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Unforgettable Christmas - Gifts of Love (The Unforgettables Book 3)

Page 63

by Mimi Barbour

“You like her.”

  “I do.”

  Ma whispered in his ear, “So does your daughter.”

  Lance peered at Tamara, who was lost in thought as she drew on her Magna-Doodle.

  “Next week. Invite Cara and the kids. With Tamara coming home, it'll be a perfect reason to have a celebratory dinner.” His mother tapped his shoulder.

  “Sure. I'll ask. Give me an exact date.” Lance nodded, then moved to sit beside his daughter. “I've got a very important question for you, Tamara.”

  “What's that, Daddy?” She stared at him with wide eyes full of question.

  “You know how you love Frenzy very much?” He wasn't sure why he wanted to do this right now. But with her being able to come home soon, Lance had to find a way to see if she'd be okay 'sharing' Frenzy with Alex. What if she said no? How would that turn out? With him wanting to get to know Cara, they'd still be able to see each other, but the kids might have a problem if Tamara decided she didn't want to. Frenzy was her pet, and she had every right. Time to see how it goes.

  “Yeah.” She nodded enthusiastically.

  “While you were getting better, Frenzy made a new friend. And while he still loves you, Frenzy and his new friend miss each other. What if you, Frenzy, and Alex all be friends so that both of you can see him?” He did not get that out right. Lance sucked in a breath as he waited for his daughter's response.

  “Is he still gonna live with us?” Tamara asked after a moment of silence.

  “Yes. But sometimes he'd go to Alex's house, or Alex could come over to ours. Remember Cara, the nice lady that you met last night?”

  “The one with the cool reading voice! Yeah! I like her!”

  “Well, Alex is her son-”

  “Oh! Then they can all come over! And we can go over there. I'll share time with Frenzy,” Tamara said promptly.

  Dodged that bullet. Wow, his five year old little girl was being so good about this. Lance kissed her forehead and tousled her already messed up hair. “I love you so much. Thanks for being so nice.”

  “That's what Christmas is for. Being nice. And I like Cara, so I'll like Alex, too.” Tamara smiled. In a five year old's logic, it became as simple as that.

  Well, that went well. Would Tamara like Alex and Shelly? Would they like her? Lance knew he was doing this for more than Alex's sake now. He also wanted to see Cara again.


  Cara had just finished washing dishes when her phone rang. To her delight, Lance's name flashed across her screen. With a racing heart and plenty of wonder, she answered.

  “I got the blessing from my daughter about sharing Frenzy with Alex. Are you free tonight?”

  His sudden question startled her to the point Cara almost dropped her phone. “I'm free.” As always on a school night, she stayed at home, spent time with the kids until they went to bed, and either read a book or watched a show on TV. The exciting life.

  “I'd love to see you again. I can bring Frenzy, tell Alex my idea, and then see what happens.”

  “Sure. I think it'll cheer Alex up. He's hurting because of the stitches. What time are you thinking?”

  “I'm thinking whenever.”

  So he'd already had this planned and only waited for her to okay this before doing anything. Thinking about last night, Cara smiled as she leaned against the kitchen counter. “Come on over now, if you want.”

  “I'm looking forward to it.” His voice came over the line quietly.

  Just in case for any reason Lance didn't end up dropping by, Cara decided not to tell Alex. Between the knee pain and the already disappointed attitude over the ferret, she was not about to get the boy's hopes up for nothing.

  Forty five minutes later, the doorbell rang. Cara tried not to be overly eager and moved in a calm manner to answer the door. Lance stood on the other side, holding the carrier with Frenzy, a red gift bag, and a vase with a poinsettia plant. “I thought I'd stop and pick up something for everyone. That way no one gets upset over not getting anything.”

  “Lance...” What should she even say to this? First of all, he didn't even have to do anything! He continued to surprise her in the best way possible. She adored his thoughtfulness.

  “Who's at the door, Mom?” Shelly ran over from behind her. “Oh. Hey! What do you-” Her daughter stopped when she spotted the carrier. “What's going on?”

  “How about we take a step back, let Lance in, and we'll tell you?” Cara suggested.

  Shelly wrinkled her nose. “We?” She glanced between the two. Cara noted the suspicion on her face.

  “This is for you.” Lance held out the gift bag to her.

  “You brought something for me?” Shelly's brows rose, but she took it from him quickly.

  “Go ahead, open it,” Lance urged.

  Cara shut the door behind him and suggested he set everything else down. She watched his reaction to handling Frenzy. Lance didn't take him out of the carrier yet. Progress, because at least he didn't have a look of terror on his face any more. He must be slowly warming up to Frenzy again. Good for him.

  “How'd you know?” Shelly's voice went high pitch, full of excitement when she held up the item from the bag.

  “Your mom told me you like crafty stuff. I saw your pillow the other night,” Lance explained. At his words, Shelly's eyes went even wider as she stared at her mom.

  “Thank you! This is cool! I can't wait to try them out!” Shelly showed off her gift to Cara. A nice box of beads, needles, threads and other assorted craft items. The box looked pretty pricey too, so Lance must have gone all out.

  “This is yours.” He picked up the potted poinsettia, handing it to Cara. “Tis the season, so I hope you don't mind.”

  “It's beautiful. Thank you. I think it's perfect, and it's really making me want to pull out the decorations.” Decorating for Christmas had become a chore the last few years, even with the kids enjoying it. This year, maybe she'd find her spark again.

  “So if you brought this for me and the plant for Mom... no way! You're not actually letting Alex keep the ferret, are you?” Shelly gasped.

  Lance chuckled. “No, not for keeps, but since he's so attached, I thought I'd bring him by for visits and I spend a little time with your mom sometimes.”

  Cara's heart warmed at the way he set his gaze on her face. Butterflies fluttered in her belly.

  “Are you gonna date her?”

  “Would that be so bad?” Cara asked, hesitant.

  “No. Not if you'll be happy. And he's nice to all of us.” Shelly half smiled. “Should I get Alex?”

  “Nah, I'll do it.” Cara thanked her for the offer. “I'll be right back.”


  Shelly stared after her mother, then faced Lance. “I think you're a cool guy, but I wanna warn you anyway. Don't hurt my mom. My dad did. Even though he died, sometimes I'm angry at him. I think...” She held her breath, peeking back down the hallway, then stepped closer to Lance. “I think he cheated on Mom. I've never said anything, but they were already having problems. Don't hurt her. And don't hurt Alex, either.”

  He was completely surprised by her warning. “I'm not trying to hurt anyone,” he responded. The gears in his head turned. An affair? His situation sounded so similar to Cara's, and it was becoming more and more so the more he learned. Widowed, trouble in the marriage, kids, and now a possible affair? A strange thought crossed his mind which he immediately shoved out because that one was too far fetched. This would not be the time he let his overactive imagination get the better of him.

  “She struggles with us. We don't always get along, but she's my mom.” Shelly shrugged. “And Alex, he's not good with people. Not everyone understands him.”

  “Your brother is a good kid, as are you. I like all of you a lot,” Lance said. He'd heard this a lot lately. Cara and Shelly protected Alex and were fierce over it. He had a lot of good support. “If your brother hadn't locked himself in Tamara's hospital bathroom, who knows what would have happened? I'm glad that I met
you all this year. I promise to do my best not to hurt anyone.”

  “Are you gonna date Mom?” Shelly fiddled with the gift bag still in her hands.

  “I'd like to. Or at least see where things go,” Lance admitted with full honesty.

  “Is that Simba in there?” Alex's loud voice broke up the conversation. He hobbled to the carrier and carefully knelt down in front of it.

  “Honey, his name is Frenzy.” Cara trailed behind her son.

  “You brought him back!” For the first time, Alex actually made eye contact with Lance. It must have surprised Cara, too.

  “Yeah. I know you like him a whole lot. I was thinking that we could visit you, and sometimes you can visit us. How would you feel about that?” Lance knelt in front of the boy, hoping for the best. Alex's eyes were full of curiosity and wonder. What went on in that mind of his? How much of the world did he see differently?

  “You'll let me see him more? Really?”

  “Really. And you can still keep the stuffed ferret I gave you. That means you get two new friends.” Lance smiled at him. He hadn't expected this much of a warm reception.

  “Can I let him out?” Alex gestured to the carrier.

  Lance was about to answer, but Cara stepped in. “What do you say, Alex?” she prompted, her voice firm.

  He stopped short, his hand hovering right above the latch. “Thank you!” He boomed, then opened up the carrier. Frenzy, happy to be free, rushed out and climbed all over Alex. He watched the two of them, afraid Frenzy might scratch or bite or that Alex might play too rough.

  Neither happened.

  With that, Lance knew he'd done a good thing.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Tamara had been home for four days. Lance almost found his sense of normal again. He still worked from home, and his mother dropped by every day to help out. With no setbacks, his daughter continued to progress for the better.

  “You're bringing Cara and the kids over this Saturday night, right?” Mom stepped into the office late that night after Tamara had been in bed for more than an hour.

  “I'll double check with her, but if she says yes, then I'll bring them.” Lance tore his gaze away from the computer, already tired of the project he'd been stuck on for days. His concentration hadn't been on work much at all, though he forced himself to at least try.

  “How are things going with her?” She sat in the chaise lounge across from his desk and folded her hands in her lap.

  “Good.” Which was true, but in the back of his mind he wondered about her late husband. That nagging thought about what if played in his head constantly. The visits with Alex and Frenzy turned out well. He'd had two so far. Shelly also warmed up to him, and often times she'd rally up her brother to another room so that Lance could spend some time with Cara. They ended up talking most of the time, but they also watched a movie. Last night they played a game together. The only reason he didn't go over this evening was because Cara had plans with the kids herself.

  Saturday night, Alex and Shelly would meet Tamara for the first time. Like she'd done at the hospital, Ma prompted him to get out of the house at night.

  “I sense a but.” His mother didn't miss a beat, did she?

  Heaving a sigh, Lance leaned back in his chair. “I found out Lauren was having an affair. I came across letters in a box a few weeks ago.”

  “So you're hesitating because your late wife had an affair?” Ma's brows drew together.

  “Well, it does put a dent in my confidence level,” Lance admitted. “But Cara's daughter told me she thinks her dad had an affair. His name was Ethan. Because I can't get my mind to quit racing, I looked over the letters to Lauren. They're signed by the letter E.”

  “Lance! Do you know how obscene you sound right now? What are the odds?” Ma sat up straight and frowned, her shrill, loud voice echoed in his ear.

  “It's a small town, Ma.” He wished he'd never said anything, especially before this weekend.

  “I have two things to say to you boy. First- You're using that as a cop out not to date again. Second, even if this happened, it's in the past and Cara has nothing to do with it. If anything, she's just as much a victim as you. I'm sorry Lauren strayed, and I'm sorry your marriage was rocky, but don't let it stop you from thinking about a new start. Don't go there. That's an order from your mother. I'm going to go home now and I'd better see you this weekend with Cara and the kids. Don't make me search for her number.” Mom wagged her finger at him, kissed his cheek, and left the house.

  Before going to bed, Lance checked in on Tamara. She lay curled up under her blankets, only a mess of tangles sticking out. Frenzy curled up in a ball at the foot of the bed. There was a love between the two that couldn't be denied.

  “Let the past go.” His mother's words resounded in his head. It meant so many things. He had to let go of his hurts over Lauren, this stupid suspicion, and most of all, he had to let go of the anger at an animal over his daughter's accident.

  “All right, ferret. You might have won this round,“ Lance muttered at the sleeping creature. “I'm still not too sure of you.”

  He'd have to try hard.


  A light, cold rain fell Saturday evening as Cara parked her car in front Lance's parents' home. A handful of other cars were in the driveway, including Lance's.

  “Shelly, grab the pie. Let's go. Everyone be careful not to slip. Need help, Alex?” She had no idea how tonight would go with her son's reaction to new people, let alone their reaction to him. Cara assumed Lance had told something to his family about Alex, in case he ended up having a meltdown. She blew out a breath. Why did she agree to this?

  Then again, it wasn't right to always hide out. She needed to control her self doubts and shove them down the drain. Be strong. Forget the world and their prying eyes.


  “Hmm?” She hadn't even noticed her daughter climb out of the car and now stood by Cara's open door.

  “Are you okay?” Shelly's brows drew together in a V shape.

  “I'm fine.” She brushed off her disastrous trail of thoughts.

  “Hey, Lance must have heard us. He's coming out to the car now.” Shelly pointed.

  So much for gathering her wits first. Alex still sat in the backseat without a word. He rocked back and forth in his way of comfort. He hadn't even unbuckled his seatbelt yet.

  “Hi there!” Lance waved, moving quickly around the car. He almost slipped. “Can I help with anything?”

  He looked good. Relaxed. The past few days when they spoke on the phone, he seemed off. Distant, even. But Cara had chalked it up to her paranoia. What did she know about this man?

  Lance peeked his head in through the open door. “Hi, Alex. Frenzy is inside. You can meet my daughter, too. She's excited to share with you.”

  That did it. Alex unbuckled his seatbelt and shoved the car door open. Shelly went to his side. Lance held his hand out for Cara. Their fingers twined, and he aided her. “Careful,” he said softly when she nearly slipped. “You brought something?” His gaze moved to the bag on the passenger side, along with her purse.

  “Just some Christmas cookies and a pie. We put the decorations up today, and baking is part of our to-do list.” They'd had a blast. One of their better days in a long time.

  Lance chuckled. “You're going to be Mom's best friend. She forgot to make some because she was so worried about trying to impress you with dinner.”

  “Impress me?” Cara locked the car door and pushed it closed, then followed Lance up the sidewalk. Shelly and Alex were already waiting on the porch. Before she could catch up to them, Lance's mother opened the door and ushered them in. Alex hesitated. Shelly gently prodded him to go ahead. He whirled around, searching for Cara's affirmation. “Go ahead, Alex.” That was enough. He entered the house.

  “Yes, impress you. She wants your first family meal to go smoothly. I'm telling you, watch for the matchmaking signs tonight.” There was love and adoration in Lance's voice, despite
the fact that Cara could tell this whole admission embarrassed him some.

  “Not even a second date and she's planning your wedding, huh?” She giggled. Cara would love this family, she already had a feeling.

  “Yep. My brother is smirking all the time because I'm her focus right now and not him.” Lance gently touched her arm again, guiding her to the door. Just as he stepped back to let her in, Lance's mother made her way toward them. She winked at her son, then waved hello to Cara. “Before you come in, you might want to look up.”

  Confused, Cara did so. Once she caught on to what she was looking at, she stared at Lance. He'd done the same thing. Their eyes met. This had been a set up!

  “She's not going to let us in otherwise,” he whispered.

  “I heard that, Lance!” his mother scolded playfully.

  Cara shrugged. “It's just a kiss.” Considering she couldn't get the other one out of her head, what was one more? Juggling the stuff in her hands, she made a bold, brave move for herself and kissed Lance. Just a simple peck on the lips, but Lance upped the game and deepened the kiss. She closed her eyes and noticed before doing so that Lance had as well. His hand moved to her shoulder, then cupped the back of her neck and drew her closer to him. Sensations of excitement wrapped around her body.

  “OhMyGod, I did not see that!” Shelly wailed dramatically, causing Cara to move away from Lance. Pretty quickly, too, and she smacked her head against the door frame. A round of gasps filled the room. Pain exploded in her head. Forcing herself to push it aside, Cara plastered a fake smile. “I'm good, don't worry!” She moved away from the entryway and handed the bag to Mrs. Rossiter. “Thank you for inviting us over tonight.”

  “I'm so glad to have you! Your daughter and son are already enjoying themselves. Lance wasn't exaggerating when he said Alex had an attachment to Frenzy. Look over there. Doesn't that sight warm your heart?” She pointed.

  In the corner of the living room by the Christmas tree sat Alex and Tamara, both of them watching Frenzy as he played inside a box. He'd peek out at everyone before disappearing again. Kind of like playing peek a boo. Alex and Tamara's laughter warmed her heart. The twinkling multicolored lights illuminated their faces as the kids watched in awe. Alex wasn't talking to Tamara, but he wasn't shying away from her, either. The simple act of sharing and laughing together made for a good start.


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