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Loving the Game

Page 10

by Melody Heck Gatto

  Paige and Rylee grew up together and Rylee could read her like a book, even when no one else noticed.

  Knowing it was useless to fight it, Paige told Rylee all about Reggie the kitten. She left out the baby blues, and Talia’s big news. But she was sure those secrets weren’t safe either.

  “I can’t believe you made him sleep on the couch.” Rylee chuckled.

  “I didn’t make him do anything.” Rylee retorted. She shrugged, “I was mad, and I threw his pillow at him. He took that as I was making him sleep on the couch.”

  “Because you were.”

  “Maybe” she shrugged again. She never thought he would stay on the couch.

  “You knew Tyler’s stance on pets when you married him.” Rylee reasoned.

  “I know! And I know I should’ve discussed getting a pet first. It wasn’t fair of me to just spring this on him, but it was just something that happened.”

  “Paige, I get that. You are impulsive, and he knows that about you. I’m pretty sure that is something he loves about you. Since he is so methodic about everything, and you know what they say about opposite attracting.”

  Her friend wasn’t wrong. She and Tyler were so opposite that they just worked. Paige nodded in agreement. “The worst part is, I flipped out, and he didn’t even do anything to deserve it! I mean, he wasn’t happy about Reggie, but that was it, and I lost my cool. I don’t even know why.” She really didn’t. Maybe it was PMS-time because she sure felt like she was out of control.

  “And you made him sleep on the couch, with the kitten.” Rylee added.

  “I know!” Paige gasped. She was even horrified by her own actions. “But not with Reggie. He came upstairs and slept in the bed with me.”

  “Oh my god, you made Ty sleep on the couch, but the kitten slept in his bed!” Rylee chuckled. “But for real, you have to apologize for being so impulsive, and then show him why you were so crazy in love with the little guy that you acted without thinking. Once he falls in love with Reggie, he’ll understand.”

  “Tyler fall in love with a kitten? I don’t see that happening.” Paige retorted.

  “You might be surprised.” Nick interrupted as he brought lunch and drinks out to the living room. “He’s got a big heart, and I don’t think even pet fur on his furniture can change that. Plus, if it makes you happy, then it makes him happy.”

  Rylee made an unsure face, sarcastically. “He’ll probably hire a cleaning service because of the pet fur, but I do think he will fall in love with the little guy.”

  “I’m sure he’s already hired one.” Nick said with a chuckle. He sat down on the couch and leaned over to stare in the bassinette. “I can’t believe she’s still sleeping.”

  “Shouldn’t you be grateful she’s resting?” Paige asked.

  “Yes. But Daddy here can’t sit still. Look at him,” Rylee nodded towards Nick who was gently taking Lila out of her little bed and into his arms. “Hon, don’t wake her.”

  “I’m not. I just want to hold her.” Nick protested. “Uh-oh, look who’s awake.”

  Rylee shook her head and chuckled. “You are like a kid in a candy store with her!”

  Nick shrugged unapologetically. “I can’t help it.” He looked at Paige and said, “I never could’ve imagined this is what it would be like. Work has always been my life, now I can’t imagine how I was so married to my work, especially when I have the two most beautiful women at home.”

  Paige watched Rylee’s face turn pink and a bashful smile form on her face. “You are too sweet for words, Mr. Talon.” She motioned to Paige, “keep me company in the kitchen while I put a bottle together for her.”

  Once in the kitchen Paige could still hear Nick doting over baby Lila. Opening the refrigerator, she asked, “Can I help you do anything?”

  “No.” Rylee answered, shutting the refrigerator door. Her face was serious. “But you can tell me what else is wrong.”

  Paige shook her head not knowing where to start. Her eyes burned, and she was afraid she was going to break down in tears. It was no use lying to Rylee. She simply blurted out, “Talia is pregnant.”

  Rylee stopped what she was doing and stared at Paige. “For real?”

  “Yep.” There wasn’t much she could add to the news. Those three simple words were enough. Taking a deep breath, she choked back the tears and was sure she was in the clear from any waterworks. She didn’t even know why she was feeling like this.

  “Well, I can’t say that I saw that coming. But it isn’t any secret that those two are madly in love. Harrison must be thrilled.”

  “He is.”

  “You don’t look too excited.” Rylee’s eyes narrowed as her stare intensified.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be making your baby a bottle?”

  Rylee rolled her eyes at Paige’s attempt at distracting her. “Yes. And I can do that and listen to what is going on with you at the same time. Then spill why you look like someone died when this is wonderful news.”

  Paige shook her head, not knowing how to answer that.

  “How long have you been trying?” Rylee asked without missing a beat. “And don’t think I’m going to gloss over the fact that you never confided in me about it. We’ll just table that discussion for a later date.”

  And there it was. She was waiting for her friend to pick up on it. And it was her fault that she didn’t open up sooner. Paige slid down into a kitchen chair and looked up at Rylee. “A year.”

  “Huh.” Rylee mumbled. She shut the refrigerator door and sat down at the table with Paige. “I assume you are seeing a doctor?”

  Paige nodded. “Yeah. She said there’s nothing wrong that she can see.”

  She let out a hard breath. Not knowing why was the worst part.

  “Well, you’re young.” Rylee said.

  “I know, and because I’m young I shouldn’t worry. Blah, blah, blah. I’m tired of hearing that.” Paige regretted the outburst as soon as she said it. She had been so overwhelmed lately and it had her not acting like herself.

  “No, you’re right to be concerned. However, maybe worrying isn’t helping your situation. I obviously don’t have experience in that, since I wasn’t expecting Lila. But they say once you stop trying it usually happens.”

  “Look,” Paige began. “I didn’t come over here to bring you down with this. I’m here to visit with you and your new little family.”

  “I know that. But, don’t keep things from me simply because I just had a baby. I’m still your BFF. And remember, that last F stands for forever.”

  “Hello?” Nick stuck his head into the kitchen. “We were starting to wonder if you two got lost. Someone is starting to get hangry.”

  “Yeah, we got sidetracked. I’ll be right there.” Rylee said as she got up from the table.

  When Nick left them alone again, Paige could feel Rylee’s eyes on her. Turning around to face Rylee, she asked, “What?”

  “Does Lila...” Rylee stopped in the middle of her question.

  Paige asked herself Rylee’s unspoken question many times. Does seeing Lila cause her heartache. “No. I love that little girl. And I love you and Nick. Anything I’m going through is all on me, don’t think for one second that Lila has anything to do with it.” Of course, Lila made Paige a little sad that she hasn’t been able to get pregnant, but she was overjoyed for her friends. “And that’s why I didn’t want to bring it up during your pregnancy. And like you and my doctor have said, I’m still young.”

  “For the record, I am not minimizing this. If you want to come over here, look at that little baby face and then cry, I’ll be your shoulder to cry on. But the nice thing about Lila, is that she will always end up putting a smile on your face. Even when I’m exhausted and she’s crying, I still can’t help but smile at her little chubby cheeks.”

  Her friend was right. Lila was a surprise addition to their family and a blessing. Paige stood up and hugged Rylee. “You get her bottle ready while I go out and help the new daddy. If littl
e Lila is anything like her mommy when she’s hungry, he’s going to need the help!”

  “Funny.” Rylee answered sarcastically as Paige hurried out of the kitchen.

  “You want to feed her?” Nick asked, already laying the baby in Paige’s arms.

  Paige looked down at those chubby cheeks and those little blue eyes, and she knew exactly what Rylee was talking about. There was no way to feel sad when looking at this little sweetheart. No matter how heartbroken she felt, this little one seemed to make that all disappear. Rylee brought Paige the bottle and she fed Lila while Nick and Rylee ate lunch.

  Once the baby fell back asleep Paige hated the idea of disrupting her slumber. She simply stared at her as she slept until her own arms decided to fall asleep.

  “Let me put her down. I know as little as she is, she does get heavy after a while.” Nick gently took the baby from her arms.

  ‘Paige, are you sure there’s not more going on here than a kitten?” Rylee asked.

  “What do you mean? All I did was get a cat.”

  “I mean, is it possible that Tyler is under some kind of stress that you don’t know about?”

  “I don’t think so. But things have been kind of busy lately.” They were both under stress. Talia’s announcement made their pregnancy journey even more difficult.

  “Look, Tyler is a level-headed guy, there has to be more to this than just a cat. And I get he is Mister neat freak, but still... he loves you. There’s got to be more going on. Don’t you think?”

  “It’s interesting that you say that, because don’t you think that I’m the one with more going on?” Paige closed her eyes and counted to three before she continued.

  “So talk to me.” Rylee begged.

  “Talia didn’t even want a kid.” She felt like she was whining. What type of terrible person can’t be happy at her sister-in-law’s pregnancy announcement?

  “Girl, I know. And I can see it in your eyes. You are sitting there thinking what a horrible person you must be to not be tickled pink about this. But you aren’t. I bet if you sat down with her, she’d tell you the same thing. I mean, I guarantee she was not planning on this happening.” Rylee attempted to comfort her.

  “I’m sure she wasn’t planning this. And I really am happy for her, I’m just...” she wasn’t sure how to put her feelings into words.

  “Just upset it isn’t you. I get that. And there’s no shame in that.” Rylee reached out and took Paige’s hand. “And maybe Tyler is feeling the same way?”

  “I never thought of that.”

  “Maybe give him a break about Reggie the cat. He’ll come around, he always does, especially if it’s for you.”

  Rylee wasn’t wrong. They’ve been friends forever. She had a way of telling Paige she was overreacting without actually saying it.

  “Well, I better get home. Time to face the music, and make Ty see what I see in that little furball.” She grabbed her coat and slid it on.

  Rylee moved to get up off the recliner. “If I was a betting woman, I’d bet you that he was already in love with the little guy.”

  “Rylee, don’t get up, I can show myself out.” Paige said.

  “I’m allowed to stand up! I can’t sit all day; I do need to move around a little.” Rylee said as she got to her feet.

  “Just not overdo it.” Nick said from the couch with Lila in his arms. He carefully got to his feet and carried Lila to Paige. “Say goodbye to Auntie Paige.”

  “Bye sweetheart,” Paige cooed.

  “I’m going to stay here; I don’t want her near the front door where she might get a chill. Nice to see you, Paige. And give that husband of yours a chance, he always comes around when it’s about you.”

  Nick wasn’t wrong. “Thanks. You take care.” She hugged him goodbye before walking to the door with Rylee.

  “Nick is right you know.” Rylee added.

  Paige nodded. Tyler was a good man, even if he did irk her sometimes. She was the one who tended to hold on to grudges too long.

  “I’m betting by the time you get home Ty will be showering you with flowers and apologizing for being so Tyler like.” Rylee said.

  She knew her friend was right.

  “Every couple has disagreements. It’s normal.” Rylee added.

  Paige knew it was a normal part of marriage, and it’s not like they never fought. Working so closely they were bound to butt heads. Her husband was just as good at apologizing as he was frustrating. That thought made a little smile creep over her lips.

  “See, you can’t even help but smile when you think about him!” Rylee teased. “We just have those types of men. They are as adorable as they are infuriating.”

  Paige hugged Rylee. “Girl, you better get some rest, and give your body time to recover so you can take care of that baby girl.”

  “Paige,” Nick called. “I need you to remind her of that, because she won’t listen to me.”

  “Women have been doing this since the beginning of time. I’ll be fine. I can still recover even if I want to walk to the refrigerator for a snack.” Rylee countered.

  “Good luck, Nick!” Paige called as she opened the door to leave.

  “And Paige,” Rylee added.

  Paige turned to look at her friend. She forced herself not to roll her eyes, knowing there was more marital advice coming her way.

  “Put his pillow back on your bed.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Why do you hate the kitten so much?” Trina asked as Tyler made himself comfortable on her couch. For once it was quiet in the Morris house. His niece and nephew were out with Sam for the afternoon.

  “I don’t hate the cat.” He said matter of factly. He didn’t. None of this was about the kitten.

  “You sure sound like you do, bro.”

  “I don’t hate him!” Tyler hadn’t been here five minutes and was already agitated. He took a few deep breaths, calming his quick temper. His sister never meant to start an argument; she just always knew which buttons of his to push.

  “So, do you want to tell me why you hate Reggie so much?” she pressed.

  Ty already knew he didn’t hate Reggie. But he would let his sister try to tell him what the big problem was and how to fix it. She was happiest when she was dishing out advice and fixing things, so he let her proceed.

  “Look, bro, something is bugging her. But she messaged me last night and told me that she stopped to play with the cats after having a really bad day. Somehow being in a room full of cats calmed her more than her two-mile run. She came across that sweet little guy, and in her words — it was like it was meant to be — she acted on an impulse. And good for her! I keep telling that girl to get out of her own way once in a while. She’s so much like you, very methodical. Sometimes you just need to do things on an impulse.” Trina eyed him concerned.

  “She’s fine. Sort of. She’s under a lot of stress right now.”

  “Yeah, I hate this time of year. There’s so many rumors out there about who might get traded, ugh.” She gagged. “I avoid as much of it as I can, but I’m sure it’s all front and center on her social media pages.”

  He paused for a minute, not feeling much like talking about what was bothering him, and yet getting it off his chest might be the only thing that helps him start to heal.

  “I’ve just been keeping a lot inside lately, not wanting to add to the stress Paige already has. She’s dealing with so much, then between Melanie being pregnant, and Rylee just having a baby—” he looked up at his sister. Her face dropped. That’s when he knew he had said too much.

  “Oh. Yeah, I’m sure that’s hard.”

  He nodded slowly.

  “That sucks, bro. I’m sorry.” She patted his arm. “So that’s where Reggie comes in.”

  “Yeah,” he shrugged. “I guess.”

  “And the one thing that made her feel the tiniest bit better, you hate.”

  Tyler tossed his hands in the air, “are you kidding me, sis? Guilt trip

  Trina shrugged her shoulders. “I think you’ll survive with one tiny little cat in your perfect house.”

  He hated when his sister was right. “Fine. I acted like an ass.” He shook his head. “It has nothing to do with the cat. Even if she had discussed it with me, I would’ve agreed. Because it’s just a cat.”

  “So what is really going on?”

  As if everything fell into place on its own, he said, “There’s actually something that’s been bothering me, and I think it’s time I talk to her about it.”

  Tyler paused a beat before grabbing his coat and hugging Trina goodbye. “I better run; I have to make a stop on my way home.”

  “I have no idea what is going on, but I would grab a bottle of wine along with those flowers you are headed to buy.”

  Trina knew him well. He nodded at her suggestion. “I’ll call you later.”

  She teasingly called to him on his way out the door. “You’re welcome for the talk. Always glad to help.”

  TYLER WALKED IN THE door to a quiet house, flowers in one hand, wine in the other. “Babe?”

  “In here.” Paige called.

  Tyler hurried to the back of the house; Paige was sitting in the sunroom. Placing a kiss on the top of her head, he smiled as he noticed the litter box on the sun porch. Between that and a food bowl, that was all the space that little kitten was going to take up. How could he dislike the little guy?

  Holding up the wine bottle, he put on his best ‘I’m sorry’ smile. “Wine.” Then handed her the large bouquet of yellow flowers, her favorites. “And flowers.” He knelt beside her, finally noticing that Reggie was curled up on her lap. “I’m so sorry–”

  Paige held up her hand and interrupted his apology. “No, I’m sorry.”

  “Babe, I just want to tell you how stupid I acted–”

  Paige pushed her lip into a pout. “I shouldn’t have–”

  It was just like them to both want to apologize at the same time, and it was amusing. “Babe,” he said with a chuckle. Teasingly, he added, “I’m trying to grovel here and you’re killing it.”


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