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Montego Bay (Moresome International, Book One) (Multiple Partner Romance) by Demi Alex

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by Demi Alex

  The men exchanged looks, and there was no mistaking their silent communication. I tried to decipher their thoughts, but could only see their relief.

  “Good. With all this out in the open, it’ll make things easier for now. No need for hasty decisions, and absolutely no judgment or guilt.” Luca dropped his hand from my arm, stood, and gathered a plush robe that was draped over a chair. “I know you’re going to say you’re not hungry. But even if you don’t feel like eating, you need to keep your strength up. Let’s get some orange juice into you.”

  He held the robe for me, his long arms open in a patient stretch, much like a matador enticing a bull to charge. But, I was no bull. Timid thoughts and self-doubt filled me, so I tugged the sheet closer and brought my knees to my chest.

  “There is no need for retreat. You’re in our hands now and we’ll make sure you’re all right. Go on, Lorabella.” Mark rubbed my thigh, then rose to his full height, his authority negating any hesitancy. “You need the nutrition. We have plenty of time for anything and everything else.”

  Jake squeezed my shoulder, and with his arm wrapped around me, securing the sheet over my naked body, he helped me to my feet. He walked me into Luca’s embrace and kissed the side of my head. “Mark is right. Trust us.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Trust. How much? In what capacity? With what limitations?

  “Sweetheart, I don’t mean to sound condescending or to minimize your emotions, but you really need to let things happen. Stop worrying about things we can’t control,” Luca said, fitting me between his legs on the plush chaise lounge. He placed the glass of freshly squeezed juice in my hands and closed my fingers around it. Settling his arms around me, he pulled me into his embrace, and breathed a sigh of relief when I leaned against him. “Drink.”

  I sipped my juice, and stared at the gentle waters of the Caribbean Sea. Being with Luca was natural, easy in fact. I reveled in the strength of his body, gazed at the dark and endless sky that was dotted with twinkling stars, and allowed myself to just be in the moment. The place was heavenly. The man, even better.

  Reality unfolded before me with every romantic and tropical fantasy a girl could imagine. In truth, I didn’t have any control over my feelings. My body and heart craved what they wanted, and I couldn’t rationalize away my desires.

  I finished the juice and placed the empty glass on the tabletop, then turned to rest my cheek on Luca’s bare chest. He fit his chin atop my head and simply held me, his breathing slow and steady.

  “Do you want to talk?” Luca asked.

  “No,” I replied, nuzzling closer. I didn’t want to break the magic of the moment, the security and serenity of being with Luca.

  “Good,” he said, dropping a kiss on my head. “That’s good.”

  No matter what my mind said, my body and soul trusted them. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes, surrendering to the truth of my heart. I did trust my men.

  * * * *

  There was something extra dreamy about being carried. Strong arms cradled my body and fit beneath my knees, as the sway of a steady walk lulled me into further comfort.

  “I’ll see you at breakfast,” Luca said, waking me with his words and lowering me to the soft bedding.

  “Sleep well, Bella,” Jake said, bringing my hand to his lips and kissing my open palm. “Do not worry about a thing. We’ve got you.”

  They certainly had me, I couldn’t leave them if I tried, but Jake and Luca left the room and closed the door. I was alone with Mark in the bedroom.

  Any choice or decision I may have had earlier was negated by their actions. “What were you and Jake discussing?”

  “How to make this work.” Mark tossed the towel he had used to dry off after his apparent shower and climbed in beside me. “Too much happened today, baby. For years, this relationship has crawled along at a snail’s pace and today it ran like a cheetah.” Mark gently moved me to the middle of the bed, and snuggled my body against his muscled torso. “Let’s get some sleep and we’ll talk about it in the morning.”

  “But, Mark. This is not just about sex for me.”

  Taking my hand in his, he placed it over his heart and released his breath. “You’re absolutely correct. It’s not just about sex. For any of us. I want you, Lora. We want you.” He squeezed my hand. “Just let me hold you while you rest, baby. Sleep.”

  But we didn’t sleep.

  Other than the dim glow of the starlit sky, the room was dark and I couldn't see and appreciate the sight of the handsome man sharing my bed. However, I could feel Mark’s heart beat strong beneath my fingers. He remained awake, thinking as he always did, but he didn’t make an attempt at conversation.

  Unable to resist the feel of him beneath my fingers, I trailed the sprinkle of curls in the center of his chest and lower on his abdomen. His body tightened beneath the heat of my caress. My men had taken me off the hot seat and had made my decision. There was no guilt in making a choice between them. I was with Mark, in his arms, and I adored the feel of him against my bare skin.

  “I’ve always wanted you, too.” My words were barely a whisper, but Mark heard them and tensed for a single second in time. Inhaling deep, I put it all on the line and went for what I truly desired. “I still want you.”

  With a gentle touch, he cupped my chin between his fingers and raised my face up to his. His lips brushed the corner of my mouth in a tender kiss. “That makes me very happy, Lora.”

  Warmth flooded my chest with his words. I wanted to please him, to make him smile, and knowing that I did so was worth any confusion and all the tears I’d shed earlier. I stretched my neck and met his lips, testing his acceptance of my affection.

  Mark didn’t hesitate. He tightened his embrace and lifted me atop his body. My breasts pressed against his sculpted chest, my thighs rested on his muscled legs, and his erection fit at the apex of my legs. He held my face in both of his hands, and looked into my eyes for what seemed like an eternity.

  “I’m going to kiss you now,” he rasped, stroking softly over my cheekbones, desire sparkling in his blue gaze as it fixed on my parted lips.

  Like the Caribbean Sea calling to me during a heat wave, Mark’s intent made me yearn for him. I lowered my mouth to his and accepted the promise of pleasure. I wanted him, needed him, and could no longer deny myself.

  “I came here for you,” I explained between intoxicating tastes of the man I loved. “I needed to decide what path to take in my life. My feelings for all of you are so confusing and tormenting. I can't deny what I feel any longer, but I can't stand the idea of losing you.”

  “We know, baby.” He ran an easy palm down me back and gently guided me back to the comfort at his side. He shifted, turned to look at me, and caressed my cheek. “None of us are going anywhere. You will never lose us.”

  His lips, tender and soothing, sealed my mouth and eased any concern from my intentions. He was right. Being with him was right.

  “I came to Montego Bay to gain the experience to satisfy a man like you.”

  “I have no doubt that you are absolute perfection and that you don't need anything more than you are to utterly satisfy me, but it will be my pleasure, baby, my pleasure to make you happy in any way you wish.” His fingers feathered down my cheek, and his thumb pad traced the outline of my lips. “I've waited so long for you to be ready. And now, you’re definitely ready. You decided on Montego Bay for a reason, and there is no way any one of us is going to let you down. You’re going to experience all you came for. “

  “Mark, you don’t understand. I came to Jamaica for sex. To lose my inhibitions and to learn,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around him and burying my face against him. “I wasn’t expecting you to be here.”

  “I understand. But, I am here. And, there’s no turning back. Consider your inhibitions checked at the door, and your sexual needs our top priority. We’ve all agreed. There is to be no more discussion on losing anyone or choosing one over the other. We’re in this together a
nd we have a week of no limitations.”


  “Actually, one.” His fingers traced the swell of my breast, the curve down my waist, and came to rest between my legs. “Apparently, you may have come here for sex, but you’re still shy about trusting your carnal desires. As long as you agree to be with us, you no longer need to struggle to trust yourself. You will submit to us, place your trust in us, and meet our sensual needs.”

  “Oh,” I breathed.

  Mark denied the opportunity for guilt to come between us. I also knew that there was no way they’d accept me remaining in Jamaica without them, so he was outlining this arrangement for my benefit.

  “Our needs are to pleasure and meet your needs,” he explained. “In all fairness, you may be submitting to us, but you hold all the power.” He moved a finger inside my wet folds and urged my thighs further apart with his hand. “My need at the moment is to claim your body and make you come— buried deep inside you.”

  His thumb circled my clit and he fit two fingers at my entrance, but did not push inside. He met my gaze, his eyes seeking my approval. “Do you accept? Do you submit?”

  It had to be a dream. Mark offered everything I’d ever crave. Well, almost everything.

  “Yes,” I whispered, and with that single word, my mind cleared and my chest grew lighter. “Yes.”

  No longer gentle or patient, his mouth crushed my verbal acquiescence. Commanding complete surrender, his tongue swept past my lips at the exact moment his fingers thrust inside me. Both sets of lips tightened around him. The minty taste of toothpaste lingered on his tongue and I twirled my own around it, moaning as he mimicked my tongue’s pace with his thumb on my clit.

  He moved to my neck with open-mouthed kisses, sucking and licking every inch, and causing the quivers to spread over my whole body. I raised and angled my hips to draw him deeper, but instead he removed his thumb and slowed the pace of his fingers.

  “Do not come until I tell you to, Lorabella.”

  Not come? I was close. So close. My chest was achingly heavy, my pussy pulsed with anticipation, and I could barely catch my breath. “Please,” I begged.

  “No.” He removed his fingers from inside me, and I groaned my protest. “You will wait,” he added, then reached for the bedside lamp and turned on the light.

  He was beautiful. His muscled torso, taught with control, loomed over me, and I saw the dark desire filling his eyes. Mark’s gaze roamed over my body and he smiled. He took his thick erection in the hand that had been in my pussy, and stroked himself in long, slow strides from the base to the tip of his cock. “Fuck, even off my hand, your cream feels so good on me. Drop your thighs to the side, Lora. Let me see all of your beautiful self.”

  With trembling hands on my knees, I pushed them completely apart.

  “Gorgeous.” He squeezed the purple head of his cock and stilled his movement. “You’re testing my control, Lorabella. I need your taste on my tongue,” he said, releasing his erection.

  Mark didn't delay. His mouth claimed my lips in yet another mind-blowing possession. Deepening the kiss, he lifted me with ease and shifted my body next to his. The moonlight illuminated his face as he rose above me and fit a hand between us. The raw look of male triumph was unmistakable. The primal possession barely suppressed the controlled power raging on his back and sizzling beneath my fingertips.

  Tonight, Mark was my world. He was everything I’d ever wanted, and everything I needed. I may have traveled to Montego Bay to make a decision, but for once in my life, I trusted someone else enough to do that for me. I trusted all three my men. They’d decided I was to be with Mark. I wanted Mark.

  His tongue swept past my lips and caressed every part of my soul. My skin flamed with anticipation as his fingertips traced over my collarbone and down my chest, over the swell of each breast, and down to the curve of my hips. He lowered his head and tasted the trail, torturing my desires when he skipped over my straining nipples.

  “Please,” I begged, arching my back and yearning for feel him complete me.

  “Lora,” he breathed, his hot lips against my belly, but raising his body and leaning on his weight on his elbows. “I want to make this good for you, but I know how limited the remainder of my control is. I won’t last.”

  The tension buried in his shoulders attested to the difficulty of maintaining control, but the truth was I didn’t want him in control.

  “Don’t,” I whispered, cupping his butt, pulling him close, and spreading my legs to accommodate for his presence. “I don’t want you to last.”

  A groan escaped his throat, and his hands slipped back to my breasts as his mouth roamed over my body. Strong and sensual fingers caressed, strummed, and enticed my nipples to an aching bliss. He was pure magic. I strained against him, savoring each touch and equally loving the warmth of his mouth on my skin. As I’d dreamed, Mark was an attentive and generous lover. My arousal soared, and I fought to accept what he gave in a dignified manner.

  “You’re so damn responsive,” he said, licking up my thigh. “So responsive and beautiful. I need to taste you on my tongue. Need to have your sweet flavor fill my mouth before I claim your gorgeous pussy. Let yourself go and be with me.”

  I moaned, tightly shut my eyes, and allowed myself to float in the ecstasy he created.

  “That’s it, Lora,” he said, rewarding my reaction by moving over me and closing his lips on a sensitive and eager nipple, while his hand moved between us and slipped inside my swollen folds. “Fuck. You’re so wet. So tempting.”

  But he didn’t rush. He switched his intoxicating attention to the other breast, suckling and nipping at the puckered peak until I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled him to my mouth for a taste of his very talented tongue.

  “Not yet, baby,” he warned, ending the passionate kiss and the grind of my hips along his length.

  “I can’t wait,” I said rather impatiently.

  He laughed, then kissed me again, appeasing my mind, but not my body. “Allow me to take my pleasure, baby,” he said, kissing down the side of my throat, over my chest, through the center of my stomach, and settling between my legs.

  “Delicious,” he proclaimed, and continued to trail between my spread folds until my thighs were shaking with need. He stretched his hands and cupped my breasts, playing with my achingly hard nipples as he closed his lips around my clit and sucked. I bucked off the bed, biting my lip to keep from coming, but the scream that escaped my mouth begged him to take me.

  My fingers gripped his shoulders, and I sensed his satisfaction in my reaction beneath his skin. His muscles tight, his control strained, he raised his beautiful head and looked into my eyes. “Hold on, baby. Trust me,” he said, trailing a soft touch along my lips. “I want so much more from you. I want your breath when you climax.”

  In just one night, in the first time he was with me, there was no doubt in how much I loved Mark. I tangled my fingers in his hair, and held his gaze. “Anything you want.”

  He dipped his tongue into my channel and urged me higher. As Mark alternated between filling my pussy and blowing a slow breath on my clit, I burned with desire, ready to explode. I cherished every moment and never wanted it to end.

  “Are you with me?” Mark rasped, kissing up my belly and suckling my nipple.

  Ecstasy shot through me, and I arched my back for more. “So with you.”

  His mouth moved to the other breast and he licked the tight peak with tender desire. “I can spend the entire night tasting and devouring every inch of your body, but I’m hurting so bad to be inside you. I need you.”

  “I’m here.”

  He groaned and moved up my body to claim my lips and fit his erection at my entrance. I tasted myself on his mouth, felt the heat of his struggle in his shoulder muscles, and rejoiced in his loss of control as he pushed into me and a guttural sound escaped his lips.

  The head of his cock pressed inside and he stilled, stroking the side of my face and dropping
his forehead to my own. “You’re tight.”

  “You’re big,” I replied, making a conscious effort to relax my muscles and take him. “You feel so amazing.”

  “Baby, nothing’s as amazing as you.” Mark kissed my lips, my forehead, and the tip of my nose. He set a sensual rhythm and our bodies moved together, finding the erotic pleasure that came from true love and adoration. I loved this man moving within me. I’d always loved him.

  Mark rolled his hips and stroked a special spot inside me I never knew existed, sending my body into overdrive.

  “Now, baby,” he said, pumping faster and deeper. “Now. With me.”

  With a final thrust, he claimed my mouth and my orgasm erupted through my body and soul. His roar joined my cries of ecstasy, as he came and the world around us ceased to exist.

  He rested his forehead against mine. “Now sleep. Rest, because I promise to make love to you all night long. I want to hear you call my name over and over and over, Lora.”

  And Mark always kept his promise.

  Chapter Twelve

  The smell of vanilla and coffee drifted into the sweet darkness of my sleep, and I was more than a little tempted to open my eyes and greet the sunshine. I stretched my hands in front of me and shielded my face, every muscle aching in spite of the bath Mark had insisted on at five in the morning, but the heavenly scent kept urging me to wake.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.”

  I’d know Luca’s voice anywhere, but it was the warm lips against my mouth that startled me completely awake. Sprawled across the massive bed, my body was ultra-aware of his gaze caressing each displayed inch of bare flesh. I yanked at the sheet tangled behind my legs and pulled it over my chest.

  “Awe…don’t do that, Lora,” Luca reprimanded, leaning down and folding the sheet at my waste. “I enjoy looking at you. You’re so beautiful in the morning.”


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