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Sand and Heat

Page 3

by Sean Michael

  He pulled Feyer up, settling him gently on one thigh, holding the slender body close and taking a kiss. “Shall we begin our wager, Imani?"

  Feyer nodded, groaning as his own movements shifted the carving within him.

  He placed his hands on Feyer's waist, relaxing into the pillows, his own cock full and throbbing as he slowly rocked his Imani, purring low and easy. Whimpering softly, Feyer leaned forward, mouth latching onto one of his nipples, tongue dancing along the tip. The clever fingers slid over his skin, finding and working every sensitive place on his body.

  Amut shifted, body reacting immediately to the touches. His Imani knew his body better than he did, focused on his pleasure, on his needs.

  To his surprise, his shaft and sacs were not touched, Feyer instead seemingly focused on driving him mad through touches and licks to every other part of his body. They were both breathing heavy, his hands hard on Feyer's hips, teeth biting his own lip as he fought the need to flip his Imani over, remove the plug and push into that heat that awaited him.

  Feyer was trembling, soft cries filling the air. Warm breath slid over his cock, teasing him again and again with the unfulfilled promise of stimulation to his shaft. Hot drops leaked from his cock, sliding down the shaft, his scent mingling with his Imani's.

  As if drawn to them, Feyer's fingers slid over his heated flesh, collecting the drops and bringing them to his mouth. His Imani sucked on his own fingers, eyes rolling back and moans filling the air.

  "Imani...” His body jerked, balls tightening as his hips began rocking. He wanted.

  Feyer whimpered, head dropping back, hips beginning to rock with his as the plug was jolted. His Imani's free hand wrapped around his cock, pulling with the rhythm he liked best. Feyer drew the fingers from his own mouth and pressed them against Amut's mouth, sliding them along his lower lip.

  Amut growled low, sucking those sweet fingers in and pulling hard, eyelids lowering as he pushed up into Feyer's grip.

  His Imani stroked him harder, crying out. “Oh, my Raya, you have won."

  His roar was his answer, his seed pouring over the thin hand even as Feyer's heat splashed against his thigh. His Imani collapsed against him, breath coming in short, sharp gasps, the slender chest rising and falling against him.

  "It seems we have both won our wager, Imani.” He stroked Feyer's back, slumping back into the pillows, heart beating hard.

  "What does that mean, my Raya?"

  He chuckled, hand sliding down to gently shift the plug. “It means, my little Imani, that I will mark you tomorrow and that you may have a wish from me."

  Jerking, Feyer keened softly. He purred, taking a long, deep kiss, distracting his most favored as the plug was unsheathed. His Imani whimpered into their kiss, body shaking once more. He kissed and stroked until the tremors passed, giving his Imani proof of his care, his approval, his pleasure.

  Feyer finally settled, mouth warm on his chest as his Imani curled on top of him.

  "Do you know what you would have from me, little Imani?” He pulled the furs over them, relaxing with the familiar softness of his most favored against him.

  Feyer nodded and he could feel the flush building in the sweet cheeks. He waited, stroking his hand through the silken dark hair. “I would have you ... I would have you brush my hair and oil my body and feed me wine and grapes with your own hands, my Raya. If it pleases you."

  Amut smiled, dropping a kiss against Feyer's head. “It will be done, Imani, and once done, I will claim my reward, yes?” His fingers slid down, circling one tiny nipple.

  His Imani whimpered, nodding vigorously. “Yes, my Raya."

  "You please me well, Imani.” He closed his eyes, relaxing, resting.

  "It is my duty and my honor and my pleasure to do so, my Raya.” The words tripped easily from his Imani's lips, rich with truth.

  Amut rumbled, taking another long kiss before reaching out to extinguish the candle. “Sleep, Imani. Tomorrow offers much pleasure."

  "Yes, my Raya.” A soft kiss was pressed against his chest and then his Imani was settled once again, warm and pliant.

  It was what they had needed, to ease the itch and discomfort, to make things settled again. To remind his Imani of the pleasures of being one most favored.

  To remind Feyer of the honor of being his.

  * * * *

  Amut nibbled idly on a piece of cheese, watching his Imani and the new chadan circle each other silently as they went through their evening. Feyer had been less than pleased when the beautiful boy had been gifted to him in tribute, pouting and was acting in a less than stellar manner.

  The temptation to simply whip the insolent moodiness out of his beloved slave had been strong, but Amut knew better than anyone that his Imani responded best to punishments that suited the offense. So, the chadan had remained in his tent, in his bed, in Feyer's constant presence.

  Of course, Amut noted, as the chadan attempted to trip the wine-carrying Feyer, the new boy was taking his position far too seriously for someone who would be back in the main harem as soon as Feyer understood the error of his ways. The chadan certainly wasn't worth the effort of correcting, whoever Amut gave him to would see to that. After all, the chadan was attractive and passing responsive—not his Imani, but the small, dark boy would please someone; Kootu perhaps.

  Amut took another piece of cheese, watching fury and frustration make his Imani glow and shine.

  Feyer shot a glare at the chadan and then brought the wine to him, going to his knees and holding the flagon out to him, head bent, hiding the hot eyes. “Does my Raya wish to quench his thirst?"

  "Yes.” He took the wine, drinking deeply, hiding his grin as the chadan moved in, hyena-like, lips open, hands reaching for his thighs.

  "My Raya, I thirst. May I drink from your lips?"

  A soft, choked sound came from his Imani, Feyer's hands trembling as they waited for the flagon to be returned to them, but Feyer remained otherwise still and silent.

  Amut looked down at Feyer, noting the tension and misery in the curve of his Imani's neck and back. He reached down and lifted Feyer's chin, looking into hurt, dark eyes. Pitching his voice low and intimate, his thumb stroked a smooch cheek. “What say you, Imani? Shall I quench his thirst?"

  Whimpering softly, Feyer nuzzled into his touch. “It is not for me to tell my Raya what to do.” The soft voice answered obediently; the dark eyes begged him not to do it.

  He stroked the trembling bottom lip, feeling his cock rise at the touch. The chadan had been pleasurable enough, but like nibbling on dry grass when there was ripe fruit waiting. “And does my Imani thirst? Do you wish to drink from my lips?"

  A spark flared in the dark eyes, making them shine. “More than I wish to take another breath, my Raya."

  He took another sip of wine, turning to the chadan and handing the boy the flagon, noting the tears that gathered in Feyer's eyes which were echoed in the misguided triumph in the chadan's. He spoke quietly, but firmly. “Go now and refill this.” Then he turned and covered Feyer's lips with his own.

  His Imani's sob filled his mouth with sound and tremors as Feyer's mouth opened to him. He cupped the dark head in his hand, tilting Feyer back and devouring the parted lips, stealing his Imani's breath, feeding the trembling body with his feral passion.

  Feyer's hands reached toward him, but dropped away before they touched him, his Imani's obedience complete. If he had told the slave he could not get hard, he was convinced that at this time Feyer would somehow manage to comply.

  The kiss continued until a touch came to his arm, distracting him. Amut frowned, looking over at the red-faced chadan. Insolent boy.

  He looked at his Imani, admiring the glazed eyes and swollen lips. “Imani, send this chadan away to be properly trained and then come attend me as is your place."

  For a moment Feyer looked as if he would disobey and Amut hid his chuckle at his Imani's struggle to accept leaving, if only for a few moments. It was only a matter of seconds be
fore Feyer bent, forehead touching the ground. “As my Raya wishes."

  The chadan protested, voice shrill and petulant. “Raya, surely you meant for me to attend you."

  Amut cuffed the boy without a thought, sending the wine to the ground. “I will say this but once. I am the Raya. I say what I wish to say. This is my Imani, my Favored and you are but chadan. I no longer desire your presence."

  He heard his Imani's intake of breath, could feel Feyer's triumph, though his Imani made no move and said nothing to the boy as the chadan sniffed. “Yes, my Raya."

  It was only then that Feyer stood and silently led the way from his tent.

  He was dozing when Feyer returned, slipping quietly into the tent, dark curls falling around the sleek body. His eyes opened to slits, he watched as Feyer picked up the flagon and took it back to the cask, filling it carefully and placing it on a tray. His Imani filled the rest of the tray from the delicacies on the table, meat and cheese, fruit and bread, and honeyed sweets.

  Feyer returned to his side with the tray and left it on the low table next to his furs. His Imani then picked up the shirt the chadan had arrived in and used it to clean up the wine spill, tossing the garment outside the tent. Finally, Feyer poured water from the pot above the fire into a bowl and added several oils. The bowl and a small, soft cloth were brought over and placed next to the food tray and then Feyer knelt, face pressed against the ground, arms above his head, awaiting his raya's pleasure.

  "Come to me, little Imani. Your actions denied your touch to me for too long.” His cock was full, hungry, but not desperate. Now was the time to remind his Imani of the pleasures they shared, of the rewards of appropriate behavior.

  "My jealousy dishonored you and I am sorry.” The words were gently, but clearly spoken and then Feyer was climbing into the furs with him, finding his place in Amut's arms.

  Amut rumbled, arms and legs wrapping around the soft, smooth body. He bent his head and took Feyer's lips in a long, deep kiss, silencing the shamed words.

  Feyer was alive and eager in his arms, mouth opening wide to accept the penetration of his tongue, even as his Imani rubbed against him, the smooth skin a warm pleasure. His hand slid down his Imani's belly, searching for the hard flesh and the ring embedded within, tugging lazily as his tongue thrust and tasted. His Imani shuddered and surged into his touch.

  My Raya!” Feyer's shout warned him, those eyes wide, mouth open and gasping as the lad came.

  Amut nodded, smiling. He continued stroking, rubbing the hot seed into his Imani's flesh. “Yes, I am your Raya and your pleasure is mine, my hungry Imani.” The smell and heat of Feyer's passion was heady, the need in the kohled eyes more so.

  "Yes, my Raya, yours.” The voice was soft, at once sated and needy.

  Feyer's flesh never softened, never faded, and Amut's thumb spun the metal ring slowly. “Mine.” He took another kiss, possessive and hot, pressing Feyer's body into the furs. “If you truly knew your place, you would never be jealous. You are my Imani, my Favored."

  "It is my fear that makes me jealous, my Raya. Fear that you will one day find another more favored."

  "You are my Imani, favored above all. Your pleasure, your pain—you are mine and none other's."

  "Yours.” Feyer's hands shifted restlessly against him. “I would like to touch you, my Raya."

  Amut nodded and leaned back, bending first to nip a small bruise into existence on Feyer's collarbone. “Show me your hunger, Imani."

  Feyer's eyes glittered and his hands were already busy, moving over Amut's skin with a firm, knowledgeable touch. His Imani's lips soon followed, licking and sucking and kissing. He relaxed beneath the touches, balls heavy and full as Feyer pleasured him with eager enthusiasm.

  His Imani's tongue was playing with his navel, teasing his skin as it slid in and out and in and out, Feyer's hands sliding near but not touching his nipples. He could feel the heat of Feyer's cock against his leg.

  He enjoyed the sensations for long moments before reaching down to cup the back of Feyer's head and placing the swollen tip of his cock against the hot, wet lips. “Open to me, Imani."

  Feyer moaned, his mouth opening eagerly. His Imani continued to tease, licking at his shaft as if he were a sweet, tongue dragging along his flesh, sliding into the slit at the tip, tracing the veins and bumps. He was about to growl a warning when the red lips closed over his cock, sucking him into the wet heat of Feyer's mouth. The noise that left him was instead one of hunger, need flashing hot and intense at the base of his spine. He thrust slowly, pushing deep into his Imani's throat, purring with the building passion. Feyer's hands slid around to cup his buttocks, encouraging his movements. The suction increased, making the way tighter, more pleasurable.

  His hips moved more quickly, body arching up with a rumbling growl. Feyer began to hum happily, the sounds like another caress. Passion threatening to peak, Amut sat up and caught Feyer under the arms, tugging his Imani up as he rolled. His hands slid between the slim thighs, pushing them open. He loved the heat of his Imani's mouth, but he needed the fire and pressure of taking Feyer, slamming their bodies together.

  He pressed close, growling as his cock slid against Feyer's slick, oiled opening and thrust deep. Throwing his head back, Feyer howled, the sound primal, feral.

  He fucked his Imani mindlessly, body curling over the thin frame as they moved. Amut took what was his to take, gave what was his to give, pushed his most beloved into ecstasy and beyond. Feyer's body met each demand eagerly, pushing into his thrusts.

  His Imani screamed loudly, offering his pleasure to Amut's ears as he came.

  "You belong to me, Imani. Do not forget it again,” he ground out before the pulsing heat around him drew him into the bright light of completion. There were no sounds but the harsh gasps of his Imani catching his breath, the slim body warm and limp beneath him.

  He rolled to one side, their bodies separating. With one arm he pulled Feyer close, tucking him into the space which had been empty and cold during his Imani's punishment.

  Feyer curled into him, pressing even closer. “Thank you, my Raya."

  "Where do you belong, little Imani?” He stroked the warm, slick skin gently, petting in long, firm strokes.

  "Right where I am, my Raya."


  Amut tucked his Imani's head beneath his chin. “Shall I have the chadan trained for Kootu or shall I send him to the women's camp as a gift for Nauta?"

  "Was he any good at pleasuring a real man, my Raya? Kootu is a faithful and loyal man, any gift would have to reflect that. I think perhaps the chadan would serve a woman better."

  Amut forced his smile away, instead nodding seriously. “Yes, I believe Nauta would find a use for him, and if she does not, then it will not be our concern. Have it done tomorrow, Imani."

  "Your wish is my command, my Raya."

  "As it should be."

  * * * *

  Amut smiled at the soft, sweet, needy moan that filled the tent. There was little as arousing as his Imani, hungry and ready for his touch.

  He was ostensibly sharpening his blade, the oil-slick stone running along the edge with a hiss. His Imani wandered the tent, cleaning and straightening, body shuddering, cock hard and bound. The string of beads hung from Feyer like a tail, half of the heavy metal balls pressed inside him, half swaying gently as he moved.

  Amut stroked the stone along the blade again, watching his beloved Imani try to walk gracefully, knowing the natural sway of hips would cause more sensations to rocket through Feyer's body. Time for another bead.

  "Come to me, my Imani."

  Feyer turned toward him. The slave's eyes were glazed with pleasure, the black pupils so large they nearly swallowed the golden brown, leaving only a thin ring around the outside. The dark honeyed skin was glistening with sweat and another moan filled the tent as Feyer made his way toward Amut.

  He let himself admire the beauty, the grace and hunger written into the lines of his Imani. Feyer wore pleas
ure like the finest silk.

  When Feyer knelt before him, Amut reached out and caught the smooth chin, taking a long kiss, tasting the wine and ripe fruit flavor hidden in the full lips. Feyer's mouth opened eagerly to him, almost demanding the sweep of his tongue through the warmth, slick depths. Amut fed deeply, pulling Feyer to him and drinking of the sweet passion. He refused to allow his Imani free from the kiss until he heard the broken, needy whimper.

  He pulled back, turning Feyer gently and laying the man over his lap, smiling ar the hot kiss of leaking cock on his thigh. “Do not spend yourself, Imani. Not until I give you leave."

  "My pleasure is yours to command.” The reply came readily, though his Imani's voice was clearly strained.

  "Yes, my little Imani.” He reached over and covered his fingers of one hand with oil, holding Feyer open with the other. Slowly he rubbed the wrinkled opening, spreading the oil generously. He pressed the tip of his finger inside, twisting and slicking and arousing.

  Feyer moaned loudly, body tightening, straining. The way he was resting it was impossible for Feyer to press up into the fingertip inside him, though he tried, soft whimpers moving through him as his body shook.

  "So hungry, Imani. Do you need, little one?” He let his finger press deep, knocking about the hot, slick, smooth beads filling his Imani.

  His Imani called out, the shaking increasing. “I need...” a soft sob interrupted the words. “I need what what my Raya would give me."

  "I would give you pleasure, Imani. Your body and spirit shine with it.” He removed his fingers, spreading oil over the next bead and lifting it to press against Feyer's opening. “Open to me."

  He could feel the muscles of his Imani's stomach tightening as Feyer consciously loosened the muscles of his anus, the tight muscles releasing for Amut.

  "What a lovely man you are, so smooth, so sleek.” He murmured compliments, sweet words that he so rarely offered, expressing his pleasure at the immediate, easy obedience.

  The bead slid in easily, Feyer's opening stretching over the widest part before the hungry body closed around it.

  Feyer's answer was another pleasure-tortured moan, his body undulating despite its precarious position. Amut stroked the bare back, the smooth buttocks, gentling and relaxing his Imani. Feyer would be mindless before the other five beads entered his body at this rate.


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