Book Read Free

Deadly Design

Page 7

by Brandy L Rivers

  “Would you stop? I’m not my mother. I know the Council isn’t the enemy. That’s my mother.”

  He took her hands and kissed her knuckles. “Sorry. You love your family, and you should. But I sometimes worry you’ll choose her side. I can’t help it.”

  “And my father is on yours. So relax.” She closed the distance and leaned up. He captured her lips in a heated kiss.

  A moment later, someone cleared their throat. “We’re here to work, not to watch you two get hot and heavy,” Preston jested.

  “Sorry,” Monique said in the sassy tone Erik loved.

  Preston smirked. “Well, when we’re done here, you two can get back to what you were doing. Robert’s too much of a prude to enjoy the show.”

  Closing his eyes, Erik shook his head. “What do you know so far?”

  Robert spoke up. “Darien LaPorsche is the culprit. His clients are the ones dying. Only one has ever bought anything from Monique. At least when his uncle framed your father, he picked people who bought from Armand as well as himself and other magical designers.”

  Monique took a slow breath. “So why haven’t you caught him?”

  “Because Tarek Lessair is trying to prove you tampered with Darien’s clothing.”

  Monique frowned. “Considering how busy I’ve been, and the late hours I keep at work, how the hell am I supposed to mess with his clothes?”

  Elizandra sighed. “First, he’s kept a low profile. Second, the investigating mages don’t know the facts about the case. We know more. For instance, that Darien wants his competition out of the mix, but he isn’t doing his homework. We simply have to find the next victim. That’s proving to be the problem. The last victim was the only one who also bought clothing from you. If he’s learned his lesson, the next victim will have bought from both of you.”

  “Great. How many have died? How?” Erik asked.

  Preston answered, “Five. The clothes have constricted the wearer until their bones cracked and bodies burst.”

  Monique covered her mouth. “I’ve never heard of such a spell.”

  “The magic exists, but mages are the only ones who cast it. Not enchanters, as far as I know,” Robert answered.

  Tremaine shrugged. “Enchanters without scruples have. However, it is more a mage spell. And no, Miss DeSandre, I don’t believe you are guilty.”

  She managed a tight smile. “Thank you.”

  Erik spoke up. “Did you know Darien is currently with Bianca Bitshi? My neighbor. She hounded me when I first moved into the apartment, up until she got involved with Darien.”

  “I remember that.” Preston snorted. “Stupid woman couldn’t get it through her thick skull.”

  He nodded. “She hasn’t been an issue in a few years now. However, my wards were tripped a couple weeks ago. I corrected them, and at the time hadn’t thought much of it because we had an unexpected visitor and it slipped my mind for a day.”

  Monique’s hand covered her mouth as she turned toward him. “I didn’t know my cousin coming would be a problem.”

  Smiling, he shook his head. “No, it wasn’t. I didn’t expect her, so I didn’t change the wards. However, while they were down, it’s possible that Bianca or Darien got into our place.”

  “I have records of some of my best clients.” Monique went through the desk and pulled out a pen and a pad of paper. She wrote down several names. “These are the people who buy from any source they like. Some people choose a designer and stick with them. These don’t. I know at least the top two have used Darien in the past.”

  “That helps immensely.” Elizandra took the list and perused it. “Let’s go. We can ask what new purchases they have. Hopefully we can stop it before something happens.”

  “Have you checked the labels in the clothes that are killing people?” Monique asked.

  Preston nodded. “Unfortunately, the labels have disintegrated. We can see the thread where they were sewn in, but that doesn’t help.”

  Monique pulled her jacket off and walked to them. “We don’t use cloth labels. We use a spell where the tag would be. Less hassle and looks like ink that only shows on the inside of the clothing.”

  She showed the mages where the label would normally go.

  “Which is part of the reason I love you and your father’s clothing,” Robert stated with a smile. “That should have stood out to me.”

  She shrugged. “But how often do you think of labels?”

  Robert lifted her chin with one finger. “I should have. But thank you, Monique. Your information may save someone’s life, and will help us stop Darien.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  The mages left.

  Monique sighed. “Why can’t they all be like them?”

  * * * *

  Erik moved to her and caressed her face. “I don’t know, Monique. It would be nice. I’m tired of defending why I’m there to three fourths of the mages. It’s exhausting. Sooner or later, something’s got to give.”

  “Let’s hope it’s their opinion, and not you.”

  “Not changing for anything.”

  “That’s why I love you.” She grinned. “Well, part of it.”

  “Now that you gave Robert a lead, let’s stop worrying about the case.” He pulled her close and slid his hands under her shirt. “I need you, Mon.”

  “Here?” she asked, looking through the office.

  “There’s nothing on the desk.” Besides the phone that was on the corner. He had plenty of room to make her come. He gripped her waist and lifted her onto the desk, pushing her skirt up to expose her sexy legs.

  “Need you,” he whispered.

  “And if they come back?” she squeaked.

  He shook his head. “Wouldn’t be right away. They have to find your clients and stop them from putting Darien’s clothes on.”

  She didn’t bother protesting. She needed Erik too much. She pulled his head down to kiss him.

  He pulled her sweater over her head and tossed it behind him before removing the bra. Then his lips closed over one tight tip as she lifted up to scoot the skirt down her legs.

  He grinned. “No panties. I like.”

  “Knew we’d be up to no good while we’re here.” She opened his pants, pushing his briefs down to capture his hard length.

  “Uh-uh,” he groaned, pulling her hand away. “I’m helping you get some relief before you start that.”

  She pouted. “Oh, but I want that.”

  “You’ll have that, but not until I’m done feasting.” He knelt, pulling her ass to the edge of the desk. He licked his lips as he spread her legs. Her protest dried up when he teased her with his tongue.

  Sensation rocketed through her at his assault on her clit and tight channel. She collapsed back, her elbows hitting the desk hard. “Fuck,” she gasped.

  He chuckled, turning his head to nip her inner thigh.

  Heat pooled, wetness drenching her thighs. She was so close to climax and he’d hardly begun.

  His tongue delved into her, moving in and out at an accelerated pace while his thumb circled over her rear passage.

  Stars lit up her lids as he pushed her over the edge.

  Her legs were lifted, her knees pushed back and he was in her, as far as he could go. Even deeper sensation rolled through her as he fucked her hard on the desk. She reached down, gripping the edge to hold herself in place as he pounded into her. The wood was uncomfortable, but the pleasure ripping through her body turned the slight pain into more sensation that only ramped her up further.

  “Can’t hold back,” Erik warned, reaching between them to flick her clit.

  She soared over the edge, pulling him with her. His hot seed filled her. Monique cried his name, the pleasure drawing out as he seated himself and rubbed her clit. Her walls rippled around him, squeezing and pulling.

  Never enough. She always needed more of the glorious man above her.

  * * * *

; The moment Armand locked himself in his workroom, Vivian locked the sound into the room. She dialed her godmother. “Hello?” she asked.

  “Have you heard what the blasted Council is accusing my daughter of?”

  “Oh that,” Kjell huffed. “Someone is trying to convince the Council your daughter is killing off mages with her clothing. Don’t worry. Someone got her out of the country and is keeping her safe.”

  “What do I do?” she sobbed.

  “Nothing you can do until after the trial.”

  “What can I do then?”

  “Darien LaPorsche is the true murderer. However, his mother is the one who put him up to it. The very same woman who put her brother up to framing Armand. You must put her in her place after the trial.”

  “Why wait? Why not now?”

  “I don’t want you putting yourself in the mage’s path until after Monique is cleared. There’s an order to these things, and until Monique is free and clear, they may drag you in to question you. Trust me, Vivian, this is the best path.”

  “All right. There’s plenty I want to say to the bitch.”

  “Get some rest. I know you just flew in from Switzerland.”

  “Thank you for being my wisdom in all things.” Vivian hung up.

  Chapter 9

  After leaving Erik and Monique, Robert took Preston, Elizandra, and Tremaine to three different homes and took the clothing each person bought from Darien LaPorsche. They wanted to make sure everyone on the list was fine before examining the enchantments.

  No one answered Emma Miner’s door. Elizandra waved her hand over the locks and the door popped open.

  The scent of copper and death permeated the air.

  “Shit,” Preston muttered, hurrying up the stairs. The others followed.

  Robert spotted the mess in the bedroom. Clothes destroyed the parts of the body they covered, leaving her shins down, her arms, and her head. Blood coated the entire floor.

  Preston recorded the scene with a spell, showing various angles of the room. He would be able to play it back for the Council’s justice department.

  Tremaine groaned and crossed the room to lift the shrunken dress. “The label is smoking.” He cast a spell to preserve the tag, then tore a piece of fabric, bringing it to Robert. “This is enough evidence to stop this mess.”

  Robert nodded as he stared at Darien’s logo. Preston moved in to ensure he logged the proof. “Yeah. Let’s take him in.”

  * * * *

  “Calm yourself, Dollface.” Armand murmured.

  “How can you say that? Those despicable mages are slandering our daughter’s good name right outside our home.”

  “And no one is going to pay attention. If anything, business will boom as soon as this is cleared away. Which it will be.”

  “And what if the doorman fails to keep them away?” Vivian demanded.

  “We have our own wards, Vivian. Please, relax. We do as Robert said. Do not open the door, regardless of what they do. This should all be over soon.”

  “This is so unfair. Why do they treat us like this? We’ve become prisoners in our home.”

  He sighed. “It’s a power struggle for the mages who realize they can’t do what we can. With the media bringing news from all over the world, and that new publication, In Other News, mages are starting to realize Others don’t look up to them like they used to believe. The fact is Others resent the mages and always have. It’s hard for them to accept.”

  “Yeah, which makes us a target because some mages prefer to come to an enchanter for their protection.”

  He sighed. “Most don’t care. It’s just Darien LaPorsche and his tirade that we shouldn’t be allowed to compete.”

  “Because their enchantments aren’t good enough to protect against the things you can.”

  “Exactly.” Armand captured her face. “Now relax. I want to enjoy dinner with you.”

  She took another look out the window and found the mob of angry mages down below. Kjell’s words came back to her.

  * * * *

  Preston dug up records to Darien’s cabin up in the Adirondack Mountains. Robert took Preston, Tremaine, and Elizandra to the remote location.

  Darien was so focused on working dark magic into the dress he didn’t even look up.

  Tremaine strode forward, his hands outstretched to unravel the spell Darien wove.

  Darien’s head snapped up as his magic fizzled out. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “You’re coming with us,” Robert announced. “I suggest you remain silent.”

  The air shifted, and Robert threw his hand out, halting Darien from translocating. It was a spell few mages could manage.

  Darien’s eyes glowed as he stepped forward, attempting another spell.

  Liz rushed to him, gripping his shoulders and guiding him face first into the floor. Her eyes cut up to Robert. “Told you he wasn’t going to go quietly.”

  Preston scooped Darien over his shoulder. Robert took them back to the New York Headquarters.

  In moments, Darien was behind the glass cell and waking up.

  “You can’t arrest me. I’m a mage in good standing with the Council.”

  Preston shook his head with a laugh. “You committed murder and attempted to frame an enchantress for something she’s literally not capable of.”

  “That’s utter bullshit. Of course she can. Why on earth would I risk my business to frame someone who makes subpar clothing?”

  Robert lifted his lapel. “Her clothing is immaculate, her spells powerful, and she has never done a thing to you. You simply can’t compete.”

  Darien paled before attempting to translocate once more. He went nowhere.

  Shaking his head, Preston laughed. “I’d stop wasting magic if I were you. You won’t go anywhere, and will only manage to hurt yourself if you keep this up.”

  “None of you get it. Mages are superior. The DeSandres go against everything we preach. And you want to let them put good mages out of business for lowlife casters?”

  “Only we don’t,” Tremaine stated. “We bully Others into doing what we think is best. There is no discussion. It’s left to the elders who are too old for this world, who haven’t figured out it’s changing before their very eyes. We need to readdress our policies and include them in the decision-making. However, you want to keep us in the dark ages by framing someone who is more talented at what you do.”

  “Her fall from grace would prove they can’t be trusted.”

  Preston sighed. “Only proves mages can’t be trusted when they don’t get their way. You’re giving us all a bad name, not Others.”

  “Who says I did it?”

  “You just admitted it.” Liz rolled her eyes. “Besides, we have the proof. You’ll be on trial soon enough, Darien.”

  * * * *

  Later that evening, Erik sat at the dining room table, reading a file the enigmatic Draecyn had dropped off. Monique was still trying to understand how he arrived in the middle of Scotland.

  The magister had left the room and a moment later she couldn’t feel his presence at all.

  “Aren’t you concerned about the way Draecyn appeared and disappeared? I thought you said he can’t translocate like Robert.”

  He shrugged. “He’s the one who started the diversity program. So no. Robert wouldn’t have brought us to his home if we weren’t welcome. And he spends most of his time in the States. Besides, there are spells some people can create to open a portal from one place to another. I wouldn’t doubt he has that ability.”

  “Draecyn hardly said a word before he was gone.”

  Erik shrugged, setting the file down. “He’s a busy man. And he doesn’t want to appear attached to either of us right now. The more distance, the more the other mages will believe you’re innocent.” He tapped the papers spread out before him. “Though, it looks like they won’t have much choice unless they are completely blind to the truth.”
  “Why do you say that?”

  “They have all the proof they need.”

  “That’s a relief.”

  He shook his head. “We’re requested at the hearing.”

  Monique’s eyes went wide. “Why would they want me there?”

  “To prove to you and everyone else they know it wasn’t you. To ensure the other mages believe in your innocence.”

  She let out a heavy breath.

  “Your parents will be there as well.”

  “That sounds like a set-up,” she protested.

  “It’s not. It’s to prove neither you nor your father could have done what they suggest you did. Hopefully seeing mages rally behind you will help your mother to see mages aren’t the horrible people she believes.”

  “They really shouldn’t let her go. She hates the mages and she won’t keep her mouth shut.”

  He tapped a specific paper. Others had similar trials to humans. The system varied slightly. Juris were the mages’ version of lawyers. “Unfortunately, Darien’s juris subpoenaed her. She has to be there, just like we have to be there, and your father. We have friends who will keep us all safe.”

  “I hope you’re right. This seems more like a trap,” Monique insisted.

  “May very well be, but as long as Vivian keeps a cool head, everything will be fine. So call her and explain she needs to be clearheaded and not spout off.”

  A smile cracked her concern. “I hope you’re right and that she’ll play nice. That’s never been her talent.”

  “Don’t I know it.” He snorted. “Doesn’t matter. We’ll get you through this.”

  Chapter 10

  Monique sat next to Erik in the front row of the courtroom. Her nerves were ratcheted up. She never imagined she would be met with friendly faces—mostly anyway. Many of which were her and her father’s clients.

  The proceedings went off without a hitch. Monique had finally relaxed as Preston played the evidence and the confession back to the Council. Darien glared at her, daring her to say or do anything, but Elizandra had already warned her not to say a word, no matter how tempting it was.


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