Sven: Filthy Modern Vikings

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by M. , ChaShiree


  Filthy Modern Vikings

  ChaShiree M

  M.K. Moore


  By ChaShiree M. & M.K. Moore

  © ChaShiree M. & M.K. Moore 2019 Breeding Nation Publishing.

  All Rights Reserved.

  By the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as an advertisement. Trademark names are used editorially with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  This book is intended for adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. The suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Erotic Adult Romance.

  Cover created by Dark Water Covers

  Editor Melinda G @ MKB Edits

  Created with Vellum



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  Epilogue Two


  About the Author

  Other Books by ChaShiree M.

  Coming Soon From ChaShiree M.


  Other books by MK Moore

  About the Author

  Instead of a dedication, turn the page for a special message from a surprise contributor.

  To my beloved Amy,

  I have seen your messages around the world, looking for me. I must say, I thought they were a cute attempt at getting my attention. It wasn’t until I saw your number, 1-900-Lick-Amy, that I knew you were the one for me.

  So, what do you say? Are you ready for me baby? Cause I take what I want, and I never apologize. Make sure you can handle me. It’s for keeps.

  -Wondering if you could be mine?



  How do you convince a woman who has known nothing but heartache and silence, that you are different?

  Wear her down and don't give her a choice. It's the Jorgensen way.

  Cymion came to me at a time in both our lives when we were floundering and looking for out path.

  Now I have to be her to me by any means necessary. Starting with putting my baby in her belly.

  Can Sven accomplish his goal before his lady love gets away?

  If you have been following this family, then you already know the answer.

  They are Filthy Modern Vikings for a reason.

  And Sven will not be outdone.

  Chapter One


  Done! That’s it. I’m done. I have tried to be patient. Then, I did the ‘thing’ of being understanding. When that didn’t work, I gave her a little space to come around. What has any of it gotten me? Nothing.

  Don’t get me wrong, the nights when she is in my bed screaming my name over and over, while telling me I own her and admitting she loves me are great. They are great in the fact that I am more than sure she means what she says. But, by dawn she is back to running from me.

  I get it and understand her reasonings. She went from being in her parent's house, then married to a fucking douche who kept her in a gilded cage, and then here. She is feeling and spreading her wings as they flap for the first time, and she wants to test them out.

  I don’t want to stifle her flight. But I would like to be the engine that propels her to extraordinary heights. Then making sure that when her landing gear engages, she lands perfectly in my arms. Apparently for that reason, I am a caveman. Well, fuck it then. Since she wants to call me one, I think it's about time I start acting like it.

  In my line of business as a jeweler, Torran and I meet and deal with all types of people. Some are legit and others, not so much. What they do is not my business.

  However, I can’t help it if sometimes they want or need things done...say…quietly and under the table. Nothing illegal, mind you. My brother and I would never do anything like that. But maybe they are buying for a woman who is not their wife and want to have no paper trail. They in turn, lay a card of debt on the table. It is basically giving Torran and I debt of gratitude to be paid back however we choose. We have never taken any of them up on their offer. Especially for something where we are helping them buy for a mistress. We don’t condone those kinds of things.

  As of right now, I am beyond this shit. I need to get Cymion’s stubborn ass away from everyone and everything, so she can focus on us. And she better believe there is a God damn us. It doesn’t matter to me how much she fights it. There are too many distractions here. Too many people for her to run to and places for her to go. I am done with all that shit.

  I often walk home from work at night, giving myself a chance to think. I think about everything. My family. If I am doing what I want to be doing with my life. How I am going to convince her to spend the rest of her life with me. I even had a few thoughts about kids. How cool it would be to have one of each. How great of a dad I would be because I had the best dad.

  Then, on one of those walks, I ran into a little girl and her mom walking down the same sidewalk as me. My first instinct when I looked at her was to pick her up. I didn't of course, but that is how much like Cymion she looked. Like she could be our daughter. I was so enamored with her angelic beauty, that I knelt down beside her mother and spoke to her.

  “Hi pretty angel. My name is Sven. How are you?” she blushes and hides her face in her chin. “It’s ok. You don’t have to speak to me. I know I’m a stranger. I just had to say hello to the beautiful angel that looks just like what I imagine my own little girl to look like.” I make to get up when she whispers.

  “Thank you for calling me pretty. I’m 4.” She holds up four fingers. Could she be any cuter?

  “Oh, my goodness. Four. You’re practically a grown-up.” I say smiling at her.

  “I know. My mom said I will be starting Kindergarten in the fall. I can even put on my own shoes.” And she keeps getting cuter.

  “What’s your name? If you don’t want to tell me, its ok. I understand.”

  “Amy. My name is Amy Bridegroom. This is my mom Tess.” She sticks her little hand out for me to shake and me, a grown ass man, almost drops a tear at how sweet she is.

  “Well, it is a pleasure to meet you Amy. And your mom Tess. I hope to see you around again sweetie.” I stand and shake her mom’s hand and walk away. I have visions of kids on my mind that whole day. Trying so hard to erase the one of Cymion holding a little girl, that looks just like that.

  Unfortunately, my mind is eventually inundated with thoughts about her upcoming trip to Boston. She has to go to Boston to see the case through at the end of next month for the attempt on her life. Her divorce, that had been handled by lawyers I hired for her, was finalized a couple of weeks ago. It doesn’t change that we need to be alone. So, now I'm making a call.

nbsp; “Bonjour.”

  “Bonjour. May I speak with Viscount Luke, please. Tell him it’s Sven Jorgensen.”

  “Hold s’il vous plaît.” My leg is bouncing up and down as I wait for him to answer the phone. I have never done anything remotely like what I am about to do. Although I know my Uncle Om did the same thing a few months ago, I can’t help but think my mother would have my ear between her fingers if she knew what I was planning.

  “Ah, Mr. Jorgensen. How may you be?” He asks in his heavy French accent.

  “I am calling to cash in on the favor you owe me.”

  “Oui. How may I be of service?”

  “You said once that you own an island in Fiji. Is it true?”

  “Oui. Indeed, it is. Beautiful sandy beaches. It has a nice big house overlooking the beach. Since I own the whole Island, the beach is off limits. It is untarnished by pollution and people. Do you desire to use it?”

  “If it would not be a problem.”

  “Absolutely not. When should my staff expect you?”

  “How fast can you get a plane chartered to pick me up?”

  “I can have you out of there within the next few hours. This is good, no?”


  “How long will you be in need of my little oasis?”

  “May I use it for the next two months?”

  “Parfait. Perfect. My plane will be there in five hours. Au Revoir.”

  Now, I have to go and get her. I was fine this morning when I woke up. A little tense, which is usually the case when I wake up without her in my arms. But nothing unusual. The minute I checked the fucking voicemail and heard detective dipshits voice on it saying he would meet her in Boston tomorrow, I lost it. Over my dead fucking body.

  She wants a caveman. I am going to give it to her.

  Chapter Two


  When I got off the plane, I was scared. Scared of having freedom for the first time. And scared of what I’d just been through, and what was yet to come. I went from my father’s house and straight to my husband’s. And look where all of that got me. Scared of my own shadow.

  Then I saw him. Sven Jorgensen. He is the man of my dreams. And I do mean he literally is the one. I’ve been obsessed with Viking’s, since I read Josie Litton’s Dream of Me/Believe In Me duet. Then, when she came out with Come To Me, I was done. Vikings were all I ever dreamed about. Wild, but caring men who gave not one fuck when it came to their women. Now, suddenly there is a huge Viking standing before me. He is causing my pussy to be more wet than it has ever been before. I decided then and there to be carefree and wild myself.

  Thankfully, my marriage was only one of convenience. Actually, it was convenient for my husband, since I was what is known as his beard. He has never once touched me. There was the one time he gave me a kiss on the cheek when we got married. I had my own room and only had to spend time with him when there was some kind of function. I had no idea that he was gay. In my mind I assumed the mega age difference was a turn off for him also.

  The only gift I had to give Sven was my virginity. And I gave it to him freely and with no hesitation on the first night we met. Our car ride from the airport was wrought with sexual tension. It seemed as if things just sizzled between us.

  Instead of taking me directly to Tabby’s house, he took me to his. I met his sister, Erika, who is super nice to me. After the introductions he fed me. There was no hesitation in my eating what he prepared for me. I ate like I never had before. Previously I always had to watch my weight with Kent. While he never touched me physically, his verbal jabs hurt as if he punched me each time.

  After taking a shower, I climbed onto his bed where he joined me in moments. I initiated our first time together. It turns out that it was his first time too, but you wouldn’t have known it by the explosive way we came together. His huge cock slid inside me with ease, breaching my cherry. It hurt at first, but then he more than made up for the slight discomfort.

  He’s a man, who was somehow both tender and rough exactly the way I needed it. More and more he gave to me of his body and even some of himself. He filled my pussy over and over again the first night and almost every night since then. I was not on birth control then, and he didn't use a condom. Not that I would have wanted anything between us, but we’ve never once talked about it.

  I want him beside me, inside me, and everywhere I am for the rest of my life. It would probably help if I stopped giving him so much shit, before he gets tired of me.

  I’ve just left the doctor’s office. Sven’s grandpa is the nicest doctor I’ve ever met. He confirmed what I was pretty sure I already knew. I am not sure how Sven is going to handle the news and it scares me. Surely, even virgins know that no condom can equal a baby.

  When I woke this morning, it was the first time Sven wasn’t beside me, and I didn’t like how that felt. Where the hell is he? I get a call from Hailey about nine and she invites me to breakfast at Missy’s with her and Taryn. After breakfast we decide to walk our meals off. Hailey says needs to talk to Erika, so we head to her flower shop. The little bell over the door tinkles as we enter.

  “Hi, Auntie. The girls and I dropped by to see if you wanted to hang out tonight?” Hailey asks as soon as we walk in.

  “Hey, noodle. I would love too, but I’m supposed to be going out to dinner with Thane. Not sure what I was thinking saying yes,” Erika laments.

  “Well, I do know what I’m thinking. It’s about damn time. I keep telling you that everyone knew but you. None of us could understand why he has taken so long, but I am sure he is going to tell you,” Hailey responds excitedly, and I smile. I’ve heard the sad story of Thane and Erika. I have to agree that it is about time.

  “Yeah. Well, we will see. Although, I am shocked the guys let you ladies out the house without them. How did you escape?” Erika asks on the verge of laughter.

  “I can only speak for myself and don’t know about them, but I'm attached to no one,” I say sassily. It’s a fucking huge ass lie, so I don’t know why I even say that. For some reason I continue, “I know your brother feels like he somehow owns me or something, but whatever. At this point, I’m only trying to get through everything,” I say as Sven bursts through the door making the damn bell ring furiously.

  “Cymion, why the fuck is Detective Limp Dick leaving messages and talking about seeing you tomorrow evening? You are NOT going anywhere with him.” Oh shit. I forgot about the message. In fact, I actually thought I deleted it.

  “For fuck sakes, Sven. I keep telling you, you don’t own...” Suddenly, he is in my face and I don’t know why that makes me wet.

  “Don’t you fucking finish that sentence, Precious. We both know you are mine baby. I make you scream it over and over every night. You’re only running because last night I made it even more real.”

  “I don’t know what… Sven, put me down right now. I am going to kick you in the balls so hard. Erika...” is the last thing I get out before I am plopped unceremoniously down in his truck. Now I am fuming mad and didn’t pay attention until I realized we are at the municipal airport between Bleak and Moosehead. What the fuck is he up to?

  The next thing I know, I am sitting in a fabulous jet going off to who knows where. I refuse to speak or look at him as we take off. It didn’t take long to fall asleep quickly and when I woke, I am in a super nice bed.

  How in the hell did I get here? Am I on an island with the man I love? I’m a little scared of this knowledge. Deep down, I know that I can’t be scared of him forever. He is the man who has done nothing but be by my side since I got here. He also tells me that he loves me with more than just words. I need to stop lumping him in with all the other men in my past.

  Sven Jorgensen is my future. I need to sort out my priorities. The first thing I need to start with is telling him that I’m pregnant. It should be easy, right?

  Chapter Three


  I cannot breathe fully, until we are in the air and away from any and al
l distractions. She is going to be mad about the high-handed way I am handling her in this situation. It is my mission on this trip to show her what she means to me, and that I would go to any lengths to make her happy and keep her safe.

  Watching her, she looks so peaceful sleeping in the bed and snuggled on the pillow I was occupying. She is so damn beautiful. Her full thick brunette hair is cascading around and framing her cherub face. I need for her beautiful green eyes to open and grace me with the icy glare I know I will receive.

  The fact that she has been sleeping for most of the trip has me concerned. In my haste to get her alone, I didn't make sure if she was actually able to make the journey. Damn. Hopefully that little slip will not cause me any more problems than I feel I already have. I need to make sure she is ok. Leaning down I kiss her lips softly, while not wanting to wake her if she needs the sleep.

  “Sven.” She sighs my name. It is as if she knows I am near. I love that she can sense it’s me even while she is sleeping.

  Brushing her hair lightly back from her face with my fingers, the slight contact has the feel of her being a bit warm. Shit. Going towards the cockpit I pull my phone out to call my friend, Baron Rhodes. He and his brothers own a security company that specializes in IT and identification. About three years ago, they helped my Uncle Hagen with an overseas IT issue involving an attaché and his family.


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