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Deadly Design

Page 5

by Brandy L Rivers

  Excitement filled her and she hugged him tight. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”

  “I think I do. Now go get a bag packed. I haven’t told your mother yet and don’t want her to know until she gets back from visiting her family.

  She flew upstairs and tore through everything that was packed for Paris to put together a bag for New York. She trusted her father to get it shipped to her with everything from the house.

  Monique hadn’t had the heart to tell her mother she didn’t want to go, that she would prefer to go to New York to learn from her father. Mom would be disappointed.

  Dad got it. He understood. Her life was about to begin.

  * * * *

  The next day, Erik sat in the terminal waiting for Monique. Armand had called the week before to see if there was room in his apartment for a roommate.

  Erik nearly choked on his tongue. Then Armand explained he knew they were soul mates, and that he gave his full blessing.

  It took Erik a good five minutes to find his words. His answer was a resounding yes. As long as New York was her choice, she could move in. Talking on the phone wasn’t the same as having her in his arms.

  Then he got the call, telling him when to pick her up. Thank God it was a Saturday and he was out of training. For the first time, he’d have her alone, without having to worry about when one of their parents could walk in on them.

  He spent day and night thinking about Monique. Her smile, the way she gave herself to him. How she never looked at him like he was a freak, even when the voices of the dead became too much and everyone else thought he was crazy. She’d take his hand and lean her head on his shoulder. “I’m here with you,” she’d tell him. Her presence always pulled him more toward the living. She brought him balance when nothing else could.

  For a year he only saw her every couple of months, for short bursts of time. There was no one else. He loved Monique with every fiber of his being and he was prepared to wait until she was out of design school and back with him.

  Finally, the plane landed, and he stood as close to the doors as he could, waiting for Monique. Forever seemed to pass before her dark eyes locked on his and a smile graced her lips. She ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck as he lifted her off her feet.

  “I’ve missed you, Mon.”

  “Missed you more, Erik.”

  “Ready to go home?” He grinned.


  Taking her hand, he led her through JFK to the baggage claim. Most of her stuff was coming the following week.

  “You chose me over school?” Erik asked.

  Her brow pinched as she looked over, doubt darkening her features. “Didn’t want to go. Dad figured it out. Wants me to work with him instead. He thinks I would be better learning on the job than oversees.”

  “I’m glad. Honest. Had to know this was your choice. I would never stand in the way of your dreams.”

  “My dreams consist of doing what my father does and being with you for the rest of my life. So moving in with you is far superior to school in France.”

  “You have no idea how happy you just made me.” He stopped at baggage claim and pulled her into his arms. “God, I missed you, Monique. Every night I lie awake, thinking about you.” Wishing she were there, snuggled into his arms.

  No one made him feel like she did. Women hit on him, and he declined without a second thought. There was one persistent woman who wouldn’t leave him alone. Eventually, she’d show up. He’d rather tell her first, than allow Bianca to give Monique the wrong impression. The woman was crazy.

  Monique leaned into his side and looked up at him. “My mother doesn’t know I dropped out of school before it even started.”

  “What are you going to tell her?”

  “That I’m moving in with you, becoming my father’s partner, and that I’m happy. Truly happy with the decision.”

  “She’s going to hate it.”

  “Don’t give a damn about her opinion.”

  A smile pulled at his lips. “I can’t wait to get you home. Though, I have to warn you about my neighbor. I haven’t touched her, but she wants me to in the worst possible way.”

  “You are a gorgeous man, Erik. Of course she wants you.”

  “You aren’t worried?”

  “I trust you.” She grinned. “Besides, you love me too much to stray.”

  “Got that right. How about you? I know you didn’t go there, but did anyone catch your eye?”

  She shook her head. “A few tried, but no one compares to you.” Monique grabbed her suitcase.

  He swiped it out of her grasp with a smile. “Please, allow me.”

  “Thank you.”

  * * * *

  Monique followed Erik into the building and up the stairs. He opened the door and let her into the apartment. Surprisingly clean and bright. He never had much style in his room. This one had new, modern furniture, paintings on the wall that were somehow a mix of light and dark.

  She walked to the paintings. “Who did these?”

  “My mother. She says it’s representative of what’s to come. Only I can’t figure out which is coming and which is going.” Sighing, he slumped onto the couch. “We’re lucky we didn’t run into Bianca. Only a matter of time before we actually do. Whatever she tries to say, Monique, it’s not true.”

  “I trust you, no matter what.”

  He grinned. “I’m a very lucky man. And I’ve missed you more than I can ever put into words.”

  Walking his way, she hitched up her skirt and dropped into his lap. Then she opened his zipper. “Need you. Seems like forever since you made love to me.”

  “An eternity,” he murmured.

  “You’ve always owned my heart. Now remind me why.”

  Erik gripped her ass as he stood and walked her back to their room.

  Our room. He loved the sound of that.

  Erik laid her on the bed, his tongue seeking hers as her lips parted. They feasted on each other as he pushed the skirt over her hips.

  No panties in sight. He freed his cock and sliding through her dripping wet heat. Kissing down her throat, he pulled her hands above her head. Then he took both wrists in one hand as he yanked her shirt up and her bra down to capture one taut peak.

  “Mmm, missed you,” he hummed against her silky flesh. “So damned much.” He scooted down, kissing as he went.

  “Take me…please, Erik…need you…don’t taste me…later for that…right now…need you.”

  He moved back up the bed, lifting her hips and driving into her core. Time apart made it better. Plus, he’d been learning things from smutty magazines, trying to find new ways to please Monique.

  Her lusty cry drove him harder. He pushed her knees back, sliding deeper.

  “Please, Erik, please!” she cried.

  Someone knocked on the door.

  He ignored it, knowing full well it was Bianca.

  Erik scooted back, flipped Monique over, and pushed so deep he couldn’t tell where he ended and she began.

  She chanted his name like a prayer.

  The banging on the door grew louder.

  Monique shouted, “Go away. We’re busy.”

  A moment later, he reached down and pinched her clit. She screamed out her release as he slowed his pace, praying to hold back as he continued to thrust in and out in slow, powerful strokes.

  When her breathing started to slow again, he rolled her to her side, straddling one thigh while guiding her calf to his shoulder. He fucked her from a new angle.

  Monique’s hands went to the wall as she screamed his name. And a dark part of him relished the fact Bianca could easily hear what was going on. The mage had worn him down to his last nerve.

  He followed Monique into another orgasm before collapsing beside her. They still wore most of their clothes, just disheveled.

  She rolled over, wrapping her arm around his waist. Only a hint of doubt accom
panied the tease. “Sure you haven’t been with someone else to learn new things?”

  He smiled. “Not a chance. I have been reading a lot.”

  Monique giggled. “How many new things have you learned?”

  “A ton. I don’t want you to get bored with me.”

  “Never,” she promised with a yawn as she curled tighter. “I suppose you’re hungry?”

  He shrugged. “Sleep some. It’s New York. We can get food anytime.”

  * * * *

  Monique woke to a door opening. She pulled her clothes back into place and walked out to find Erik at the door snarling at someone.

  “Take the hint, Bianca. Not happening, not ever.”

  “You will be mine,” she hissed quietly. “Some brat enchantress from your hometown can’t possibly give you what you need.”

  “She’s everything I need,” Erik snapped back.

  Monique walked beside Erik and pushed the door open with a smile. “He has me. Here. In his home. I’m sure you heard us. You really think he’s giving that up?”

  Erik laughed. “Bianca, this is Monique, the source of your frustration. Monique, Bianca. Don’t listen to a word she says, Monique. She’s persistent and clearly doesn’t understand the concept of love.”

  Monique reached past him to offer her hand.

  Bianca’s eyes narrowed as she shook harshly.

  Offensive magic didn’t come naturally to Monique, but she threw up her shields, blocking the magic she knew the bitch in front of her would push.

  The mage’s eyes narrowed as she tossed Monique’s hand away. “You’ll never keep Erik.”

  “Why are you so insistent you should have him? You’re clearly older than him. He isn’t even a mage.”

  “Close enough. Better than your type.”

  “Funny, the Silver Council seems to have trouble deciding if he is or not. What is it you do for them? I noticed this building is filled with Silver Council members.”

  Her smile dampened. “How would you know?”

  “I can feel the magic leaking from every apartment. Yours is there, though weak.” Monique smirked. “Can’t be an enforcer, too dumb to be a trainer. I’m guessing someone’s secretary.”

  “What would you know?” Bianca stormed away and pushed through her door, slamming it shut.

  “Sorry,” Erik muttered. “Maybe now she’ll leave me alone.”

  Monique sighed. “She’s pretty.”

  “Not really.”

  “She has gorgeous red hair. Blue eyes. Big boobs.”

  He smirked. “I prefer your dark hair, dark eyes, and breasts made for my hands and mouth.” He cupped them through her shirt, running his thumbs over her nipples.

  Every last doubt evaporated in the heat of his gaze. “I love you, Erik Mortale.”

  “Love you too, Monique DeSandre.” Something passed through his eyes.

  She was willing to bet there was a question there somewhere, but they were both so young. The world was changing. There was no reason to rush anything. She wanted him for the rest of her life.

  Monique pushed him toward the wall, leaning up to capture his mouth in a kiss. He let her, for the moment, then gently pushed her back.

  “Food. I’m starving. Aren’t you?”

  She nodded. “Food.”

  Chapter 6

  Two weeks later, Mother walked into Dad’s studio. The first time Monique had seen her in a month.

  “What on earth are you doing here?” Mother demanded.

  Monique sucked in a breath. “Didn’t want to study in France. And Dad offered me a job. So I’m here, learning from the best at what I do.”

  “But school. Your designs could be so much better.”

  Father walked in. “Her designs are brilliant. She’ll surpass me in no time. And I didn’t have formal training, either. I simply trained under my parents.”

  “You are a special case,” Vivian muttered.

  “And so is our daughter. She’s already made two outfits for Fashion Week.”

  “You’re going to let her put her clothing in your show?”

  “Of course I am. This line is our line.”

  “But school was so important to both of you.”

  Father shook his head, a smile on his lips. “She didn’t want to go. She’s here now.”

  “This whole time?” Mother snapped.

  Monique nodded. “Yes.”

  “Where are you living?”

  Father answered easily, “In an apartment a few blocks away. She’s perfectly safe.”

  “With that freak of nature that school would have kept her from?”

  Monique practically shouted, “Mother, I love Erik, and we are together. Get over it.”

  Her mouth fell open. “You’re living with a man outside of marriage?”

  “It’s the sixties. No one cares.”

  Mother stormed out.

  Father chased after her. Monique went back to work. Then she slumped onto the stool and dropped the scissors. She never understood what her mother’s issue with Erik was. Probably never would.

  In the long run it didn’t matter. Nothing she’d ever said deterred Monique’s love. It grew stronger every single day, though her mother constantly tried to squash it. She couldn’t understand what her mother feared.

  The door opened and Monique’s head snapped up.

  Her mother managed a strained smile. “Come to dinner tomorrow night.” She took a slow breath. “Bring Erik.”

  “Sure.” She smiled.

  “I promise not to interfere, though I worry he’s all wrong for you.”

  Dad entered and turned Mom to him with a grin. “Your mother said the same about me, Dollface.”

  “You’re right, and she was wrong.” A smile finally graced her lips. “I worry for Monique. Especially with Erik training with the mages.”

  “He’ll never be a mage, Mother,” Monique reminded. “He turned down a mage who wanted him because he’s in love with me.”

  Her chest rose and fell before she grudgingly admitted, “He’s a good kid, baby. I can’t imagine he would hurt you on purpose, but I still fear he will.”

  “He won’t.”

  “Come to dinner. Please?” Mother asked again.

  “Tomorrow night. What time?”


  She walked to her mother and hugged her. “Give him a chance.”

  “I will,” she promised.

  * * * *

  “Dinner at your parents?” Erik asked.

  “Please. Mom wants you there.” Monique batted her eyelashes.

  “I’d do anything for you, Mon. Of course I’ll go.” His shoulders dropped. “Can’t help worrying she’s going to give me hell for this arrangement.”

  “You like this arrangement, don’t you?”

  “You in my bed every night? I love this arrangement. I never want it to change. But Vivian has never truly liked me. She only tolerated me because of my mother.”

  “True.” Monique gave him a smile. “She promised to try.”

  “I said I’d go. I’ve never held anything against her. You know that, don’t you?”

  “I do. And I’m sorry she’s ridiculous about us. She’ll never change what we share.”

  He grinned and scooped her off her feet. “I won’t let her.”

  * * * *

  The next day, Erik followed Monique into the El Dorado. The building’s architecture was beautiful. It had stood for decades. That part worried him. But even in his old building, he wasn’t bombarded by ghosts.

  Monique did the talking, and they were sent up to the apartment. In the elevator, Erik took a sigh of relief. There were voices, but he was able to push them away and keep himself sane.

  The elevator stopped and Erik followed Monique down the hall. “Why so nervous?” Monique asked.

  “Old building, lots of apartments. Potential to be bombarded. So far so good, though.”

  “Oh.” Monique frowned. “You know, maybe my mom would relax if she saw you do your thing. You know, the part she hasn’t seen.”

  “She’d fear me even more.”

  “I don’t know. She knows your abilities helped save a woman.”

  “That didn’t make her treat me any better.” He sighed. “It’s fine. I’m keeping them at bay. And I can only keep trying to show your mother I’m neither a mage, nor someone to fear.”

  She leaned over and kissed him before ringing the bell.

  Her father answered the door.

  Erik smiled. “Good evening, Armand.”

  “Hey, Erik. Good to see you.”

  Erik gave him a hug. “Thank you.”

  Monique hugged her father. “Hey, Dad.”

  Vivian walked into the room with a smile. “Evening, Erik, Monique. A pleasure to see you both.”

  Erik met her gaze. “Good to see you too.” He hoped it stayed that way.

  “How is training with mages every day?”

  Shrugging, he answered, “Both good and bad. Most of the mages treat me like I don’t belong. I’m learning a lot, though.”

  Her brow pinched. “Like you don’t belong?”

  “Yeah. They don’t like that someone who isn’t a mage is training alongside them. I’m not the only one. There’s a druid, a psionic, a shaman, and several others. We stick to ourselves, for the most part.”

  “But your magic is like a mage’s. You wield all their spells.”

  “Yeah, but I have other abilities that freak them out. And there are a lot of spirits on the campus. It took me a few weeks to tune them out.”

  “They really don’t accept you?”

  He shook his head. “No. They don’t. Probably even less than the shaman in the group after I brought a corpse back to question.”

  She glanced down at the floor, then looked up with a brighter expression. “I hope you can change their minds.”

  “Me too.”

  For the first time in years, he started to think Vivian might accept him into their family after all.

  Chapter 7


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