by Tim Green
upon his trumpet ushering the Holy Spirit out of the gate of heaven and into the dark lifeless tomb. The crowd stood silently waiting to see what would happen. When the Holy Spirit heard Jesus shout he breathed into the nostrils of Lazarus, just like he had breathed upon a lifeless statue of clay in the Garden of Eden. Like Adam, Lazarus inhaled what Almighty God had exhaled. The breath of Almighty God entered him and he stood up and became alive again. He walked out of the tomb still bound in his burial clothes. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” Therefore many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary and Martha, and had seen what Jesus did and they put their faith, hope and trust in him. We angels have known from the beginning that God Almighty is the God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which are not as though they were.
Jesus of Nazareth was no ordinary man. He healed the sick, cleansed the leper, gave sight to the blind, drove out demons and raised the dead by restoring life back to them. From that day on Mary and Martha believed that Jesus not only had power to heal the sick, but that he also had great power to raise the dead. The people were amazed by the power of God, that rested upon Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus proved that he was who he said he was when he said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Though you are dead yet shall you live?”
Before Jesus had sent his twelve disciples out two by two into the towns and villages. He gave them authority and power over evil spirits and to use His holy name. “The works that you see me doing, you must do them also,” said Jesus unto them, “In my name you shall cast out devils. You shall lay your hands on the sick and they shall get well. Take nothing with you. Take only your coat. Freely you have received now freely give. When you enter a city, find a righteous man in that city and stay with him. If the people in that city listen to the message that I’ve given you, then bless them. But if they don’t listen to you then shake the dust from your feet.” Jesus then breathed on his disciples, blessed them and sent them into the towns and villages.
The disciples went out just as Jesus had commanded them. They healed the sick, cleansed the leper, cast out devils and raised the dead in the name of Jesus, the Messiah. They preached the good news of God’s kingdom everywhere they went. They were excited that they too could perform miracles when sent with the Authority and power of the Holy Spirit. We angels know that it’s not by man’s strength nor is it by man’s power, but it’s by the breath of the Holy Spirit of God that mighty miracles are performed. We angles know that those who know their God shall do mighty exploits in his name.
The disciple returned with great news of mighty signs and wonders that had been performed thought their hands. Jesus asked his disciples about the opinions of men and who they thought who he was. Some thought that he was a prophet like Elijah while others said that he was Jeremiah. Some even said that he was John the Baptist back from the dead. So Jesus asked them who they thought who he was. It became suddenly silent because his disciple couldn’t answer him because they didn’t know who he was. Only Simon Peter by divine revelation knew who he was. “I say that you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” answered Simon Peter with boldness as usual.
“Flesh and blood has not shown this to you, but my Father who is in heaven,” answered Jesus to Peter, “Behold I give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Whatever you allow on earth will be allowed in heaven. Now I must go to Jerusalem. There I will be betrayed and handed over to the scribes and chief priests. They will falsely accuse me, mock me, beat me and put me to death.” Simon Peter tried to prevent his master from going to Jerusalem but Jesus rebuked him steadfastly. “Get thee behind me Satan;” said Jesus aggressively and with great authority, “You will not prevent me from going to Jerusalem to do the will of my Father in heaven!”
An Old Dusty Road. #23
He spoke in that firm confident voice of His. That tone of voice that echoed loudly within the empty hearts of men. It left them knowing that beyond a shadow of a doubt He meant what He said and He said it exactly how He meant it. “He who is without sin let him cast the first stone.”
Silence smashed the thick dark atmosphere of guilty accusations that deserved justice according to the Law, the psalms and the prophets. However the Master had justice and laws of his own to communicate to them.
He knelt down slowly towards the dusty ground, His angry eyes still fixed on their eyes that were full of hypocrisy and condemnation. With one foot still firmly embedded in the dirt he grounded a single knee beside it on the ground. Suddenly they were all delivered from the law of space and time, as He began to scribble in the sand with his kind, gentle and loving hand. They all needed a history lesson and He was going to take them on a journey through space and time to teach it to them.
We angels like Almighty God are not bound by space and time unlike mankind upon the earth who is governed by the sun and moon. Although they belong to eternity they are captured by both space and time thereby being ruled by the day and the night. We angelic hosts along with Almighty God walk in the past as if it is now and jump into the future as if it is now. We can travel through both space and time to hasten the Word of the Lord, bringing it into its season before its due time.
It was early in the morning and Jesus went again into the temple courts after spending the night in prayer on the Mount of Olives. I Gabriel, the archangel of the Lord had just opened my eyes after being in my angelic rest mode. I spent a moment in meditation, memorizing the ancient texts that I had recently recorded in the eternal books of heaven. The more I meditated upon the scriptures the more I began to see Jesus revealed in them.
Precious jewels of gold, silver and precious stones were secretly disguised as mysteries and secrets wrapped up and sealed in the ancient texts. The more I meditated on the words of Almighty God, the more of Jesus I could see upon every page, disguised in types and shadows. I stood to my feet and immediately I flinched, my golden feathers into their place. I then set my face towards the glowing face of the Father of Glory, giving Him thanks and praise for new mercies and new beginnings for a brand new day. Every morning according to the earthly sunrise over Jerusalem I would renew my strength in this manner.
The crowds of people began to gather around Jesus in the Temple courts, so He went and sat down on the temple steps and began to teach them from the eternal scriptures. He taught as one who had authority and not like the Pharisees for God the Holy Spirit was with him. Michael had spent the night with the Master on the Mount of Olives with twelve legions of his warring angelic hosts. They were invisible to the human eye but the master knew that Michael and his angels were protecting him. Michael hovered above the temple courts, his eyes firmly fixed upon the crowd. Michael and I both knew that the devil, that ancient serpent was looking for an opportunity, a vulnerable time to kill Christ the Messiah.
I knew there was going to be a confrontation when the scribes and Pharisees appeared with a beautiful young woman.
They cried out loud enough so that all those in the temple could hear them, “We have caught this woman in the act of adultery.” Their hearts were full of judgement and deceit. They made the woman stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Now Moses in the law commanded us that such a woman should be stoned, but what do you say?” They said these things to tempt Him, that they might have reason to accuse him and find fault with him. But Jesus simply stooped down and with his finger began to write on the ground as though he hadn’t heard them. The young woman stood before her accusers in total disgrace and humiliation. Her heart empty of peace and joy, due to being hardened by the continuous lust bestowed upon her by unfaithful men.
She was a harlot and she knew the punishment according to the Law of Moses for committing adultery. She was anticipating being dragged out of the city gates to be violently stoned by the scribes and Pharisees. They continued with their pursuit and persisted in asking Him again, “We have caught this woman in the act of adultery.” Jesus slowly lifted himself up from the ground and s
aid, “He who is without sin let him cast the first stone.” I can remember writing the Law of Moses down in the books of heaven. God himself wrote these laws with his finger upon two tablets of stone upon Mount Sinai, centuries earlier. They knew that Jesus was pointing them to the stone of the Law of Moses that was an expert at revealing their sin to them.
Jesus again stooped down and wrote on the ground, scribbling in the sand with his finger. That’s when space and time stopped dead in its tracts for all those accusers in the temple courts with it. It was time to remind them of that old dusty road that they journeyed upon. Jesus the Messiah did not open His mouth to speak; He left that up to the dust of the ground to shout out its ancient deadly message. I could hear His thoughts as they shouted throughout the eternal heavens, “You are dust and to dust you shall return.” I couldn’t believe how calm and composed he was. He left all the talking to the dust of the ground. Thoughts of guilt began to posses the scribes and Pharisees as the dust began to