Sven: Filthy Modern Vikings

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Sven: Filthy Modern Vikings Page 2

by M. , ChaShiree

  “Sven. As I live and breathe. How the hell are ya?”

  “I'm good Baron. How’s life?”

  “It would be better if women weren't so fucking hardheaded.”

  “Amen to that brother. And on that note, that is why I’m calling. I sort of kidnapped my woman and brought her to Fiji. Unfortunately, now, I think she may be sick. Is your retired doctor friend still there?”

  “Coleman. Yes. He is. Where should I send him?”

  “To the Calypso side.”

  “What's your eta?”

  “Say in an hour. I want to give her a chance to get situated.”

  “Done. Have fun.”

  “Thanks man. I owe you.”

  With that phone call out of the way, I sit and wait for our plane to land. My mind is awhirl with any and all thoughts of just about everything. I want and need her to want us as much as I do. And fuck knows how much I want us. The exasperating woman is the very air I breath and she refuses to believe it.

  I am immersed inside my own head and don't realize when we have landed, until the host comes to let me know. Deciding to let Cymion continue to sleep, I need to make sure our accommodations are in order before I wake her. Fortunately for us, the Viscount has a helipad to the left of his bungalow making it so we can go from the jet to the beach.

  The first thing I notice when I get off the plane is the cabanas and the bluest fucking water on the opposite side of them. After checking to make sure the fridges are stocked, I go out to go wake Cymion only to find she is already off the plane.

  I stand back and watch her. I do this often. Standing in the shadows and taking in everything about her. Her cute little button nose with those plump juicy lip, that would give Angelina Jolie a run for her money. Especially when they are wrapped around my cock and gagging for me. Shit, Sven. Get a grip. I think to myself as I am making an adjustment with my cock.

  “How long have you been standing there?” She startles me out of my thoughts.

  “Long enough for my cock to get hard picturing the fun we are going to have here.” Even now, after all we have done, she still blushes when I say dirty things to her.

  “And just how long do you plan on us staying?”

  “As long as it fucking takes for you to get used to your new life. For you to stop fucking running every time I make things real. As long as it fucking takes, Cymion. But right now, I want you to get refreshed and then get comfortable. I have the doctor coming to check you out.”

  “WHAT?? Why would you do that? I’m fine. I don’t need a doctor.” See, it’s shit like that. Her overreaction to a simple visit from the doctor that lets me know something is wrong. She is keeping something from me. Motherfucking secrets are the enemy.

  “What’s the big deal? It's a simple check, precious. I’m worried about you. You slept the entire flight except for the bathroom break. That is not like you.” I pull her close to me, needing to feel her body heat and have her in my arms.

  Never mind the fact that my dick is volunteering as tribute to have its first fuck in the sand, but for now I need to know she is ok. In a swift change of demeanor, she wraps herself around me and nothing is better than her being in my arms.

  “I am sorry I overreacted. I’m just...not myself lately. Forgive me?” She asks puckering her lips up.

  Leaning in to get ahold of those luscious lips, I take her in a kiss to end all kisses. It is full of passion, devotion, and promise. All of the things to come. Her tiny body rubs against mine as she stands on her tiptoes to deepen the kiss. When her hands come to my face and begin caressing my beard, I can’t help the growl that leaves my throat. Placing my hands on her ass, I lift her in my arms, and she wraps her legs around my waist.

  “Fuck, precious. I want to take you so bad right now. But the doc will be here in a few minutes. Let him check you over. Please do this for my peace of mind. Ok?” She lays her head in the crook of my neck.

  “Ok Sven.” She whispers. She is fucking sweet when she is not spitting nails at me.

  “I love you so much precious. So fucking much.”

  “I know. I love you too Sven.” About damn time.

  Chapter Four


  For some reason I expected an old man because of the island vibe. But this guy, Dr. Coleman is young. He is maybe only a few years older than me.

  “Have you been feeling lethargic for a while now?” He asks me. God. Am I wearing a sign on my forehead?

  “A couple of months. I thought it was stress from some negative things I’ve had going on… issues lately.”

  “Right,” he says sticking a thermometer under my tongue. It’s a rapid result, because it’s beeping before I know it. He stares at the reading.

  “What?” I ask, the suspense is killing me. I know I haven’t felt great, but that’s just the baby zapping all my energy isn’t it?

  “Your temperature is slightly elevated. Any nausea, vomiting, or upset stomach,”

  “Nothing a little Pepto didn’t cure,” I say laughing.

  “Right,” he says chuckling. “So how long have you known that you’re pregnant?”

  “Is it that obvious?” I question, quirking an eyebrow.

  “Well, I am a doctor. The signs of pregnancy are taught the second day of med school.”

  “Ah,” I say, because what is there to say to that?

  “I take it Sven doesn’t know?”

  “Right. You can’t tell him, though. Doctor-Patient confidentiality, right?”

  “Of course. But you do know he’ll figure it out soon enough. It’s my understanding that you won’t be leaving here for a while.”

  “Great,” I say. Both dreading and strangely excited about not being around other people right now.

  “Ok, I will fill a prescription for prenatal vitamins and an anti-nausea medication. I will give it to Sylvia the housekeeper, who’ll bring it when she comes tomorrow. She lives on the mainland and comes over daily to take care of the house.”

  “That sounds good. Thank you for coming all the way out here. I really do appreciate it.” I say as he leaves the room. Sven rushes in after him.

  “That was quick. What’s wrong with you?” He asks.

  “Nothing is wrong. Everything is great.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He just confirmed what I already knew,” I say.

  “And what was that?”

  “How long are we staying here?” I ask, not answering his question.

  “Not sure. Depends on how long it takes you to give me what I want. What did you already know?”

  “What do you mean you don’t know?” I shout. “We have so much to do. I’m gonna need to go to a store.”

  “A store?” he questions. He grabs my arms and I look up at him. “What the fuck is going on, Cym?”

  “I’m pregnant,” I blurt out.

  I kind of wanted to tell him in a cute way that was Instagram fabulous, but I knew that’s not necessary. At the end of the day, we are going to be parents. While I am super happy, he’s doesn’t look like he is though. I feel like the world is closing in on me and I start to freak out when he doesn’t say anything. Then I get pissed. Maybe it is irrational of me, but what the fuck did he think was going to happen? He’s fucked me daily since we met with nothing between us. Surely, he has some knowledge of basic human reproduction. What does the school in Bleak teach? Alright, I’m losing it. I gotta get out of here.

  I wrench my arms away from him and turn to walk out of the room, leaving him in the bedroom. Heading straight out the French doors in the living room, I walk down the path to the beach. This island is a fucking beautiful backdrop to my whole world going down in flames.

  Chapter Five


  I am standing in a beautiful oasis in the middle of Fiji with the woman who has turned my life upside down from the moment I laid eyes on her. And I feel like it all has come to this moment. She just blurted out that she is carrying my baby and I am stuck in the moment af
ter hearing the word ‘pregnant’ that I freeze.

  No one can understand how the whoosh of air is wrenched from my lungs with that one word. There is a buzzing in my ears as my heart beats like Tarzan. ‘Tarzan knock up Jane’. I am feeling that primal. It’s not until she brushes past me to walk out of the Chalet, that I come back to the present. Stalking after her, I grab her hand before she makes it to the sand Jeep.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” I ask, pulling her back to my front.

  “Don’t walk away from me precious. I’m sorry I was stunted for a second. But it's not because I am not happy about the baby.” She turns in my arms, her eyes latching on mine trying to see what’s inside. I don’t move because I want her to see it. I want her to see the love, devotion, happiness, and fierce battle mentally I am harvesting.

  “Really? Your happy about the baby?”

  “Yes! Baby. I am so fucking happy. It has been my very thought every time I put you under me.” Rolling her eyes at me, she smirks and wraps her arms around my neck. My arms encircle her waist.

  “I’m glad you’re happy Sven, because my heart has never been so full. Knowing I am carrying your baby is amazing.” Her eyes tear up, causing me a moment of panic.

  “Don’t cry baby. I love you so fucking much. Besides, you don’t have time to cry. We are getting married immediately. I don’t mean when we get back home. I mean tomorrow. Here. I know the judge on the island. He can get us a license today and we will be married by tomorrow.”

  “No!” I turn looking behind me, refusing to believe she is talking to me. Why would she be? But when I turn back to her, she is staring at me like I just told her Charlie Hunnam is an adulterer.

  “NO? What the fuck do you mean, NO? It wasn’t a question Cymion. We are getting married tomorrow.”

  “No, Sven. I got married for the wrong reason once before. I won’t do it again. Not even for the father of my baby.” Ah. Now I get it.

  “Precious, look at me.” I lift her chin and wait for her eyes to meet mine. There is so much pain and confusion in hers. “Why do you think I brought you here? It’s not just to fuck you twenty ways from Sunday. This is where I was planning to propose to you and marry you within the week. Learning that my baby is inside of you has only upped the timeline.” She looks at me with such uncertainty that it almost kills me. I could slaughter her fucking family for putting such doubt in her soul.

  “Really? You were actually going to ask me before you knew?” Her voice is so full of hope that it guts me.

  I think now is the time to show her the ring. Without saying a word, I walk her back to the bedroom and sit her down on the bed. Reaching over and into the side table, I pull the box out of the drawer and drop down to both knees. She gasps as her hands fly up to her mouth. Her eyes filled with tears show the smile her hands are hiding from me.

  “Cymion Nicole Gentry. You are already my everything. Will you now do me the honor of being my wife?” I open the box and show her the three-carat emerald cut on a platinum band with blue sapphire diamonds on each side.

  “Sven. Oh my god. It’s beautiful.” She cries as I slide it on to her finger.

  “It is said to belong to my ancestor, Frigg. She was the Goddess of Love and fertility. Appropriate, wouldn’t you say?” She is nodding her head as she chuckles. “Is that a yes baby?”

  “Yes Sven. I love you so much. Thank you for loving me back.” She hugs me and though I would love to make this moment about so much more, I know and feel she simply needs me to hold her.

  “Lucky for you, my divorce was finalized at the beginning of this week.”

  “I know.” Uh oh. That might have been the wrong thing to say. I can feel her still in my arms as her head lifts slowly.

  “And how the hell do you KNOW, Sven?” Damn. Me and my big mouth.

  Chapter Six


  I pull away from him as he starts to stutter out an answer to me. “Seriously, what the fuck, Sven? There is no way I can do this again. I can’t be with a man who knows my next move before I do. It's too much. It's not sexy or whatever the fuck you think you're doing."

  "Please don't get mad at me for caring about you. And don't you fucking dare lump me in the same category as your bastard of an ex."

  "Can't you see that it's the same fucking thing?"

  "It really isn't."

  "How so? All I'm seeing is similarities and frankly it scares me. I won't do that again." If I don't stick up for myself now, I never will.

  "Cymion. I love you. There is a need deep inside me to protect you from everything."

  "But you can't. I'm a grown woman and it's time I started acting like one."

  "I'll never not protect you. It is hard wired in body to shield and take care of the ones I love. Especially you, because you are going to be my wife."

  "Sven, if you can't tell the difference of what you are doing and saying, then maybe we shouldn't be together anymore." As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I regret them. The look on his face kills me. "I didn't mean that."

  "You must if you said it. But I'm too selfish to let you go. I'll never let you go. Maybe it’s you, who is the one who can't see the difference. You are my everything and I will protect you until my dying breath. The fucking difference between your piece of shit ex-husband and me can fill several fucking football fields. You will never understand the lengths I will go to keep you safe. To keep and make you happy. To hold you as mine. Every second you deny this, deny us, it's only making me want to work that much harder to keep you. I would do anything for you. What don't you understand about the fact is that he paid someone to kill you? He wanted to protect his lifestyle so fucking badly, that he paid someone to kill you. Thank God it didn't work."

  "I know that, Sven. I lay awake at night and think about the fact that what it would be like if he had succeeded, I wouldn't know you. I wouldn't know that my brother and sister have all the happiness that they deserve. Now that I've met, known you, and loved you. There is no way I can imagine my life with someone else. It's as if all the time before you, didn't exist. Nothing existed until I got off that plane. It frightens me. I never expected to feel anything, let alone the depths of my feelings for you. I know that I'm emotional, irrational, and things are only going to get worse.”

  “I honestly do apologize for what I said. I love you and I love our baby. I want to be your wife, but you have gotta do some things differently. I can't have my every move planned out for me anymore. I love that you want to protect me, but you can't protect me from everything. But you need to understand that I went from my father's house then to Kent's house thinking that everything was going to be okay. My entire life was laid out on a calendar, from what I wore to the charities I donated my time to. There was even a schedule for what time I went to bed mapped out. I need a chance to be me and also, I want a chance to be me with you. Can you do that?" I ask.

  He stares at me for a minute before he starts grinning. I release the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

  "Yeah baby. I can do that." He moves closer and pulls me close.

  His hands are at the back of my head and his lips are mine. I forget everything else. Standing in this room on a beautiful beach makes it that much more magical. Before I know it, we are down on the bed, rolling around, and tearing each other’s clothes off. The minute his hard cock slides into me, I moan.

  "I love you," I say.

  "I love you, too," he grunts at me while thrusting into me with wild abandon.

  Fuck, this is amazing.

  Chapter Seven


  Nothing can dull this moment. Today I am marrying the love of my life. We are staying in an amazing home on the beach and in a paradise of anyone's dreams. Standing by the side of the bed, I look down at her as she sleeps like the sleeping beauty that she is, sprawled out over the entire bed. I chuckle softly thinking about how her tiny body covers my body every night as she sleeps. I lean down and kiss her neck before walking o
ut of the room to take care of the necessary arrangements. First things first. I need to call the Island Magistrate.

  “This is Ratu Jone.” I swear the names never cease to shock me.

  “Hello. This is Sven Jorgensen. I am staying on the east side of the Island at the Viscount’s side.”

  “Ah. Mister Luke’s guest. How may I be of service?”

  “I am simply making sure everything is in order for me to get married today. Luke assured me that you could do it, even if it was a last-minute request. Is this true?” It better be. I am not waiting another minute to start our life together.

  “Yes Sir. This is true.”

  “Excellent. And it will be legal in the states?”

  “Yes Sir. The legal team we have on staff is American.”

  “Great. Last thing...can you please call the caretaker and ask him and his wife to please come with you to be witnesses.”

  “Very well. What time should we be there?”

  “Within the hour.”

  “Yes Sir. See you then.”

  With that taken care of, I feel the heaviness that has been weighing on my chest since the moment I met her lift and I can finally breathe. Now it's time to go wake my bride.

  Not surprisingly, when I walk back into the room she is still sleep. Seems the baby is zapping all her energy. My body begins to hum as it scans hers. The sheet has slid down and her body is on full display. Every inch of her curvy body calls to me as if she is a siren to its prey. I want to lay beside her and ravage her awake. But I want to marry her more. Leaning down, I rain kisses all over her face. Chuckling as she swats at me to leave her alone.

  “Sveeeen!!!!” So fucking cute.

  “Wake up sunshine. Today is the day.” I have gone from kisses to nibbles on her back and neck. Seems my resolve not to fuck her is waning fast.


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