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Absentminded Angel [Divine Creek Ranch 20] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Heather Rainier

  The waitress returned with their beverages and an appetizer, and as Presley Ann sampled the crab dip, she said, “What about you? Did you have time for decorating a tree?”

  Kendry nodded and said, “We hunted down a tree and some decorations today, as a matter of fact.”

  “Which leads into a question we wanted to ask you, kitten,” Jared said as he covered her hand with his. She didn’t realize how fidgety she’d gotten until her hand was held beneath his. It made her feel grounded for some reason. “Would you consider spending Christmas with us, at our house?”

  “You’re not going to Abilene for Christmas?”

  “We can’t. We’re on duty later that night.”

  “Leah, James, and Vincent are hosting our family Christmas Eve this year. My dad will be there, too. You could both come with me if you’d like. I could come to your house for Christmas morning…or during the day.” That was all new territory for her, and she wasn’t sure what they expected from her.

  Jared nodded and gave Kendry a look before the conversation moved on to other topics.

  They found a parking spot a couple of blocks off of downtown and Presley Ann smiled as Kendry helped her down from the truck while Jared got the baby out. Jared insisted on carrying Whit after she tucked the extra blanket around him and put his Elmer Fudd hat on to protect his ears. Christmas music carried on the air from downtown and there was a spring in her step as she walked between the two of them up the sidewalk.

  She stopped at a popcorn stand to get a paper bag full to share. She looked up at the man who was tending the stand, and smiled hesitantly as he recognized her. “Hi, Dale. How are you?”

  His cheeks got a little ruddy as he smiled back at her and was about to speak when a young woman stalked up beside him and wrapped both hands around his upper arm in a clearly possessive gesture. “He’s just fine, Presley Ann.”

  Damn. Figures I’d run into someone who hates my guts. “Hi, Missy. It’s nice to see you.”

  Missy held a little tighter to Dale, who looked like he wanted to crawl under a rock, and she said, “Whatever. Just makin’ sure you know he’s off the market.”

  Reassuring warmth surrounded her as she drew breath to speak and Kendry said, “Well then, miss, that makes both of them. These friends of yours, Presley Ann?” he asked as he kissed the top of her head and clasped her hand.

  It was one of those defining moments. She could point out Missy’s rudeness with a subtle choice of words or she could be the bigger person…and maybe gain a couple more friends. “Yes, honey. This is Dale and his girlfriend, Missy. Dale and I dated for a time. Dale, Missy, this is Kendry and Jared McCulloch. They’re firefighters.”

  Jared said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you both. Did you get what you wanted, kitten?” Jared asked as he closed her hand in his.

  Dale greeted the men and said, “I’m a member of the Riverbend Volunteer Fire Department. I heard we had a couple of new firefighters join the department in town. Heard good things about you.” His curiosity was obvious as his eyes skipped from one man to the other, noting the way they bookended her.

  Kendry shook his hand and said, “We bought a place out near the river and I think we’re in your coverage area.”

  Jared and Kendry shared brief pleasantries with them and Missy leaned forward and quietly muttered, “I mean it, Presley Ann. He’s off the market.”

  Because she was holding their hands, she felt the reassuring squeeze they both gave her. “I’m off the market as well, Missy.”

  Missy scoffed a little. “For now.”

  “Missy,” Dale’s voice was firm. “That’s enough. I’m your man. You’ve made it clear, wildcat.” Missy frowned and her jaw jutted out a little but she said nothing else and Dale smiled at her. “Sorry, Presley Ann. She doesn’t mean to be that way. She’s just the one who…picked up the pieces.”

  Both of her men were about to reply, but Presley Ann gave her head a small shake and they let her speak. “I know, Dale. I’m sorry for that. It’s kind of nice having someone at your back who is so protective though, isn’t it?” Missy was more possessive than protective, but whatever…

  Dale smiled and relaxed a little as he put his arm around Missy, who was now blushing as she looked down at her boots. “It is. That’s a precious little boy you have there. I’d heard you were expectin’.”

  “This is my son, Whit,” Presley Ann said, feeling her heart swell with love and purpose. There were still plenty of people who disliked her in the community, but she had her little angel and two men who had just achieved hero status.

  “How old is he?” Missy asked.

  “A little over six weeks.” Heat coursed through Presley Ann as she spoke the words. Earlier that week, Emma had given her the green light on her postpartum recovery. Jared and Kendry probably knew what that meant.

  Oh, I am so not going there again.

  Before she’d left the doctor’s office, she’d also started a strictly scheduled regimen of birth control shots at Emma’s suggestion. She even had an app for that on her phone.

  Dale nodded and said, “Well, looks like motherhood is agreeing with you.”

  Missy smirked. “That’s his nice way of saying that you put on quite a bit of weight with the baby.”

  Presley Ann let it go, knowing Missy was just getting in her licks while she had her chance, and she tried to convince herself that she didn’t care what the wench thought, but it still hurt.

  Kendry cleared his throat and squeezed her hand gently, an unspoken show of support, but it was Dale who spoke up as he turned to his girlfriend. “Actually, I always thought she was too thin. I don’t know why you gals worry so much about that stuff. A man likes a woman who has a little meat on her bones.”

  Missy shrugged and looked from Jared to Kendry and said, “Which one is his daddy?” She couldn’t see that Whit’s hair was jet black because of the hat.

  “I am,” Jared and Kendry both said at exactly the same moment. Presley Ann’s stomach dropped into her feet and she could think of nothing to say.

  Missy smirked as if she thought they were teasing her and before she could follow up with another question Jared said, “It was nice meeting you folks. Always good to meet another firefighter in the community.” After taking their bag of popcorn and shaking hands with Dale, they steered her away, with Missy still looking dumbfounded.

  “You didn’t have to say that,” she whispered to them as they stopped to look in a store window.

  Jared shook his head before putting his arm around her shoulders. “Nah. Her question was inappropriate. Like her. It deserved an inappropriate response.”

  “Yes, but now rumors will fly.”

  “Anyone who believes her deserves to be misinformed.”

  Presley Ann laughed out loud. “Well, the already misinformed couldn’t think much worse of me so I guess that’s an improvement.” At least she had her family, these two handsome men, and a circle of friends she could rely on to have her back. She knew there was a chance she’d never win over the whole of Divine. She’d take what she could.

  While they were milling around, visiting, and looking for a spot to sit, they came upon Lucy Owen and her husbands, Patrick and Beck, and Patrick’s son, PJ. Presley Ann mentioned the shop she’d visited the day before and Beck, who she’d discovered wasn’t nearly as cantankerous as she’d always thought, told her he was definitely interested in talking to Mrs. Finch.

  “I was wondering…” Presley Ann began to say, worried about taking up too much of their time.

  “About what?” Beck said, patience and kindness reflected in his eyes. Lucy grinned at her and nudged her in encouragement while Patrick paid attention.

  “You all started your businesses from the ground up, and I wonder if I could get some pointers from you. I think I have the beginnings of a profitable cottage industry but without experience, I need a little direction from someone who knows the ins and outs.”

  “We’d be happy to help,” Lucy sa
id. “Is this about the baby slings? Grace told me about them. They’re a fantastic idea, and the fact that you’re willing to create them in plus sizes out of superior quality materials will set you apart from the rest.”

  Feeling her confidence increasing, Presley Ann said, “The lady I mentioned to you, Mrs. Finch, owns several stores in Texas. I’ll be making slings and fancy diaper covers for all of her stores. I’ll also be making and consigning them to Violet for the Emporium.”

  Lucy grinned widely. “A few more customers like those and you might be able to work from home full-time and keep Whit with you.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping. So we could get together some time?”

  Beck replied, “Of course. I can think of several of our friends who would be happy to lend you their expertise. If you need a website, you’ll want to talk to Duke Rivers and Gage Randall. They’ll set you up with something easy to maintain or you can have them do the work for you. And Summer Webster knows a lot of the retailers in Morehead since she’s a member of their women’s business association. She could help you network.”

  “Wow,” Presley Ann said, feeling overwhelmed by the way he included her as part of their group. That feeling of inclusion, of being part of something special, never got old. “I hadn’t given that a lot of thought yet but I’ll talk to them.”

  “It’s a lot to consider,” Patrick said. “But we’re here to help if you need us. Luce handles all of our bookkeeping and she can give you pointers and introduce you to our accountant if you want.”

  “Thank you,” Presley Ann said, unable to help the broad smile on her face.

  Lucy grinned and pulled her in for a hug. “You’re very welcome. And maybe someday I’ll have you make one of those slings for me.”

  Beck lifted his eyebrows and blurted, “Come again, baby?”

  Lucy and Presley Ann burst into laughter, and Lucy said, “Not just yet, Beck, but some day, okay?”

  “Okay. Just curious. That would be an awesome Christmas present.”

  “Maybe next year, baby,” Lucy said, her cheeks rosy as she looked from one man to the other.

  The first choir filed onto the risers, and Jared and Kendry snuggled her between them on one of the long benches that had been provided for the event. During the performance, she reached for Whit when he began rooting at Jared’s shoulder. She draped her blue pashmina over her shoulder and quickly got Whit settled nursing. His little hands were warm on her skin and a feeling of security and rightness swept through her as she fed her son.

  Recalling Jared and Kendry’s impulsive response to Missy’s question about Whit’s paternity, she struggled with thoughts that it was all an illusion. But the truth was that she was falling for both of those persistent, patient men. Loving them would be easy.

  A gentle touch on her shoulder caught her attention and she looked up as Jared brushed a lock of hair over her shoulder and made eye contact. Normally so serious, his smile was wide and warm as he kissed her cheek and then turned back to the performance. She risked a glance over at Kendry, and he must’ve felt her gaze because he turned to her and grinned.

  “You okay?”

  “Perfect.” Why does the wobbly feeling in my heart feel good and scary at the same time?

  After the concert, they walked back to the truck. Kendry’s hand at her lower back was like a marker of his care, and for the first time in…ever, she felt she belonged to someone. A little voice in her head whispered that it wouldn’t last. Maybe it was their nearness making her yearn for what she didn’t have—and maybe didn’t deserve. Knowing that they could walk away with few lasting consequences, she tried to shore up her feelings of vulnerability. It was like standing against a tidal wave, brave but ineffective. The sensation of Kendry’s gentle touch just increased her confusion and made her eyes burn. She took a deep breath, fighting down the burning ache that gathered in the pit of her belly.

  Jared slipped the sleeping baby from her arms and said, “What’s wrong?”

  She sniffled. “I’m just…” Tracing a finger under her eyes, she tried to speak but no sound came out. She smiled lamely and shrugged as embarrassment heated her cheeks.

  “Baby?” Kendry said as he turned her to face him, concern obvious in the set of his mouth. “What’s the matter?” He stroked her cheek, catching a stray tear.

  “Sorry I’m such a baby. It’s the hormone thing, I think.” She wrung her hands together, knowing that was such a cop out. “I—um—” She hiccupped and then laughed as they smiled down at her. I adore you both and that terrifies me. “I know this is just our first date—and I promise to not go crazy stalker girl on you—but I had a wonderful time tonight. It feels so good to be part of something special.” She could barely get the last word out before her throat closed up again. “I’m not ready for it to end. There. See what a baby I am?”

  Whit was still sound asleep, cuddled in Jared’s arms as he said, “It’s not that late. What would you like to do?”

  Torn, because she knew it wasn’t that easy, she said, “I need to get him changed and into bed. I could offer you coffee and dessert at my place.”

  Jared whispered her name and when she looked up at him, he snared her with his hypnotic gaze. “Is coffee and dessert what you really want with us?”

  Wow. That was direct. “Well, I…”

  “Tell us what you want, kitten. There is no wrong answer.”

  The silver and pale blue striations in his eyes seemed to glow as he looked at her, and she whispered, “I don’t want to say goodnight. I want to be with you.”

  Jared stroked the underside of her chin with his knuckle. “You don’t want to be alone?”

  Hyperconscious of the warmth in his touch, she gave a slight shake of her head. “I’ve accepted being alone, Jared. I want to be with you.”

  She looked down at her borrowed footwear, knowing she was making no sense whatsoever, and she shook her head. Just like the boots would go back to their rightful owner, she knew her place in life. It was on the tip of her tongue to retract her words, but Jared put his fingers over her lips.

  “Stay with us tonight. We’ll get what we need for tonight from your apartment. We’ll bring you home after breakfast.”

  Kendry stroked her shoulder gently. “When do you start work?”

  “Leah scheduled me to start this Saturday as a floater.”

  “Then staying tonight won’t interfere with your first day of work.” His lips were warm on her cheek as he drew close behind her. “Stay with us?”

  The snippy voice in her head said that single mothers of young babies who did things like that were bad mothers. The voice sounded like Aunt Dorothy, and she’d never determined if it was the angel on one shoulder or the devil on the other. In the end, she ignored it. “I’ll need to pack a bag for Whit and bring his little baby seat. Babies need extra stuff. You’re sure?”

  Both men came to stand in front of her and Kendry grinned as he glanced at his brother. “We’ve never been more sure.”

  Jared seemed satisfied by her nod and turned to load Whit into the infant car seat. As she climbed in next to Jared, her body came to life. Heat and excitement throbbed through her, but not only because she was turned on by the thought of being alone with them…intimate with them. It wasn’t only about sex, and she’d never experienced anything like it before. She truly wanted just to be with them, whatever that entailed.

  After Jared started the truck, his warm, callused hand enfolded hers and she looked up into his eyes again, feeling completely bared.

  “This is not a one-night stand, Presley Ann.”

  She shook her head. “No. It’s not.” The smile on her face felt big, silly, and sappy but she couldn’t help it. She’d made her choice and it felt right.

  Chapter Seven

  By the time they neared the house, Kendry could hear the nerves in her voice any time she spoke when they asked questions. He leaned forward as they arrived at the house they were leasing with the option to buy. As if the
idea of staying in Divine might still be questionable. As far as he was concerned, it was a done deal.

  Jared punched in the code for the solar-powered gate and waited as it slowly opened for them and then continued down the driveway. Kendry watched her face and saw the way her eyebrows rose as the house came into view. She bit her lower lip, and his cock tingled as that soft flesh gave under pressure.

  “So this is your home?”

  “The part you can see, yes,” Kendry said as he released his seatbelt and leaned farther forward between the front seats, mindful to not jostle Whit in his car seat. “This place was a weekend river house, built in the 1940s. The last owners added on to the back of it and redid the older part in front.”

  “The rockwork is beautiful.”

  “We like it,” Jared said. “I bet you’ll like the floors in the front portion of the house, too. They’re made from the same rock as what covers the front of the house. In the morning you’ll be able to see the rest of it, which they matched to the front.”

  “It has lots of windows,” she said as Jared rolled to a stop.

  Jared nodded and said, “The back of the house faces the river and there are even more windows back there.”

  “This is so not what I expected.” She turned her head and blushed. “That didn’t come out the way I intended. I’m sorry.” Jared just chuckled and shook his head. The nerves were in her voice again and he heard it when she gulped. “It’s like a fairytale.”

  Behind the seat, Kendry gave a silent fist pump and thanked God they’d had time to mow and rake around the house to make it pretty for her. You’re not doing your best to sell her on the idea of living here at all, are ya?

  Knocking around that big house had felt more and more wrong with each passing night, knowing she was working out her future from a loft apartment that was four hundred square feet maximum. Even so, her little space was saturated with the feeling of home to him now.


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