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The Embers of Phoenix (The Inferno Pack Book 1)

Page 3

by AJ Blackburn

  My golden eyes drift over his wolf in appraisal; powerful front legs, broad shoulders and head, with a light cream coat. He stands waiting. My tail wags. He pounces. Trying and failing to knock me on my back. I jump away and nip at his flank before darting off. He comes for me again, trying to swipe my legs out, he misses. I turn my head towards him and stick my butt in the air lowering my front end to the ground.

  Oh yeah, baby, that's how I'm going to take you. His voice echoes in my mind.

  Only if you can catch me. I tease back.

  With renewed vigour he comes at me again, only this time he anticipates my move and collides with me as I try to fake going right and go left instead.

  Bastard. I curse him.

  His chuckle comes as he shifts back, and I shift under him. He has my arms pinned above my head in one of his large masculine hands in a second, and I stare daggers at him.

  "Oh, come on, baby, you wanted me to catch you really." His brow quirks, and his free hand runs down my naked side. He trails it over the curve of my hip, down the outside of my thigh, and back up the inside before coming to rest millimetres away from my pussy.

  "Bastard." I meant it as a harsh curse again, instead it comes out embarrassingly breathy.

  "Don’t you have any other words for me, baby? You know like, please."

  "Seriously." My voice has grown stronger.

  "You know I like it when you beg." His teasing smile lights up his blue eyes and his messy blonde hair has flopped forward, damn he so rocks the surfer bad boy look.

  "Yeah right, keep dreaming, boy. Are you going to do something about, you know, this situation." I flick my eyes to his cock, it pulses and throbs as I lick my lips teasingly. He hates when I shrug him off his commands for me to beg, and that’s why I do it. With a growl, his knee roughly shoves between my legs pushing them apart, opening my hot pussy to the chill of the night air, fuck if that doesn’t feel good. Then with no warning he sinks two fingers deep inside me. A moan slips out and I struggle in his vice grip.

  "Like that, baby. Want more?" Was he fucking kidding? Yes, I want more!

  "Move your fucking fingers." I try to pull my hands out of his hold again, but stand no chance. "Jordan," I growled warningly at him.

  "What like this?" He pulls his fingers out so very, very slowly, and they pull at the slippery flesh of my inner walls. Mmm it feels good, my eyes roll back in my head before I can stop them and another moan slips past my lips, but I still want more. Regaining myself I just look at him with a bored expression, he grins back at me. The wanker exactly knows what he is doing to me. His fingers slide back in, deeper this time and he curves them just right to hit my sweet spot.

  "Fuck." My eyelids flutter closed. Being pinned beneath this powerful, albeit arrogant male, has me dripping. Then his fingers are moving; in and out, in and out, opening and closing, stretching me. There’s nothing I can do but to lie back and take the finger fucking he’s giving me. The heat and friction builds and I feel my walls tighten around him.

  "Jordan, I... I."

  "Come for me, you sexy little bitch." He plunges his fingers deep one last time and his thumb pushes down on my clit. I let out a muffled scream as his mouth devoured mine. A tidal wave crashes over me, his fingers continue stroking my sweet spot deep inside, as I ride out my orgasm. Then he brings the fingers that were just deep in my pussy up to his mouth and sucks them clean. Eyes filled with intense heat find mine. Oh, I'm in for it now, and with that thought a wicked smile curves my mouth.

  "Okay, thanks. I think I'll be going now." I struggle in his iron hold.

  "Oh, I don’t think so, sweet ass," Jordan says as my wrists are released. I’m flipped over onto my knees and his hand pushes my upper body down into the soft grass that tickles my nipples and holds me there with my arse up in the air.

  "Okay, jackass, but remember who I am." My voice is clipped with anger now.

  "Oh, Phoenix, I know exactly who you are.” His free hand caresses my arse, “but right now you're mine to play with. You wanted to play the hunt game, you face the consequences of being caught. Not to mention how you teased me dancing with Jack. Did you think you were going to get away with that?" His voice turns heated and gravely, as his erection pulses against me.

  Yeah okay, he’s right, I did kind of bait him for this. So, I’ll own it instead. I wiggle my hips, spread my knees wide whilst letting out a sensual moan, and hell if that doesn’t work. I’m stuffed full in no time. The burn of stretching for him is bliss. I keep my tits pressed to the ground as he hammers his cock into me. He grunts and growls over and over, his hand fists into my hair and he pulls me roughly up against him. Turning my head to him, he plunges his tongue into my mouth, kissing me. I suck his tongue and it pushes him over the edge, I feel him start to swell, so I tighten my walls around him, hard. As I snake my arms around his neck, holding him to me, he drives deep before he stills and shoots hot cum deep inside me, and I orgasm just as hard as he does. Leaning back against him, breathing hard, I try to recover quickly. I manage to stand on my own two feet even though my knees are a little weak, he smiles at me and gives me a quick kiss.

  "I'll walk you back," he says simply.

  “And I thought chivalry was dead." I deadpan at him, before I shift back into my wolf skin. I wasn’t walking home bare arse naked, not that I cared about being seen naked, but it wasn’t very warm on a September night.

  "Hey, beautiful." Jordan ruffles the fur between my ears, so I nip at his hand and he chuckles as he shifts too. His large wolf form licks my jaw and then swaggers away. Even as his bloody wolf he’s arrogant. Shaking my head I trot to catch up to him.

  "So why is it you sleep with him, yet don’t want a relationship, or to be mated to him?" Hunter asks me. I carry on shoving toast into my mouth and chewing before I answer him.

  "Did you never just have a fuck buddy before meeting her?" I point at Ember, who’s making coffee.

  "I'm not the cat’s mother you know," she yells to me from the kitchen. I make a stupid crossed eyed face at her. Looking back over to Hunter his eyes shift a little, uncomfortable with where his stupid question has landed him. Ha, that serves him right.

  "I know you weren't a freaking virgin when we met, Hunter, neither was I." That earns my sister a low growl from her mate and I laugh aloud, pointing my other piece of toast at him mockingly.

  "You have landed yourself in it now, haven't you?" I tease him and like a child, I stick my tongue out, displaying my chewed up toast and all.

  "Phoenix, please stop tormenting him. Hunter, I don’t know how many times I need to tell you this, my sister’s never had a pull or call to find a mate. She presumes he’s already dead, or that she was never meant to have one in the first place. So, she thinks her life is easier to just have sexual relationships with no strings attached." Ember disperses our teasing dispute, ever the voice of reason.

  "So, you just like to get your knees dirty in the woods?" His stupid teasing grin is back. Yup he is relentless, and I love it. It’s like bantering with a brother, which I suppose he is.

  "And you just like to break the bed. This way I save money, you don’t." I shrug at him and stuff more toast in my mouth, grinning at his mockingly horrified face. He even goes as far as to put his hand to his chest for more dramatics.

  I'd ended up coming back to their cabin last night rather than going to my own, as this one was closer, after I had my fun with Jordan. I often sleep in their cabin and even have the spare room that I’ve claimed as my own. I figured they would have fucked themselves to sleep by the time I arrived, but as I went to climb into my bed, I was shocked to find them in it.

  "What the fuck! What are you two doing in here! This is my bed!" I’d exclaimed.

  "Urm…we…aghh." My sister’s tired voice had answered me in the darkness.

  "Spit it out woman!"

  "We broke our bed, so we snagged yours. Which is in fact still our bed, not yours, just saying. So, bugger off and sleep on the couch, I’m tired."
Hunter’s grumbly voice filled in for her. I just started to laugh at them while flicking on the light.

  Deadpan Ember said, "It’s not fucking funny, I was..." Her eyes dropped to the covers where she was wringing her hands together.

  "Oh, don’t stop with the juice now, you were…?" I prompted.

  “Tied to the headboard, okay. The bed broke beneath us and it was like I was strapped to a torture table, being freaking stretched in half. I thought once would have been enough, but no, he woke me back up later and I was already strapped up like a Christmas turkey." She was getting more and more irate as her story went on. Tears flowed down my cheeks, as I gripped my stomach, laughing myself silly at them.

  "He didn’t stop, did he?" I’d asked through my laughing. She looked sideways at Hunter, who had averted his gaze.

  "No, he didn't, he thought it was better that I was bound even more." She stared daggers at him.

  "This is golden,” I clapped my hands together then wiped my tears away, “I'll go sleep on the couch. Don’t break my bed. Good night, sis, good night, destroyer." I’d winked at Hunter, who blushed. I had left the room still laughing, hearing Ember smack him when he asked if she wanted to re-enact it again in my bed.

  I rush the red she-wolf, the bitch leaps out of my way, jaws snapping, spittle flying from her maul. I rush her again, stop short then switch back and grab a back leg in my jaws. Pulling hard, she hits the floor with an oomph, as the air forces out of her lungs.

  Jesus, Phoenix, who’s pissed you off? Ember's voice sounds in my head.

  We are sparing. What are you expecting, fluffy blankets and a mat to cushion your fall? I shoot back at her, curling my lip and snarling. She stands and shakes the leaves from her beautiful copper red coloured coat. She blends well with the fallen autumn leaves, her cream undercoat making her exquisite red stand out more. I go to take her down again before her guard is up, but she knows the move well, she side-steps me and bites into my side, hard. I let out a whine with the pain. That’s going to bruise.

  Seriously, Ember? No answer.

  Out of nowhere she is body slamming me against the nearest tree. Shit, she has gotten mean; obviously didn’t like my fluffy blanket comment. Fortunately, I’ve been trained by Dane. Ember has too, but he would never hurt her. Me, however, he liked to toss around for fun. Not that he doesn’t love me, he just has other plans for me. Ember will always be under his protection. Me, he wants to be mated to a different pack, and he’s getting more pissed the longer I say no to him. With that annoying thought in my head I turn on my sister quickly, grabbing her scruff and tackling her to the ground, I keep my jaws locked on her.

  Fine, you bitch, let me up. Comes her disgruntled voice.

  I let my laugh echo in her mind. Just then a huge grey wolf saunters out of the woods, tongue lolling out of his mouth. Hunter looks just as childish and teasing in his wolf skin as he does in his human skin, though he is still deadly. I've seen him many times in a fight. He’s fast and calculated, he takes down and kills quickly, never missing a beat. My sister is truly safe with him.

  I watch as she runs over to him like a bloody puppy, tail wagging like mad as she licks his muzzle and they rub heads, I feel a pang in my chest watching them. Not jealousy, maybe longing. These feelings are starting to annoy me though. I’d better go and find Jordan again, give me something better to think about. I’m sure he will oblige me no problem.

  Your father wants to see you, Phoenix. Hunter's voice echoes through my mind. Our connection isn’t strong, not like mine and Embers, but it’s still there now we are the same pack. I nod once and lope off into the woods. There goes my thoughts of finding Jordan.

  "Phoenix." My dad looks up as I walk in, he gestures to the leather chair opposite him. I know what’s coming, so I just look at him, fold my arms, and start foot tapping.

  "I've been contacted by the Alpha of the Australian pack again. Ralph Grayson’s son, Jackson...” He looks up at me and trails off. “Why are you looking at me like that, Phoenix?"

  "Hmmm, I fucking wonder why, Father. How many times do you have to be told? I. Am. Not. For. Sale." I stand there raging, squaring my tense shoulders, and placing my hands firmly on my hips. I level him with a look filled with fire. His hand goes to his face and he rubs his eyes.

  "I'm not selling you, child. I'm simply finding you a mate." I wave my hand down my body. "Have you seen this, do I look like I can't find my own mate, Dane?" I sneer at him. My skin starts to feel tight over my bones and simmering rage makes my blood start to boil.

  "Do not call me that!" He’s getting red in the face now with anger, well so am I!

  "Is it not your name?" My eyebrow raises; his face is going purple as his fury continues to boil. I gulp, how do I always piss him off so quickly?

  "You are too old to be unmated. Every unmated male in this pack is sniffing around you. You insist on frolicking with Jordan, yet even when I give my consent you don’t want to be his mate. And last night you thought to make a spectacle of yourself with a lower ranking pack member, and a younger one at that!" I can see him trying to calm himself down, taking slow, deep breaths with his eyes closed, like he might mentally be counting to ten.

  I snorted. "Frolicking? We are all adults here, the word is fucking, and a spectacle? Seriously, I can’t dance with a friend and fellow pack member without some other idiot reporting back to you that I might be fucking him?" Now I’m not just pissed at Dane, I’m also pissed at whoever has been watching and reporting me. I clearly disrupted his attempts at keeping himself calm with that and his face goes a very strange shade of purple. I can almost see the steam coming from his ears.

  "Look, Dad. I know in your own weird way you’re trying to help me, but it's not helping. I'd be no good as a mate to anyone, we all know this. I don’t get why you keep trying. You can get the allegiance of the Alphas without me," I simply tell him, shrugging and averting my gaze. I may as well try to deflate his anger a little.

  I stand waiting for his dismissal, I’m done with this conversation. He slightly inclined his head, giving me the permission I needed and then I left. I need to run, so I go out the back of the cabin, stripping as I open the door, and jump down the wooden steps before fleeing into the woods.

  Where are you, Phoenix? I ask my sister again for about the hundredth time it feels.

  "Is she still not answering you?" Hunter asks as he rubs the back of my neck and places the mug of milky tea down in front of me.

  "No, the heifer has put her block up, and it’s really strong. I can normally push my way through.” I was starting to get worried now. I figured when she didn’t show last night she’d just gone home, unusual but no alarm bells ringing. Then I found out that no one’s seen her all day today. I’d marched to our dad’s cabin to demand to know what he had done. He'd assured me that it was just a simple conversation and she had left there fine. So, I asked him what it was about.

  “Well the Australian Alpha wants her mated to his son,” he answered me like there wasn’t anything wrong with that statement at all. I nearly ripped him a new one. Hunter had grabbed me quickly and taken me back home.

  “She is just pissed off, you need to give her time. You know what it’s like when females get a bee in their bonnet. Phoenix will just be wandering in the forest, hunting and killing things to let her tension out. She’ll be back in a day or two. If not, we will go find her, okay?” Why did he have to sound so reasonable, he was meant to be the joker out of the two of us. “But if she is bent over some tree stump with Jordan inside her, don’t blame me,” he shrugs and then laughs as he dodges the flying cushion that I aim at his head. Yeah, there’s the joker I know. But let’s face it, that’s more than likely what’s happening.

  Lapping at the crystal-clear water running in the river, I hear the snap of a twig in the distance. Fuck sake, why can’t I just be left alone? I know I’ve been gone for a few days, but I like to venture around the forest when I’m pissed off, and to be honest I’m royally pissed at the
moment. I’m also a little upset. Why is it paramount that I be mated halfway around the fucking world, dragged away from everyone I know and everything I have known? It’s a daunting prospect.

  SNAP. Another twig snapping again, whoever’s coming is letting me know they are closing in. I raise my head and my nose twitches side to side as I sniff the sweet Scottish air. Strange, I thought it might have been my sister and Hunter, come to drag my hide back to civilisation. I blocked her out of my mind for a while, so she will be angry at me for that, and she will also want to check on me. But it isn’t their scent I’m picking up in the breeze. I jump out of the river and land on the opposite bank. I scramble up the muddy incline quickly and run for the cover of the trees, keeping an eye over my shoulder. I hunker down and wait, keeping my gaze locked on my predator's, who's still on the opposite side of the river. SNAP.

  Who the mother fucking hell is it? I’m catching the smell of sandalwood and male musk, it’s seriously mouth-watering, but I have no clue as to who the scent belongs to. No male in my pack smells so good; I’d have definitely sniffed him out by now if they did.

  A dark shadow moves in my peripheral vision, my head snaps to the left of the trees. No, not a shadow, a huge black wolf. His coal black fur is so thick and beautiful, I want to sink my hands in it. What? What the hell, where had that thought come from? I watch him stroll down to the river’s edge nose to the ground, sniffing where I’d just been. His thick fur ripples over the muscle’s underneath with each step. Who is he? He’s doing all kinds of dirty things to my insides that’s for sure. But has he come to try to take over the pack? Is he here to cause chaos? Or is he simply just passing through?

  Just then his head stills in its sweeping sniffing of the ground. I find myself captured by emerald green eyes. They are so beautiful, mesmerising, I can’t look away. How did he know exactly where I was? His captivating gaze doesn’t move from mine. He flies across the river in one powerful leap landing on the grass atop the bank, on my side.


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