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Unforgettable Christmas - Gifts of Love (The Unforgettables Book 3)

Page 35

by Mimi Barbour

  “She’s used to me taking Rino out at night. By the way, I’m bringing him with me.”

  “What? Bringing your dog? To the auto shop? If he barks he’ll attract attention.”

  “I need him with me. I’ll keep him very quiet,” she insisted.

  “Okay, bring him with you. I’ll have a lot of treats for him.”

  “You hear that, Rino. Josh will bring you goodies.” The dog let out a few happy woofs.

  “After dinner, make sure Maria is comfortably settled for the night and come out with Rino. Walk to the corner of your street and call us. We’ll pick you up. All right?”

  Her mind loosened up and her heart resumed a normal beating. “All right.”

  With Josh and Rino’s help, she’d be well surrounded and ready to tackle any problem.


  After a quick shower that calmed her trepidation and enhanced her resolve to succeed in her mission tonight, Emma joined her stepmother for dinner while Rino enjoyed his meal next to them. When Maria commented about Stan’s plan to buy the auto shops, Emma subtly avoided the thorny subject and diverted the conversation to the past, asking Maria about Patricia’s early years at home. Maria was only too eager to relate stories involving her daughter and a happier time.

  At nine p.m. Emma took Rino to the backyard and then helped Maria change and tucked her into bed. Retaining her hand in hers, Maria assured her that Stan and Scott were good guys. How could she forget that dear Scott even stopped by last Christmas to offer his best wishes and a box of chocolates?

  The reminder nauseated Emma. Lousy Christmas with Dad gone and Scott present. Thanks to Rino he didn’t stay long.

  “You should consider Stan’s offer to buy the shops.”

  “Yes, Mom. I will seriously study any proposal he gives me,” she mumbled before kissing Maria’s cheek. “Goodnight.” Emma turned off the lights and closed her stepmother’s door. With a resounding clickety-clack of her shoes on the wooden steps, she climbed the stairs to her bedroom and closed the door with a slight bang.

  Not wasting time, she slipped into black leggings and a black turtle neck top and tucked her hair under a knitted black cap. She looked at herself in the mirror and grimaced at her reflection. People could easily mistake her for a thief about to rob a bank. Actually she was ready to break into her own shop. The thought reminded her to take the shop deed and a copy of her father’s will as requested by Ed Martin. To make sure she wouldn’t lose the papers, she folded them and shoved them into her bra.

  What if things went wrong?

  Be positive. Just in case she didn’t come home on time, she didn’t want Mom worrying about her. She scribbled on a paper: Mom, don’t worry. I am with Josh Dutton. Emma.

  Her phone in hand, she carefully opened her door, slid out and closed it behind her to pad downstairs. Avoiding any sound, she left her note on the kitchen counter, slipped into the backyard and locked up behind her.

  “Shh. Quiet Rino, very quiet,” she whispered and clasped the leash on his collar. “Good boy,” she added when he rubbed his nose against her hand and abstained from barking. She opened the fence and walked to the driveway and street.

  It was nine forty-five by the time she reached the corner. She called Josh.

  “I can see you. Keep walking two blocks. You’ll find the black Jeep along the curb.”

  A few minutes later she was comfortably settled in the back, between Josh and Rino.

  “Hey buddy. Here’re some goodies for you.” Josh gave the dog a biscuit and Rino licked his hand before happily munching.

  Colin drove away. Next to him in the passenger’s seat, Zach talked on the phone to one of his men. Behind them, on the back seat, the auditor held his briefcase on his lap as tightly as if it was a lover.

  They all discussed the latest arrangements. When Emma understood that the detective, Josh and Colin carried guns with them, she cringed. “Do you expect bloodshed?”

  “I hope not,” Josh said. “But in case they pull a gun on us, I won’t stand like a lamb.” He whispered against her ear, “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll never let anything happen to you.”

  Her heart pounding against her ribs, she remained quiet, afraid to ask for more details, but comfortable in Josh’s embrace, the man she trusted more than anyone on earth, the man she loved with all her strength— a sweet and scary certitude.

  Colin drove by the shop but the place was still lit. He kept going and checking the building several times for thirty incredibly long minutes, until they finally found it dark. A car was leaving the parking lot. Colin continued on his way and took another big tour.

  Zach made a phone call and announced, “My watcher said they locked up and left. Everything has been quiet for the last twenty minutes. We can go in now.”

  Colin dropped them near the side door and a man joined them. “This is Gary. He works for me,” Detective Zach said in a hushed tone.

  Gary entered the alarm code Emma had given them and opened the door. He preceded them into the dark place. The man seemed to know the place well.

  And she remembered it even better. The familiar odors of gasoline, oil, and wax polish assaulted her and brought back memories of happy times with Dad. “The office is straight ahead and then to the right,” she instructed Josh who held her hand.

  Rino grumbled. He must have sensed Scott’s smell around the place. “Quiet.” She patted his head and Josh gave him a treat.

  Anger and regrets twisted her heart.

  This was her father’s cherished shop, her inheritance. Why should she have to come here like a thief in the night?

  They entered the office. Josh turned on a flash light and directed it toward the floor. Gary pulled the chair in front of the computer for the auditor and brought another closer for Emma. “Zach and I will keep watch at the door until your security guys arrive.”

  Without wasting time, the auditor boosted the computer, fiddled with the passwords that Zach had given him and finally accessed an account for Speedy Auto Shops. “Ms. Cassiero, can you type for me?” He said after glancing through the file. Emma nodded. He handed her a small laptop and dictated his notes and comments. “Done,” he said after some time. “Now, I’ll copy the files.” He connected his portable hard drive to the desktop and copied the Speedy Auto Shops account. Twenty minutes later, he slid a flash drive into a port. “I’ll also make a copy on the flash drive.”

  “Why don’t you move to their private account?” Josh urged.

  “In a moment. I have to be sure I have it safe, in case someone snatched my briefcase.”

  Emma watched anxiously. “I don’t want to stay here too long. Please, hurry up.” Stress wreaked havoc in her gut but the auditor didn’t pay attention.

  Ten minutes later, he pulled out the flash drive and handed it to Josh. “Hide it in a safe place.”

  Josh removed his boot and slid the flash drive deep inside under his toes.

  “Now on to the account Scott opened, the Brighton Management Inc. that has most of the money in it.” The auditor opened the file and softly whistled. “Over two million here. Zach missed a lot of information when he glanced through it.”

  “Okay, copy it and let’s go,” Josh insisted.

  Next to him, Emma tried to control her erratic breathing and wrapped her arms around Rino’s head. “Shh,” she whispered when he started whining.

  “It’s going to take time. But I’m starting.” The cold tone of the auditor held some excitement.

  Half an hour later, Josh huffed. “Are we done?”

  “Almost. I still have to copy this on the flash drive, but it doesn’t take as long.” He disconnected the wires, hid the hard drive in his briefcase, and moved a folder from the desktop to a second flash drive.

  Rino’s head snapped up and jerked right and left. Josh instantly turned off his flash light.

  “Quiet, please Rino,” Emma whispered and gave him a treat.

  But her stomach constricted when Josh shoved his hand under
his leather jacket and brought out a gun as he turned to the door.

  Chapter Ten

  “There’s someone Rino doesn’t like.” Josh placed his ear against the door and Emma sided against him.

  “Almost done,” Ed Martin said as if he hadn’t been aware of the tension in the room.

  “Grab your stuff,” Josh ordered. “We’re not going to wait here like rabbits in a cage.”

  “Right on time.” He removed the flash drive and gave it to Josh. “Put it in your other boot. It’s the most important one.”

  Josh immediately obeyed. His phone vibrated in his pocket. The screen revealed a call from Zach. “Yes?”

  “Your bad guys came back with reinforcements. Four total. Colin’s unconscious on the floor. I called the police,” Zach mumbled in a rushed tone. “I’ll cause a distraction to help you. Get out quickly. Then I’ll help Gary. Two of them are holding him at gun point.”

  A loud noise followed at the front. Metal against metal clanked, followed by running footsteps.

  Josh slowly opened the office door and squeezed out, Emma and the auditor closely behind him.

  “To the right. The back door,” Emma whispered.

  Josh followed her instruction.

  But Rino froze in place with a rumble. His head tossed right and left.

  “Easy, buddy,” Josh muttered and gave him a treat. “Stay quiet. Quiet,” he repeated while Rino chewed on his dried meat.

  Emma bent to pat the dog. “Quiet, Rino.,” she squealed.

  Josh spun and saw her propelled back.

  “Drop your gun or I shoot her.” The hard voice resonated in the dark. The man had an arm around her throat and a gun against her waist.

  Josh’s stomach plummeted at the thought this skunk could harm his Emma.

  “Don’t be crazy, Scott,” Emma hiccupped, frantically craning her head away from the arm strangling her.

  Rino stood to attention. His piece of goodie forgotten between his teeth, he turned his head toward Josh as if waiting for new orders.

  “If you dare hurt her, I’ll kill you with my own hands,” Josh uttered with a steely voice although his heart fluttered with fear.

  Eyeing the gun pressed against her side, he knew without a doubt that he loved Emma with his heart and soul. She had become his reason to live and breathe.

  “I said drop your gun. I won’t hesitate to shoot,” Scott added forcefully.

  “Here it is at your feet.” Josh made a big show of throwing the gun on the floor. Meanwhile he whistled and ordered softly. “Go, bite, Rino.”

  Wrenching his leash out of Emma’s hand, the German shepherd spat the rest of his treat and bolted at the man. His mouth opened wide and closed on the hand holding the gun.

  Scott screamed and let go of Emma.

  A gunshot exploded, then his gun dropped on the floor.

  Like a crazy monster, Rino jerked in one direction then another, groaning and shaking his head, his teeth still clamped on his nemesis’ hand.

  Josh hastened to pick up the two pistols. One was wet and sticky.

  Blood, a lot of blood.

  “Rino,” Emma screamed. She too had noticed her dear protector had been shot and was bleeding profusely.

  Unfortunately the noise attracted the other bad guys.

  Josh pulled Emma back and raised both his and Scott’s gun at the two men approaching. “Stay where you are.”

  They froze in place.

  Suddenly all the lights in the shop shone above them and a voice bellowed through a loud speaker. “Police. Don’t move.”

  Pandemonium followed as the throng of policemen surrounded them.

  “Rino, come here,” Emma called.

  The dog whimpered, let go of his enemy and crawled toward her to collapse at her feet. She slumped to the floor cradling his head. “Help,” she shouted. “Help, he’s bleeding.”

  Scott doubled up against a policeman’s chest. “My hand. Don’t touch it. The dog broke my hand.” Scott hiccupped between shouts of pain.

  “This man shot Rino,” Emma said between sobs. “My poor dog is going to die.”

  “The ambulances are on their way, Ms.,” the officer said. “We’ll take this man to the hospital and your beautiful dog to the vet clinic.” Policemen rounded them and led Scott away. “Detective Zach called us and briefly explained the situation. We already cuffed three other guys who were beating up your men. We need you all at the police station,” the officer added.

  Josh threw a treat toward Rino but the poor dog moaned and closed his eyes. Two policemen freed him from Emma’s hold and carried him away.

  “I need to go with Rino,” Emma protested.

  “Emma, he’s going to be fine. Come, sweetheart.” Josh gathered her in his arms and pressed light kisses on her temple. “The vet will take good care of him.” He tried to reassure her although he wondered if her faithful dog would make it.

  With Emma held against him and the auditor following them, they were ushered into the back of a police car while Detective Zach sat in the front near the driver. “Colin and Gary have been moved to Newton-Wellesley Hospital,” Zach explained. “As soon as I’m done with the police reports, I’ll go see them. Your dog is being taken to the Active Animal Clinic. Right around the corner from the hospital.”

  Zach advised Josh to file a complaint against Scott and Stan Garett and their two accomplices for attempted murder on the persons of the Speedy Auto Shops owner, Emma Cassiero and his junior lawyer, Colin McFarell.

  In the sheriff’s office, Ed Martin gave his report and handed over the hard drive as proof of his findings and accusations. Josh didn’t mention the flash drives still hidden in his boots. The cautious forensic auditor wanted to keep the extra copies in case anything happened to the hard drive.

  Although Emma had stopped crying, Josh worried about her emotional state. Her stiff back, pallor and husky voice betrayed anger and sorrow, yet she’d calmly answered questions, filed complaints, and signed papers for three hours.

  When the sheriff finally released them, Josh gently nudged her out. “The van is still at the auto shop. We’ll take a taxi to the hospital to see Colin and Gary, and then stop to check on Rino.” Hopefully, they wouldn’t be met with more heartache at either location.

  At almost seven a.m., the blinding sun promised a beautiful day but the morning rush hour traffic had already jammed the highway. Half an hour later, the taxi dropped them in front of Newton-Wellesley Hospital where they inquired about their loyal colleagues.

  They found Colin in an ER room, with Zach sitting next to his bed. An IV line dripped into his arm and electrodes connected him to a heart monitor.

  “He has a concussion and two broken ribs, thanks to the scum,” Zach informed them. “He was conscious but in a lot of pain when I arrived. The strong sedative put him to sleep. I’m waiting for Gary to come out of surgery. He was shot in the side. I won’t rest until I see these guys behind bars for a long time.” His scowl and gritted jaws attested to his anger. “I’ll take Colin home when they release him. He’ll be off work for some time.”

  Josh shrugged. “It’s the least of my worries now. I just want him and Gary to get better.”

  “I’m sorry,” Emma said, her voice mournful. “I shouldn’t have dragged you all into this mess.”

  “You didn’t drag us into it. I decided to do it.” To reassure her, he pressed a quick kiss on her lips and kept his arm around her shoulders, without any attention to Zach who grinned knowingly.

  “Dealing with the scum of the earth is what we do for a living.” Zach patted her hand in an appeasing gesture. “Sometimes, we get hurt. It’s the price we pay for playing with the bad guys the same way we did as kids.” He chuckled and a faint smile stretched Emma’s lips.

  “I don’t know how to thank you all.” Emma exhaled, but Josh didn’t let her out of his arms.

  “We’ll have a big party later to celebrate their pending incarceration,” Zach drawled. “Why don’t y
ou two go check on your beautiful dog? He’s a real trouper, this fellow.”

  Emma nodded. “He’s my best friend. I hope he makes it.”

  Josh and Emma left the hospital, strode to the next street, and entered a one story white building with a sign reading Active Animal Clinic. The receptionist seated them in a small office.

  Dr. Sylvia Oburn, a pretty young brunette with baby blue eyes, reassured them about Rino.

  “He’s in recovery, still unconscious. I removed the bullet from his hip area and he’s wrapped up in gauze.”

  With a deep frown on her forehead, Emma asked, “Is he going to be okay?”

  “Yes, he is. He will have to stay here for two days. As soon as the anesthesia wears off, he’ll be in a lot of pain. We’ll give him an analgesic injection to control his suffering.”

  “Any damage or limp?”

  “We don’t know yet. We’ll put him through rehab and you’ll be able to help him since he knows you well and will obey you.”

  “You can be sure I’ll do my best to help him. Can I see him?”

  “As long as you don’t try to touch him.”

  The technician took them to the recovery room. Rino slept on a cushioned mat on his good side with a large wrap around his waist.

  Emma stuffed her wrist into her mouth and silently sobbed. Josh gathered her in his arms and caressed her hair and neck until she calmed down.

  “He’s in good hands now. He’ll be fine.” Josh gently ushered her out of the clinic. “I have to see my parents and explain about last night before the press gets hold of the story and calls my father. And I’d rather have you with me at that time. Your sweet presence will soothe my father’s monumental explosion.”

  “Oh my God, I’ll tell him it’s my fault.”

  “It won’t make a difference.”

  “Before we go to your parents’ I’d like to stop by my house to check on my stepmother and change. Poor Mom, no matter how I explain things she’s going to be hurt. She loved Stan and Scott, and trusted them so much. And she hoped to see Patricia and Derek moving here.”


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