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Willing Bride_7 Brides for 7 Bears

Page 21

by Moxie North

  “Fuck no, it won’t be easy. Those guys are all testicles. And I mean that. They don’t think with their dicks. Dicks just want to get laid. They make all their decisions based on whether they can get their little swimmers to the finish line and knock up their mate. Then when they do, their balls make them crazy to protect their cubs and their mates. Then, when the kids are born, all they want to do is show off what their sperm has created. It’s all about the nuts,” Eden said shaking her head.

  Piper couldn’t help but let her mouth drop open. Her brief introduction at the office to Eden didn’t give any hint to her real personality.

  “Preach, sister!” Cora said laughing.

  “How is your spawn?” Eden asked.

  “Don’t call my angel a spawn. He’s my cubby wubby,” Cora said rubbing her belly that really didn’t have any discernible shape.

  “You know it’s a boy?”

  “No, just a feeling,” she said with a shrug.

  “I heard Van talking about wanting a girl so he can buy her a pink motorcycle. You know those plastic ones?”

  “What the hell? He is not buying pink crap, first of all. My kids are not going to get covered in fluff, especially my girls. And a motorcycle? Something she wouldn’t even be able to use for years? Where is his head?”

  “In the clouds,” Eden declared.

  “See, Piper, this is one of those situations I could explain all the reasons he shouldn’t do something and he’s going to do it anyway. No matter how asinine it is. Because he’s doing it out of love and wants to spoil his kid.”

  Piper couldn’t imagine the big man named Van in the other room talking about pink motorcycles, it really didn’t seem possible. Nor could she imagine Anson talking like that.

  “This is a really nice closet,” Piper said. It felt safe and protected from the outside world. “It’s cozy. Only one way in and out. It feels like a bunker or a safe room.”

  Both women looked around. Cora smile then her smile grew bigger. “I have an amazing idea.”

  “Oh, shit,” Eden moaned.

  “Stop it. Seriously, let’s do a slumber party!” Cora said excitedly.

  Piper didn’t want to dash the nice lady’s idea right off. “Um, sorry?”

  “We can have the guys bring the mattress in from the spare room and put it in here. I think we have an inflatable one too. We can make popcorn and talk about the guys. Eden can give us dirty details to use against them!”

  “What? I did not agree to that,” Eden said, looking wary.

  “I don’t know if Anson would like that. Where would he sleep?”

  “They can sleep in the pit. Van does it all the time. He says it’s his nest. It is very cozy. I’d suggest we sleep out there, but then they’d listen in. Anson won’t mind, you’re safe in here. Besides we won’t give them any way to say no. We can declare this our girls’ club and no boys allowed!”

  “More like no dicks allowed,” Eden suggested.

  “Hmm, NDA, no that sounds like a medical organization. Too weird. We will need another name if we’re going to have t-shirts.”

  “Can’t we do something nicer than t-shirts?”

  Piper looked between Cora and Eden to gauge if they were really debating t-shirts for a nonexistent girl club that only had three members.

  “Oh, custom PJs! I love that, the zip-up kind that will fit over my belly. Oh and that has hoods, those are toasty,” Cora said with a deciding tone.

  “Okay, but I’ve got a reputation to protect. I can’t let the guys see me in a onesie,” Eden said annoyed.

  Piper didn’t really think she was annoyed. She had a gleam in her eye that said she was enjoying playing along with Cora.

  “I’m going to go tell Van to get moving on the mattress. Let’s order pizza too, I’m hungry,” Cora said jumping up and leaving Eden and Piper alone.

  “So, now that Perky is gone, how are you doing?” Eden asked.

  Piper gave her a look and didn’t hide how tired she was. “I want this over.”

  “I don’t know how much Anson has told you, but this guy, if it’s really him, he’s not going to last much longer. He knows our guys are looking for him. It will be getting around that KSI is on the hunt. We have enough eyes and ears around now that we have a target that he’s already caught in the web, he just doesn’t know it yet.”

  “I don’t know how to live without looking over my shoulder,” Piper admitted.

  Eden gave a shrug. “That’s going to take time. I look over my shoulder because I’m a pessimist and I’ve always done okay.”

  “You’re a trained professional,” Piper reminded her.

  “Hah, glad you think so. I swear my brain is turning to mush on my assignment. Talk about wanting it over.”

  Piper laughed and then a thought flashed into her mind and a smile crept across her face. “Let’s forget my problems for a bit and talk about Bliss Hartley!” Eden’s groan only made Piper laugh harder…

  Chapter 28

  “We are eventually going to have to go back to your house or mine,” Anson said, his voice rough.

  He was kissing along Piper’s neck, seeking out the spots that he knew would make her gasp. It had been two days since they’d been back in Seattle. They had spent the first night at Van and Cora’s. He had been relegated to the couch in the living room while the three women giggled and chatted until the wee hours of the morning in Cora’s closet.

  Van and Anson kept cracking the door and pushing food and wine through then quickly closing it. He wouldn’t have been surprised if they had put up a sign saying Keep Out on the door. He didn’t mind. She was in a room with only one door, a badass Kindred bodyguard sleeping next to her, even though it wasn’t him, and they were in a loft that was more fortress than cozy home.

  Anson and Van had talked shop for a while then settled in to watch a Sentinels game. He knew how important it was for Piper to be comfortable around Cora and Eden. Van and Eden were part of his family, they would always be around. More importantly, he wanted her to trust them with her life if she needed to. Anson had no doubts that they would keep his mate safe.

  The next night Piper made it clear she didn’t want to intrude anymore. That left them in a hotel downtown for the last two days. Piper had been dropped off at her office building in the morning as usual. They didn’t want the routine to look different. The only visible sign that something had changed was Eden sitting at the desk outside her office.

  When she returned from work, Anson didn’t waste any time bundling her into a bath. Then he would make sure she was fed and relaxed before making love to her until she fell asleep in an exhausted slumber. He knew it wasn’t just work that was making her tired.

  This morning Anson had been lying awake, wanting to get up and check for updates. But with his mate curled up next to him, he found his motivation lacking. That’s when he decided to wake her up slowly.

  “Anson, are you cutting into my sleep? Haven’t we talked about that?”

  “I timed this perfectly, I have just enough time to make you come before you need to get ready for work.”

  “Well, aren’t you the gentlemen. Maybe you should be my office assistant,” she said through a moan.

  Anson didn’t think that would be very subtle so he kept it to himself. He moved his hands over her warm, sleepy body, touching all her secret places that he’d discovered so far. Leaning over, he swiped his tongue over her mate mark and they both let out a moan. It was like completing a circle, her feeling what he felt at the touch.

  “Damn, that is freaky good,” she said.

  “Not bad, huh?”

  “No, not bad at all…”

  Anson wasn’t trying to use sex to distract her, but it certainly helped. They were so close to settling this for her. He would use every trick in his book to keep her from stressing out.

  He slid into her and watched as her eyes rolled back and closed. He loved seeing her like that. She probably didn’t realize she was offering herself up
in a way that made him feel like the biggest man in the Clan. There was a good chance that every Kindred felt that in bed with their mates. Nothing could be better than the moment he made them one.

  “Anson, don’t tease me. I don’t want it slow,” Piper said, breaking into his thoughts.

  Flexing his hips against her he said, “You like it slow.”

  “Sometimes, not every time, not today,” she said, pushing up against him. She rotated her hips against him and he knew how easy it would be for her to pull him under.

  “I want you worn out before work. I want the only thing running through your head to be memories of the next few minutes.”

  “Minutes? Slacking are we?”

  “Oh, just for that, you might be late to work.”

  Piper let the water pour over her face and shuddered at the sensation. Her whole body was inflamed. She felt like a stiff breeze might make her come. Anson could play her like a violin. Making her sing out the sweetest sounds. She knew he was keeping her distracted, not that he needed to. His desire to shield her from the world was sweet. It made her feel precious to him.

  The day before, Eden had sent her ridiculous memos and emails to keep spirits up. Being out the previous week kept her busy catching up. Everything was running smoothly until Colleen tried to pin a missing report on her during a meeting. Eden started coughing obnoxiously. Piper had to hide her smile.

  Colleen got shut down fast as Piper pulled out the report. It still amazed her that Colleen would go to that much effort to try and get to her. It wasn’t as if she was making a good impression on anyone that might be helpful in her getting a promotion. Brushing her off and finishing the meeting, she knew that she just had to get through the day until she was back in Anson’s arms.

  There wasn’t anything for her to do. Her hands were tied. It was the hardest thing handing over her safety, or at least it should have been. Anson was so worried about her she didn’t have time to worry about herself. It made her uncomfortable knowing she was at the center of so many people’s minds.

  “Babe, you done yet?”

  Anson’s voice snapped her out of her soak. Funny how the world seems simpler in the shower. You could always make great plans and can win any imaginary argument.

  “Sorta,” she said realizing she still had conditioner in her hair. After rinsing, she stepped out of the shower and found Anson holding out a towel. He wrapped her up in it and pulled her into his arms.

  “Mmm, you smell like coconut.”

  “It’s my shampoo and you know it.”

  “Time for work. You know if we were at my house or yours, which we need to remedy by the way, I could pack you a lunch.”

  “Hah! I’d like to see that. You cutting up carrots and adding little notes,” she said with a smile.

  “If it makes you smile like that, then hell yeah, I will.”

  “Can we just have my house packed up? I want my paints, but I don’t want to go back.”

  “I can make that happen if it’s what you want.”

  “No, I don’t want any of it, but I don’t see another way. We can’t keep living in the hotel.”

  “We can live here as long as you want.”

  “I want my bed, my own sheets, and a stove to make pizza rolls.”

  “Pizza rolls?”

  “Yes, I love them and they make me feel better.”

  “Okay, how about we go to my house?”

  “Is it safe?”

  “Safe because you’ll be with me. Safe because I can get an extra set of eyes on my place.”

  Piper let out a groan. “I don’t know, let’s talk about it tonight.”

  Anson gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Tonight.”

  Piper nodded and moved away to get herself dressed.

  She finished her makeup and met Anson at the door. He was holding a bad cup of coffee made from the pot in the room. He said he didn’t trust room service. Hudson was standing outside their door. Piper had thought it was overkill but got a stern look from both men when she brought it up. Obediently, she followed them to the waiting car. The SUV was running and she was bundled into the back seat.

  “I wonder if the President likes this constant attention?” she mused once she was inside.

  “She loves it,” Hudson replied.

  “You don’t know.”

  “I know someone in the Secret Service. The President understands the need for protection,” Hudson said as they pulled out.

  Anson was next to her and had his arm around her. “You think you’re all that, don’t you, Hudson?” Piper teased. Before he could answer a popping sound rang out and Hudson sped up. Piper found herself lying across the seat with Anson on top of her.

  This was not how she thought her day would start, not at all.

  Chapter 29

  Anson could feel his blood boiling. Hudson was moving through traffic expertly weaving between cars. There were three shots that he heard, two of them pinging off the metal of the vehicle. Another made a thumping noise and Anson knew they either were aiming at the tires or got off a lucky shot. The tires were puncture-proof along with the windows. The body panels were reinforced. They could roll over a small bomb and come out alive.

  It wasn’t that his mate wasn’t safe, it was the rage that someone thought to try to pull this shit when he was there. That was fucking insulting.

  “Goddamn it, Hudson, who is it?”

  “I see a black truck that’s trying to keep up. He’s weaved a few times, that’s not normal driving behavior.”

  Anson pulled out his phone and called 911. As it rang, he pushed Piper down onto the floorboard and she gave him a glare and tried slapping at him. He deflected the blows and ignored her.

  “Yes, my name is Anson of Clan Fehu, I work for King Security. I’m traveling down Fifth heading north. A black truck took three shots at us. At least two made contact. The vehicle is still following us. We’re in a black Denali license plate alpha five seven kilo zero three. We’ll be continuing to head north then head up Olive until we hit I-5 then we’ll be turning south. Yes, I’ll stay on.”

  Anson looked down at Piper, expecting her to look terrified. Instead, she was looking up at him, searching out his eyes. When he gave them to her, she smiled. She fucking smiled at him during a shootout and car chase.

  “Maybe not so normal of a day, huh?” she asked.

  Shaking his head he tried to give her a serious look.

  “Don’t worry, honey, I’m fine,” she said like she was trying to comfort him.

  “Are you kidding?”

  She gave a shrug. “Are you going to let anything happen to me?”

  “No, of course not!”

  “Then this is just a new way to ride in a car.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” he growled. “Yes? I understand. Can you have someone meet us at KSI? Yes, that’s the address.”

  Anson hung up and spoke to Hudson. “He peeled off, they’re pursuing.”


  “Can I get up now?”

  Anson looked down at Piper and shook his head. “I’d prefer you didn’t.”

  “Well, I’d prefer going to work. I don’t want to go back to your workplace. I have my own, remember?”


  “Don’t you ‘babe’ me, Anson. I have a job to do. You are not plopping me in that room just so you can keep an eye on me. Eden is at the office, she can watch me.”

  “And what am I supposed to do?”

  “Take the car for a wash?”

  Hudson started laughing in the front seat. “I like her.”

  “Shut up, Hudson.”

  “I like you too, Hudson.”

  “Don’t talk to him, you’re my mate.”

  Piper put her hand on his face. “I am, and your mate is saying ‘take me to work.’”

  Anson let out a low growl, his eyes flashing yellow and his teeth elongating slightly and pushing out over his lip.

  “Don’t you bare your teeth at me. I want to
go to work. If you want to sit outside the building, that’s fine. Just let me get my work done, okay?”

  Looking her deeply in the eyes, he saw her absolute trust and it shook him. She wasn’t afraid. She should be, someone just shot at her. The slim chance they were aiming at him or Hudson didn’t factor. Piper was a different person from the woman that had screamed at him in the KSI office. She’d been a different woman from the moment he’d kissed her. She was Kindred through and through now.

  “I’m not leaving you alone in that building. I don’t care if I have to sit in the lobby.”

  “Fine, I’m going to be late. Hudson, step on it.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Don’t boss him around,” Anson said.

  “Don’t boss me around,” she replied.

  “Never gonna happen,” he said placing a kiss on her lips. That thrill shot through him like it always did. He settled her back on the seat and kept his big body around her as best as he could.

  They rode the rest of the way in silence, Piper staring out the window like she was on a Sunday drive and Anson looking at every possible threat on every street corner. Arriving at her office, both men got out and formed a Piper sandwich getting her into the building. She was deposited in her office with Eden following the two men in and shutting the door behind them.

  “Something I need to know?” Eden asked, crossing her arms and looking very annoyed that she’d been left out of something.

  “Someone took a shot at the car this morning,” Hudson filled her in.

  “No shit? You okay, honey?” Eden asked Piper.

  “I’m fine. It was very dramatic. Hudson is a good driver.”

  Both Anson and Eden snorted at the same time.

  “Right, you’re staying here. I’m in the lobby and Eden’s out front. Hudson will meet the cops back at KSI and keep us updated. You don’t leave this room for anything, understand?”

  “What if I have to pee?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “What… if… I… have… to… pee?” Piper enunciated.

  Eden hid a smile while Hudson didn’t even try. Anson dropped his head back and looked up to the heavens for the briefest moment. Offering up a plea to the Great Mother that his mate was taking her safety seriously.


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