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Absentminded Angel [Divine Creek Ranch 20] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Heather Rainier

  “They’re both three in human years, but hardly puppies,” Jared said. “They’re just really energetic dogs.”

  “I can tell you’ve worked with them. They’re very well-mannered, all things considered. And talk about massive. When they sit, their heads still come up to my chest.”

  “I’m glad you weren’t afraid of them,” Kendry said as he threw the ball for them again.

  Presley Ann shook her head. “My dad has always preferred big dogs and that’s what we had growing up, although none were ever this large,” she said, holding out her hand to Loki when he trotted near with the ball.

  Right at the last second before placing it in her hand, he play-bowed and veered away from her and Kendry when he tried to grab him, trotting off with his tail waving in the air as if to say, “Suckers!”

  Presley Ann giggled and then said, “I hate to say it out loud, but I need to get my day started.”

  Kendry knew it was coming. Honestly, he wished she could stay and never leave. He could see her spending every morning sitting out in the yard, playing with Whit and the dogs and enjoying her morning tea while they drank their coffee. The way Jared flicked his gaze down to the ground told him that his brother felt some of the same emotions. But he looked up at her and gave her a crooked grin. “Do you have time to try out the tub? Looks, and smells, like the baby could use a bath, too.”

  Presley Ann giggled and said, “They did a good job of marking him as part of their pack, huh? Yes, I would love to try out the tub.”

  The dogs came crowding up again, seeming to want to be close to Presley Ann. Thor even pushed at him a little and got between them. Kendry took that as a good sign. She’d be safe around their home with the two guard dogs.

  “Okay, pooches. Enough play time.” He threw the ball one more time and then helped her to her feet as Jared rose, holding Whit. The dogs raced off, and they walked Presley Ann up to the house.

  They coaxed her to take a little time enjoying the tub on her own. Kendry undressed Whit after changing his dirty diaper and brought him in to her. Presley Ann looked like an angel with the morning light shining in through the big picture window, mounds of suds around her and her light blonde hair pinned up on top of her head. She took one look at the wrapped up soiled diaper in Kendry’s hand and said, “You changed a dirty diaper?” Her gaze was incredulous.

  “Yup, I did.” Kendry said with a shrug. “We’ve changed a ton of them at Marty and Felicia’s house. Why? Does that earn us brownie points?”

  She laughed as she took the baby from him and eased his kicking legs into the warm water, propped him up in her lap, and said, “Yes, as a matter of fact it does.”

  “Awesome! I need to go put this in the dumpster. I’ll be right back.”

  When he returned, she was just finishing bathing the baby and wetting his hair. “Can I have his shampoo?” she asked pointing at the vanity. Taking the opportunity to sit with her for a while if she’d allow it, he opened the little bottle and poured a bit in her hand, which she used to lather up Whit’s jet black hair. The baby squawked and Presley Ann giggled and squawked back. “I never get to do this with him at home. It’s nice.”

  “Take a bath with him?”

  “Yeah. With the two of us alone, I’m too worried about slipping in the tub and something terrible happening.” She shuddered as if thinking about it. “So this is a treat for us.”

  “Us, too,” Jared said as he walked in the bathroom. He seemed unable to take his eyes off her as she sat in the tub rinsing Whit’s hair, bubbles floating out all around her. Her nipples tightened noticeably as she gazed back at him, no trace of shyness or regret in her eyes.

  Jared said, “I made some breakfast if you’re hungry.”

  “Starved,” she murmured as she shielded Whit’s eyes and rinsed the shampoo from his head. “Guys?”

  Jared paused at the door and they both looked at her, waiting. Her cheeks flushed a pretty pink as she ladled water onto Whit’s little belly with her cupped hands.

  Kendry watched as she struggled for the right words, willing to bet she was thinking of the past again.

  * * * *

  Maybe it was the early morning light streaming through the window. Maybe it was the intimacy of the surroundings. Maybe it was the ache growing inside her. And maybe, just maybe, it was the way they saw her as being worthy. Never being what she would’ve called a deep thinker, it was that foreign feeling that struck her the hardest.

  “Thank you.” The knot in her throat made swallowing difficult and the heat in her cheeks made her self-conscious. Why did her fair skin always betray her emotions?

  Jared sat at the other end of the tub. “For what?”

  “For trusting me,” she whispered, putting up a damp hand to her hot cheek.

  Kendry reached out and twined a lock of her hair around his index finger. “Odd choice of words, kitten.”

  She laughed and said, “Only because you didn’t know me before Whit came into my life. Trusting me is a huge thing, believe me.”

  Jared reached down and stroked the foot she had propped up at the end of the decadently large tub and said, “We believe in you, Presley Ann Woodworth.”

  Incapable of speech, breath frozen in her chest, she gulped audibly and handed Whit off to Kendry when he reached for him and said he’d go diaper and dress him. He kissed the top of her head and left her alone with Jared, who sat there, watching her with gentleness in his eyes.

  Jared teased the underside of her toes with the pad of his index finger, smiling at her reactions to the light, tickling touch. Then he turned those mesmerizing eyes on her and gave her just the hint of a smile. “You struck a chord saying that, you know?”

  “I did?”

  “You did. I promised myself after Jasmine was gone from my life that I could get by without trusting a woman that deeply ever again.”

  “You loved her?”

  “Yeah. Dumb, I know. I mistook passion for love. I let her earn my trust with words instead of actions. You earned my trust with actions. And I do like that we’re the first men to really know the real you. I don’t care what came before.” He rose and moved down to sit on the tile in the spot Kendry had vacated. “The Presley Ann I know deserves trust. Last night was special.”

  “For me, too,” she whispered as she reached up and stroked the cleft in his chin. His pale gray-blue eyes focused so keenly on hers left her feeling bared, not only physically, but emotionally as well, and she spoke the words in her heart. “I trust you, too.” And I love you.

  Jared smiled and held a hand out to her. There was slight teasing in the crooked tilt of his smile and the warmth in his eyes, and she wondered if he could read her mind. Why was it so hard to say the words in her heart? Maybe because for the first time the feelings were real and held such power that she didn’t trust herself to say them?

  Her heart wobbled as she rose in the tub. Her chest, and her heart, had that feeling of catharsis, as though she’d had a good, ugly cry. Jared lifted the sponge from the tub and squeezed water over her shoulder to rinse the suds away and then wrapped a towel around her. When she stood before him, looking up, she knew that if he asked, if they asked, for her to stay the day she’d do it. Gladly. She’d never cared for that out of control feeling but with them it was different.

  Jared tugged the pins from her hair and then wrapped his hands around the back of her head, holding her as if he was afraid if he held too tight she’d disappear. He kissed her. A touch so light that grew into something so powerful it encompassed both of them. Her heart ached as it pounded.

  I love you.

  He groaned as she traced her hands up his abdomen and over his bare chest, lightly skimming his nipples with her palms. The masculine sound was suddenly blotted out by Whit’s fussing. That was his, “I’m done waiting for food” call, and she knew it would only get more insistent the longer she kept him waiting.

  Jared released her and grinned as he stroked her jaw. “Duty calls?”

  Struck by the fact she didn’t worry he might find the interruption just a little too inconvenient, she nodded. “Like clockwork.”

  He grabbed a shirt from the closet and pulled it on as she dressed, and then surprised her by asking her to show him how she tied on the sling, and she allowed him to help her fix the festive red fabric into place. He stroked the portion of it resting over her breast and said, “We’ll talk more soon.”

  Her breast tingled under his touch and she nodded without saying a word.

  “Let’s get you fed, kitten.”

  Chapter Ten

  Presley Ann was chatting with Veronica Stinson as she carried the armload of clothing over to the register. She’d just spent the last half hour helping Veronica shop for her brothers, who were coming for a Christmas visit that day. It was her first of hopefully many sales of the day.

  Each step made her heels ache, but she tuned out the pain that she couldn’t help as she chatted with Veronica. “I hope your brothers like what you picked out for them.”

  Veronica nodded. She sighed and rested her purse on the counter and said, “I’m more nervous about the visit itself.”

  “Why? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “I’ve never been close to Jesse and Barry, because of family issues. I think we were all hoping that could change. This is the first time I’ve seen them since the binding ceremony last Christmas. Their schedules got crazy, and mine tends to stay that way.”

  “Will Hank and Travis be there?”

  Looking relieved, Veronica said, “Yes, thank goodness. Otherwise I’m afraid we’d just sit there, looking uncomfortable. When we were growing up, they had two close friends, Phil and Gord Maxwell, who bullied me mercilessly, but Jesse and Barry defended them and told my parents I was a drama queen. They weren’t good brothers but I hope that can change. Last Christmas they promised me that it would.” With a shrug, she added, “I guess we’ll see.”

  Presley Ann patted her shoulder and said, “I hope it all turns out for the best, and I’m glad you’re giving them a second chance. Redeeming yourself with people you hurt can be a very powerful thing.”

  Veronica didn’t question what she meant. Presley Ann could see the understanding in her eyes. She just nodded and said, “Yeah, people can really surprise us if we give them a chance.”

  Presley Ann looked down at the armful of clothing that needed folding before it got wrinkled. “Sometimes they surprise themselves when given that chance. I finished Bound at the Bonfire the other night,” she whispered as she began removing security tags and folding each item.

  “You?” Veronica said with wide eyes and a bright smile. “I thought you didn’t enjoy reading.”

  Presley Ann nodded. “I never have before, but something about your stories really keeps my attention.”

  “All the hot sex is different from what you were made to read in high school literature, right?”

  Presley Ann snorted and glanced over at Willie who was watching them from the lingerie department, a sour look on her face, as usual. Willie was an unhappy person. Unhappy to be working there, and generally unhappy unless she was stirring drama up. As if on cue, she began making her way through the store in their direction.

  Heaving a heavy sigh, Presley Ann kept working as Veronica said, “Have you read any of Grace or Rachel’s books?”

  “I’m on kind of a tight budget right now, but I plan to buy one of Grace’s this weekend. She suggested The Rancher’s Lady and Rachel’s latest release as well.”

  “Oh. No worries, cuz,” Willie said in a confidential tone. “I’m part of a group on Facebook that can get you all the free book downloads you want. I haven’t actually paid for a book in ages. I’ll have you added to the group. Just make a list of all the books you want.”

  “Pardon?” Veronica asked in a quiet tone.

  Willie was oblivious to the ice in Veronica’s eyes as she reached for a facial tissue and loudly blew her nose. “Oh, yeah. No need to go through a retailer. I mean, it’s not like it’s tangible property or anything. Everyone does it.”

  “That sounds very interesting,” Veronica replied. “What’s the name of the group?” Presley Ann wasn’t sure what Willie was yammering on about but it looked like Veronica did—and it wasn’t a good thing. Obliviously, Willie spouted on for a few minutes, talking about how she’d shared hundreds of books for free with many of the people in the group, and how they’d suggested authors she now loved and was also friends with online. Veronica’s eyebrow cocked at that declaration. Presley Ann had to wonder if the authors Willie was friends with would appreciate Willie’s idea of affection.

  “I think I’d like to join that group,” she said as she took out her smartphone and noted the website and group name, and smiled at Willie’s gracious offer to add her to the group on Facebook, telling her she’d consider it.

  Ready to ring up the sale, Presley Ann moved to the register…and went blank.

  “You okay?” Veronica asked as she removed her wallet.

  Presley Ann nodded and put her finger to her lip, struggling to remember the password sequence to unlock the register and the steps to begin the transaction.

  “You are kidding me,” Willie said, and then burst into laughter.

  Presley Ann cheeks burned as several customers looked their way. “Sorry. I’ve been gone from the store for six weeks. I just need a refresher on the register.”

  Willie waved dismissive hands at her and said, “I’ll do it. Just bag it up for me.”

  Evidently sensing her embarrassment, Veronica touched her forearm and said, “So how is motherhood treating you? I heard Whit is a gorgeous baby.”

  Willie snorted before Presley Ann could get a word out. “That little love child evidently sucked out all your brains, or what little you had, when he was born. Is that what they call mommy brain?”

  Presley Ann blinked, unsure what to say to such crassness and decided to ignore her. “He’s wonderful. He’s put on more weight and he eats really well. No problems there.”

  Thinking of Whit inspired a slight tingle of her letdown reflex, reminding her that she wouldn’t be getting off until noon. Leah had wanted to put her on the schedule only part time her first week back to ease her adjustment to Whit being in daycare, and although it meant fewer sales, Presley Ann was grateful. She missed him.

  Cutting Veronica off as she opened her mouth to reply, Willie said, “I do not see how you can stand that mess. I never would’ve pegged you for the motherly, breastfeeding type. I don’t think I could stand it.”

  “I can imagine,” Veronica said as her gaze sharpened on Willie. She winked at Presley Ann and then quizzed Willie while she rang up all the items about her beliefs and thoughts on motherhood and life in general, and Presley Ann thought she was taking notes on her phone. Biting her lip, she realized Veronica was interviewing her cousin. “And you, Presley Ann, what was it like when you laid eyes on Whit the first time?”

  Willie interrupted again and asked Veronica to sign for the purchases on the card machine.

  Other customers were coming into the area and Leah was moving down the main aisle, but Presley Ann took the time to answer as she carefully bagged all of Veronica’s purchases. “It was surreal. I looked down at this little…angel lying on my chest, and…” She took in a deep breath, and Veronica’s smile mirrored the wide one that grew on her face. “I knew he was meant to be mine.” Veronica teared up a little and gave her a gentle hug.

  “Aww,” Willie said in a fake sing-song voice. “That’s so sweet. Thank you for shopping at Stigall’s, ma’am.” She handed Veronica her receipt and then turned to Presley Ann. “You need to ask Leah or Evelyn for a refresher course on the register. I can’t be ringing up sales for you all morning.” With that she walked away, whispering to herself, as if no one could hear her, in a fake sweet voice, “Blabbedy-blabbedy-blab.”

  Leah approached them, watching Willie hurry off to corner a customer for another sale in the misses jeans departmen
t, and then looked back at the two of them. “What was that all about?”

  “Did you hire that woman, Leah?” Veronica asked.

  Leah chuckled dryly. “Nope. That was Dad’s doing. What did she do now?”

  “Well, besides pirating e-books, she embarrassed Presley Ann. She’s hateful.”

  Leah frowned and then glanced back at Willie as she carried the jeans the customer was looking for to the other register. “What happened?”

  Presley Ann shrugged. “Actually, she was right in a way. She had to ring up a sale for me because I drew a blank on how to operate the register.”

  “Well,” Leah said with a sigh. “I should’ve thought of that when I set the register up this morning. I meant to ask you if you remembered all the codes and stuff.”

  “Evidently mommy brain strikes again,” Presley Ann said, smiling when Leah grinned at her.

  “I think you still got the better end of the deal with my nephew. Now what’s this about e-book piracy?”

  Veronica growled and explained. “She thinks that if she wins an e-book in a giveaway or a contest that it’s okay to upload it to a file sharing site on the Internet so others could download it for free. She justified it by saying the authors give them for free as prizes in drawings, and sometimes money is tight, and it’s not like it’s a ‘real’ thing, anyway.”

  Leah’s jaw dropped. “She had no idea you’re an author?”


  Leah groaned and then gave a longsuffering sigh. “I’m sorry.”

  “Me, too,” Veronica said as she looked down at the receipt. “I wonder how she’d like it if I walked into her home and took food from her refrigerator and slipped a little cash out of her purse. I mean, it’s not like she’ll really need it to survive on.”

  A little slow to adopt technology to download books to her smartphone, Presley Ann hadn’t realized the gravity of the problem until it was explained. “What are you going to do?”

  “Gage Randall asked me, Grace, and Rachel one night at the Dancing Pony if we had a strategy for dealing with pirate sites. He agreed it’s like attempting to plug a dike with your finger but he said he’d be willing to help if we wanted him to.”


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