by Tim Green
condemn them. The dust of the ground had a lot to say.
It all began from one speck of dust, a minute microscopic grain of sand. The Lord God had deliberately lodged a single particle of dust into the palm of his hand. It had been spoken into existence by one single whisper at God Almighty’s command. It was small and unique, one of a kind, yet it had meaning and purpose. God Almighty doesn’t create anything that doesn’t have a purpose. This tiny microscopic grain of sand had a gigantic purpose. We angels all know that God Almighty likes to take those things that are small, microscopic in nature and make them great. It’s woven into his nature like a single thread of a magnificent tapestry, to take the least and always make it into the greatest.
Michael, Lucifer and I all saw how God Almighty held a single grain of sand in his one hand and a tiny drop of water in the other hand. He dropped the grain of sand into the hand that held the water mixing them together. He stirred them together thoroughly with his finger and then breathed on them causing them to multiply. Then he slowly pressed his hands together allowing the water and dust mixture to roll in his hands. He rolled and rolled his hands together forming the clay into a perfectly round ball like a skilled master potter forming the clay. Then like a sower who goes out to sow his seed in his field, God Almighty chose a place in space and time to sow the ever growing mixture of combined sand and water.
He cast it out of his hands into the eternal heavens to spin like a ball upon its axis in the centre of the universe. He called that tiny little planet earth. God Almighty had created the earth out of a single grain of sand and one tiny vapour drop of water. It was these very grains of dust united as one as they ran through the fingers of Jesus the Messiah that were reminding those legalistic scribes and Pharisees of Gods greatness. The billions of grains of dust shouted out from the ground in unison of the creative power of their God. It was declaring that the heavens are higher than the earth and that the ways of God are higher than man’s ways. God was kneeling on the ground holding billions of potential planets in his hands. The earth spoke out of its belly, “Don’t under estimate a single grain of sand when placed in the hands of the God of creation.”
Its dusty voice then began to shout out from the abandoned secret Garden of Eden. It was the dusts spoken message from deep within the Garden of Eden that spoke to them the loudest. The past became their now and slapped them directly in the face. It was their great grand father Adam, the first man created by Almighty God that had the most to say. He was responsible for their frail depraved state. It all began when God Almighty decided to have offspring of his own after his own kind. God Almighty had creation on his mind after the rebellion of Lucifer and his angels had come to an end. Michael and I can remember the day when he stepped out of his heavenly throne room and stood in the centre of the earth. He was possessed with creation of the universe upon his mind.
“Let us make man in our own image and in our likeness,” he said. So God created the man in his own image. Streams came up from the earth and watered the dusty surface of the ground. The Lord formed the man from the moist dust of the ground in a mould that he had made of himself. It was these dust particles forged together in the form of clay that was sculpted to precision and perfection by the Almighty. Like a skilled potter he delicately ran the clay through his fingers until it was soft enough to be moulded. The man was created from the dust of the ground. God Almighty breathed into the nostrils of that statue of dust and it became a living breathing speaking spirit. He became the first abode and dwelling place of Almighty God. A house delicately and accurately moulded from an exact replica mould of God Almighty himself. Moistened dust squeezed into shape and forced to take on the exact shape of the mould. It became a perfect clay statue in the exact image of God himself.
The imparted breath of glory from the mouth of God into the man’s nostrils was the fiery red substance the transformed the clay statue into a permanent living structure of flesh and blood. God was now living and breathing on the inside of the man by transferring his eternal spirit into him. As fire always forges that which is temporary into something permanent, so the fire of God’s glowing glory transformed that which was a mere temporary clay statue into an eternal spiritual being. Mere dust became an eternal being, a house for God to dwell in by his Holy Spirit. This house was not made with human hands as the clay was squeezed together by God himself and then squeezed into the unique mould, shaped exactly in the image of God.
He was given the name Adam by the Lord God which means, a fiery red being of blood. Not only was there a fiery red substance of God’s glowing glory flowing like a river through Adam’s spiritual veins, but also a fiery red substance of blood that ran through the veins of his body of flesh. The one red substance of the glowing glory of Almighty God was life to his spirit man while the other fiery red substance of blood was giving life to his body. The man’s natural life was in his blood while his spiritual life was in the glowing glory deep within his inner spirit man. He had a duel life, life in the spirit and life in the body. He had eternal life in his spirit and eternal life in his body. He was completely immortal, he could not die.
Then God Almighty created Eve, the man’s wife out of the man’s side to be his helper. She was created differently to the man. She was built by God instead of being formed out of nothing. She was built out of a single cell that contained both the man’s flesh and his bone. She was flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone, taken from his side. Like a chief builder and architect the Lord God set his mind on creating a suitable helper for the man. She had to be perfect. He caused his son Adam to fall into a deep sleep during the cool of the day. Adam lay on his back, fast asleep on the ground as though dead in what we angels call the crucifix position. He sliced through the man’s side with the sword of his mouth, his most powerful words that he had used to create the entire universe. Like as sharp spear it sliced through the man’s flesh with ease, almost piercing his heart. It was directed strait at his heart to be birthed from the thoughts of his heart. We angels know that when God Almighty creates something it is always created from deep within the secret thoughts of his heart.
All was well in the secret garden until that ancient demon serpent entered the garden under the hedge upon his belly. We angels had no reason to watch over the man and his wife as they had been given delegated authority by God himself to rule on the earth in his stead. God gave them both dominion to rule over every living thing upon the face of the earth. Like God Almighty ruled as the King of Kings in the highest heavens so the man ruled upon the earth as its king. Like God Almighty was the High Priest of heaven so also was the man a priest upon the earth. Michael and I had come to know our adversary, the devil. He was a major threat to try and rule the heavens. We were not ignorant of his cunning devices. I could not say the same for Eve, the man’s beautiful wife. She had no idea of that ancient demon dragons deceptive ways.
We angelic hosts are aware that he is on a blazing trail to destroy and counterfeit everything that God creates. Hideous hatred still oozes out of his dark inner being still to this day. He continuously walks too and fro across the earth like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Michael and I have developed an intense hatred towards him. We angels don’t even mention his name among us. Slyly the Devil slithered into the secret Garden of God to deliberately deceive the woman by tempting her. Now there are three things that belong to the kingdoms of this world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. While there are three that testify in the kingdom of heaven, the Father, the Word and the Spirit and these three agree as one.
I know the exact modus-operandi of that cunning demon serpent. He always creates doubt by questioning the eternal words of Almighty God. If he can create doubt in your mind causing you to become double minded he has got you beat. For a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. God Almighty commanded the man, “You may eat freely of every fruit from every tree in the secret garden, but of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you must
not eat of it. For on the day that you partake of the fruit of the tree and eat it you shall die and die.” A duel death would be the consequences of disobedience to destroy the duel everlasting life contained in the man. A physical death in his body that would cause him to decay and return to the dust of the ground. He would also die spiritually, death in his spirit man that would result in separation from the presence of God. No longer would he be the dwelling place of Almighty God filled by his Holy Spirit.
The serpent was more cunning and crafty than any of the wild animals that the Lord God had made. He confronted the woman and said unto her, “Did God really say, you must not eat from any tree in the secret garden?” That serpent knew that if he could create a microscopic particle of doubt in her mind he could cause her to become unfaithful before her creator. The woman replied to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but from the tree that is in the middle of the secret garden we must not touch it or we