chair. Rylee’s words echoing through her brain. A baby sitting on her sciatic sounded like heaven right now. Well, maybe not heaven, but close.

  Paige looked around her office. She had an amazing career. She loved her job. She loved her life. She couldn’t ask for a more loving husband. And yet, she wanted more.

  Suddenly she wished she were in her home, with scattered baby toys, gates across doorways, and rubber edges secured to corners.

  She ran her hand over her stomach. It was flat and tight, and she worked hard to keep it that way. Yet, in a heartbeat she’d trade it for a growing baby bump.

  A text came through her phone from Melanie: the boys just exited the ice. Meet you in the locker room in five.

  Paige looked down at her waistline before pushing her feelings back down and putting on a smile. She had a long day ahead of her. Time to get back to work.

  Chapter Two


  Tyler Kidd, captain of the Renegades Ice Hockey team, finished brushing his teeth and made his way to the kitchen for his morning coffee. His wife, Paige, was already awake and ready for work. She sat at the table; her dark blonde hair fell down her shoulders in beachy curls. Lazily, she ran her finger along the rim of her coffee cup as the steam poured into the cold morning air.

  An untouched bowl of cereal sat in front of her.

  “Hey good morning, gorgeous.” He said as he poured his own cup of coffee, his back to his wife.

  She sat silent, not responding to his comment. Her quiet didn’t sit well with Tyler. His wife was not typically the sit in the corner type. She was more of the throw her arms around his neck and kiss him good morning, making him reconsider the idea of going to work.


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